Todd County
December 10, 2018 6:00 PM
December 10 Regular Meeting
I. Call to Business
II. Invocation/Pledge to Flag
III. Recognition/Spotlight
III.A. Todd County Central High School Band Students
III.B. Recognition of Outgoing District #1 Vice Chairperson/Board Member Shannon Martin
III.C. Administer Oath of Office to District #1 Andrea Jones, District #2 Eric Harris, District #3 Johnny Knuckles, District #4 Joshua Mosby and District #5 Todd Thomas
III.D. Dr. Eric Keeling, The Center of Innovations and Influence-Phase I Outcome
IV. Update on Instruction
V. Communication
V.A. Audience Comments
V.B. Superintendent's Report
V.B.1. Financial Report
V.B.2. Report of Personnel Action
V.B.3. Attendance Update
V.B.4. Assessment Update
VI. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #2283 - Motion Passed:  Motion to adopt consent agenda as written passed with a motion by Ms. Shannon Martin and a second by Mr. Johnny Knuckles.

VI.A. Approve minutes of previous meeting
VI.B. Approve financial report
VI.C. Approve field trips
VI.D. Approve fundraisers
VI.E. Superintendent Travel
VII. Action Items
VII.A. Approve Setting 2019 Monthly Work Session Meetings the Thursday before the Board Meeting at 4pm at the District Office
Actions Taken

Order #2284 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Setting the 2019 Monthly Work Session Meetings the Thursday before the Board Meeting at 4pm at the District office passed with a motion by Mr. Todd Thomas and a second by Mr. Joshua Mosby.

VII.B. Approve Setting 2019 Todd County Board of Education Meetings the second Monday of every month at 6pm
Actions Taken

Order #2285 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Setting 2019 Todd County Board of Education Meetings the second Monday of every month at 6pm passed with a motion by Mr. Todd Thomas and a second by Mr. Johnny Knuckles.

VII.C. Approve TCCHS Beta Club Trip to the Convention in Louisville, KY January 13-15, 2019
Actions Taken

Order #2286 - Motion Passed:  Approval of TCCHS Beta Club Trip to the Convention in Louisville, KY January 13-15, 2019 passed with a motion by Mr. Johnny Knuckles and a second by Ms. Shannon Martin.

VII.D. Approve TCCHS Girls Soccer to Apply for the California Casualty Athletics Grant
Actions Taken

Order #2287 - Motion Passed:  Approval of TCCHS Girls Soccer to Apply for the California Casualty Athletics Grant passed with a motion by Mr. Todd Thomas and a second by Mr. Joshua Mosby.

VII.E. Approve TCMS Art Surplus
Actions Taken

Order #2288 - Motion Passed:  Approval of TCMS Art Surplus passed with a motion by Ms. Shannon Martin and a second by Mr. Johnny Knuckles.

VIII. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #2289 - Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn passed with a motion by Ms. Shannon Martin and a second by Mr. Todd Thomas.