Covington Independent
May 27, 2021 5:00 PM
Covington Board of Education
I. Call to Order
Ms. Glenda Huff, Board Chair
II. Roll Call
Ms. Glenda Huff, Board Chair
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Ms. Glenda Huff, Board Chair
IV. Welcome and Board Chair Comments
Ms. Glenda Huff, Board Chair
V. Public Input
Ms. Glenda Huff, Board Chair

This is an opportunity for the community to provide input and comments on district business. To submit public input, for scheduled virtual meetings email Becky Egan, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent by 3 p.m., one day prior to the scheduled meeting at

Please include in the email:

  • Full name
  • Address
  • Comments you would like addressed to the Covington Board of Education
Members of the public may address the Board during the period set aside by the Board without submitting an item for the agenda. No action shall be taken during this portion of the meeting on issues raised by employees or the public unless deemed an emergency by the Board. Please note: Comments are asked to refrain from personal remarks in which an individual is named. Comments are limited to two minutes unless extended by the board chair. Critical comments or complaints are processed through the District’s complaint procedures. Questions and concerns will be addressed by the Board through various venues, including, but not limited to, the district website and e-mail.

VI. District Recognition and Presentations
Board Member
VI.1. Retiree Recognition
VII. Informational Items (Action Possible)
VII.1. Personnel Actions
Mr. Eric Neff, Director of Personnel

The personnel actions listed on the exhibit have taken place since the board meeting of April 22, 2021.

VII.2. Leave of Absence Request ~ Employee # 5934
Mr. Eric Neff, Director of Personnel

Employee # 5934 is requesting a leave of absence beginning April 2, 2021 and ending September 13, 2021. Leave will be unpaid.

VII.3. Leave of Absence Request ~ Employee # 6503
Mr. Eric Neff, Director of Personnel

Employee #6503 is requesting a leave of absence beginning April 19, 2021 and Ending the last day of the 2020-2021 school year. Leave will be unpaid.

VII.4. Leave of Absence Request ~ Employee # 3751
Mr. Eric Neff, Director of Personnel

Employee # 3751 is requesting a leave of absence beginning April 5, 2021 and ending May 31, 2021. Leave will be unpaid.

VII.5. Emergency Certified Substitutes for School Year 2021-2022
Mr. Eric Neff, Director of Personnel

The Kentucky Education Professional Standard Board has implemented an online application for processing certification for emergency substitute teachers and has suggested creating a blanket approval and one Board order number to use on all applications for emergency certifications for all substitutes not holding a regular Kentucky certification.

VII.6. Safe Crisis Management Training Contract
Dr. Janice Wilkerson, Assistant Superintendent

This is our yearly contract with JKM Training, Inc., to provide on-site training in Safe Crisis Management for our schools’ Core Team members.  Schools are required by law to maintain a Core Team whose members are trained yearly in verbal de-escalation and safe physical intervention.  This training is covered by Title funds.

VIII. Report of the Treasurer
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance
VIII.1. Fidelity Performance Bond for Finance Director FY22
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Each year the district has to take out a fidelity performance bond for the Finance Director since that position deals with the finances/money of the school district.  KDE determines the amount of the bond for each school district.  The amount of the bond for the Finance Director for Covington Independent Public Schools is $400,000. 

This is brought to the board as informational only per the board’s request last year (June 2020).


VIII.2. Property/Liability, Cyber & Worker's Compensation for FY22
Steve Crawford & Burtschy

Attached are the results of our proposals for our property, liability and worker compensation insurance for FY22.  The district entered into a cyber-insurance policy starting in FY20.

The Property/Liability package would be with Liberty Mutual with a premium of $308,605 and the Worker’s Compensation package would be with ClearPath Mutual at $150,837.  Liberty Mutual was our current carrier for FY21.  There will be a change in the carrier for Worker’s Compensation to ClearPath Mutual.  The district’s current insurance provider/agent would still be with Crawford Insurance. 

CIPS Staff and Crawford Insurance have formed a safety committee to take a proactive approach on safety in our district. This committee continues to meet periodically.  Having this safety committee in place can only help decrease the number of claims & the mod factor over time for the district.  Both of these are used to determine the district’s premium.  If the district sees a decrease in both of these factors then the district could see a lower premium saving the district money.

VIII.3. Commit FY21 Funds per GASB54 Regulations
Ms. Annette Burtschy

Pursuant to CIPS Policy 04.311 District Accounts, the district will follow state and federal laws and regulations regarding accounting practices.  The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) regulation 54 states if a district has an unreserved fund balance (now called unassigned fund balance) at fiscal year-end, the Board can approve committing funds. 

Examples of committed funds are; site-based carry forward funds, committing funds to purchase a bus, committing funds for technology needs or committing funds to balance next year’s budget.

The district needs to commit funds of approximately $40,000 for site based carry forward (carryover) & approximately $7.6 million to be used to balance the FY’22 budget.

VIII.4. School Activity Fund Budgets FY22
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Budget development for the school activity accounts is similar to the budget cycle for the school district. Information provided in the budget shall include estimated beginning balance; anticipated receipts from all sources, including fundraising; anticipated expenditures by category; and estimated ending balance.

1) Each club, organization and activity account shall prepare a tentative budget for the next    school year on the Individual Activity Account Budget Worksheet (Form F-SA-4A).           

a) The Individual Activity Account Budget Worksheets are due to the principal by April 15.

b) The sponsor shall work with the officers of the club in this process to assure continuity of programs.

c) The principal or designee shall prepare budgets for activity accounts without sponsors for SBDM approval.

2) The principal shall prepare the Principal’s Combining Budget (Form F-SA-3).

a) The Principal’s Combining Budget will list the summary budget information for each activity account in the school activity fund.

b) The Principal’s Combining Budget is due to the district finance officer by May 1.

c) The district finance officer will work with the superintendent to submit all school budgets to the local board for approval by the end of May.

d) Within 30 days of the beginning of the school year, the principal shall adopt the board approved tentative activity fund budget for the current year.


VIII.5. 2022 Tentative Budget
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

This Tentative Budget Cycle is required by State Stature KRS 160.470.  The Tentative Budget must be approved by the local school district and submitted to the Kentucky Department of Education by 5/30 of each year. 

The budget committee has met since October 2020 creating the budget for FY2022.  This budget takes into consideration the increase in retirement fringes that the school district incurs based on information provided by KDE.  This budget incorporated non-personnel expenditures based on actual expenditures. 

The budget committee will be looking into how cost saving measures can be incorporated into the budget.  At this time there are many unknowns related to the adoption of this budget.   Once those unknowns become available, the budget will be amended and will be reflected in the Working Budget that is presented to the Board of Education in September of each year.

VIII.6. Monthly Financials ~ April
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Budget Narrative for April FY2021 monthly financial statement:

  1. General fund (fund 1) – as of 4/30/21, revenue received of 38.2 million with expenses of 25.9 million.
  2. Special revenue (fund 2) – as of 4/30/21, revenue received of 8.9 million with expenses of 8.9 million. Many grants in fund 2 are on a reimbursement basis. Money is requested after the expenses have occurred. There is a delay on receiving fund 2 revenue.
  3. Capital outlay (fund 310) - as of 4/30/21, revenue received of $163,000 with expenses of $326,000. The state does not provide all the capital outlay funding until the end of the fiscal year. This fund is used to pay the district’s bond payments. Bond payments occur throughout the whole fiscal year under fund 400 (new for FY’13 per KDE).Money will be transferred out of capital outlay into the debt service fund throughout the fiscal year.
  4. Building fund (fund 320) - as of 4/30/21, revenue received of 1.2 million with expenses of 1.2 million. This fund is used to pay the district’s bond payments. Bond payments occur throughout the whole fiscal year under fund 400 (new for FY’13 per KDE).Money will be transferred out of building fund into the debt service fund throughout the fiscal year.
  5. Construction fund (fund 360) - as of 4/30/21, revenue received of 3.9 million with expenses of 3.4 million. This fund is used to pay for the district’s construction projects.
  6. Debt Service fund (fund 400) – as of 4/30/21, revenue received of 1.1 million with expenses of 1 million. See detailed explanation under capital outlay and building fund.
  7. Daycare fund (originally fund 50 – switched to fund 52 per KDE) – as of 4/30/21, revenue received of $358,000 with expenses of $261,000.Revenue comes in throughout the fiscal year.
  8. Food service fund (fund 51) – as of 4/30/21, revenue received of 2.1 million with expenses of 1.6 million.
  9. School Activity Fund (fund 25) – as of 4/30/21 revenue received of 335,500 with expenses of -4,000.This fund was set up end of FY20 due to a new GASB standard that went into effect. All Redbook monies have to be entered into MUNIS. This is the start of the fund therefore the expenses have a negative balance. In FY21, it will balance out to not have negative expenses.

Completed 5/3/21 by Annette Burtschy

VIII.7. Warrant Expenditure Report
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Pursuant to Policy 04.3111, the treasurer shall prepare warrants or "Orders of the Treasurer" to be acted upon at each regular Board meeting. The Board shall give subsequent approval to all budgeted disbursements made between meetings of the Board. Disbursements shall only be made on invoices for purchases made in accordance with District policy and procedures.

IX. Consent Agenda
IX.1. Approval of Minutes ~ May 6, 2021 Special Meeting
IX.2. Approval of Minutes ~ May 13, 2021 Regular Meeting
IX.3. Spring Surplus Award
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

In April of 2021, the spring surplus items were recognized and advertised to all staff through email and the CIPS website.  Four bidders participated and the items awarded as indicated.  Total bid award to be collected is $2,646.00. 


X. Individual Approval Agenda Items
X.1. SB128 Supplemental Year Applications
Mr. Alvin Garrison, Superintendent

The Supplemental School Year Program was created March 24 when Gov. Andy Beshear signed into legislation Senate Bill 128, which gives students the option to repeat the 2020-2021 school year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students had until May 1 to decide whether they want to retake the 2020-2021 school year or supplement courses they have already taken. By statue, school boards are not allowed to make decisions on an individual basis. School boards have until June 1 to decide whether to accept all or none of the requests.

There are a total of fourteen applications received since May 1, 2021:
2 ~ Kindergarten
3 ~ 1st Graders
2 ~ 5th Grader
1 ~ 7th Grader
2 ~ 9th Graders
1 ~ 11th Graders
3 ~ 12th Graders

Dr. Janice Wilkerson, Assistant Superintendent

Each FRYSC in Kentucky is eligible to apply for a competitive grant in the amount of $100,000 to be used over two school years.  Grants must cover one or a combination of the following areas:  Childcare, Early Childhood Education, or Family Crisis and Mental Health Counseling.  Our FRYSC Coordinators are working with a school team to identify needs and match grant activities to those needs.  Grants must be submitted by June 1, 2021. At the time of this submission, all eight FRYSC Coordinators plan to submit a grant.  The Board will be updated with the actual number of grants submitted. 

X.3. Additional English Learner (EL) Positions
Mr. Bill Grein, Secondary Director

It is the recommendation of the Superintendent and Director of EL Services, Dr. Susan Pastor-Richards to increase EL support with additional staff. 

We are requesting:

  • 3 additional EL teachers at the elementary level:
    • John G. Carlisle Elementary
    • Sixth District Elementary
    • Glenn O Swing Elementary
  • 1 addition EL teacher at the high school level
  • 1 additional teacher at the middle school level, position created by reducing 2 existing instructional assistant positions
  • 2 additional interpreters

We have 517 identified EL students this year.  We currently have 190 “immigrant newcomers” (less than three years in the country). There has been an increase of 202 students in the last 5 years with no additional staff.  The Hispanic population in the district is 21%, an increase of 7% since 2017.

X.4. BG 1 Latonia Elementary Stairwell Security Upgrade
Mr. Eric Neff, Director of Personnel

The office of the State Security Marshal conducted a visit to Latonia Elementary School (LES) in April of 2021. Mr. Fred Scroggins, the auditor, instructed that to become compliant with the state law requiring all classroom doors to be locked during instructional time, the entire top floor of LES must be treated as one large classroom. After consultation with the architect, our initial project idea while compliant with the Office of the State Security Marshal was not compliant with Kentucky building code. Exemption had to be obtained and changes had to be made.

In May of 2021 we received approval from the state building inspector. Later in May, these changes were then approved by the office of the State Security Marshal.

X.5. Roofing Project Change Order 9 for Glenn O. Swing Elementary
Mr. Eric Neff, Director of Personnel

The following change order pricing is for Glenn O. Swing Elementary:

Remove existing concrete caps and install metal coping over the brick columns attached to the gym building section and cafeteria building section. The existing columns are not fully covered with the concrete caps which will cause water infiltration into the walls.

The following will be provided:

  1. The 20 concrete caps will be cut and removed down flush to the top layer of bricks on the columns.
  2. Ice & Water Shield underlayment will be installed to the top of each column.
  3. Metal copings will be shop fabricated out of 24-gauge prefinished steel with a flange to tuck under the new metal wall panels. Color will match the new wall panel system.
  4. New copings will be pinned to each column through the brick mortar joints and heads of concrete pins sealed with caulk
  5. A hydraulic man lift will be needed to access the work area around the gym. The cafeteria area will be able to be accessed from ladders. 

The total cost for this Change Order work is $8,665.00.  This will not exceed the contingency for BG 20-217.

X.6. BG 20-217 Roofing Projects Change Order 10 Credit for 6th District Elementary
Mr. Eric Neff, Director of Personnel

The following change order pricing is for 6th District Elementary:

  • Credit for unused portion of copper cornice repairs that were part of the base bid for 6th District Elementary. 

The total  credit for this Change Order work for BG 20-217 is $13,150.00.

XI. Addendum Agenda (Action Possible)
XII. Report of the Attorney
Ms. Mary Ann Stewart, Board Attorney
XIII. Further Discussion and/or announcements by the Board of Education
Mr. Alvin Garrison, Superintendent
XIV. Upcoming Events
Mr. Alvin Garrison, Superintendent

May 28 ~ Professional Development #4, Schools Closed

May 31 ~ Memorial Day, Schools Closed

June 2 ~ Senior Honors Night, Jack Moreland Auditorium, 6 p.m.

June 4 ~ Graduation Practice, David M. Evans Fieldhouse, 9 a.m.

June 4 ~ 153 Annual Commencement Exercises, 7 p.m.

June 10 ~ Regular Board Meeting, 5 p.m., virtual or in-person TBA

June 24 ~ Regular Board Meeting, 5 p.m., virtual or in-person TBA

July 22 ~ Regular Board Meeting, 5 p.m., virtual or in-person TBA

XV. Executive Session

Pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) the Board may go into executive session.

XVI. Adjournment
Ms. Glenda Huff, Board Chair