Southgate Independent School
October 23, 2014 4:30 PM
Regular Site-Based Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Welcome
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Approval of Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #231 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Tonia Schwegman and a second by Ms. Melissa Herald and the consensus of the council.

I.D. Approval of Minutes
Actions Taken

Order #232 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the September meeting minutes passed with a motion by Ms. Leha Schutte and a second by Ms. Melissa Herald and the consensus of the council.

II. Recognitions
III. Principal's Report

Mr. Franke updated council on the Brigance Screener results for kindergarten readiness. 69% of our kindergarten class scored as ready for school compared to 37% for the previous year.

Updates on the new science and social studies standards were discussed as well as upcoming events.

IV. Student Learning and Support

Council reviewed and discussed the spring 2014 K-PREP scores and the Fall 2014 8th grade Explore results.

IV.A. Spring 2014 K-PREP Report
IV.B. Fall 2014 Explore
V. ESS Program Update

Council is looking into ways to make the ESS Program more effective for the individual learning needs of our students.

VI. Budget Report
VII. Closing the Achievement Gap

Council reviewed a report on schools across the nation that have succeeded in closing the achievement gap for high poverty and high mobility districts. Best practices were discussed and looked at as potential components of our revised school improvement plan.

VIII. Comments from the Audience

Mr. Palm updated council on:

1) The status of the Regional Schools Program. A committee has been formed that he is on reviewing these programs.

2) At a recent superintendent's meeting he was informed that the idea of performance events for certain content areas is being considered.

3) Information regarding attendance from a recent DPP conference

4) Recent Board of Education meetings attended by community members opposed to the school remaining open. A lot of incorrect information is being put out.

IX. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #233 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Ms. Kinta Joseph and a second by Ms. Kendra Franke and the consensus of the council.