Berea Independent
July 15, 2024 7:00 PM
III.A. Board Report
III.A.1. Superintendent Report
III.A.2. Financial Report
III.A.3. Attendance and Enrollment
III.A.4. WHAS Crusade for Children Grant Award

Congratulations Berea Independent School District -                                     

Your 2024-2045 WHAS Crusade for Children Grant Number is G20251237.   Please always refer to this number when contacting our office.

The 71st annual WHAS Crusade for Children was a tremendous success! The people of Kentuckiana responded generously again this year to make life better for children with diverse abilities. After careful consideration, the WHAS Crusade for Children Advisory Council has awarded your agency a grant in the amount of $20,000.00!

Your grant is to be used for the following:

$20,000.00 for a vehicle for the Community Work Transition Program with WHAS Crusade for Children signage.

III.B. Audience Comments
Actions Taken

Motion to Amend Passed:  To amend the motion from: "Approval of the agenda as written was " to: "Motion to approve the agenda as written, with the addition of Livestreaming as item VI G, moving Closed Session to item VI H, and Return to Regular Session to item VI I." passed with a motion by Rebecca Blankenship and a second by Mr. Nathaniel Hackett.

Member Votes
Rebecca Blankenship Yes
Dr. Jacqueline Burnside Yes
Mr. Van Gravitt Yes
Mr. Tom McCay Yes
Mr. Nathaniel Hackett Yes

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the agenda as written, with the addition of Livestreaming as item VI G, moving Closed Session to item VI H, and Return to Regular Session to item VI I passed with a motion by Rebecca Blankenship and a second by Mr. Nathaniel Hackett.

Member Votes
Rebecca Blankenship Yes
Dr. Jacqueline Burnside Yes
Mr. Van Gravitt Yes
Mr. Tom McCay Yes
Mr. Nathaniel Hackett Yes
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of the Business/Consent Items for Board Consideration passed with a motion by Rebecca Blankenship and a second by Mr. Nathaniel Hackett.

Member Votes
Rebecca Blankenship Yes
Dr. Jacqueline Burnside Yes
Mr. Van Gravitt Yes
Mr. Tom McCay Yes
Mr. Nathaniel Hackett Yes
V.A. Minutes

Approve the minutes of the board meeting on June 17, 2024. Requested by Christine Knight, Secretary, and recommended by Dr. Diane Hatchett, Superintendent.

V.B. Financial Reports

Approve the financial reports of the Elementary, Middle School, High School, Food Service and General Fund, including the Orders of the Treasurer. Requested by Tony Tompkins, Director of Operations and recommended by Dr. Diane Hatchett, Superintendent.

V.C. Approval of Emergency Certified Substitute Teachers

Agenda Item: Approval of Emergency Certified Substitute Teachers

Background: Kentucky Administrative Regulation 16 KAR 2:030 specifies the requirements for emergency certification of substitute teachers. Emergency certification mandates a minimum of 64 college hours for a Rank 5, 96 college hours for a Rank 4, and a minimum 2.5 grade point average. The regulation ensures compliance through established procedures by the Educational Professional Standards Board.

Recommendation: Approve the utilization of Emergency Certified Substitute Teachers in accordance with the provisions set forth in Kentucky Administrative Regulation 16 KAR 2:030

Requested by Christine Knight, Secretary to the Superintendent, and recommended by Dr. Diane Hatchett, Superintendent.


V.D. Facilities Use - BCHS Class of 2000

Approve the Facility Use Request from Benjamin Pyles and Crystal Wylie for the use of the cafeteria for the  BCHS Class of 2000 Class Reunion and Catered Lunch with alumni and family. The date requested is June 28, 2025, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Requested by Benjamin Pyles and Crystal Wylie and recommended by Dr. Diane Hatchett, Superintendent.

VI.A. Second reading of the KSBA recommended annual policy & procedures updates

Approve the second reading of the KSBA recommended annual policy updates.  Requested by Diane Hatchett, Superintendent and recommended by Teresa Combs, Legal Counsel and Dr. Diane Hatchett, Superintendent.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approve the second reading of the KSBA recommended annual policy updates passed with a motion by Mr. Nathaniel Hackett and a second by Rebecca Blankenship.

Member Votes
Rebecca Blankenship Yes
Dr. Jacqueline Burnside Yes
Mr. Van Gravitt Yes
Mr. Tom McCay Yes
Mr. Nathaniel Hackett Yes
VI.B. Policy Review Student Discipline Code 09.438


Background: Policy 09.438 outlines the student discipline code, including standards for behavior, prohibitions against bullying, and processes for reporting violations. In accordance with KRS 158.148, the policy mandates a review and update at least every two (2) years. This ensures that the code remains relevant and effective in maintaining a safe and orderly educational environment.

Proposed Action: The Board shall review and approve the current Student Discipline Code (Policy 09.438) as part of its biennial review process.


Student Discipline Code


In accordance with KRS 158.148 the Board shall develop a student discipline code that shall be posted at each school, referenced in all school handbooks, and provided to school employees, parents, legal guardians, or other persons exercising custodial control or supervision. As required by KRS 158.148, a process shall be developed to provide information to those parties and to train employees.

The code shall prohibit bullying and establish standards of acceptable student behavior and discipline and may include District-wide standards of behavior for students who participate in extracurricular and co-curricular activities.

The code also shall include a process addressing how students can report code violations and incidents of bullying to District personnel for appropriate action and information regarding the consequences of bullying and violating the code and violations reportable under KRS 158.154, KRS 158.156, or KRS 158.444.


The Board shall update the student discipline code at least every two (2) years.


As directed by the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), the District shall report to the Center for School Safety when a student has been disciplined by the school for a serious incident, as defined by KDE; charged criminally for conduct constituting a violation under KRS Chapter 508; or charged criminally under KRS 525.070 or KRS 525.080 in relation to a serious incident.

Data collected on an individual student committing a reportable incident shall be placed in the student's disciplinary record.

REFERENCES: KRS 158.148; KRS 158.153; KRS 158.154; KRS 158.156; KRS 158.165 KRS 158.444; KRS 160.295 KRS 525.070; KRS 525.080

RELATED POLICIES: 09.2211; 09.3; 09.42; 09.421; 09.422; 09.425; 09.426; 09.42811; 09.43; 09.431; 09.434; 09.4341; 09.435

Adopted/Amended: 6/28/2016 Order #: IV-A

Rationale: Regular review and updates to the Student Discipline Code ensure that it remains effective and in compliance with state regulations. This process helps maintain a positive and safe educational environment for all students.

Recommendation: The Board of Education approves the review and update of Policy 09.438 - Student Discipline Code, as required by KRS 158.148.

Requested by Tony Tompkins, Director of Operations, and recommended by Dr. Diane Hatchett, Superintendent.


Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approve the review and update of Policy 09.438 - Student Discipline Code, as required every two years passed with a motion by Rebecca Blankenship and a second by Mr. Tom McCay.

Member Votes
Rebecca Blankenship Yes
Dr. Jacqueline Burnside Yes
Mr. Van Gravitt Yes
Mr. Tom McCay Yes
Mr. Nathaniel Hackett Yes
VI.C. Revision of Grievances Policy 09.4281


Background: Policy 09.4281 outlines the grievance process for students. It has been identified that the policy requires an update to ensure clarity and inclusivity of all relevant harassment/discrimination policies. Specifically, the inclusion of Policy 09.428111 is necessary to reflect the current standards and procedures.

Proposed Change: The updated Policy 09.4281 shall read as follows:

STUDENTS 09.4281



Any student who wishes to express an educational concern or grievance shall observe the following order of appeal:

  1. Teacher;
  2. Principal;
  3. School council, where appropriate;
  4. Superintendent;
  5. Board.

The order of appeal shall not be construed to mean that students are not free to confer with the Superintendent or Board whenever they so wish.


Harassment/Discrimination allegations shall be governed by Policy 09.42811 or 09.428111.

Federal law requires the District to implement separate and specific processes for responding to complaints/grievances about Title I programs and to those alleging discrimination in the delivery of benefits or services in the District’s school nutrition program.

RELATED POLICIES: 07.1 08.13451 09.422; 09.425; 09.426; 09.42811; 09.431; 09.434; 09.4341; 09.435 10.2

Adopted/Amended: 6/30/2010 Order #: V-B

Rationale: The inclusion of Policy 09.428111 ensures comprehensive coverage of all relevant harassment and discrimination grievances, providing clear guidance for students and staff.

Recommendation: The Board of Education approves the proposed change to Policy 09.4281 to include the reference to Policy 09.428111.

Action Required:

Approval of the Revision of Grievances Policy 09.4281 as outlined above, Requested by Tony Tompkins, Director of Operations, and recommended by Dr. Diane Hatchett, Superintendent.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of the Revision of Grievances Policy 09.4281 as outlined above passed with a motion by Dr. Jacqueline Burnside and a second by Mr. Nathaniel Hackett.

Member Votes
Rebecca Blankenship Yes
Dr. Jacqueline Burnside Yes
Mr. Van Gravitt Yes
Mr. Tom McCay Yes
Mr. Nathaniel Hackett Yes
VI.D. Agenda Item: Approval of Revisions to Policy 09.123 - Absences and Excuses First Reading

Background: The existing policy on student absences and excuses, Policy 09.123, has undergone a review to ensure it aligns with current educational requirements and best practices. Several updates and revisions have been proposed, which are highlighted in yellow and marked in red text in the attached policy document.

Summary of Changes:

  1. Mental or Behavioral Health:

    • The policy now explicitly includes mental or behavioral health as a valid reason for an excused absence, recognizing the importance of students' mental well-being alongside their physical health.
  2. Parent Notes:

    • The number of absences and tardies that can be excused using parent notes is now capped at two (2) tardies and four (4) absences per semester. This aims to provide a balance between parental discretion and maintaining consistent attendance.
  3. Medical Excuse Form:

    • Up to ten (10) days and/or tardies per school year may be excused with a health care provider’s note.
    • Absences or tardy events exceeding ten (10) days for medical reasons now require the completion of a Medical Excuse Form.
    • The Medical Excuse Form must be submitted within five (5) days of the student’s return to school for the absence to be considered excused.
  4. Excessive Tardies:

    • Disciplinary action is now specified for students who report to school more than twenty (20) minutes late or are late without a valid excuse to the first class of the day or after lunch.
  5. Unexcused Absences and Extracurricular Activities:

    • Students with six (6) or more unexcused days will be ineligible for extracurricular activities, such as athletics and dances.
    • Twelfth-grade students with six (6) unexcused days will not be allowed to participate in high school graduation ceremonies.
  6. Makeup Work:

    • The policy clarifies that students are responsible for makeup work and establishes a maximum of three (3) days for the completion of such work after an absence. Teachers may use discretion to allow work for unexcused absences to be made up.

Rationale: These revisions are intended to:

  • Clarify and enhance the criteria for excused absences, particularly concerning mental health and medical needs.
  • Ensure that the policy is equitable and supports the overall academic and behavioral expectations of the district.
  • Provide clear guidelines for parents, students, and staff on the management of absences and tardies.

Action Requested: The Board is requested to review and approve the proposed revisions to Policy 09.123 - Absences and Excuses.


  • Revised Policy 09.123 with highlighted and red text changes.

Action Required:

Approval of Revisions to Policy 09.123 - Absences and Excuses as outlined above, Requested by Kyle French, DPP, and recommended by Dr. Diane Hatchett, Superintendent.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approve the revision of Attendance Policy 09.123 for Excused Absences and Tardies passed with a motion by Dr. Jacqueline Burnside and a second by Mr. Nathaniel Hackett.

Member Votes
Rebecca Blankenship No
Dr. Jacqueline Burnside Yes
Mr. Van Gravitt Yes
Mr. Tom McCay Yes
Mr. Nathaniel Hackett Yes
VI.E. Approve Athletic Trainer Contract


In accordance with Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) regulations and to ensure the safety and well-being of our student-athletes, it is proposed that the District enter into a contract with Kristen Peterson, a student at the University of Kentucky, to provide athletic training services for our school games. The Trainer will be available at least once weekly and up to twice a week during the term of the contract.


  • Term: The contract shall commence on 7-1-2024 and continue until 6-30-2025.
  • Services: The Trainer will provide on-site injury prevention, assessment, and management for student-athletes, coordinate with coaches and medical staff, maintain accurate records, and ensure compliance with KHSAA regulations.
  • Compensation: The Trainer will be compensated at a rate of $40 per hour, payable on a [monthly] basis.
  • Insurance: The Trainer will maintain liability insurance, naming the District as an additional insured to ensure continuous coverage.


It is recommended that the Board approve the attached contract with Kristen Peterson for athletic trainer services for the 2024-2025 school games.


  1. Contract for Athletic Trainer Services 

Approve the Athletic Trainer Contract with Kristen Peterson, Requested by Jerry Bingham, Athletic Director, and recommended by Dr. Diane Hatchett, Superintendent.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approve the Athletic Trainer Contract with Kristen Peterson passed with a motion by Rebecca Blankenship and a second by Mr. Nathaniel Hackett.

Member Votes
Rebecca Blankenship Yes
Dr. Jacqueline Burnside Yes
Mr. Van Gravitt Yes
Mr. Tom McCay Yes
Mr. Nathaniel Hackett Yes

Motion Passed:  Approve the Athletic Trainer Contract with Kristen Peterson passed with a motion by Mr. Nathaniel Hackett and a second by Rebecca Blankenship.

Member Votes
Rebecca Blankenship Yes
Dr. Jacqueline Burnside Yes
Mr. Van Gravitt Yes
Mr. Tom McCay Yes
Mr. Nathaniel Hackett Yes
VI.F. Adjustment of Student Drop-Off Time at Berea Community Elementary

Recommendation: Berea Community Elementary requests approval to change the student drop-off time from 7:00 AM to 7:05 AM. This adjustment is not related to instructional time and will not extend the school day.

Background: In an effort to improve the efficiency and safety of the student drop-off process, Berea Community Elementary proposes a minor adjustment to the drop-off time. After careful consideration and review, it has been determined that shifting the drop-off time by 5 minutes will better accommodate traffic flow and ensure a smoother transition for students arriving at school.


  • Safety and Efficiency: A slight delay in the drop-off time will help reduce congestion and enhance the safety of students during the morning arrival.
  • No Impact on Instructional Time: The proposed change will not affect the instructional schedule or extend the school day, maintaining compliance with existing educational requirements.

Financial Implications: There are no financial implications associated with this change.

Action Requested: Berea Community Elementary administration seeks approval from the Board to adjust the student drop-off time from 7:00 AM to 7:05 AM, effective for the 2024-2025 school year, Requested by Kimberlee Coyle, Principal and recommended by Dr. Diane Hatchett, Superintendent.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approve Berea Community Elementary to adjust the student drop-off time from 7:00 AM to 7:05 AM, effective for the 2024-2025 school year passed with a motion by Rebecca Blankenship and a second by Mr. Nathaniel Hackett.

Member Votes
Rebecca Blankenship Yes
Dr. Jacqueline Burnside Yes
Mr. Van Gravitt Yes
Mr. Tom McCay Yes
Mr. Nathaniel Hackett Yes
VI.G. Livestreaming

Approve livestreaming board meetings. Requested and recommended by Rebecca Blankenship, Board Member.

VI.H. Closed Session - Personnel

Go into Closed Session for the purpose of Personnel (Superintendent Evaluation).  Requested and recommended by Van Gravitt, Chairman

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Go into Closed Session for the purpose of Personnel (Superintendent Evaluation) passed with a motion by Mr. Nathaniel Hackett and a second by Rebecca Blankenship.

Member Votes
Rebecca Blankenship Yes
Dr. Jacqueline Burnside Yes
Mr. Van Gravitt Yes
Mr. Tom McCay Yes
Mr. Nathaniel Hackett Yes
VI.I. Return to Regular Session.

Return to Regular Session.  Requested and recommended by Mr. Van Gravitt, Chairman

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Return to Regular Session passed with a motion by Mr. Nathaniel Hackett and a second by Dr. Jacqueline Burnside.

Member Votes
Rebecca Blankenship Yes
Dr. Jacqueline Burnside Yes
Mr. Van Gravitt Yes
Mr. Tom McCay Yes
Mr. Nathaniel Hackett Yes
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Nathaniel Hackett and a second by Mr. Tom McCay.

Member Votes
Rebecca Blankenship Yes
Dr. Jacqueline Burnside Yes
Mr. Van Gravitt Yes
Mr. Tom McCay Yes
Mr. Nathaniel Hackett Yes
IX. 2024 Meeting Schedule

2024 Meeting Schedule

All meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. except the work sessions which will take place at 5:30 p.m. in the Central Office.

Monday, January 22, 2024                   Kennedy Theater

Monday February 19, 2024                   Kennedy Theater

Monday, March 18, 2024                      Kennedy Theater

Monday, April 15, 2024                        Kennedy Theater

Monday, May 20, 2024                         Kennedy Theater

Monday, June 17, 2024                       Central Office

Monday, July 15, 2024                        Central Office

Monday, August 19, 2024                     Kennedy Theater

Monday, September 16, 2024               Kennedy Theater

Monday, October 21, 2024                   Kennedy Theater

Monday, November 4, 2024                  Central Office (5:30 p.m. Assessment – Work Session)

Monday, November 18, 2024                Kennedy Theater

Monday, December 16, 2024                Kennedy Theater

Monday, January 6, 2025                     Central Office (5:30 p.m. Elect Chair and Set Meeting Dates-Work Session)