Henderson County
July 21, 2014 6:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
I. Welcome & Call Meeting to Order
Ben Johnston - Chairperson
I.A. Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance
II. Students & Staff Recognition
Marganna Stanley
II.A. Ashley Hinkle - Archery World Championship
III. Public Participation & Recognition of Guests
Ben Johnston - Chairperson
III.A. Thelma B. Johnson Panel Donation
Karen Hawkins
III.B. Junior Achievement Recognition
Steve Steiner
IV. Approve Minutes from Prior Meetings
Ben Johnston - Chairperson
Actions Taken

Order #3 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Minutes from the June 16, 2014 Regular Meeting and the July 16, 2014 Special Meeting with the modification of changing Greg Hunsaker's arrival time from 5:35 a.m. to 5:35 p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Jennifer Keach and a second by Mrs. Lisa Baird.

V. Reports
V.A. Architect Report
Jim Ivy - RBS Design Group
V.A.1. BG-1 for the Spottsville Elementary School Project
Actions Taken

Order #4 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the BG-1 for the New Spottsville Elementary School Project with the modification on the first page under 1(A) to change from Major Renovation to New Building passed with a motion by Mr. Jon Sights and a second by Mrs. Jennifer Keach.

V.A.2. BG-1 for the Henderson County High School CTE Unit Project
Actions Taken

Order #5 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the BG-1 for the Henderson County High School - KY Tech Career & Technology Education Addition & Remodeling Project passed with a motion by Mr. Jon Sights and a second by Mr. Greg Hunsaker.

V.B. Early Graduation Option
Chad Thompson

Policy 08.113 (Graduation Requirements) is a part of First Reading of the 2014 KSBA Policy Updates (#37) in the Consent Agenda.

VI. Old Business
VI.A. HVAC Controls at A.B. Chandler
Nick Perry - WBW Engineering
VI.A.1. Revised BG-1
Actions Taken

Order #6 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the revised BG-1 to conform to the actual bid passed with a motion by Mr. Jon Sights and a second by Mr. Ben Johnston.

VI.A.2. Owner/Contractor Agreement for iBAC Group LLC
Actions Taken

Order #7 - Motion Passed:  A Motion to approve the Agreement between Owner (Henderson County Board of Education) and Contractor (iBAC Group LLC) for the A.B. Chandler Elementary HVAC Controls Upgrade passed with a motion by Mrs. Lisa Baird and a second by Mr. Jon Sights.

VI.A.3. Owner/Contractor Agreement for Harshaw Trane
Actions Taken

Order #8 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Agreement between Owner (Henderson County Board of Education) and Contractor (Harshaw Trane) for the A.B. Chandler Elementary HVAC Controls Upgrade passed with a motion by Mr. Jon Sights and a second by Mrs. Jennifer Keach.

VII. New Business
VII.A. Little Colonels
Aleisha Sheridan
Actions Taken

Order #9 - Motion Passed:  A motion to raise the child care rate for children under 1 year old from $115 to a flat rate of $125 passed with a motion by Mrs. Lisa Baird and a second by Mrs. Jennifer Keach.

VII.B. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #10 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Jon Sights and a second by Mr. Ben Johnston.

VII.B.1. Approve First Reading - KSBA Policy Update #37
VII.B.2. Review & Accept KSBA Procedure Update #18
VII.B.3. Approve Final Reading Policy 03.1326 - Dress and Appearance (Certified Personnel)
VII.B.4. Approve Final Reading Policy 03.2326 - Dress and Appearance (Classified Personnel)
VII.B.5. Approve Student Overnight Trip Requests

  • FFA students to attend the Kentucky State Fair August 13-15, 2014 in Louisville, KY
  • HCHS Varsity Colonelettes Maroon squad to compete in the 2015 NDA National Competition in Orlando, FL March 5-9, 2015
  • NMS Educational Travel to New Orleans during spring break April 5-10, 2015

VII.B.6. Approve Agreement for Transportation of Students Attending Holy Name School
VII.B.7. Approve Second Reading HCS Professional Growth & Effectiveness System (PGES) Certified Evaluation Plan
VII.B.8. Approve School Activity Fund Fundraiser Approval Request
VII.B.9. Approve Retiree Resolution Adoption
VII.B.10. Approve Annual Surplus Auction
VII.B.11. Approve Child Nutrition Bid Request
VII.B.12. Approve Revision on Print Bid on Business Cards
VII.B.13. Approve Permission to Bid Fire & Safety Equipment
VIII. Financial
Walt Spencer
VIII.A. Treasurer's Report
Actions Taken

Order #11 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Treasurer's Report for the month ending June 30, 2014 passed with a motion by Mrs. Lisa Baird and a second by Mr. Greg Hunsaker.

VIII.B. Paid Warrant Report
Actions Taken

Order #12 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve Paid Warrant Report for payments made between June 17, 2014 and July 21, 2014 passed with a motion by Mr. Greg Hunsaker and a second by Mrs. Jennifer Keach.

IX. Personnel Actions
X. Executive Session Pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1)(f) for Student Discipline Discussions
Actions Taken

Order #13 - Motion Passed:  A motion to move into executive session at 7:00 p.m. pursuant to KRS 61.810(i)(f) for student disciplinary passed with a motion by Mr. Greg Hunsaker and a second by Mrs. Lisa Baird.

Order #14 - Motion Passed:  A motion to move out of executive session at 8:08 p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Lisa Baird and a second by Mr. Greg Hunsaker.

XI. Adjourn
Ben Johnston - Chairperson
Actions Taken

Order #15 - Motion Passed:  There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Lisa Baird and a second by Mr. Greg Hunsaker.