Moment of Silence
Welcome to the May 29, 2018, meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education.
5 29 18 JCBE Meeting Video
The Pledge of Allegiance
Please join us for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Vision Statement
Recognitions and Resolutions
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the recognitions and resolutions for May 29, 2018.
Order #112 - Motion Passed: Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the recognitions and resolutions for May 29, 2018. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. Chris Brady and a second by Dr. Christopher Kolb.
Recognize and Receive a Student Demonstration of Learning From Marion C. Moore School Students
Students from Marion C. Moore School will demonstrate their exemplary talents by reciting poetry for which they were recognized at the national Deeper Learning Conference, which was held in March in San Diego.
The Deeper Learning Conference is a gathering of powerful educators who are focused on creating more opportunities for students to learn deeply. It is also a great opportunity for educators to connect, to create practices and tools that will equip them to enhance learning for students, and to experience deeper learning for themselves through shared practices and interactive workshops that will help them prepare students to be college- and career-ready.
Submitted by: Allison Gardner Martin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education recognize and receive a student demonstration of learning from Marion C. Moore School students.
Recognition of Atherton High School Student Emily Aycock, 2018 National Congressional Art Competition Winner
Emily won national honors in the 2018 Congressional Art Competition for her artwork titled “Rumination,” which is a self-portrait created with color pencils. Her artwork will be displayed in the halls of the United States Capitol for a year.
Emily was formally recognized by Congressman John Yarmuth at her school last month. She also received two complimentary round-trip flights to Washington, D.C., to attend the unveiling.
Since 1982, members of the U.S. House of Representatives have hosted the annual Congressional Art Competition, which gives high school students from across the nation to demonstrate their artistic talents before a global audience.
Submitted by: Allison Gardner Martin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education recognize Emily Aycock, a student at Atherton High School, for winning the 2018 National Congressional Art Competition.
Recognition of the Jefferson County Public School District New Voices Young Playwrights Festival Contest Winners
Five Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) District students are winners in the thirteenth annual Actors Theatre of Louisville’s New Voices Young Playwrights Festival contest.
The contest is open to middle and high school students in Kentucky and the 812 area code of southern Indiana. Students are required to submit a written ten-minute play for the contest. Eight winners were selected, and they were given the opportunity to work with a director and actors to produce their play for performance on stage at the New Voices Playwrights Festival held last month. The students’ plays were also published in the New Voices Playwrights Anthology.
Submitted by: Allison Gardner Martin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education recognize the Jefferson County Public School District New Voices Young Playwrights Festival contest winners.
Recognition of the Jefferson County Public School District Seniors With 12 Years of Perfect Attendance
Twelve JCPS seniors are on track to graduate with perfect attendance throughout their entire school career. The seniors will be honored at their individual schools’ award ceremony later this month.
“Perfect attendance throughout one’s entire school career is both a tremendous personal and educational achievement and speaks to these students’ determination and goal-driven attitude,” Superintendent Marty Pollio said. “I’m very proud of each of these seniors who made that commitment.”
Submitted by: Allison Gardner Martin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education recognize the Jefferson County Public School District seniors with 12 years of perfect attendance.
Recognition of the Jefferson County Public School District Early Childhood Programs, Earned Kentucky All STARS Five-Star Rating
More than 30 Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) District Early Childhood Programs earned a Kentucky All STARS five-star rating from the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Community Based Services, the Division of Child Care, and the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE). The Kentucky All STARS is the state’s expanded five-star quality rating and improvement system, which serves all early care and education programs—including childcare centers, Head Start, and public preschool—that receive public funding. The unified system is based on Kentucky’s Early Childhood Standards and researched-based indicators of quality.
The Kentucky All STARS recognizes programs that have made a commitment to continual quality improvement and provides programs with additional support, including training, technical assistance, and coaching.
This report supports the Vision 2020 strategy 1.1.6—Strengthen early childhood education: To significantly increase kindergarten readiness, create a comprehensive early childhood education plan that address the improvement and expansion of JCPS programs.
Submitted by: Allison Gardner Martin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education recognize the Jefferson County Public School District Early Childhood Programs for earning a Kentucky All STARS five-star rating from the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, the Department for Community Based Services, the Division of Child Care, and the Kentucky Department of Education.
Recommendation for Approval of Meeting Agenda
The Superintendent shall consult with the Board Chairperson to ensure that an agenda is prepared for all regular and special meetings of the Board. For special meetings, the Board shall consider only those matters which are listed on the agenda.
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the agenda for May 29, 2018.
Order #113 - Motion Passed: Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the agenda for May 29, 2018. The recommendation passed with a motion by Dr. Christopher Kolb and a second by Mrs. Stephanie Horne.
Recommendation for Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of action taken at every meeting of the Board, setting forth an accurate record of votes and actions at such meetings, shall be promptly recorded, and submitted for approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting, and such records shall be open to public inspection at reasonable times after they have been approved by the Board.
The minutes of the May 8, 2018, regular meeting are presented for your review and approval.
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the minutes of the May 8, 2018, regular meeting.
Order #114 - Motion Passed: Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the minutes of the May 8, 2018, regular meeting. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mrs. Stephanie Horne and a second by Mr. Chris Brady.
Superintendent's Report
Persons Requesting to Address the Board Regarding Action, Information, or Consent Items
Each speaker is allowed three minutes to address the Board.
At the end of 2–1/2 minutes, a bell will sound once. You will then have 30 seconds to finish your statement.
At the end of three minutes, the bell will sound twice, indicating that your time is up.
01.421 - Public Participation in Open Meetings
Persons Requesting to Address the Board Regarding Non-Agenda Items
Each speaker is allowed three minutes to address the Board.
At the end of 2–1/2 minutes, a bell will sound once. You will then have 30 seconds to finish your statement.
At the end of three minutes, the bell will sound twice, indicating that your time is up.
01.421 - Public Participation in Open Meetings
Action Items
Recommendation for Approval of Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-19
The Tentative Budget is submitted for Board approval per KRS 160.470 and JCPS Policy 04.1 Budget Planning and Adoption.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-19.
Order #115 - Motion Passed: A motion that the Board of Education approve the attached Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-19 plus the words from Dr. Pollio regarding funding the Equity Policy passed with a motion by Mrs. Stephanie Horne and a second by Dr. Christopher Kolb.
Information Items
Acceptance of 2017-18 Comprehensive School Survey Results
The Comprehensive School Survey (CSS) is provided annually to all staff, parents/guardians, and students in grades four through twelve to understand shareholder’s perceptions regarding academic indicators, school community, service, environment, safety, and employee job satisfaction. This survey serves as a valuable resource to gather insights, identify specific needs, and develop strategies to help us ensure student success and a positive school climate.
This report will present summary data on stakeholder satisfaction and key constructs regarding deeper learning. Next steps on data analysis and use will be highlighted.
This item supports Strategy 2.1.3 in Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dena Dossett
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive a report on the 2017-18 Comprehensive School Survey results.
Order #116 - Motion Passed: Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive a report on the 2017-18 Comprehensive School Survey results. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. Chris Brady and a second by Mrs. Stephanie Horne.
Acceptance of an Update on Louisville Promise
On August 22, 2017, the Board approved a Memorandum of Understanding to formalize District participation in Louisville Promise, a community-wide partnership based on the Say Yes to Education model, to build systems and align resources to ensure that every child in Louisville is prepared for college, career, and a successful, productive life. The signatories also expressed a commitment to driving sustainable economic and workforce development through quality implementation of a postsecondary readiness, access, and completion strategy.
The Louisville Promise Partners are Jefferson County Public Schools, Louisville Metro Government, the Jefferson County Teachers Association, the 15th District Parent Teacher Association, Metro United Way, 55,000 Degrees, Centerstone, KentuckianaWorks, the James Graham Brown Foundation, the C.E.&S. Foundation, the Community Foundation of Louisville, Jefferson Community and Technical College, the University of Louisville, Simmons College, 15,000 Degrees Initiative, Greater Louisville Inc., Spalding University, and the Louisville Urban League.
Since then, the Louisville Promise Cabinet has made significant progress toward establishing the Louisville Promise organization, its leadership, and the funding required to sustain the initiative over time. This report will update the Board regarding this progress.
Submitted by: Jonathan Lowe
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive a report on progress being made to implement the Louisville Promise initiative.
Order #117 - Motion Passed: Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive a report on progress being made to implement the Louisville Promise initiative. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mrs. Stephanie Horne and a second by Dr. Lisa Willner.
Next Steps for JCPS Early Childhood Education
Under the proposed plan, the District will increase the number of three- and four-year-olds served in its Early Childhood program and would no longer provide services for two year olds previously served through Early Head Start. It is expected that Head Start will identify another entity provider in Louisville to ensure that eligible children and families continue to receive services.
This proposal will result in more eligible three- and four-year-old students being served, a higher quality educational experience, an increased focus on kindergarten readiness, and more Early Childhood centers to improve oversight. There will be no change in service for current students and no layoffs of staff. The District will dedicate its own resources to improve the level of service that will strengthen educational experiences and outcomes for all students.
Over the last nine months, JCPS has collaborated with the Office of Head Start to address identified deficiencies and institute systemic changes to demonstrate an uncompromising commitment to the safety and well-being of the students. In addition to compliance with federal and state regulations, the goal has been to improve overall kindergarten readiness in alignment with the District’s priorities of transition readiness and the “Backpack of Success Skills.”
Even though there has been a decrease in incidents over time and there is recognition that systemic cultural change takes time, Head Start has informed the District that just a single additional substantiated staff incident could jeopardize the Board’s grantee status. Nevertheless, District leadership has remained transparent in its efforts to safeguard student safety and has sent a clear message that staff must not be deterred from reporting alleged incidents. District leadership will remain steadfast in its commitment to transforming the culture and climate in all JCPS schools.
This report supports Vision 2020 strategy 1.1.6 Strengthening Early Childhood and 3.2.1 Engaging with Families
Submitted by: Assistant Superintendent Felicia C. Smith
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education, the grantee and governing body for the Head Start/Early Head Start Program, accept the plan to relinquish the Head Start/Early Head Start grant for the 2018-19 school year. Under the new plan, JCPS would assume fiscal responsibility for improving high-quality Early Childhood services focused on the District’s mission of getting three and four year olds ready for kindergarten.
Order #118 - Motion Passed: Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education, the grantee and governing body for the Head Start/Early Head Start Program, accept the plan to relinquish the Head Start/Early Head Start grant for the 2018-19 school year. Under the new plan, JCPS would assume fiscal responsibility for improving high-quality Early Childhood services focused on the District’s mission of getting three and four year olds ready for kindergarten. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mrs. Stephanie Horne and a second by Dr. Christopher Kolb.
Consent Calendar
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the consent calendar for May 29, 2018.
Order #119 - Motion Passed: A motion that the Board of Education approve the consent calendar for May 29, 2018, minus Item XI.P.2. Acceptance of Donation from Passport Health Plan and Norton Hospital Children’s Foundation passed with a motion by Mrs. Stephanie Horne and a second by Dr. Christopher Kolb.
Order #120 - Motion Passed: A motion that the Board of Education approve Item XI.P.2. Acceptance of Donation from Passport Health Plan and Norton Hospital Children’s Foundation passed with a motion by Mrs. Stephanie Horne and a second by Mr. Benjamin Gies.
Certified Leave of Absence
Pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statues, leaves of absence must be recommended by the superintendent and approved by the Board of Education.
The following personnel actions are in compliance with federal and state laws and Board policy regarding equal employment opportunities.
Submitted by: Tiffeny Armour
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the requests for leaves of absence included in the attachment.
Report of Personnel Actions
Pursuant to KRS 160.380, it is my responsibility to report to the Board of Education routine personnel actions that I have taken that affect certified and classified employment.
These actions have been executed in compliance with all Board of Education policies and state and federal laws.
All positions are Board of Education approved positions.
Submitted by: Tiffeny Armour
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of the personnel actions that he has taken per KRS 160.380.
Recommendation for Approval of Job Descriptions
The job descriptions being submitted are reflective of recommendations from the Council of Great City Schools’ organizational review. Additional changes were made for the efficiency of the District.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached job descriptions.
Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts
The organization changes being submitted are reflective of recommendations from the Council of Great City Schools’ organizational review. Additional changes were made for the efficiency of the District.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached organizational charts.
Recommendation for Approval of Field Trip Requests
This is a report of field trip requests submitted to the Board of Education on May 29, 2018.
Administrative Regulation 702 KAR 5:060 requires that the use of common-carrier field trips be approved and cited in Board of Education minutes.
Also included is a report of other field trips approved by the superintendent per Board Policy IICA Field Trips.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached report of field trip requests and receive a report of other field trips approved by the superintendent.
Recommendation for Approval of Bids and Revised BG-1 Forms
Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Stadium Lighting Replacement at Doss High School
This project will consist of removing existing lights and poles for the Doss Football Stadium and replacing service and wiring, installing new poles and lights.
On February 13, 2018, the Board of Education approved Biagi, Chance, London, Cummins and Titzer, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for Project 18-270.
The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.
Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on May 8, 2018. The bid tabulation is attached.
This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.
The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to Advanced Electrical Systems, Inc. for Stadium Lighting Replacement at Doss High School for the low base bid of $400,000; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $452,000.
Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Culinary Arts Renovation at Marion C. Moore School
This project will consist of renovating an existing home economics room into a culinary arts training room. A hood, a three compartment sink, a hand sink and connections for new cooking equipment will be included in this project.
On December 12, 2017, the Board of Education approved CMTA, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for Project 18-201.
The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.
Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on May 8, 2018. The bid tabulation is attached.
This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.
The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to Derek Engineering for Culinary Arts Renovation at Marion C. Moore School for the low base bid of $255,124; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $295,000.
Recommendation for Approval of Project Closeouts and BG-5 Forms
Recommendation for Approval of Project Closeout and BG-5 Form for Partial Roof Replacement at Atkinson Academy
On April 24, 2018 the Board of Education approved the contract completion and BG-4 form for Carlon Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc.
The Kentucky Department of Education requires the submission of the BG-5 form to reconcile the total project cost to the funding source.
The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached BG-5 form for Partial Roof Replacement at Atkinson Academy.
Recommendation for Approval of Project Closeout and BG-5 Form for Chiller and Boiler Replacement at Audubon Traditional Elementary School
On April 24, 2018, the Board of Education approved the contract completion and BG-4 form for Intertech Mechanical Services Inc.
The Kentucky Department of Education requires the submission of the BG-5 form to reconcile the total project cost to the funding source.
The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached BG-5 form for Chiller and Boiler Replacement at Audubon Traditional Elementary School.
Recommendation for Approval of Project Closeout and BG-5 Form for Partial Roof Replacement at Jeffersontown High School
On April 24, 2018 the Board of Education approved the contract completion and BG-4 form for Stateline Roofing & Metal Co., Inc.
The Kentucky Department of Education requires the submission of the BG-5 form to reconcile the total project cost to the funding source.
The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached BG-5 form for Partial Roof Replacement at Jeffersontown High School.
Recommendation for Approval of Project Closeout and BG-5 Form for Partial Roof Replacement at Byck Elementary School
On April 24, 2018, the Board of Education approved the contract completion and BG-4 form for Stateline Roofing & Metal Co., Inc.
The Kentucky Department of Education requires the submission of the BG-5 form to reconcile the total project cost to the funding source.
The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached BG-5 form for Partial Roof Replacement at Byck Elementary School.
Recommendation for Approval of Project Closeout and BG-5 Form for Partial Roof Replacement at Noe Middle School
On April 24, 2018, the Board of Education approved the contract completion and BG-4 form for Highland Roofing Company, Inc.
The Kentucky Department of Education requires the submission of the BG-5 form to reconcile the total project cost to the funding source.
The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached BG-5 form for Partial Roof Replacement at Noe Middle School.
Recommendation for Approval of Project Closeout and BG-5 Form for Partial Roof Replacement at Southern High School
On April 24, 2018, the Board of Education approved the contract completion and BG-4 form for Stateline Roofing & Metal Co., Inc.
The Kentucky Department of Education requires the submission of the BG-5 form to reconcile the total project cost to the funding source.
The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached BG-5 form for Partial Roof Replacement at Southern High School.
Recommendation for Approval of Project Closeout and BG-5 Form for Partial Roof Replacement at Thomas Jefferson Middle School
On April 24, 2018, the Board of Education approved the contract completion and BG-4 form for Geoghegan Roofing.
The Kentucky Department of Education requires the submission of the BG-5 form to reconcile the total project cost to the funding source.
The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached BG-5 form for Partial Roof Replacement at Thomas Jefferson Middle School.
Recommendation for Approval of Project Closeout and BG-5 Form for Boiler Replacement at Waller Williams Environmental
On April 24, 2018, the Board of Education approved the contract completion and BG-4 form for Intertech Mechanical Services Inc.
The Kentucky Department of Education requires the submission of the BG-5 form to reconcile the total project cost to the funding source.
The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached BG-5 form for Boiler Replacement at Waller Williams Environmental.
Recommendation for Approval of Project Closeout and BG-5 Form for Partial Roof Replacement at Wellington Elementary School
On April 24, 2018, the Board of Education approved the contract completion and BG-4 form for Geoghegan Roofing.
The Kentucky Department of Education requires the submission of the BG-5 form to reconcile the total project cost to the funding source.
The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached BG-5 form for Partial Roof Replacement at Wellington Elementary School.
Recommendation for Approval of Project Closeout and BG-5 Form for Partial Roof Replacement at Western Middle School
On April 24, 2018, the Board of Education approved the contract completion and BG-4 form for Stateline Roofing and Metal Company, Inc.
The Kentucky Department of Education requires the submission of the BG-5 form to reconcile the total project cost to the funding source.
The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached BG-5 form for Partial Roof Replacement at Western Middle School.
Recommendation for Approval of Construction Change Orders
In accordance with 702 KAR 4:160, the Kentucky Department of Education requires that all change orders shall be approved by local board action. Change order descriptions are included in the attachment.
Please note that a found condition represents any item not anticipated during the design phase of the project; and owner request can be any item approved by Facilities staff, often with principal input, to enhance the overall project.
The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the construction change orders included in the attachment.
Recommendation for Approval of Bid Tabulations, Contract Renewals, and Amendment
In accordance with KRS 45A.345-45A.460, these items represent the lowest and/or best bid for each respective item and/or group of items.
The proposals are public record and are on file for inspection in the Purchasing Department after award of contract. This report directly supports Vision 2020 goal Communications, Engagement, and Access to Information.
The attached is a list of Request For Proposals, and Request For Proposal renewals from July 1, 2016, to date.
Copies of the above-referenced bid tabulations, and amendments are also available on eMeeting.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the following bid tabulations, contract renewals, and amendments: •Print Shop Supplies (Materials Production); •Calculators & Accessories; •Timeclock Kiosk; •Linen Service for Shops & Garages (Towels & Coats); •Fence & Accessory Items, Installed/Demolition; •Forklift (For JCPS Farmington Warehouse); •Contract Renewal - Competitive Negotiation for Employee Assistance Program; •Contract Renewal - Competitive Negotiation on School and Community Nutrition Services Automated Absence Management and Substitute Placement Service; •Contract Renewal - Competitive Negotiation on Disability Income Program; •Contract Renewal - Competitive Negotiation for Implementation of Restorative Practices; •Contract Renewal - Montessori Materials & Teaching Tools; •Contract Renewal - K-9 Service; •Contract Renewal - Tool Repair Service; •Contract Renewal - Real Estate Auctioneer (Percentage); •Contract Renewal - Part A - Self-Insured Motor Vehicle Claims Services Part B - Excess Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance; •Contract Renewal - Termite Control Service; •Contract Renewal - Masonry & Concrete Restoration; •Contract Renewal Property, Boiler & Machinery Insurance; •Contract Renewal - Repower for 2009 Bluebird Chassis Engine Only; •Contract Renewal - Ionization Cell Type (Water Treatment Program); •Contract Renewal - Tunics (SCNS); •Contract Renewal - Sign Language Interpreting Service; •Amendment - Electrical Supplies & Lighting (Line Item);
Recommendation for Approval of Professional Services Contracts of $5,000 or More
In accordance with Board Policy 01.11 General Powers and Duties of the Board, professional services contracts of $5,000 or more require Board approval.
This item supports Vision 2020 Strategy 3.1.4 Ensure responsible stewardship of resources.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached professional services contracts of $5,000 or more.
Acceptance of Monthly Report of Professional Services Contracts of $5,000 or More
This report includes all professional services contracts approved by the Board since July 1, 2017, and is provided per Board Policy 01.11 General Powers and Duties of the Board. The report supports Vision 2020 Strategy 3.1.4 Ensure responsible stewardship of resources.
Of the $4.8 million in professional services contracts, more than $3.2 million, or 67 percent, was submitted by Academic Services.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached Monthly Report of Professional Services Contracts of $5,000 or more.
Acceptance of Monthly Financial Report for Period Ended April 30, 2018
This report is provided to the Board per KRS 160.560 and Board Policy 04.31 Fiscal Accounting and Reporting and supports Vision 2020 Goal Communications, Engagement, and Access to Information.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached Monthly Financial Report for period ended April 30, 2018.
Acceptance of Purchase Order Report
This report is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks and supports Vision 2020 Strategy 3.1.4 Ensure responsible stewardship of resources.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept the attached report of purchase orders issued during the period of April 25 through May 15, 2018.
Acceptance of Voucher Report
This report is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks and supports Vision 2020 Strategy 3.1.4 Ensure responsible stewardship of resources.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept the attached report of vouchers paid during the period of April 25 through May 15, 2018.
Acceptance of KETS Third Offer of Assistance for Fiscal Year 2018
The Jefferson County Board of Education has accepted offers of assistance from The Kentucky School Facilities Construction Commission (SFCC) Education Technology Funding Program since the 1993 school year.
The third offer of assistance for Fiscal Year 2018 is $434,874. The total allocation for Fiscal Year 2018 is $1,826,469.
The funding provides for continuing the program of progress toward meeting the District's unmet need in technology education.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept the third offer of assistance from the Kentucky School Facilities Construction Commission Education Technology Funding Program and authorize the superintendent to commit $434,874 in local funds to the Education Technology restricted account to match the offer.
Acceptance of Donations, Grants, and Funding
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept the grants and funding to various schools and departments as presented in the following agenda items.
Acceptance of Donations and Small Grants
This is a report of donations and small grants submitted to the Board of Education on May 29, 2018.
Schools solicit donations for current needs or a specific purpose or project. Undesignated donations are used at the discretion of the school or the School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council.
Small grants include non-federal awards less than $50,000.
Submitted by: Dr. Dena Dossett
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept donations and small grants totaling $584,210.42 to be used as stated in the attachment.
Acceptance of Donation from Passport Health Plan and Norton Hospital Children’s Foundation
Norton Healthcare and Passport Health Plan paid $427,000 for three school years, 2015-18, for the cost of GoNoodle and GoNoodle Plus, which provide online health education tools for teachers.
Teachers use GoNoodle and GoNoodle Plus to meet the daily and weekly physical activity requirements of Kentucky Revised Statutes 158 and 160 as well as for daily brain breaks and energizers. GoNoodle can also be used by families at home with many of the same features students use at school. GoNoodle Plus allows teachers to integrate physical activity into core subjects getting students up and moving while practicing math, science, spelling, and vocabulary.
GoNoodle Plus includes a flow channel where teachers can find multiple mindfulness activities as well. GoNoodle can be used by teachers by elementary, middle and high schools.
Submitted by: Dr. Carmen Coleman
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept a donation from Norton Healthcare and Passport Health Plan totaling $427,500 for the cost of GoNoodle and GoNoodle Plus.
Acceptance of Funding from the Jefferson County Public Education Foundation/FutureUp
Metro Government donated $2,000 to Southern High School for the Neighborhood Development Fund.
Metro Government donated $6,139.50 to Wilt Elementary for Neighborhood Development Fund.
Metro Government donated $6,000 to Zachary Taylor Elementary for Neighborhood Development Fund.
The Benevity Community donated $600 to JCPS Robotics.
Metro Government donated $2,000 to Valley Robotics.
Submitted by: Kristin Wingfeld
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept funding totaling $16,739.50 to be used as stated in the rationale.
Acceptance of a 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant from the Kentucky Department of Education for Minors Lane Elementary School
The Kentucky Department of Education awarded Minors Lane Elementary School a 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) grant. 21st CCLC provide academic, artistic, and cultural enrichment for students after school and during the summer. The grant is $151,000 per year for three years. Two years of additional funding, at a reduced amount, are available based upon performance.
Minors Lane proposes to serve 60 English as a Second Language (ESL) students and their parents. Services include homework help, reading and math interventions, adult ESL classes, and weekly enrichment activities from community partners in the arts (e.g., Louisville Visual Art) and youth development (e.g., Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts). During the school year, 21st CCLC hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 3:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. During the summer, 21st CCLC will be open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. for four consecutive weeks. Support services for the program include student transportation and nutrition (snacks for afterschool and meals for summer programming through the Child and Adult Care Food Program).
The budget includes a full-time on-site coordinator, extended service time for teachers and instructional assistants, contractual costs with enrichment partners, and transportation for afterschool and summer programming.
Minors Lane has proposed to address a portion of the program’s costs with matching funds from Extended School Services ($14,278 in year 1). In addition, the district is supporting the program by waiving indirect costs ($4,875 in year 1).
The attached agreement is for the first year of the program. Additional agreements will be required for future program years.
The project directly supports strategy 1.1.7 of Vision 2020, “Eliminate achievement, learning, and opportunity gaps.”
Submitted by: Dr. Carmen Coleman
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept the grant of $151,000 from the Kentucky Department of Education and authorize the Superintendent to sign the attached Memorandum of Agreement.
Recommendation for Approval of Agreements
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the agreements presented in the following agenda items.
Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Fund for the Arts
This Memorandum of Agreement sets out the terms by which Fund for the Arts and JCPS will work together to implement the 5x5 Arts Initiative, which works to provide five live arts experiences to elementary school students before they complete the fifth grade. The 5x5 program is part of the broader Fund for the Arts "Every Child" Arts Education Initiative.
The District agrees to match costs up to the amount of and not to exceed $100,000 for schools’ participation in the 5x5 program in 2017-18 and 2018-19. Fund for the Arts provides ticket vouchers and pays transportation costs for student field trips, in-school performances or artist residencies costs in excess of $100,000 per year.
Submitted by: Dr. Carmen Coleman
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement for the Fund for the Arts 5x5 Program, and authorize the superintendent to sign same.
Recommendation for Approval of Agreement with Kentucky Department of Education for Education Administration Program Consultant
The Kentucky Department of Education has requested Judi Vanderhaar be released to work as an Education Administration Program Consultant from July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019.
Submitted by: Tiffeny Armour
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with the Kentucky Department of Education for 2018-2019 school year and authorize the superintendent to sign the same
Recommendation for Approval of Memorandums of Agreement with the Kentucky Department of Education for Education Recovery Leaders
The Kentucky Department of Education has requested that the following JCPS employees be released on a Memorandum of Agreement from July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019:
Pam Bale
Patrick Tyler Stevens
Cassaundra Watkins
The Educational Recovery Leader (ERL) will be responsible for mentoring of and guidance to the principal in a persistently low-achieving school as identified through the criteria set forth in Every Student Succeeds Act, KRS 160.346 and the Kentucky Department of Education regulations with any and all functions relating to instructional leadership and school improvement. The ERL will be under the authority of the Office of Continuous Improvement and Support, the Kentucky Department of Education.
Strategy 1.1.5: Improve student literacy:
Strategy 1.1.7: Eliminate achievement, learning, and opportunity gaps
Submitted by: Dr. Marco Muñoz
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreements with the Kentucky Department of Education for the 2018-19 school year and authorize the superintendent to sign same.
Recommendation for Approval of Memorandums of Agreement with the Kentucky Department of Education for Education Recovery Specialists
The Kentucky Department of Education has requested that the following JCPS employees be released on a Memorandum of Agreement from July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019:
The Educational Recovery Specialist (ERS) will be responsible for working with staff in a persistently low-achieving school as identified through the criteria set forth in Every Student Succeeds Act, KRS 160.346 and the Kentucky Department of Education regulations with any and all functions relating to instruction and school improvement with an emphasis on reading and math. The ERS will be under the authority of the Office of Continuous Improvement and Support, the Kentucky Department of Education.
Strategy 1.1.5: Improve student literacy:
Strategy 1.1.7: Eliminate achievement, learning, and opportunity gaps
Submitted by: Dr. Marco Muñoz
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with the Kentucky Department of Education for the 2018-19 school year and authorize the superintendent to sign same.
Recommendation for Approval of Agreement with Kentucky Department of Education for Health Science Consultant
The Kentucky Department of Education has requested Peggy Williford be released to work as a Health Science Consultant from July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019.
Submitted by: Tiffeny Armour
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with the Kentucky Department of Education for 2019-2019 school year and authorize the superintendent to sign the same.
Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Metro United Way for Fundraising for W.E.B. Dubois Academy
Metro United Way will serve as the fiscal sponsor for the student support fund for the W.E.B. Dubois Academy and in that role, Metro United Way will collect, account for, and expend those funds.
Metro United Way staff will work directly with the JCPS, Department of Diversity, Equity and Poverty and the W.E.B. Dubois Principal for a period of one year (May 30, 2018, thru May 30, 2019) to fundraise with a goal of $50,000 in support of a variety of supportive services to students and families of the W.E.B. Dubois Academy.
This supports the Vision 2020 Learning, Growth & Development (1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3)
Submitted by: Dr. John Marshall
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Understanding with Metro United Way and authorize the superintendent to sign same
Recommendation for Approval of Agreement with Powertel/Memphis, Incorporated
Approval of this Agreement will bring additional revenue to Jefferson County Public Schools to help fund educational programs. The tower space is located on the property of Pleasure Ridge Park High School, 5901 Greenwood Road, Louisville, Kentucky, 40258.
This project supports Vision 2020 Goal Infrastructure Improvements.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Communications Facility Space License Agreement with Powertel/Memphis, Incorporated and authorized the superintendent to sign same.
Recommendation for Approval of Agreement with The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
The Compassionate Schools Project is a five-year research project funded through a gift fund to the University of Virginia and administered within the Youth-Nex Center at the Curry School of Education.
The project focuses on developing and implementing a health education curriculum for students, grades K-5, that combines mindfulness training, learning postures that help with awareness of the body and self-control, social and emotional skills that increase emotional awareness, perspective taking, self-control, working well with others, and nutritional information that promote healthier eating habits.
The research interest is in testing the benefits of such a curriculum for children’s health, behavior, academic engagement, and achievement.
Submitted by: Dr. Carmen Coleman
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept funding of $816,256 from The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia for the Compassionate Schools Project and authorize the superintendent to sign the attached Memorandum of Agreement.
Recommendation for Approval of Assurance of Civil Rights Compliance in USDA School Meal Programs
During a recent Management Evaluation by the United States Department of Agriculture (SDA), the Division of School and Community Nutrition (SCN) was required to update the Assurance of Civil Rights Compliance with each sponsor's Permanent Agreement. As a result, the attached information has been added as an addendum to the current agreement between SCN and Jefferson County Public Schools.
Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Assurance of Civil Rights Compliance in USDA School Meal Programs and authorize the superintendent to sign same.
Recommendation for Approval of Early Admission into the Primary School Program
According to Board Policy 09.121 Entrance Age, parents or guardians may petition the Board to allow their child to enter school earlier than permitted under statutory age requirements.
The District established guidelines to determine a student’s level of academic and social skills for early admission to the primary program. As of May 16, 2018, 317 students were evaluated for early admission and 182 students are recommended for early admission.
This item supports strategy 1.1.3 of Vision 2020.
Submitted by: Dr. Dena Dossett
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the petitions for early admission into the primary school program (P1).
Recommendation for Approval of 2018-19 Student Progression, Promotion, and Grading Handbooks
Jefferson County Public Schools establishes uniform standard procedures for grading, progression, and promotion of students in the elementary, middle, and high school levels. These procedures are reviewed and approved annually by the Jefferson County Board of Education.
A broad-based committee reviewed and revised the policies and procedures outlined in the 2018-19 Student Progression, Promotion, and Grading Handbooks for the elementary, middle, and high schools.
General revisions reflect changes in Board policy, points of clarification, and recommended changes from the broad-based committee and feedback from JCPS role groups.
Further revisions include the clarification of the process for resolving grading concerns.
This item supports Vision 2020 strategy 1.1.3 - Provide equitable access.
Submitted by: Dr. Carmen Coleman
Attachments are as follows:
- 2018-19 Revised Draft Elementary SPP&G Handbook
- 2018-19 Revised Draft Middle School SPP&G Handbook
- 2018-19 Revised Draft High School SPP&G Handbook
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached revised Elementary, Middle, and High School Student Progression, Promotion, and Grading Handbooks for the 2018-19 school year.
Recommendation for Approval of the 2017-18 Head Start Program Self-Assessment
Jefferson County Board Of Education is the grantee for operating the Head Start/Early Head Start Program and is responsible for reviewing and approving the program Self-Assessment.
The Office of Head Start requires Head Start grantees to complete an annual self-assessment of the program. The self-assessment is a process for reviewing progress on goals and objectives established in the grant proposal and determining if resources are used effectively. The data is also used for program planning for the following program year.
This report supports Vision 2020 strategy 1.1.6: Strengthen Early Childhood
Submitted by: Dr. Carmen Coleman
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education review and approve the 2017-18 Head Start Self-Assessment
Revision of Board Policies Relating to Medical Services for Students (First Reading)
The attached document shows proposed amendments to Board policies relating to medical services for students. The proposed amendments incorporate recommended language from the District Health Services Department and from the 2018 KSBA Policy Update, which reflects changes required by legislation passed by the Kentucky General Assembly. The Board Policy Committee and General Counsel have reviewed these policies.
Policy Number Policy Name
09.224 Emergency Medical Treatment
09.2241 Student Medication
Submitted by: Jonathan Lowe on behalf of the Board Policy Committee
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached revisions to Board policies for first submission and reading.
Approval of Payment of Out-of-District Expenses for Board Member
Pursuant to Board Policy 01.821 Board Member Compensation and Expenses, Board members shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenditures incurred outside the district. Board members shall obtain Board approval prior to incurring out-of-district expenses.
Board Member Chris Kolb will attend the KSBA Federal and State Law Update Conference in Lexington, Kentucky, on June 7-8, 2018.
Estimated Expenses:
- Registration Fee: $270
- Meals: Reimbursed at district rate
- Mileage: Reimbursed at district rate
Submitted by: Superintendent Martin Pollio
01.821 - Board Member Compensation and Expenses
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the payment of necessary out-of-district expenses incurred by Board Member Chris Kolb to attend the KSBA Federal and State Law Update Conference in Lexington, Kentucky, on June 7-8, 2018.
Board Planning Calendar
Board members may review and offer suggestions for future Board meeting agendas during the Board Planning Calendar portion of regular Board meetings.
A list of selected Board of Education discussion agenda items has been compiled for use by the Board and administrative staff. The list includes activities for action and discussion.
It is anticipated that staff will use this list to avoid scheduling conflicts, improve coordination and support of activities, enhance planning, and increase awareness of upcoming board meeting activities.
Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive for information a planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items.
Order #121 - Motion Passed: Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive for information a planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. Chris Brady and a second by Dr. Lisa Willner.
Committee Reports
Board Reports
Each meeting shall contain an opportunity for Board members to report on noteworthy events pertaining to the work of schools and the District.
Executive Session (If Needed)
Action Item (If Needed)
A motion to adjourn the May 29, 2018, meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education.
Order #122 - Motion Passed: A motion to adjourn the May 29, 2018, meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education passed with a motion by Mr. Chris Brady and a second by Mrs. Stephanie Horne.