Livingston County
January 11, 2021 6:00 PM
Meeting of the Board of Education of Livingston County, Kentucky
1. Call to Order

After experiencing technical difficulties, the meeting was called to order.

2. Adopt the Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #689 - Motion Passed:  A motion to add closed session for the purpose of discussing the superintendent's evaluations/performance as item #25 passed with a motion by Ms. Tammy Sayle and a second by Mrs. Christine Thompson.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens No
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent

Order #690 - Motion Passed:  A motion to adopt the agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Christine Thompson and a second by Mr. Tony Sanders.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens No
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent
3. Pledge of Allegiance

Led by LCMS 8th grader, Tiffany Crawford.

4. Recognitions - Live RED Recognitions
4.a. Student(s)

Presented by Mr. Zimmerman as referenced in the LiveRED Report.

4.b. Staff

Presented by Mr. Zimmerman as referenced in the LiveRED Report.

4.c. Live RED Report

Presented by Mrs. Amy Ramage.

5. COVID-19 Update

Presented by Mrs. Amy Ramage.

6. Public Comment

Mrs. Tammy Sayle and Mr. David Kitchens expressed appreciation to the district's staff for their efforts during these challenging circumstances. 

Mrs. Amy Ramage presented tokens of appreciation and gratitude to the board for their service.

7. Consent Items
Actions Taken

Order #691 - Motion Passed:  A motion to accept the consent items passed with a motion by Mr. David Kitchens and a second by Mrs. Christine Thompson.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent
7.a. Minutes of Previous Meetings
7.b. Payment of General and Title Program Claims
8. Treasurer's Report and Finance Update
Actions Taken

Order #692 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Treasurer's Report passed with a motion by Mr. Tony Sanders and a second by Mr. David Kitchens.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent

Presented by Ms. Mary Dunning and prepared by Mrs. Jill Duncan.

9. Draft Budget Review
Actions Taken

Order #693 - Motion Passed:  A motion to acknowledge the detailed line item draft budget for FY2022 passed with a motion by Mr. Tony Sanders and a second by Ms. Tammy Sayle.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent

Presented by Ms. Mary Dunning and prepared by Mrs. Jill Duncan.

10. Long Term Facilities Planning and Financing

Presented by Ms. Mary Dunning.

11. Facilities & Maintenance Updates

Board policy 05.2 requires period updates to the Board about the status of the maintenance program.

Presented by Mrs. Amy Ramage.

12. KSBA Legislative Discussion

Talking points were presented by Ms. Mary Dunning.

13. Carry Forward SBDM Requests
Actions Taken

Order #694 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the following carry forward requests: SLES SBDM Council's request to earmark $16,565.00 of FY19 carry forward funds for the purchase of mobile devices for students for their one-to-one initiative; LCMS request of $5,303.40 for textbooks, in compliance with the textbook purchasing procedures, and $7,247.10 for the purchase of Dell Latitude 3190 Computers; and LCHS request for $3,045.00 towards the purchase of a poster maker passed with a motion by Mr. David Kitchens and a second by Mr. Tony Sanders.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent
14. KHEAA FAFSA Completion Initiative Agreement
Actions Taken

Order #695 - Motion Passed:  A motion to ratify the agreement to participate in the FAFSA Completion Initiative Data Sharing Agreement given follow-up information to the board regarding extra precautions and protocols the superintendent provides to relevant high school staff passed with a motion by Ms. Tammy Sayle and a second by Mr. Tony Sanders.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent

The U.S. Department of Education implemented the FAFSA Completion Initiative to help increase the number of college-going students who complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to apply for Federal, State, and other student financial aid.  Concerns over data security were expressed and are reflected in the motion.

15. Software and Services Agreement with Dreambox Learning
Actions Taken

Order #696 - Motion Passed:  A motion to ratify the agreement with Dreambox Learing passed with a motion by Mr. David Kitchens and a second by Mrs. Christine Thompson.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent

South Livingston Elementary School has requested the use of Dreambox Learning.  This platform was chosen to address some of the instructional challenges created by COVID-19 and is intended to provide consistency and uniformity as students transition between at-home learning and in-person learning.

16. Fully Executed Shared-Use Equipment Agreement

The shared-use agreement has been fully executed and funds have been received.  The school system is now authorized to move forward with the program.  Plans are in place to establish the process for rolling out the program, to include the storage of the equipment.

17. Transportation Report

Presented by Mrs. Amy Ramage.

18. Gulf Fleet Card
Actions Taken

Order #697 - Motion Passed:  A motion to ratify the Gulf Fleet Application and Business Card Agreement passed with a motion by Mr. Tony Sanders and a second by Mrs. Christine Thompson.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent

The use of a fleet card will provide a discount on fuel prices when personnel are unable to refuel at our own fuel pumps.  The Gulf Feet card has a local connection with L&K, across from SLES.  This partnership will be helpful if, or when, we have issues with our own fuel pumps.

19. Tentative Staffing Allocations for FY22
Actions Taken

Order #698 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the tentative staffing allocations for FY22 passed with a motion by Ms. Tammy Sayle and a second by Mr. Tony Sanders.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent

The tentative staffing allocations have been prepared as determined by the board approved staffing allocation procedures and have been distributed to the principals.

20. Personnel Report

The Personnel Report fulfills the requirement of the superintendent to "notify the Board of all personnel actions taken."  The superintendent's attendance for December has also been provided.

21. Superintendent Goals
Actions Taken

Order #699 - Motion Passed:  A motion for a special called meeting to take place to discuss the superintendent evaluation process passed with a motion by Mrs. Christine Thompson and a second by Mr. Tony Sanders.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens No
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent

Dialogue took place concerning a method to discuss the superintendent's goals.

22. Selection of Board Chairperson
Actions Taken

Order #700 - Motion Passed:  A motion to select Christine Thompson as chairperson passed with a motion by Mr. Tony Sanders and a second by Ms. Tammy Sayle.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens No
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent

Policy 01.41 states:

At the first regular meeting in January following the election of Board members, the Board shall elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson.

The chairperson and vice-chairperson shall serve one (1) year terms beginning immediately following their election.

23. Selection of Board Vice-Chairperson
Actions Taken

Order #701 - Motion Passed:  A motion for Terry Watson to serve as vice-chairperson passed with a motion by Mrs. Christine Thompson and a second by Ms. Tammy Sayle.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent
24. 2021 Regular Meetings Schedule
Actions Taken

Order #702 - Motion Passed:  A motion to adopt the 2021 Board Meetings Schedule passed with a motion by Mr. David Kitchens and a second by Mrs. Christine Thompson.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent

The board meetings typically take place on the second Monday of each month.  The board office asks that we try to avoid the first week of the month to allow time to prepare the monthly financial statements.  The third and fourth weeks in November and December will conflict with the holidays.

Board members were asked if there were any conflicts or concerns with the proposed meeting schedule.

25. Closed Session for the purpose of discussing the superintendent's evaluations/performance

Upon recommendation from the board attorney, this agenda item was not acted upon.  Closed session, for this specific purpose, is no longer compliant with statutory language.

26. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #703 - Motion Passed:  A motion to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Mr. David Kitchens and a second by Mr. Tony Sanders.

Member Votes
Mr. David Kitchens Yes
Mr. Tony Sanders Yes
Ms. Tammy Sayle Yes
Mrs. Christine Thompson Yes
Mrs. Terry Watson Absent