Newport Independent
August 28, 2024 6:00 PM
Newport Board of Education Tax Rate Hearing following by the August Board Meeting
1. Call to order
Ramona Malone
2. Tax Rate Hearing
Ramona Malone
3. Adopt tax rate for real property for 2025
Ramona Malone
4. Adopt tax rate for personal property for 2025
Ramona Malone
5. Adopt tax rate for motor vehicles for 2025
Ramona Malone
6. Adjournment
Ramona Malone
7. Call to Order
Ramona Malone
8. Presentations:
Ramona Malone
9. Comments from the audience
Ramona Malone
10. Minutes of July 23, 2024, July 31, 2024, August 7, 2024, and August 14, 2024
Ramona Malone
11. Treasurer's report
Ramona Malone
12. Student Learning & Support Services
Ramona Malone
13. Old Business
Ramona Malone
14. New Business
Ramona Malone
15. Board comments/concerns/updates
Ramona Malone
16. Adjournment
Ramona Malone