Jefferson County
February 07, 2023 6:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
I. Moment of Silence


Meetings are streamed live and archived through the District's YouTube channel at the following link:JCBE Meeting Videos


This meeting will be conducted via video-teleconference pursuant to KRS 61.823 and KRS 61.826. The primary location for this meeting and where all members can be seen and heard by the public will be Stewart Auditorium in the VanHoose Education Center. Members of the Board are permitted to attend in-person or via video-teleconference pursuant to KRS 61.826. Members of the public may attend in-person or watch the live-stream.

II. The Pledge of Allegiance

II.A. Vision Statement

III. Recognitions and Resolutions
Actions Taken

Order #2023-17 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the recognitions for February 7, 2023, passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Ms. Sarah McIntosh.

III.A. Recognition of the Twenty-Four Jefferson County Public Schools Teachers Who Obtained Their National Board Certification for the First Time

Twenty-four Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) educators earned the teaching profession’s highest certification in 2020, obtaining the distinction by completing the intense and involved application process. 

Obtaining National Board Certification is a lengthy, rigorous process that takes hundreds of hours of work and up to five years of commitment. Teachers must submit a detailed portfolio that includes examples of student work, in-depth commentary reflecting on their practice and decision-making process, an outline of what teachers have done outside of the classroom to improve student achievement, and video recordings that show how they teach and interact with students. In addition, they must submit a reflective piece on student assessment and learning and then take a rigorous exam to demonstrate they have mastered the content of their chosen certification area. 

Submitted by: Carolyn Callahan

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education recognize the 24 Jefferson County Public Schools educators who received their National Board certification for the first time this year.

III.B. Recognition of Meyzeek Middle School Students Agastya Mishra, Pratham Tippi, Pramath Kodukulla, and Dhiraj Javvadi for Working With NASA to Design a Module for the Upper Atmosphere to Collect Data

NASA Techrise is a nationwide competition where middle and high school students submit designs for a module to send to the upper atmosphere to collect data for an experiment. This year, a group of students from Meyzeek Middle School was chosen as one of the 60 winning groups who will get funding and support to bring their project to life. 

Meyzeek students Agastya Mishra, Pratham Tippi, Pramath Kodukulla, and Dhiraj Javvadi are working with NASA representatives to complete their project and prepare it for launch. 

Submitted by: Carolyn Callahan

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education recognize Agastya Mishra, Pratham Tippi, Pramath Kodukulla, and Dhiraj Javvadi for working with NASA to design a module for the upper atmosphere to collect data.

IV. Recommendation for Approval of Meeting Agenda

The Superintendent shall consult with the Board Chairperson to ensure that an agenda is prepared for all regular and special meetings of the Board. For special meetings, the Board shall consider only those matters which are listed on the agenda.

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the agenda for February 7, 2023.

Actions Taken

Order #2023-18 - Motion to Amend Passed:  To amend the motion from: "A motion that the Board of Education approve the agenda for February 7, 2023." to: "A motion to amend the agenda to add Action Item VIII.B. Consideration of a Professional Services Contract with Council of the Great City Schools to assist with District Governance" passed with a motion by Dr. Christopher Kolb and a second by Mr. James Craig.

Order #2023-19 - Motion Passed:  A motion that the Board of Education approve the agenda for February 7, 2023, as amended, passed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan and a second by Dr. Corrie Shull.

V. Recommendation for Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of action taken at every meeting of the Board, setting forth an accurate record of votes and actions at such meetings, shall be promptly recorded, and submitted for approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting, and such records shall be open to public inspection at reasonable times after they have been approved by the Board. 

The minutes of the January 17, 20, and 21, 2023, meetings are presented for your review and approval.


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the minutes of the January 17, 20, and 21, 2023, meetings.

Actions Taken

Order #2023-20 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the minutes of the January 17, 20, and 21, 2023, meetings passed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan and a second by Mr. James Craig.

VI. Superintendent's Report

In addition to the Superintendent’s regular report, there is an attachment with administrative procedures for review in order to support the District's focus on organizational coherence.

VII. Persons Requesting to Address the Board on Action Items or Consent Calendar Items to be Voted Upon Separately at Board Member Request

  • Speakers before the entire board are not allowed to use props, displays, or any other objects during the presentations. However, informational handouts may be given to the assistant secretary to the board for distribution prior to or following the meeting.
  • Each speaker is allowed three minutes to address the board and may not share these minutes with any other speaker.
  • At the end of 2-1/2 minutes, a bell will sound once. You will then have 30 seconds to finish your statement.
  • At the end of three minutes, the bell will sound twice, indicating that your time is up.
  • The superintendent will look into the speakers’ issues and, if necessary, represent the board in following up or recommend action to the board.
  • The full Board Policy concerning public participation in open meetings is available for viewing on our Online Policy Manual.

VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. Recommendation to Name Three New Schools Opening for the 2023-24 School Year

The District is opening three new schools for the 2023-24 school year:

  • West Louisville Elementary School at 18th & Broadway
  • East Louisville Middle School on Echo Trail
  • West Louisville Middle School, location to be determined

In accordance with Board Policy 05.11 School Property - Naming of Facilities and Alterations and Administrative Procedure 05.11 AP 2 Naming of Schools, Facilities, or Alternative Education Programs, the Superintendent must recommend one name for a new school, which must receive Board approval.

The policy and procedure set forth the parameters for the name of a new school; require the solicitation of input from the community and stakeholders; and establish the process to be used for the selection of the name of a new school.

The Board received a presentation at its November 29, 2022, meeting regarding the requirements for the naming of schools and the process that was used to collect input.

Perry - Wheatley Elementary School

Dr. William H. Perry, Sr. graduated from Louisville Central High School in 1877, and became a teacher at the school following his graduation. After graduating from Illinois Medical College, in 1908 Perry became the first African-American physician to receive a Kentucky license to practice medicine. In addition, Perry was a graduate of Central Law School, and he earned an A.M degree from State University, both in Louisville. He was also recognized as an accomplished a poet, writer, and orator.

The William H. Perry, Sr. Elementary School was named in his honor posthumously in 1952; Perry had been head principal of the school, 1891-1927. The school later merged with the Roosevelt School to become the Roosevelt-Perry Elementary School.

Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was one of the best-known and highly regarded poets and in pre-19th century America. Originally from Senegal/Gambia, West Africa, Phyllis Wheatley was enslaved at seven years old, and transported to Boston Massachusetts. Wheatley, in a manner and degree unusual for an enslaved person, learned to read and write, and immersed herself in intellectual thought.  She studied the Bible, astronomy, geography, history, British literature, and the Greek and Latin classics. Her poetry remains a central part of the American literary canon.

Echo Trail Middle School

Echo Trail is a road in Eastern Jefferson County that runs adjacent to the Parklands of Floyds Fork.

Dr. J. Blaine Hudson Middle School

Throughout his life, Dr. J. Blaine Hudson, III combined activism, scholarship, and community service working to make the world and his community better and more just for all.

Born in Louisville Kentucky, Dr. Hudson attended Louisville Male High School. He became an activist for racial and social justice at a young age, as served as a student leader of the University of Louisville (UofL) Black Student Union, which successfully advocated for the creation of a Pan-African Studies Department.

Dr. Hudson earned his B.A. and M.A. from UofL and his doctorate in higher education administration from the University of Kentucky. He became a nationally recognized scholar of African and Africa-American history. Dr. Hudson published academic articles, was a contributing author to other works, and was the sole author of Fugitive Slaves and the Underground Railroad in the Kentucky Borderland and other books. A popular teacher and an outspoken advocate for social justice, Dr. Hudson served as a mentor to many students and faculty of all races, genders and backgrounds.

Dr. Hudson served as chair of the UofL Pan-African Department from 1998-2003 and was UofL’s Associate Dean in the College of Arts & Sciences from 1994-2004. In 2004, he was appointed to serve as Acting Dean. After a national search, he was appointed Dean of UofL’s College of Arts & Sciences in 2005. He remained Dean until his death in 2013.

As Dr. Hudson gained accolades within higher education, he remained connected to his community. He served as Chair of the Kentucky African American Heritage Commission, and for many years led “Saturday Academy” classes open to all community members allowing people to learn about African-American and African history and the Black experience from a preeminent scholar and mater teacher.

Submitted by: Robert Moore

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education name the three new schools that will be opening for the 2023-24 school year as follows:
• The elementary school at 18th and Broadway is to be named Dr. William H. Perry Elementary School.
• The middle school on Echo Trail is to be named Echo Trail Middle School.
• The middle school in West Louisville, location to be determined, is to be named Dr. J. Blaine Hudson Middle School.

Actions Taken

Order #2023-21 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education name the three new schools that will be opening for the 2023-24 school year as follows: • The elementary school at 18th and Broadway is to be named Dr. William H. Perry Elementary School. • The middle school on Echo Trail is to be named Echo Trail Middle School. • The middle school in West Louisville, location to be determined, is to be named Dr. J. Blaine Hudson Middle School. The recommendation passed with a motion by Dr. Corrie Shull and a second by Ms. Diane Porter.

VIII.B. Consideration of a Professional Services Contract with Council of the Great City Schools to Assist with District Governance

The agenda was amended with a motion by Dr. Chris Kolb to add this Action Item. 

Actions Taken

Order #2023-22 - Motion Passed:  A motion that the Jefferson County Board of Education takes the following three steps as outlined by the Council of the Great City Schools: First, establish an ad hoc implementation committee chaired by Board Member Joe Marshall to coordinate work with the Council of the Great City Schools to implement student outcomes-focused governance. Second, include an action item on the agenda for the February 28 meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education to approve an implementation timeline for work with the Council of the Great City Schools to help Implement student outcomes-focused governance. Third, no later than February 21, the Jefferson County Board of Education will perform a baseline board self-evaluation and set progress goals for the second quarter of 2023. The motion passed with a motion by Dr. Christopher Kolb and a second by Mr. James Craig.

IX. Information Items
IX.A. Acceptance of a Presentation Regarding the Secure Storage of Firearms

Representatives of the organization Moms Demand Action will give a presentation to the Board regarding the importance of secure firearm storage as an essential component of an effective strategy to keep schools, students, and the families safe. They will offer recommendations for ways in which the District can collaborate with local law enforcement agencies, health agencies, and non-profits to inform District parents about secure storage of firearms in their homes.

Submitted by: Robert Moore

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept a presentation regarding the importance of the secure storage of firearms.

Actions Taken

Order #2023-23 - Motion Passed:  A motion that Dr. Pollio bring the Board a proposal at the April 25 Board meeting to install metal detectors, and that we immediately develop a School Security Task Force comprised of community members and students that will study issues pertinent to the installation of metal detectors to ensure that we Implement best practices and restorative practices ensuring that we are not unduly criminalizing students passed with a motion by Dr. Corrie Shull and a second by Ms. Diane Porter.

Order #2023-24 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept a presentation regarding the importance of the secure storage of firearms. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Mrs. Linda Duncan.

IX.B. Acceptance of Facilities Update

This information item will provide the Board with an update on JCPS Facilities including new construction and renovation projects; progress on new commitments; and a vision for rebuilding schools on existing campuses replacing old buildings in poor condition, coupled with a commitment to upgrading athletic facilities and playgrounds. 

Submitted by: Chris Perkins

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive an update on JCPS Facilities.

Actions Taken

Order #2023-25 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive an update on JCPS Facilities. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Mr. Joseph Marshall.

X. Consent Calendar
Actions Taken

Order #2023-26 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approved the Consent Calendar for February 7, 2023, minus item X.Q. Recommendation for Approval to Name the Gymnasium Floor at Fairdale High School the Lloyd Gardner Gymnasium Floor passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Mrs. Linda Duncan.

Order #2023-27 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve consent item X.Q. Recommendation for Approval to Name the Gymnasium Floor at Fairdale High School the Lloyd Gardner Gymnasium Floor passed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan and a second by Mr. James Craig.

X.A. Report of Certified Leaves

Pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statutes, leaves of absence must be recommended by the superintendent and approved by the Board of Education.

The following personnel actions are in compliance with federal and state laws and Board policy regarding equal employment opportunities.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the requests for leaves of absence included in the attachment.

X.B. Report of Personnel Actions

Pursuant to KRS 160.380, it is the responsibility of staff to report to the Board of Education routine personnel actions that affect certified and classified employment.

These actions have been executed in compliance with all Board of Education policies and state and federal laws.

All positions are Board of Education approved positions.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of personnel actions that he has taken per KRS 160.380.

X.C. Recommendation for Approval of Field Trip Request and Receipt of Report of Field Trips Approved by the Superintendent

This is a report of field trip requests submitted to the Board of Education on February 7, 2023.

Administrative Regulation 702 KAR 5:060 requires that the use of common-carrier field trips approved and cited in Board of Education minutes.

Also included is a report of other field trips approved by the superintendent per Board Policy 09.36 Field Trips.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached report of field trip requests and receive a report of other field trips approved by the superintendent.

X.D. Recommendation for Approval of Bids and Revised BG-1 Forms
X.D.1. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Phase I HVAC Renovation at Johnson Traditional Middle School

This project will replace the entire HVAC system, electrical switchgear, partial roof replacement, security, fire alarm, ceilings, and lights. Minor architectural renovations may occur.

On June 7, 2022, the Board of Education approved Pickett Passafiume Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 23-002.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on January 17, 2023. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to EH Construction, LLC for Phase I HVAC Renovation at Johnson Traditional Middle School for the low base bid of $23,281,000; reject Alternates 1, 3, and 6; accept Alternates 2, 4, and 5 for a total bid of $23,959,400; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $27,277,000.

X.D.2. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Window Replacement at King Elementary School

This project will consist of the replacement of the existing single pane aluminum frame windows with thermally efficient windows.

On September 13, 2022, the Board of Education approved Tony Kleyer, Architect to prepare plans and specifications for Project 23-022.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on January 18, 2023.  The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to EH Construction, LLC for Window Replacement at King Elementary School for the low base bid of $499,800; accept Alternate 1 for a total bid of $577,800; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $663,000.

X.D.3. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Partial Roof Replacement at Wheeler Elementary School

This project will consist of the replacement of 146 roof squares.

On August 16, 2022, the Board of Education approved McCulloch Associates Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 23-020.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on January 18, 2023. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to Highland Roofing Company, Inc. for Partial Roof Replacement at Wheeler Elementary School for the low base bid of $394,470; and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $451,000.

X.E. Recommendation for Approval of Contract Completions and BG-4 Forms
X.E.1. Recommendation for Approval of Contract Completion and BG-4 Form for Wood Floor Installation in the Small Gym at Marion C. Moore School

On August 31, 2021, the Board of Education approved Pickett Passafiume Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 22-035.

On March 8, 2022, the Board approved awarding a contract to Cincinnati Floor Company, Inc. as the low bidder.

Pickett Passafiume Architects has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due to the contractor.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the contract completion, the attached BG-4 form, and final payment to Cincinnati Floor Company, Inc. for Wood Floor Installation in the Small Gym at Marion C. Moore School for a total construction cost of $118,194.

X.E.2. Recommendation for Approval of Contract Completion and BG-4 Form for Phase I HVAC Renovation at Mill Creek Elementary School

On June 23, 2020, the Board of Education approved K. Norman Berry Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 21-002.

On February 16, 2021, the Board approved awarding a contract to Calhoun Construction Services, Inc. as the low bidder.

K. Norman Berry Architects has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due to the contractor.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the contract completion, the attached BG-4 form, and final payment to Calhoun Construction Services, Inc. for Phase I HVAC Renovation at Mill Creek Elementary School for a total construction cost of $6,554,193.22.

X.E.3. Recommendation for Approval of Contract Completion and BG-4 Form for Window Replacement Phase I at Olmsted Academy South

On June 22, 2021, the Board of Education approved Tony Kleyer, Architect to prepare plans and specifications for Project 22-025.

On January 11, 2022, the Board approved awarding a contract to EH Construction, LLC as the low bidder.

Tony Kleyer, Architect has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due to the contractor.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the contract completion, the attached BG-4 form, and final payment to EH Construction, LLC for Window Replacement Phase I at Olmsted Academy South for a total construction cost of $239,000.

X.F. Recommendation for Approval of Construction Change Orders

In accordance with 702 KAR 4:160, the Kentucky Department of Education requires that all change orders shall be approved by local board action. Change order descriptions are included in the attachment.

Please note that a found condition represents any item not anticipated during the design phase of the project; and owner request can be any item approved by Facilities staff, often with principal input, to enhance the overall project.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the construction change orders included in the attachment.

X.G. Notification of Growing Landings, LLC Construction Easement at Norton Elementary School

The construction easement allows for the removal of vegetation and woven wire fencing, and allows regrading of the area within the Temporary Construction Easement Area to create a level surface.

The granting of the above easements will not affect the integrity or usefulness of the property crucial to the educational needs of the District.

This item directly supports Vision 2020 Goal Infrastructure Improvements.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive notice of a Growing Landings, LLC Construction Easement at Norton Elementary School.

X.H. Recommendation for Approval of Draft Amended District Facilities Plan and Selection of Hearing Officer

Pursuant to 702 KAR 4:180, the Board of Education shall vote on the draft Amended District Facilities Plan (DFP) as recommended by the Local Planning Committee (LPC).

The LPC held two meetings and two public forums to discuss the development of the amended DFP. The draft amended DFP has been reviewed by Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) staff with a recommendation to approve.

The LPC held a final meeting on January 25, 2023, and voted to accept the draft amended DFP as reviewed by KDE and recommended submission to the Board of Education for approval.

Pursuant to the regulations, the Board of Education shall select a Hearing Officer to take public comments on the Board approved Amended DFP.

This project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the draft Amended District Facilities Plan as recommended by the Local Planning Committee and the Kentucky Department of Education, and select Chris Perkins, Chief Operations Officer, to serve as the Hearing Officer for the required public hearing.

X.I. Recommendation for Approval of Bid Tabulation, Contract Renewals, and Amendments

In accordance with KRS 45A.345-45A.460, these items represent the lowest and best bid for each respective item or group of items. The proposals are public record and are on file for inspection in the Purchasing Department after award of contract. There are no tie bids.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Recommendation for Approval of Bid Tabulation, Contract Renewals, and Amendments.

X.J. Recommendation for Approval of Professional Services Contracts of $20,000 or More

In accordance with Board Policy 01.11 General Powers and Duties of the Board, professional services contracts of $20,000 or more require Board approval.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached professional services contracts of $20,000 or more.

X.K. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer
X.K.1. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer-Invoices

This agenda item is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of Orders of the Treasurer-Invoices paid and to be paid for the period of January 2, 2023, through January 22, 2023.

X.K.2. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer-Purchase Orders

This agenda item is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of Orders of the Treasurer-Purchase Orders issued during the period of January 2, 2023, through January 22, 2023.

X.K.3. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer-Vouchers

This agenda item is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of Orders of the Treasurer-Vouchers paid during the period of January 2, 2023, through January 22, 2023.

X.L. Acceptance of Donations, Grants, and Funding
X.L.1. Acceptance of Donations and Small Grants

This is a report of donations and small grants submitted to the Board of Education on February 7, 2023.

Schools solicit donations for current needs or a specific purpose or project. Undesignated donations are used at the discretion of the school or the School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council.

Small grants include non-federal awards less than $50,000.

Submitted by: Dr. Dena Dossett


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept donations and small grants totaling $259,905.05 to be used as stated in the attachment.

X.L.2. Acceptance of Project Prevent Grant from the U.S. Department of Education

The Project Prevent Grant program will help improve school safety by increasing District capacity to provide coordinated community-based strategies to identify, assess, and serve students exposed to or at high risk of involvement in community violence.

Funding will cover salaries and fringe benefits for a Project Coordinator and Data Technician to support project implementation and districtwide data coordination related to school safety. Grant funding will help expand Restorative Justice case management with Volunteers of America in eight elementary schools, salaries, fringe benefits for two board-certified Behavior Analysts, and community and family workshops.

Funding is for the first year, with future funding contingent on Congress continuing to appropriate sufficient funding for the program and progress by the District in meeting the program objectives.

The grant period is January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2027, with a potential five-year award totaling $3,041,566.

There is no match requirement and no financial obligation to the District after the grant period.

 Submitted by: Terra Greenwell


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept funding from the U.S. Department of Education for Project Prevent totaling $588,802.

X.L.3. Acceptance of Additional Funding from Family and Children's Place for the 21st Century Community Learning Center at Engelhard Elementary School

The Kentucky Department of Education awarded Family and Children's Place (FCP) 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) funding in partnership with Engelhard Elementary. 21st CCLC provides academic, artistic, and cultural enrichment for students after school and during the summer.

The Board approved the original Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on July 27, 2021. FCP has received additional funding for 2022-23 and 2023-24. This amendment will extend the agreement's end date until September 30, 2024, and provide additional funding for Engelhard Elementary to pay teachers to work with students in the afterschool and summer programs.

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept funding totaling $46,182 from Family and Children's Place and authorize the superintendent to sign the attached amendment.

X.M. Recommendation for Approval of Agreements
X.M.1. Recommendation for Approval of Amendment to Memorandum of Agreement with Backside Learning Center

This agreement with Backside Learning Center will provide case management, educational advocacy, out-of-school programming, and parent engagement to students/families experiencing homelessness.

Submitted by: Dr. John Marshall


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with LBackside Learning and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

X.M.2. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with the Kentucky Department of Education for the Release of JCPS Employee

The Kentucky Department of Education has requested this revision for the following JCPS employee to be released on Memorandum of Agreement from February 20, 2023, through June 30, 2023:

Mary Telek – KDS Outreach Consultant

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with the Kentucky Department of Education and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

X.M.3. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Kentucky State University for Dual Credit

Dual Credit personnel from Kentucky State University have worked with the principal, administrators, and teachers at various JCPS High Schools to identify teachers with the necessary credentials to offer dual credit for students scheduled in those courses. This agreement aligns with the new Dual Credit Scholarship Program passed in the 2017 Legislative session. This dual credit course can be transferred to any regionally accredited college or university for credit. Kentucky State University is a Partner Postsecondary Institution with KHEAA for that program. Specific courses are listed in the agreement for each school. 

The attached Memorandum of Agreement details the data exchange commitments, and expectations of Kentucky State University, the local school, the local school adjunct faculty, and students. Kentucky State University faculty vet high school teachers by examining their credentials in order to grant the high school teacher adjunct faculty status. 


  • Scholarship funds may be used for dual credit unless the student has exceeded 2 courses or state funds are exhausted. In that case, the student/family is responsible for paying tuition.

  • Tuition is set to 50% of KCTCS tuition (as required by the PPI agreement with the KHEAA). Kentucky State University will not charge JCPS or JCPS students 50% of tuition for unsuccessful scholarship students.

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with Kentucky State University for dual credit courses and authorize the superintendent to sign the same.

X.M.4. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with La Casita Center

This agreement with La Casita will provide case management, educational advocacy, out-of-school programming, and parent engagement to students/families experiencing homelessness.

Submitted by: Dr. John Marshall


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with La Casita Center and authorize the superintendent sign same.

X.M.5. Recommendation for Approval of Agreement with School Smiles Kentucky, PSC

Many children in JCPS show evidence of a lack of regular access to health care. During the 2020-2021 school year, only 15 percent of students in Kindergarten had the required dental screening and this number was consistently less than 50 percent before the pandemic. 

Dental needs are one of the primary reasons for missing school due to ongoing pain and trouble with eating and sleeping. Untreated cavities can lead to infections in children as well as long-term health problems. In partnership with JCPS School Health Services, school nurses and FRYSCs, School Smiles will support access to healthcare and student attendance by providing dental screening and treatment services for those children having difficulty accessing care.

This program supports Vision 2020 strategy of 1.1.3 - Provide equitable access. The District is not providing matching funds for this project and there is no cost to JCPS.

Submitted by: Terra Greenwell



Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached agreement with Big Smiles Kentucky PSC. and authorize the superintendent to sign the same.

X.M.6. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with the Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative

The Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative will provide New Teacher Induction support for its 15 member districts with an emphasis on first-year teachers in alternate routes to certification. Support will include tuition reimbursement for these teachers, monthly virtual networking and mentoring, and an end of the school year conference with breakout sessions on Academic Standards, Deeper Learning, Social-Emotional Learning, and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, and other topics of interest. 

Submitted by:  Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with the Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

X.M.7. Recommendation for Approval to Renew a Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Louisville, Physicians Incorporated

In partnership with the University of Louisville, Physicians Incorporated medical services will continue for students at Georgia Chaffee Teenage Parent Program with the purpose of increasing student access to healthcare, doing outreach to connect students with ongoing medical care, and doing point-of-care testing for ill students to help support the unique needs of those students who are pregnant and parenting.

This project directly supports strategy 2.1.3 (Improve Culture/Climate) in Vision 2020 and aligns with the District pillar of Culture/Climate and Racial Equity. This project also aligns with JCPS Louisville Promise commitment of “public-private partnerships to provide quality and efficient services for meeting the physical and mental health needs of Louisville’s public school students”.

The District is not providing matching funds for this project and there is no cost to JCPS.

Submitted by: Terra Greenwell


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the renewal of the attached Agreement with the University of Louisville, Physicians Incorporated and authorize the superintendent to sign the same.

X.M.8. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with WAGS Pet Therapy of Kentucky, Inc.

W.A.G.S. (Wonderful Animals Giving Support) Pet Therapy of Kentucky, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides trained comfort animals in times of grief and stress. The District Crisis Response Team (CRT) will partner with the animals to provide support to students and staff when significant events take place. The District CRT has had positive experiences with comfort animal support and taking this step will ensure this support is available more consistently. Research indicates that pets are effective supports for individuals struggling with grief, mental health problems, and mental distress.

Submitted by: Kim Chevalier


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with WAGS Pet Therapy of Kentucky, Inc. and authorize the superintendent sign same.

X.N. Recommendation for Approval of KDE for the Turnaround Team in Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools

Comprehensive support and improvement schools (CSI) must identify a turnaround team to assist in school improvement efforts.

Pursuant to 703 KAR 5:280, Section (6)(1), a local education agency (LEA) shall provide notice of its intent to utilize the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) or another vendor from the Kentucky Board of Education’s approved turnaround vendor list for the turnaround team. This notice shall be provided to the KDE within fifteen (15) days after the Commissioner of Education notifies the school, district or governing board, and the charter authorizer of the audit findings, as described in 703 KAR 5:280, Section (5)(3).

JCPS is selecting the Kentucky Department of Education to serve as the turnaround team for the following comprehensive support and improvement schools: Dixie Elementary School, Foster Traditional Academy, Thomas Jefferson Middle School, The Academy@Shawnee Middle School, The Academy@Shawnee High School, and Western High School.

Submitted by: Dena Dossett



Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the use of the Kentucky Department of Education to serve as the turnaround team for the following comprehensive support and improvement schools: Dixie Elementary School, Foster Traditional Academy, Thomas Jefferson Middle School, The Academy@Shawnee Middle School, The Academy@Shawnee High School, and Western High School.

X.O. Recommendation for Approval of Comprehensive School Improvement Plans of TSI Schools and Review of Gap Goals

The Comprehensive School Improvement Plans (CSIPs) of schools identified for Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) are subject to review and approval by the local board of education, as outlined in KRS 160.346. The CSIPs describe the goals, objectives, and activities focused on school improvement efforts to ensure that each student makes progress. 

In addition, pursuant to KRS 158.649 and 703 KAR 5:225, the District shall also report on each school’s plans to reduce any identified gaps in achievement and report schools that have not met their targets for two consecutive years. Because of the accountability waivers due to NTI, JCPS used data from the 2018-19 and 2021-22 state accountability system to identify schools that have not met their target to reduce the gap in student achievement.  Using the accountability profile file from the 2018-19 test, JCPS identified schools with a list of demographic student groups having a significant gap. Using the accountability profile file from the 2021-22 test, JCPS identified TSI schools.  JCPS identified 11 schools as failing to reduce the gap in achievement within the same student group for the last two years.

Attached is a list of schools with a link to their school plans, their federal classification status, and gap goals for review. Please note that there are differences in how each school set its goals due to each school’s individual needs assessment and data trends.

The work of the Racial Equity Policy is critical in closing achievement gaps and reducing the number of schools that are not meeting their targets. 

This report supports Vision 2020 Strategy 1.1.7 Eliminate achievement, learning, and opportunity gaps.

Submitted by: Dr. Dena Dossett


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the 2022-23 Comprehensive School Improvement Plans for Targeted Support and Improvement Schools and review gap goals for schools.

X.P. Recommendation for Appointment of Audit and Risk Management Advisory Committee Member

On March 13, 2018, the Board approved the establishment of the Audit and Risk Management Advisory Committee (Committee). The Committee's charter, which was approved by the Board on June 12, 2018, states that the members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board. Members of the Committee collectively shall possess knowledge in accounting, external auditing, internal auditing, governmental fund accounting, financial reporting, operational risk management, and strategic risk management. At least half of the members shall be residents of the Jefferson County Public School District and at least one member shall be considered a financial expert as determined by the Committee. The recommended terms of the committee members shall not exceed 3 years and shall be staggered to minimize the impact to the Committee from member turnover. Committee members shall generally not be recommended for more than two consecutive terms. 

The Committee currently has four vacancies. 

Submitted by Jody Renn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education appoint the following individual as a member of the Audit Risk Management Advisory Committee: Dr. Eric Russ with a term expiring June 30, 2026.

X.Q. Recommendation for Approval to Name the Gymnasium Floor at Fairdale High School the Lloyd Gardner Gymnasium Floor

The Fairdale High School staff, students, alumni, and community would like to celebrate the life-long hard work of Lloyd Gardner to support the students of Fairdale High School, Jefferson County Public Schools, and youth athletics by naming the Fairdale High School Gymnasium Floor  in his honor. 

A retired JCPS teacher, much of Mr. Gardner’s life has been connected to Fairdale High School. The land upon which the school was built was once the Gardner Family Farm. He began his career at Fairdale as a student manager/trainer in 1958 and later returned to Fairdale as a teacher and coach. He served as the Bulldogs’ boys basketball head coach for fourteen years, winning three regional titles and capturing the Sweet Sixteen Championship in 1994. He was inducted in the Kentucky Athletic Hall of Fame in 2015.

In addition to service at Fairdale High School, he has enriched the lives of Kentuckians while working for the Western Kentucky University basketball team, the Kentucky Bourbons professional softball team, and the Kentucky Colonels of the American Basketball Association.

Mr. Gardner is also the founder and driving force behind the King of the Bluegrass Holiday Classic, a nationally recognized and highly prestigious high school basketball tournament. Having started over 40 years ago in 1981, the King of the Bluegrass continues to expand to serve even more youth athletes and their families, adding tournaments for middle school basketball, high school football, soccer, cross country, and track and field.

Lloyd Gardner’s life-long advocacy on behalf of JCPS, Fairdale High School, and youth athletics makes naming the Fairdale High School gymnasium floor in his name a profoundly well-deserved honor.

Letters of recommendation from the Fairdale High School community for the new name are attached. 

Submitted by: Robert Moore

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve naming the Gymnasium Floor in the Stanley Hardin Gymnasium at Fairdale High School the Lloyd Gardner Gymnasium Floor.

X.R. Recommendation for Adoption of a Resolution Supporting the Secure Storage of Firearms

Evidence strongly suggests that secure firearm storage is an essential component of any effective strategy to keep schools and students safe.

This resolution sets forth a number of compelling reasons for the District to support and promote the safe storage of firearms. The resolution directs the District to disseminate information about secure firearm storage to students and families through the Student Support and Behavior Intervention Handbook and to continue to work with local law enforcement agencies, health agencies, and non-profits to collaborate and increase efforts to inform District parents about secure storage of firearms in their homes.

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education adopt a resolution supporting the secure storage of firearms.

X.S. Recommendation for Adoption of Board Policies (First Reading)

The Board Policy Committee reviewed these policies during its meeting on January 30, 2023, which were recommended for amendment by District staff.

09.224    Emergency Medical Treatment

03.1233   Child Rearing/Adoption Leave (Certified)

03.2233   Child Rearing/Adoption Leave (Classified)

08.132    Gifted and Talented Students and Primary Talent Pool Students

Submitted by: Kevin Brown


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached Board Policies for first submission and reading.

XI. Board Planning Calendar

Board members may review and offer suggestions for future Board meeting agendas during the Board Planning Calendar portion of regular Board meetings.

A list of selected Board of Education discussion agenda items has been compiled for use by the Board and administrative staff. The list includes activities for action and discussion. 

It is anticipated that staff will use this list to avoid scheduling conflicts, improve coordination and support of activities, enhance planning, and increase awareness of upcoming board meeting activities. 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items.

Actions Taken

Order #2023-28 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Mr. Joseph Marshall.

XII. Committee Reports

Meeting dates and times can be accessed on the JCPS Calendar of Events. Meeting materials and Minutes from previous meetings can be accessed here.

XIII. Board Reports

Each meeting shall contain an opportunity for Board members to report on noteworthy events pertaining to the work of schools and the District.

XIV. Persons Requesting to Address the Board (If Necessary)
XV. Executive Session (If Necessary)
XVI. Action Item (If Necessary)
XVII. Adjournment
Recommended Motion

A motion to adjourn the meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education.

Actions Taken

Order #2023-29 - Motion Passed:  A motion to adjourn the February 7, 2023, meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education at 9:02 p.m. passed with a motion by Mr. Joseph Marshall and a second by Mrs. Linda Duncan.