Livingston County
April 09, 2018 7:00 PM
Livingston County Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Adopt the Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #259 - Motion Passed:  A motion to adopt the agenda passed with a motion by Mr. Ronald Jones and a second by Mrs. Tina Culver.

Member Votes
Mrs. Tina Culver Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Absent
3. Recognitions - Live RED Recognitions
3.a. Student(s)

Mr. Love presented students for recognition who were accepted into the Duke Talent Search program.

3.b. Staff

Mr. Zimmerman read the Staff LiveRED recognition as contained in the LiveRED report.

3.c. Live RED Report

Mrs. Amy Ramage presented the LiveRED report.

4. FFA Parliamentary Procedures Presentation

Due extenuating circumstances, the FFA was not able to present at this meeting.

5. LCMS Young Leaders in Action

Young Leaders in Action (YLIA) is a program designed to develop and prepare students for future community support and leadership roles.  Middle school teams consist of four students each.   The students spend one year working on Project Citizen, a national curriculum designed to promote participation in local, state, and federal government.  Students actively engage with public policy and community leaders through their project.  By working together with community leaders, these students will help to solve a real problem in their community or school.  Their final product will be judged and implemented upon completion.  They chose to address the issue of having an AED available during outdoor events. This presentation was made by Jansen Freeman, Amanda Funkhouser, Sidney Hubbard, and Angel Michonski; Mrs. Powell is there sponsor.

6. Public Comment

Mr. Michael Henson presented various questions to the Board for consideration, including how to obtain desired information.

7. Consent Items
Actions Taken

Order #260 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Consent Items passed with a motion by Mr. Ronald Jones and a second by Mr. David Kitchens.

Member Votes
Mrs. Tina Culver Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes
7.a. Minutes of Previous Meetings
7.b. Payment of General and Title Program Claims
7.c. Acknowledge Personnel Report
7.d. SBDM Policy Review
7.e. General Fundraisers
7.f. Travel Requests
7.f.I. Student Travel
7.f.II. Employee Travel
7.g. Grant Writer's Report
7.h. Surplus
7.i. FY-17 Carry Forward Requests
7.j. Release of Letter of Credit via Farmer's Bank
7.k. Instructional Resource Plan for LCMS
7.l. KHSAA Contracts for Athletic Contest
7.m. LCHS IHSA Contract for Athletic Contest
7.n. Printer Warranty Agreement with Howard D. Happy Company
7.o. SBDM Approved Staffing Classifications
7.p. Set LCHS Graduation Commencement Exercises for Friday, May 18, 2018, at 7:00 pm
7.q. Windstream Amendment to Agreement & USAC Addendum to Windstream Service Terms and Conditions
7.r. Contract with Metropolitan Shuttle for LCHS
7.s. SLES Student Handbook
7.t. SBDM Approved Tentative Section 6 Budgets
7.u. School Fees
7.v. Daycare License Renewals
8. Treasurer's Report & Finance Update

Presented by Mrs. Jill Duncan.

9. Policy Review
Actions Taken

Order #261 - Motion Passed:  A motion to accept the second reading of Search and Seizure Policy 09.436 passed with a motion by Mr. Dennis Fleet and a second by Mrs. Tina Culver.

Member Votes
Mrs. Tina Culver Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes

The following policy reviews will hopefully answer some of the question that have been brought forward by community members and employees in the recent  months.  The following items are excerpts from Board policies.

9.a. Second Reading of Policy 09.436 Search and Seizure

9.b. Policy 01.11 General Powers and Duties of the Board

  • The Board has general control and management of the public schools in its district.

  • The Board may establish schools and provide for courses and other services for the education of pupils, consistent with the administrative regulations of the Kentucky Board of Education.

  • The Board has control and management of all school funds and public school property and may use its funds and property to promote public education.

  • The Board shall make and adopt policies, and may amend or repeal policies. The Board shall levy tax rates.

  • The Board shall appoint the Superintendent of schools.

9.c. Policy 10.2 Citizen Complaints and Suggestions

  • The Board believes that a continuing two-way dialogue between the schools and the public is necessary. Citizens wishing to make suggestions should submit them in writing to the appropriate school administrator or the Superintendent or Chairperson of the Board.

  • The Board welcomes constructive criticism when such is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the effectiveness of the schools. Complaints should be directed to the administrative unit in which the problem arises. The proper channel for complaints is as follows:

  1. Teacher,

  2. Principal,

  3. School Council, (where operational)

  4. Superintendent, and

  5. Board of Education.

    Complainant should initially address the problem at the lowest level of involvement and may appeal to higher levels if satisfaction is not achieved.

    • Complaints appealed to the Board must be in writing and must contain a detailed description of the problem and the redress desired. The Board reserves the right to defer and redirect complaints that have not been explored to the appropriate administrative level.

9.d. Policy 01.421 Public Participation in Open Meetings

  • The public and the news media are permitted to attend all open meetings of the Board.

  • The chairperson may impose conditions upon attendance if such conditions are required to maintain order.

  • Individuals or groups should contact the Superintendent in advance of the next regular meeting in order to be placed on the agenda. If time prohibits advance notice, opportunity to address the Board may be given.

  • Persons wishing to address the Board must first be recognized by the chairperson.

  • The chairperson may rule on the relevance of the topic to the Board's agenda. The chairperson may also establish time limits for speakers as may be required to maintain order and to ensure the expedient conduct of the Board's business.

9.e. Policy 01.412 Duties and Responsibilities of the Secretary

  • The secretary shall not be a member of the Board. The Board may appoint the Superintendent as secretary.

  • The secretary shall keep the records of the Board and perform other duties imposed by the Board.

  • The secretary shall be present at the meetings of the Board (with minimal exceptions).

  • For clarity, I, the Superintendent, am not a member of the Board of Education. I am the secretary to the Board, the professional advisor, and the executive officer, or agent, of the Board.

9.f. Policy 02.12 Duties of Superintendent

  • The Superintendent shall be the professional advisor to the Board. As advisor to the Board, the Superintendent shall recommend policies to the Board for its consideration and should advise and counsel the Board on all matters.

  • The Superintendent shall be the executive officer of the District. As executive officer, the Superintendent is responsible for carrying out all policies and rules and regulations established by the Board

10. Non-Traditional School Year Application for FY19
Actions Taken

Order #262 - Motion Passed:  A motion to submit the application to utilize Non-traditional Instructional days in 2018-2019, passed with a motion by Mr. David Kitchens and a second by Mr. Ronald Jones.

Member Votes
Mrs. Tina Culver Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes
11. Emergency Certified substitute teachers
Actions Taken

Order #263 - Motion Passed:  A motion to apply for and approve the use of up to thirty (30) Emergency Certified Substitutes passed with a motion by Mrs. Pam Salazar and a second by Mrs. Tina Culver.

Member Votes
Mrs. Tina Culver Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes
12. Closed Session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f)
Actions Taken

Order #264 - Motion Passed:  A motion to go into closed session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f); Discussions or hearings which might lead to the discipline or dismissal of an individual employee, passed with a motion by Mr. David Kitchens and a second by Mr. Ronald Jones.

Member Votes
Mrs. Tina Culver Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes

All meetings of a quorum of the members of any public agency at which any public business is discussed or at which any action is taken by the agency, shall be public meetings, open to the public at all times, except for the following: (f) Discussions or hearings which might lead to the appointment, discipline, or dismissal of an individual employee, member, or student without restricting that employee's, member's, or student's right to a public hearing if requested. This exception shall not be interpreted to permit discussion of general personnel matters in secret.

13. Return to Open Session
Actions Taken

Order #265 - Motion Passed:  Motion to return to Open Session passed with a motion by Mrs. Tina Culver and a second by Mr. Ronald Jones.

Member Votes
Mrs. Tina Culver Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes
14. Actions Related to Closed Session

No actions taken.

15. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #266 - Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Dennis Fleet and a second by Mrs. Pam Salazar.

Member Votes
Mrs. Tina Culver Yes
Mr. Dennis Fleet Yes
Mr. Ronald Jones Yes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mrs. Pam Salazar Yes