Nelson County
January 21, 2014 5:00 PM
Nelson County Regular
I. Call to Order
Board Chair

Pledge of Allegiance


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

                     BOARD MISSION STATEMENT

The NELSON COUNTY BOARD of EDUCATION, representatives of our citizens
 and entrusted with their children,
 pledges to support the mission of the
by setting visionary direction through effective policy, oversight
 and efficient resource management.



II. Changes to the Agenda
III. Organization of the Board
Board Chair

Each year in January the Nelson County Board of Education elects a new chairperson and vice chairperson for the calendar year.  These offices tradionally rotate among the board members to avoid placing an undue  burden on any one member.  At this time, we would like to accept nominations for these positions.

III.A. Election of Chairperson
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  To nominate and elect Mr. Frank Hall to the position of Chairperson of the Nelson County Board of Education for the calendar year 2014. passed with a motion by Mr. Nicky Rapier and a second by Mrs. Diane Berry.

III.B. Election of Vice-Chairperson
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  To nominate and elect Mr. Nicky Rapier to the position of Vice Chair Person of the Nelson County Board of Education for the calendar year 2014. passed with a motion by Mr. Damon Jackey and a second by Mr. Larry Pate.

IV. Student/Employee Performance
Supt. Orr
V. Student/Employee Recognition
Supt. Orr

Nelson County Schools

“Good News”

January 2014

Students at Bloomfield Elementary are using Lexia Reading and Reading Plus to support their young readers. In addition, they are offering students a healthy slush each day called Frosty Fruit which is approved by the USDA as being nutritious.

The new Computer Lab has been wired at Bloomfield Middle.  The computers are in and the furniture will be arriving soon.  The students will soon be using their new computer lab!

Mr. Josh Simpson won a $500.00 MAC grant from the McDonald’s corporation that he put immediately to use in purchasing safety equipment for all Science classrooms at BMS.

John Pfieffer, from Boston, was selected for the highly competitive All-State chorus.

Zachary Martin is Boston School's winner for the AARP Grandparent of the Year essay contest.


Lydia Newton, a fifth grader from Foster Heights, was selected to participate in the ACDA All-State Choral event in Bowling Green this past November and has also been selected to participate in the KMEA All-State Children's Chorus this February in Louisville Kentucky.


The entire student body at FHE participated in a Dance unit and then a Dance performance Showcase entitled "Country vs. Countries" where students learned and performed recreational creative dances for school and parents.


Two NCHS wrestlers, Zac Lawson and Andrew Ackley have undefeated records of 17-0 and 20-0, respectively.  Andrew also got his 100th VARSITY WIN yesterday....a first for NCHS.

Hannah Richardson, a freshmen agriculture student and FFA member at NCHS, was awarded a $250 grant from the Kentucky Livestock Grant Program. This is a state award and the money will be utilized by Hannah to purchase a market boer goat to grow her Supervised Agricultural Experience program. Hannah will use the goat for show purposes and will sell the goat to market at the conclusion of the show season.

New Haven Students participated in a Canned Food Drive and collected a large amount of food to help those in need over the holiday season. Food was collected and distributed by the local fire department.

TNHS student, Emily Davis was recently selected as the Penn Station Student-Athlete of the Month for January, one of eight this year from the entire Louisville and surrounding county area. She received this award because of her athletic LEADERship, GPA, extracurricular activities, and LEADERship roles at school. She was awarded lunch with 10 of her closest friends for free, and the most exciting piece is that she is now in the running for a $5,000 scholarship to a college or university of her choice. (UK :)


VI. Operations Consent Agenda
Board Chair
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve consent items as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Nicky Rapier and a second by Mrs. Diane Berry.

VI.A. Information: Personnel Actions

Employment :             Kathryn Britton Instructional Asst I                              NCHS

                                    Linda Brown                Cook/Baker                             BMS

                                    Alex Hey                      Girls AD                                   Foster Heights

                                    Christy Jones                Bus Monitor                             District

                                    Darren Mattingly           Teacher                                    Boston



Transfers:       Kristy Gilliland from FHES to OKHM

                        Stacey Johnson from Bus Monitor to Cook/Baker at Foster Heights


Reinstatements:         None                           

Classified Subs:         None


Certified Substitute Teachers: Joseph Reed, Megan Howard and Adam Perry


Student Workers:      None

Non-Renewals:          None


Resignations:             Sherri Blakley               Bus Driver                                District

                                    Chad Carroll                Teacher                                    NCHS

                                    Stacey Cornish             Cook/Baker                             BMS

                                    Margaret Johnson         IA II                                         Foster Heights

                                    Tamara Mouser            Teacher                                    TNHS

                                    Alaena Petersen            Teacher                                    New Haven


Retirements: None                                                                           

Suspensions/Reprimands/Terminations:     None


VI.B. Treasurer's Report
VI.C. Bills and Claims
VI.D. MUNIS Report
VI.E. Leaves of Absence

The following is a list of personnel that are presently taking leaves of absence with board approval:

Medical Leave


Classified Employee:     Bus Driver (2)              District


Certified Employee:      None               


Maternity Leave                   


Classified Employee:   None


Certified Employee:     None


VI.F. Minutes from Previous Meeting

December Board Meeting - 12/17/13
January Work Session - 1/9/14

VI.G. Overnight/Out-of-State Trips

BES       National Junior Beta Club State Convention, Louisville KY    2/19-2/21
BMS      National Junior Beta Club State Convention, Louisville KY     2/19-2/21

VII. Student Support Services
Board Chair
VII.A. Annual Nutrition Report
April Peach

Annual assessment and evaluation of the Nelson County School Nutrition Program.  Nelson County Schools are in compliance with the National School Breakfast and National School Lunch Programs.

VII.B. Facilities Update
VII.B.1. TNHS Baseball/Softball
Tim Hockensmith

Approval of bid/contractor for the TNHS baseball/softball building.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  The Nelson County Board of Education approve the bid from EH Construction for the baseball/softball building at TNHS. passed with a motion by Mr. Nicky Rapier and a second by Mr. Larry Pate.

Tim Hockensmith

BG-1 Performance Contract

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  The Nelson County Board of Education approve the attached BG-1 for the renovation work related to the district's performance contract in accordance with 702 KAR 4:160. passed with a motion by Mr. Nicky Rapier and a second by Mrs. Diane Berry.

VII.C. Staffing Formula
Tim Hockensmith

Approval of staffing formula for 2014-2015.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  The Nelson County Board of Education approve the attached staffing formula for fiscal 2014-2015. passed with a motion by Mr. Damon Jackey and a second by Mr. Larry Pate.

VII.D. Draft Budget
Tim Hockensmith

Approval of the attached draft budget for 2014-2015.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Nelson County Board of Education approve the attached draft budget for 2014-2015. passed with a motion by Mr. Nicky Rapier and a second by Mrs. Diane Berry.

VII.E. 2014 SFCC Offer of Assistance
Tim Hockensmith

Every two years the School Facilities Construction Commission issues offers of assistance to school districts in the area of construction.  These funds are used to increase our ability to bond the top priorities on our facility plan.  The current offer is $14,448.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  The Nelson County Board of Education accept the offer of assistance. passed with a motion by Mr. Damon Jackey and a second by Mr. Larry Pate.

VII.F. Snow Day Make Up
Sara Wilson

The recommendation for a make-up days missed due to snow is as follows:

 Date Missed                          Make-Up Day

December 6, 2013                   February 14, 2014

January 6, 2014                        February 17, 2014

January 7, 2014                        March 14, 2014

January 17, 2014                      May 23, 2014

January 21, 2014                      May 27, 2014

.5 Closing day                          May 28, 2014

Any additional days missed will be added on to the end of the school year, pushing the .5 closing day back as the last workday. 

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. Damon Jackey and a second by Mr. Larry Pate.

VII.G. 2014-2015 School Calendar
Sara Wilson

In order to add potential make-up days in the 2014-2015 calendar, February 13, 2015, February 16, 2015 and March 13, 2015, have been designated as potential make-up days.

Also, the  number of days for Quarter 2 is 44 (instead of 45), therefore making May 22, 2015 the last day for students (instead of May 21, 2015.)

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. Nicky Rapier and a second by Mrs. Diane Berry.

VIII. Student Instructional Services
Board Chair
VIII.A. District Improvement Plan
Tim Beck/Stephanie Dietrich
Cheryl Pile

WHAS Grant 2013-2014.  Grant in the amount of $47,900.00 to purchase 100 iPads to assist in increasing academic achievement for students with disabilities as we implement Co-Teaching across the district.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approve the WHAS for the amount and projects suggested. passed with a motion by Mrs. Diane Berry and a second by Mr. Damon Jackey.

Tom Dekle

Through the support of the Kentucky Department of Education, the Kentucky Association of School Administrators (KASA) is seeking grant applications from school districts to implement process and performance management (PPM), benchmarking and best practices to improve efficiency and effectiveness in instruction and operations of Kentucky’s public school districts. KASA seeks to award grants to school districts for Tier 1 ($15,000) or Tier 2 ($45,000) services. Tier 1 mainly involves a PPM audit of current PPM infrastructure. Tier 2 involves a customized strategic PPM overview; Four days onsite professional development for a cohort of up to 25 idividuals working in 4-5 person action teams focused on specific issues; virtual coaching and mentoring for life of the project; inclusion in KY North Star Community; and access to the APQC Education Knowledge Base. Houston, Texas based APQC is a non-profit entity and acknowledged worldwide leader in PPM research and best practices. APQC will provide the training associated with this grant. Nelson County School District wishes to apply for Tier 2 grant. Great savings for the school district through application of advanced PPM strategies are anticipated. This grant would pay for the education process needed for full implementation of this valuable strategy.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Pate and a second by Mr. Nicky Rapier.

IX. Guest Comments
Board Chair

Guest Comment Policy
Any person wishing to address the Board may do so by following these rules:
Individuals representing themselves are limited to 3 minutes.
Individuals representing a group are limited to 5 minutes.
Please step up to the microphone, state your name and address, and, if you represent a group, state the name of the group you are representing.

X. Adjourn Regular Session
Board Chair
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn the Regular Session of the Nelson County Board of Education passed with a motion by Mr. Nicky Rapier and a second by Mr. Damon Jackey.

XI. Convene Executive Session
XII. Adjourn Executive Session
XIII. Reconvene Regular Session
XIV. Adjourn Regular Session