Floyd County
June 26, 2023 6:30 PM
Floyd County Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Chair's Welcome/Call to Order
1.A. Roll Call/Welcome
1.B. Review Focus Areas- Safety and Health of Students and Staff; Remain Fiscally Solvent; Attendance 94%; Social Emotional Well-Being of All Students & Staff; Postsecondary Readiness; Proficiency in All Academic Areas; ACT 19.5
1.C. Reminder for a Request to Speak
1.D. Pledge of Allegiance
1.E. Moment of Individual Silent Reflection: "Why are we here?"
1.F. The Adoption of Agenda
2. Special Reports and Spotlight
2.A. Receive report from Trace Creek for the temporary Bus Garage/rebuild of the New Bus Garage
2.B. Spotlight on Student/Staff/Community Achievements, Report on Student Work By Stumbo Elementary School Principal and SBDM Council
2.C. *Receive presentation for the rerouting of identified geographical areas to John M. Stumbo Elementary pending completion of the HWY 680 Connector
3. Community Comments to the Board of Education
3.A. Students
3.B. Parents, PTA/PTO
3.C. SBDM Councils
3.D. Classified Employees
3.E. Certified Employees/FCEA
3.F. Principals' Association
3.G. Members of the Board of Education
3.H. Public Comment
4. Action or Special Reports - Student Learning
4.A. Receive Attendance & Plans/Enrollment and Health Aide Service Report
5. Action or Special Reports - Student Support
5.A. Receive Utility Report for Stumbo Elementary School
5.B. Receive Report of Superintendent
5.C. Accept Notification of Personnel Matters
5.C.1. Actions Taken
5.C.2. Requests for Leaves of Absences
5.D. Consider/Approve BG5 Project Closeout Form for the Betsy Layne High School Baseball Field project
5.E. *Consider/Approve a Right of Way and Easement for Kentucky Power Company for an electric power line or lines on Betsy Layne High School/Floyd County Board of Education property, pending KDE approval
6. Action by Consent
6.A. Consider Approval of Minutes
6.B. *Consider Payment of Bills and Claims
6.C. Consider/Approve Superintendent Timesheet, Travel and Expenses
6.D. Consider/Approve John M. Stumbo to enter an agreement with Pro Source for copiers for 60 months, which includes ink/toner and no late fees or overage charges
6.E. Consider/Approve all Floyd County Schools to purchase access to Eventlink for the 2023-2024 School Year
6.F. Consider/Approve the following: Renew insurance for Fleet, General Liability, Educators Legal Liability, and Cyber Liability insurance coverage for the 2024 fiscal year with Liberty Mutual. FY 2024: Workers Compensation Re-insurance with aggregate excess through Liberty Mutual, Third Party Administrator Claims Administration with Davies, and Annual Loss Control Program with Houchens Insurance Group
6.G. Consider/Retroactive Approval for maximum amount to Prestonsburg High School to assist with expenses associated with state and national advancements to KHSAA State Track Meet
6.H. Consider/Approve creating a Secretary II position for the transportation department
6.I. Consider/Approve for SFES/DACE/MVES to take 23-24 Jaguar Football Team to see a Cincinnati Bengals game in Cincinnati on Sunday, November 12, 2023
6.J. Consider/Approve Allen Elementary School request for Mountain Comprehensive Care Center to provide services to students through the "It's My Space" program throughout the 2023-2024 school year
6.K. Consider/Approve the purchasing of necessary school supplies for all students PK-12 for the 2024 school year utilizing ESSER Funding in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
6.L. Consider/Approve 23-24 School-Wide Fundraisers for Allen Elementary: Scholastic Book Fair Events, Schwan's Ice Cream Sales, Kona Ice Days, Sweetheart Dance, Father/Daughter Dance, Fall Festival, Christmas Festival, BSN Sports Fundraiser, Old KY chocolates, ABC Fundraising.com, AES T-shirt Fundraiser, Icee Day, Calendar Pick-A-Day fundraiser and Otter Pops Sales
6.M. Consider/Retroactive approval for Floyd Central High School for $2000 to assist with KHSAA State Competition expenses in Lexington, Kentucky on June1-2, 2023
6.N. Consider/Approve the clinical practice agreement between the Floyd County Board of Education and Georgetown College
6.O. Consider/Approve the Memorandum of Agreement between the Floyd County Board of Education and Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative for the employment of Stephanie Kidd as Special Education Gap Closure Consultant/Math specialist for KVEC for a period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024
6.P. Consider/Approve first reading of Annual Policy (#46)/Procedures (#25) Update
6.Q. Consider/Approve Memorandum of Agreement between Floyd County Board of Education and Big Sandy Community and Technical College, and Morehead State University for Media Arts Pathway
6.R. Consider/Approve the creation of two Employment Specialist Positions
6.S. Consider/Approve Betsy Layne High School Boys Basketball team to travel to Gatlinburg, Tennessee to participate in the Smoky Mountain Christmas Tournament on December 20-22, 2023
6.T. Consider/Approve Betsy Layne High School Girls Basketball team to travel to Gatlinburg, Tennessee to participate in the Smoky Mountain Christmas Tournament on December 27-29, 2023
6.U. Consider/Retroactive Approval for Betsy Layne High School's Track & Field $2000 to assist with the KHSAA State Track & Field Competition in Lexington, KY on June 1, 2023
6.V. Consider/Approve the Memorandum of Understanding and materials agreement between the Floyd County Board of Education and the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) for LEAD Kentucky
6.W. Consider/Approve First Reading Employee Handbook
6.X. Consider/Approve First Reading Substitute Teachers Handbook
6.Y. Consider/Approve the agreement between the Floyd County Board of Education and the Kentucky Educational Cooperative (KEDC)
6.Z. Consider/Approve Emergency Reading Annual Policy/Procedures Update
6.AA. Consider/Approve first reading for the 2023-2024 Virtual Academy Handbook
6.BB. Consider/Approve first reading for the 2023-2024 Renaissance Learning Center Handbook
6.CC. Consider/Approve first reading for the 2023-2024 Floyd County School of Innovation Handbook
6.DD. Consider/Approve 2nd reading of revisions/additions to the Floyd County Athletic Handbook for the 2023-24 school year
6.EE. *Consider/Approve first reading of the recommended draft for the Floyd County 2023-2024 Student Handbook and Code of Conduct
6.FF. *Consider/Approve first reading Coaches' Handbook
6.GG. *Consider/Approve the addition of 2 Teaching and Learning coach positions
6.HH. *Consider/Approve salary table change for Head Start floater teacher assistant positions for the 23-24 school year for the Floyd County Early Childhood Program
6.II. *Consider/Approve accepting FY 2024 contract for CTE/LVAC funds
6.JJ. *Consider/Approve summative evaluation of Superintendent, pursuant to KRS 156.557(6) for school year 23-24
6.KK. *Consider/Approve the contract with Cassandra Akers and the Floyd County Board of Education for the period of July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024. This contract may be extended if both parties agree
7. Executive Session to Discuss (Litigation, Property, Personnel, and Expulsions), KRS 61.810
8. Adjournment