Marion County
June 05, 2024 5:15 PM
Board of Education - Special Called Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Approve/Amend June 5, 2024 Board Meeting Agenda
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence
III. Communications
III.A. Student Recognition

Governor's Scholars Program- Will Blake, Jaxon Hibbard, Grace Mattingly, Miranda Buckler, Karly Spalding, Emily Mattingly, Saya Kato, Jacklyn Farmer, Gracyn Mattingly and Tim Hardin


Governor's School for EntrepreneursAndrew Mattingly and Michaela Daugherty


Murray State University's Commonwealth Honors Summer Academy- Marissa Bauerle 


The following students were recognized at WKU recently for outstanding achievement on above-level testing:

i-excel awardees:

Layla Followell, Carter Spalding, Abby White and Raydon Violette

ACT awardees:

Bryce Cecil, Harley Claunch Clark, Maddox Clark, Ava Downs, Graci Hamilton and Dylan Robbins


III.B. Staff Recognition

2023-24 Retirees

Deanna Bardin, John Buckman, Barbara Courtwright, Louise Deep, Debbie Dougherty, Sandy Drye, Lisa Lanham, Shirley Ann Lee, Sheila Moore, Chad Spalding, Jimmy Darrell Spalding, David Thompson, Kathy Jo Underwood, Martha Willard and Alice Young

2023-24 Perfect Attendance

Dennis Asher, Steve Babak, Erin Benton, Caroline Cobb, Kim Ford, Stacey Munger, Joseph Tungate, Jessica Veatch and Kellie Wise

WKU Distinguished Educator Awards

Carrie Thompson - Distinguished Educator Award Finalist Teacher Mentor (P-12)

John Christopher - Distinguished Educator Award Finalist Innovation (P-12)

Kelly Allen - Distinguished Educator Award Nominee Middle Grades (6-8)


III.C. Public Comment
III.D. Superintendent Report (Attachment #1)
III.E. Attendance & Enrollment Report
III.F. Finance Report
IV. Student Learning Services
IV.A. Consider approval of updated FY2025 Certified Appeals Panel

Leslie Van Why was elected for FY2025 (first year of two year term)

David Hibbard (second year of two year term)

Alternates are Troy Costisick and C. Paige Mattingly

Appointed: David Gibson


IV.B. Acknowledgement of first reading for 2024 policy update #47 and procedure update #28
IV.C. Consider approval of 2024-25 Student Code of Conduct
V. Student Support Services
V.A. Consider approval of school year 24-25 fees for software and menu support services for $12,267
V.B. Consider approval of Child Care Food Program Meal Service Agreements

Child Care Food Program Meal Service Agreements- West Main Head Start and Lebanon Head Start

V.C. Consider approval of revised job description for Educational Interpreter II (Attachment #2)
V.D. Consider approval of FY25 Memorandums of Agreement with KY Department of Education for Daniel Lockwood and Ciara Wheatley
V.E. Consider approval of 2024-25 Johnson Control Fire Protection Agreement in the amount of $30,108.25
V.F. Consider approval of annual contract with Micro-Analytics for Semi-Annual Environmental Compliance Inspections and Record Management
V.G. Consider approval of FY25 Fidelity Bond for Board Treasurer in accordance with KDE regulations
V.H. Consider approval of Bond of Depository\Pledge of Collateral with Citizens National Bank for 2024-25
V.I. Consider approval of Cumberland Family Medical Centers School Based Satellite Clinic Agreement for 2024-25
V.J. Consider approval of Memorandum of Agreement with City of Lebanon for two School Resource Officers for 2024-25
V.K. Consider approval of contract with Compass Security Solutions for Compass Secure Campus in the amount of $29,015
V.L. Consider approval to declare used Marion County High School boys basketball uniforms surplus and the proceeds for the sale of these items to the MCHS boys basketball team (Attachment #3)
V.M. Consider approval of Pay App #14 to Griggs Enterprises in the amount of $810,133.09 for work performed and $189,936.95 to vendors for materials on the New Calvary Elementary School BG# 22-052
V.N. Consider approval of Pay App #3 to Griggs Enterprises in the amount of $76,449.00 for work performed on the Glasscock Elementary masonry and window replacement project BG # 24-122
V.O. Consider approval of Pay App #2 and associated DPOs from Central Kentucky Glass in the total amount of $75,264.00 for the Marion County Middle School – Partial Window Glazing Replacement, BG 24-120.
V.P. Consider approval of Initial BG-1 for Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract
V.Q. Consider approval of 2024-25 Houchens Insurance Group for Property, General Liability, Inland Marine, Crime, Vehicle, Errors & Omission, SM&M, Law Enforcement, Worker's Compensation, Cyber Liability, and Umbrella for $635,746.46
V.R. Acknowledgement of field trips

Volleyball Team Camp to University of Cincinnati- July 12-14, 2024

MCATC SkillsUSA National Leadership Conf. to Atlanta- June 24-28, 2024

VI. Student Learning & Support Consent Items
VI.A. Approval of minutes

Regular Minutes - 5/9/24

Special Called Work Session - 5/22/24

VI.B. Approval of payment of bills as presented
VI.C. Approval of Driver Approval Agreement

David Hibbard, Elma Simpson, Thomas Cambron, Michelle Rakes, Joseph Crepps, Jessica Johnson, Jamie Brown, Makenzie Thomas, Dustin Benningfield, Paula Mattingly, June Bates, Ann Bright, Stephanie Sullivan, Beverly Perkins, Deanna Payne and Toby Tungate






VI.D. Approval of District Assurances
VI.E. Approval of the SFSPac Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Plan
VI.F. Approval of partnership with SMART Systems for the 2024-25 school year
VI.G. Approval of Memo of Agreement with Central KY Head Start
VI.H. Approval of FY25 Memo of Agreement for MCATC Principal for $84,447
VI.I. Approval of Memo of Understanding with Lincoln Trail District Health Department and Marion County Middle School and Lebanon Middle School to provide Choosing the Best program
VI.J. Approval of four extended days for Elizabeth Raley to be paid by preschool grant funding for the 2023-24 school year
VI.K. Approval of 2024-25 Parochial (St. Augustine) Transportation Contract with Marion Co. Fiscal Court
VI.L. Acceptance of donation to GES FRYSC from Communicare for $1000
VI.M. Approval of leave without pay for Lisa Lanham from 5/20/24 through 5/30/24
VI.N. Approval of leave without pay for Mary Lyons from 5/9/24 through 5/14/24 and 5/16/24
VI.O. Approval of leave without pay for Jennifer Davis 5/7/24 through 5/14/24
VII. Acknowledgement of Personnel Actions (Attachment #4)
VIII. Adjournment