Garrard County
February 16, 2023 6:00 PM
Garrard County Board of Education Regular Meeting
I. Call Meeting to Order
I.A. Moment of Silence
I.B. Pledge to the American Flag
I.C. Adopt Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #144 - Motion Passed:  Adopt the agenda, passed with a motion by Mr. Kenneth Hurt and a second by Dr. Connie Lamb.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
II. Communications
II.A. Recognitions
II.A.1. Garrard Middle School Cheerleaders
II.A.2. Garrard Middle School Academic Team
II.A.3. Garrard County Schools/Danville Office Equipment Support Staff of the Month
II.A.4. Garrard County Schools/Whitaker Bank Teacher of the Month
II.A.5. Garrard County Schools/Farmers National Bank Students of the Month
II.B. SBDM Minutes
II.C. Principals' Update
II.D. Audience Comments
II.E. Board Members
II.F. Superintendent
II.F.1. Goals Update
II.F.2. Construction Update
II.F.3. Personnel Changes Since January Board Meeting
III. Reports
III.A. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Update
III.B. Treasurer's Report
III.C. Bond Potential Update
III.D. SRO Update - SGT. Miracle
III.E. Bills as Presented
IV. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #145 - Motion Passed:  Adopt the Consent Agenda, passed with a motion by Dr. Connie Lamb and a second by Ms. Mary Davis.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
IV.A. Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings
IV.A.1. January 19, 2023 - Regular Meeting
IV.B. Approve Treasurer's Report
IV.C. Approve Field Trips Approved by Principals & Superintendent
IV.C.1. FCS State Leadership Conference - March 22-24, 2023 - Louisville, KY
V. Action Agenda
V.A. Approve Pay Applications for GCHS Student Athletic Fields & Facilities
Actions Taken

Order #146 - Motion Passed:  The superintendent recommends approval of payments for the Garrard County Athletic Fields and Facilities, passed with a motion by Mr. Kenneth Hurt and a second by Mr. Ethan Smith.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
V.B. Approve Updated Contract for Construction Manager - Trace Creek
Actions Taken

Order #147 - Motion Passed:  The superintendent recommends approval of the updated construction management contract with Trace Creek, passed with a motion by Ms. Mary Davis and a second by Mr. Kenneth Hurt.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
V.C. Approve a Shortened School Day for GCHS Student
Actions Taken

Order #148 - Motion Passed:  The superintendent recommends approval of a shortened school day for a GCHS student, passed with a motion by Dr. Connie Lamb and a second by Mr. Kenneth Hurt.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
V.D. Approve a Shortened School Day for LES Student
Actions Taken

Order #149 - Motion Passed:  The superintendent recommends approval of a shortened school day for an LES Student, passed with a motion by Mr. Ethan Smith and a second by Ms. Mary Davis.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
V.E. Approve Elimination of MSD Para-educator Position at GMS
Actions Taken

Order #150 - Motion Passed:  The superintendent recommends approval of the elimination of the Para-educator position at GMS for the 2023-24 school year, passed with a motion by Ms. Mary Davis and a second by Dr. Connie Lamb.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
V.F. Approve Elimination of MSD Teacher Position at GMS
Actions Taken

Order #151 - Motion Passed:  The superintendent recommends approval of the elimination of the MSD Teacher position at GMS for the 2023-24 school year, passed with a motion by Mr. Kenneth Hurt and a second by Mr. Ethan Smith.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
V.G. Approve Creation of MSD Teacher Position at GCHS
Actions Taken

Order #152 - Motion Passed:  The superintendent recommends approval of the creation of an MSD teacher position at GCHS for the 2023-24 school year, passed with a motion by Ms. Mary Davis and a second by Dr. Connie Lamb.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
V.H. Approve Tentative SBDM Allocations for 2023-24
Actions Taken

Order #153 - Motion Passed:  The superintendent recommends approval of the tentative SBDM allocations for 2023-24, passed with a motion by Mr. Kenneth Hurt and a second by Ms. Mary Davis.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
V.I. Approve Change to Holidays and Annual Leave Policy - 2nd Reading
Actions Taken

Order #154 - Motion Passed:  The superintendent recommends approval of the policy update for Holidays and Annual Leave, passed with a motion by Mr. Ethan Smith and a second by Dr. Connie Lamb.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
V.J. Approve Excess Technology Items for Junk
Actions Taken

Order #155 - Motion Passed:  The superintendent recommends approval of excess technology items for junk, passed with a motion by Ms. Mary Davis and a second by Mr. Kenneth Hurt.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
V.K. Approve Use of Facilities for Shoot Hoops Not Drugs
Actions Taken

Order #156 - Motion Passed:  The superintendent recommends approval of the use of facilities for Shoot Hoops Not Drugs, passed with a motion by Mr. Kenneth Hurt and a second by Ms. Mary Davis.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
V.L. Executive Session - KRS 61.810 Section 1 (c) - Proposed or Pending Litigation
Actions Taken

Order #157 - Motion Passed:  The superintendent recommends moving to an executive session to discuss proposed or pending litigation, passed with a motion by Dr. Connie Lamb and a second by Mr. Ethan Smith.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
V.M. Possible Action - Proposed or Pending Litigation
Actions Taken

Order #158 - Motion Passed:  Approve resolution, passed with a motion by Mr. Kenneth Hurt and a second by Ms. Mary Davis.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
VI. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #159 - Motion Passed:  Adjournment, passed with a motion by Mr. Ethan Smith and a second by Mr. Kenneth Hurt.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes