Floyd County
November 27, 2023 6:30 PM
Floyd County Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Chair's Welcome/Call to Order
1.A. Roll Call/Welcome
1.B. Review Focus Areas- Safety and Health of Students and Staff; Remain Fiscally Solvent; Attendance 94%; Postsecondary Readiness; ACT 19.5
1.C. Reminder for a Request to Speak
1.D. Pledge of Allegiance
1.E. Moment of Individual Silent Reflection: "Why are we here?"
1.F. The Adoption of Agenda
2. Special Reports and Spotlight
2.A. Receive report from Trace Creek for the temporary Bus Garage/rebuild of the New Bus Garage
2.B. Receive presentation from Abbico Contracting regarding Preschool Classroom on Wheels
3. Community Comments to the Board of Education
3.A. Students
3.B. Parents, PTA/PTO
3.C. SBDM Councils
3.D. Classified Employees
3.E. Certified Employees/FCEA
3.F. Principals' Association
3.G. Members of the Board of Education
3.H. Public Comment
4. Action or Special Reports - Student Learning
4.A. Receive Attendance & Plans/Enrollment and Health Services Report
5. Action or Special Reports - Student Support
5.A. Receive Utility Report for Betsy Layne Elementary School
5.B. Receive Report of Superintendent
5.C. *Accept Notification of Personnel Matters
5.C.1. *Actions Taken
5.C.2. *Requests for Leaves of Absences
5.D. Consider/Approve BG5 Project Closeout form for the GESC (Guarantee Energy Saving Contract), pending KDE approval
5.E. Consider/Approve advertising for Request for Proposals (RFP) to consider Architectural Services for the renovation of Duff-Allen Central Elementary
5.F. *Consider/Approve Change Order #1 and BG-4 to CPR for the Access Control Systems Project
5.G. *Consider/Approve bids for Bid Package #2 and Revised BG-1 for the Betsy Layne Elementary Dome Roof, pending KDE approval
6. Action by Consent
6.A. *Consider Approval of Minutes
6.B. *Consider Payment of Bills and Claims
6.C. Consider/Approve Superintendent Timesheet, Travel and Expenses
6.D. *Consider/Retroactive Approval of the sale/donation of surplus buses and van. (2015 Ford Transit Van, 705, 606, 109, and 906
6.E. Consider/Approve the submission of notice to KDE for Students with Disabilities who require a shortened school day or school week based upon their IEP and physician recommendation for the 2023-2024 school year
6.F. Consider/Approve revision to change one of the already approved special needs instructional assistants positions from Preschool/Head Start to K-8
6.G. Consider/Approve Prestonsburg High School boys' basketball team permission to travel to Gatlinburg, TN December 27th, 2023 through December 29th, 2023 to compete in the Smoky Mountain Winter Classic and travel to Williamson, WV on February 3rd, 2024 to compete in the Hatfield-McCoy Shootout.
6.H. Consider/Retroactive Approval for Prestonsburg High School Football parent boosters to use the turf facility at PHS for their fully insured flag football league.
6.I. Consider/Approve Floyd County School of Innovation Fundraisers: Heavenly Donuts-SkillsUSA, Blood Drive-HOSA, 5K Color Run-TSA, Candy Cane Grams-TSA, and Candy Bars-FFA.
6.J. Consider/Approve bids for custom design of inside and outside of FCS STEAM bus to create a mobile classroom.
6.K. Retroactive Approve James D. Adams Middle School KYA students to be transported from Louisville, KY to Frankfort KY on November 16-18.
6.L. Consider/Approve Adams Middle School to create a part-time position of Alternative Education Program for the 2023-2024 school year.
6.M. Consider/Approve 2023-2024 fundraisers for the Gifted and Talented Program to benefit all schools in the county: Texas Roadhouse, Dairy Queen, Applebees, and Gattiland School Nights.
6.N. Consider/Approve up to 3 tuition agreements utilizing Kentucky Educational Development Cooperative (KEDC) Rank Change Program for the 2023-2024 school year.
6.O. Consider/Approve Floyd Central High School KYA students to be transported from Louisville, Kentucky to Frankfort, Kentucky on November 29- December 1, 2023.
6.P. Consider/Approve the Memorandum of Agreement with the Floyd County Schools and Kentucky Counseling Center.
6.Q. *Consider/Approve agreement between the Floyd County Board of Education and the Big Sandy Area Community Action Program for the Head Start Program
6.R. *Consider/Approve lease extension option with Warco Land Improvement Company for temporary Bus Garage
6.S. *Consider/Approve submitting a Capital Funds Request to the Kentucky Department of Education seeking authorization to use capital outlay funds for cost associated with BG 24-100 Prestonsburg High School Turf Replacement
7. Executive Session to Discuss (Litigation, Property, Personnel, and Expulsions), KRS 61.810
8. Adjournment