Jefferson County
September 26, 2018 2:00 PM
Audit and Risk Management Advisory Committee
I. Audit and Risk Management Advisory Committee

1.  Call to Order

2.  Approval of Minutes of the August 29, 2018 meeting

3.  Vision 2020 in Action

Dr. Dena Dossett, Chief of Accountability, Research, & Systems Improvement

This action plan was approved by the Board on July 24, 2018. Using the goals and strategies originally developed in Vision 2020, it sets forth the things that the District will do and accomplish by December 31, 2020. The goal of the action plan is to make Vision 2020 more clear, coherent, actionable, and measurable. The action plan will also allow District leaders to update on a regular basis the District’s progress in meeting key goals.

4.  Discussion of Development of the JCPS Risk Assessment Plan

Jodi Renn, Director of Internal Audit

James Rose, ARMAC Chair

5.  New Business

6.  Adjournment
