August 06, 2019 9:00 AM
Kentucky Board of Education Retreat Meeting (No business to be conducted)
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call of Members
III. Introductory Remarks by KBE Chair - Hal Heiner
IV. Opportunity Myth and Student Success - TNTP (Presentation and Informational Overview)
V. After School Programs that Emphasize Academic Excellence - Donnita Travis with By the Hand (Presentation and Informational Overview)
VI. Closing Gaps: In the Classroom, Within a School, Across a School System - Michele Caracappa (Presentation and Informational Overview)
VII. Lunch (Lunch provided for KBE members, invited guests and KDE Executive Leadership Team only)
VIII. The Story of J.B. Atkinson Academy - Dewey Hensley (Presentation and Informational Overview)
IX. Gap Closure: Addressing the Whole Child in Owen County Schools - Dr. Robert Stafford, Superintendent; Dr. Reggie Taylor, Chief Academic Officer; Terry Quillen, Owen County Elementary School, Principal; Stephany Harvey, Owen County Elementary School, Teacher; Trina Reynolds, Owen County Elementary School, Teacher; Morgan Sipes, Owen County Elementary School, Teacher; Sharlena Young, Owen County Elementary School, Teacher; Sarah Hodges, Maurice Bowling Middle School, Principal; Casey Duvall, Maurice Bowling Middle School, Teacher and Andrew Keltner, Maurice Bowling Middle School, Teacher (Presentation and Informational Overview)
X. Gap Closing Programs: A Teacher's Perspective - Stephanie Fritz (Presentation and Informational Overview)
XI. KBE Board Discussion and Reflection: Student Success
XII. Adjournment