Welcome & Call Meeting to Order
Michael Waller
Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance
HCHS Student Ambassadors
Janet Mashindi
Emily Hayes
Peighton McClarney
Approval of Agenda
Michael Waller
Order #131 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve the agenda as listed with the addition to the executive session adding the reference KRS 61.810(1)(b) - Deliberations on the future acquisition or sale of real property passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mrs. Tracey Williams.
Community Partner Spotlight
Bob Lawson
Students & Staff Recognition
Megan Mortis
Judge's Scholars
Grace Lawson - Niagara Elementary School
Aleah Craddock - South Heights Elementary School
All State Choir
Diamond McGuire-KJHC Mixed Choir, Soprano
Emily Hayes-SATB Choir, Soprano
Janet Mashindi-SATB Choir, Alto
Audra Nalley-SSAA Choir, Alto
Amani Owens-SSAA Choir, Alto
Kevin Hein-TTBB Choir, Tenor
Cooper Benson Beck-TTBB Choir, Baritone
Kentucky Elks Hoop Shoot First Place
Kyler Hazelwood - North Middle School
HCHS Dance Team National Championship
Addie Clark
Rylee Lett
Gracie Johnson
Gracie Mccormick
Liv Staples
Sylena Smith
Mylie Griffin
Kaya Morrow
Adelyn Boswell
Addison Kirkwood
Jaylee Duncan
Jacey Wallace
Laney Morris
National Blue Ribbon School - Cairo Elementary School
Public Participation & Recognition of Guests
Michael Waller
Approve Minutes from Prior Meetings
Michael Waller
Order #132 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve the Minutes from the March 6, 2023 Special Meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mr. Wesley Smith.
Capital Projects
Approve RBS Design Group for the Pod Replacement Project at Two (2) Henderson County Elementary Schools
Order #133 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve RBS Design Group for architectural services for renovation projects to the pods at two (2) Henderson County elementary Schools as presented in their letter of interest passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mrs. Tracey Williams.
Approve Change Order No. 1 for BG 21-353 - Henderson County High School Softball Facility Project
Order #134 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve Change Order No. 1 for BG 21-353 - Henderson County High School Softball Facility Project as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mr. Joe McGarrh.
Approve Change Order No. 1 for BG 21-077 North Middle School Football Stadium Bleacher Replacement Project
Order #135 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve Change Order No. 1 for BG 21-077 North Middle School Football Stadium Bleacher Replacement Project as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mr. Joe McGarrh.
Approve BG4 and BG5 for BG 16-210 - Henderson County High North Middle and South Middle Gym Lighting Replacement Project
Order #136 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve the BG4 for BG 16-210 - Henderson County High North Middle and South Middle Gym Lighting Replacement Project as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mr. Joe McGarrh.
Order #137 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve the BG5 for BG 16-210 - Henderson County High North Middle and South Middle Gym Lighting Replacement Project as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mr. Joe McGarrh.
Approve BG5 for BG 17-005 - Early Learning Center Project
Order #138 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve the BG5 for BG 17-005 - Early Learning Center Project as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mr. Joe McGarrh.
Approve BG4 for BG 18-227 - Emergency HVAC Replacement at Bend Gate Elementary Project
Order #139 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve the BG4 for BG 18-227 - Emergency HVAC Replacement at Bend Gate Elementary Project as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mr. Joe McGarrh.
Approve BG4 for BG 18-354 - Archery Building Lighting and Bend Gate Elementary Partial Lighting Project
Order #140 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve the BG4 for BG 18-354 - Archery Building Lighting and Bend Gate Elementary Partial Lighting Project passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mr. Joe McGarrh.
Approve BG5 for BG 20-248 - Classroom Trailer Relocation to NMS Project
Order #141 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve the BG5 for BG 20-248 - Classroom Trailer Relocation to NMS Project as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mr. Joe McGarrh.
BG 23-391 - Cairo, Niagara, Chandler Roof Coating Project
Approve BG1 Project Application Form (Initial)
Order #142 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve the BG1 for BG 23-391 - Cairo, Niagara, Chandler Roof Coating Project as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mrs. Tracey Williams.
Approve the Owner and Contractor Agreement
Order #143 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve the Standard Form of Agreement between Owner, Henderson County Schools, and Contractor, Preferred Construction Services, Inc., for BG 23-391 - Cairo, Niagara, Chandler Roof Coating Project as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mrs. Tracey Williams.
Old Business
New Business
Consent Agenda
Michael Waller
Order #144 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mrs. Tracey Williams.
Approve Second Reading of 08.221 - Grading
Approve Special Education District Procedures Amendments
Approve Shortened School Day for Two (2) Special Education Student
Approve Application for Emergency Certificates for Substitute Teaching
Approve Student Overnight Trip Requests
- Retroactive approval for HCHS Girls' Basketball Team to travel to Lexington, KY March 8-12, 2023 to compete in the Girls' Basketball State Tournament;
- Retroactive approval for HCHS Cheer Team to travel to Lexington, KY March 9, 2023 - TBD on Lady Colonels wins to cheer at the Girls' Basketball State Tournament;
- Retroactive approval for HCHS Pep Band to travel to Lexington, KY March 9-10, 2023 to participate in the band at the Girls' Basketball State Tournament;
- Retroactive approval for HCHS KUNA students to travel to Louisville, KY March 12-14, 2023 to participate in KUNA;
- Retroactive approval for HCHS Academic Team to travel to Louisville, KY March 17-20, 2023 to participate in the Governor's Cup State Championship;
- Retroactive approval for North Middle School KUNA students to travel to Louisville, KY March 19-21, 2023 to participate in KUNA;
- HCHS Softball Team to travel to Elizabethtown, KY April 7-8, 2023 to compete in the Elizabethtown Tourney;
- HCHS Journalism students to travel to Louisville and Lexington, KY April 18-19, 2023 to participate in FBLA and STLP state competitions;
- HCHS DECA students to travel to Orlando, FL April 22-28, 2023 to participate in the DECA International Career Development Conference;
- HCHS Softball Team to travel to Bowling Green, KY May 12-13, 2023 to compete in the Bowling Green Tourney; and
- HCHS Academic Team to travel to Atlanta, GA May 26-29, 2023 to compete in the High School National Championship Tournament.
Approve School Activity Fund Fundraiser Request
- AB Chandler Elementary 5th Grade (Read-A-Thon) to raise money for end-of-year events/celebrations for 5th grade while promoting reading.
Approve 2023-2024 Technology Plan
Approve Technology Surplus Items
Approve Grant Applications
- Thelma B. Johnson ELC ($10,000) Kentucky Department of Education to make funding available under the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund II (ESSER II) “to prevent, prepare for, and respond to" COVID-19 for the Calming Space Grant;
- South Middle School ($4,000) International Paper grant to help update the library books in their library;
- Niagara Elementary School ($6,500) International Paper grant to help update the library books and organizational pieces in their library;
- Henderson County Schools, Mental Health Department ($3,500) Henderson Rotary Charitable Trust Grant to be used to purchase t-shirts; and
- East Heights Elementary School ($4,000) Dollar General Foundation Literacy Grant to be used towards the purchase of Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) Gold System.
Approve First Reading of Policy 03.28 - Evaluation
Cindy Cloutier
Treasurer's Report
Order #145 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve the Treasurer's Report for the month ending February 28, 2023 passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mr. Joe McGarrh.
Paid Warrant Report
Order #146 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve the Paid Warrant Report for payments made between February 21, 2023 and March 20, 2023 passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mrs. Tracey Williams.
Personnel Actions
Michael Waller
Executive Session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(b) for deliberations on the future acquisition or sale of real property, KRS 61.810(1)(f) for discussions or hearings which might lead to the discipline of a student and pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(k) and KRS 156.557(6)(c) for preliminary and formative discussions regarding the Superintendent’s Evaluation
Michael Waller
Order #147 - Motion Passed: A motion to move into Executive Session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(b) for deliberations on the future acquisition or sale of real property, KRS 61.810(1)(f) for discussions or hearings which might lead to the discipline of a student and pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(k) and KRS 156.557(6)(c) for preliminary and formative discussions regarding the Superintendent’s Evaluation 6:56 p.m. passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mr. Joe McGarrh.
Order #148 - Motion Passed: A motion to move out of executive session at 8:21 p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mr. Michael Waller.
Michael Waller
Order #149 - Motion Passed: There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mr. Thomas Alves.