Mercer County
July 16, 2024 5:30 PM
Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Randy Phillips

Amber Franceschi, District 1

Amy Hart, District 2

Billy Montgomery, District 3

Cliff Prewitt, District 4

Randy Phillips, District 5

2. Approval of Agenda
Randy Phillips

The agenda is being presented for approval. Any changes are to be made at this time.

3. Public Participation
Randy Phillips

Pursuant to Board Policy 01.421, persons wishing to address the Board must first be recognized by the Chairperson and stand behind the podium. An individual or group granted the privilege of being heard must give his/her name, address, and reason for speaking. The Chairperson may rule on the relevance of the topic to the Board's Agenda, and will set the time limit to three (3) minutes, but not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes. The Board will only act on/respond to items on the published agenda. If you wish to have an item placed on the agenda, you must first meet with the Superintendent.


At this time the board will receive comments from the public.

4. Reports

This section of the agenda is reserved for reports only, no action will be taken.

4.A. Finance Officer's Report
Amber Minor

The Finance Officer will report to the board at this time.


June 2024 General Fund Recap


Current Fiscal Year

Last Fiscal Year

Percentage Change

General Fund Cash Balance

$8.47 million

$6.54 million

22.8% increase

General Fund Revenue (including Beg. Balance)

$28.4 million

$27.8 million

3% increase

General Fund Receipts (excludes Beg. Balance)

$22.1 million

$22.1 million



$20.8 million

$21.4 million

3% decrease

Ending Balance

$7.7 million

$6.4 million

21% increase


  • General Fund Revenue:
    • The district received 102.6% of the revenue budgeted for the year.
  • General Fund Expenditures:
    • Expenses of $3.2 million in June.
    • The district expended 86.7% of the expenses budgeted for the year.

4.B. Human Resources Report
Chantal Joyce

Chantal Joyce, Director of Human Resources, will report to the board at this time.

4.C. Personnel Report
Jason Booher

KRS 160.390; KRS 160.38; KRS 160.370    The Superintendent is responsible for all personnel actions including hiring, assignments, transfer, dismissal, suspension, reinstatement, promotion, and for reporting these actions to the board of education (KRS 160.390 (1)).  All appointments, promotions and transfers of principals, supervisors, teachers, and other school employees shall be made only by the Superintendent of schools, who shall notify the Board of the action taken (KRS 160.380(2a)).

4.D. Superintendent's Report
Jason Booher

The Superintendent will report to the board at this time.

5. Consent Agenda
Randy Phillips

“Consent Agenda” items are voted on with one motion and one vote. 

These are, typically, items that happen on a regular basis, are annual fees, or routine items in doing business. 

The board may discuss any item they wish.

The board has the option to pull any item out for a separate vote.

5.A. Board Meeting Minutes
Randy Phillips
5.B. Invoices
Amber Minor
5.C. 2024-25 Employee Handbook
Chantal Joyce

Please see the attached 2024-25 Employee Handbook for approval.

5.D. Leave of Absence Requests
Chantal Joyce

Please see the attached request for a leave of absence.

5.E. Surplus Property/Equipment
Amber Minor

The following items are being requested to be deemed as surplus:

  • 16 white computer tables that seat 2 people at MCSH
  • 45 filing cabinets from the Special Education records room

5.F. Superintendent's Professional Growth Plan
Jason Booher

Please see attached Professional Growth Plan for Mr. Booher.

6. Action Items for Discussion
Randy Phillips

The following items require board action, but do not require a roll call vote for approval.

6.A. 2024-25 Board Policies and Procedures Update - 2nd Reading & Vote
Jason Booher

The attached updated policies and procedures are being presented for approval.

6.A.1. 09.2242 Policy
Jason Booher

Effective January 1, 2025, this Policy shall either prohibit the use of medicinal cannabis on school property or permit the use of medicinal cannabis on school property by a pupil who is a registered qualified patient as deemed necessary by the pupil's parent or legal guardian.


Must select one option:

  • The Board prohibits the use of medicinal cannabis on school property.

  • The Board permits the use of medicinal cannabis on school property by a pupil who is a registered qualified patient as deemed necessary by the pupil's parent or legal guardian as described above.


If the Board enacts a policy to permit the use of medicinal cannabis by a pupil who is a registered qualified patient, that policy shall:

  1. Require medicinal cannabis be administered:

    a. i. By a school nurse or under the supervision of appropriate school staff; or

    ii. By the parent or legal guardian of the pupil who is a registered qualified patient;


    b. Out of view of other students; and

  2. Include a process by which a school nurse or other school staff member may by written acknowledgement (09.2242 AP.2) refuse to administer or supervise the administration of medicinal cannabis.

6.B. 2024-25 Master Schedule - Second Reading & Vote
Esther Hayslett

The 2024-25 Master Schedule is being presented for approval.


Earliest Entry into the Building

Earliest Time allowed in Class

Instructional Start

Instructional End













7:48: 6th & 7th

7:52: 8th


















6.C. 2024-25 District and School Plans - Second Reading & Vote
Esther Hayslett

The following plans are being presented for approval:

  • District and School Emergency Plans - A Copy of the Mercer County School District Emergency Management Guide is provided for your review. Each school has developed and updated its school emergency plan for its building. These plans have been approved by their SBDM councils. Copies are provided for your review. All plans will be submitted to our local emergency providers for review and updated based on their recommendations. Before the first instructional day, each school administrator will review their emergency plan with their staff. Throughout the upcoming school year, the district and school committees will continue to refine emergency procedures and plans
  • Supervision Plans - Board Policy 09.221 AP.1 The school & principal shall submit a supervision plan to the superintendent/designee for review and to the Board for its approval.
  • District Safety Plan - The Mercer County School Safety Plan identifies safety needs for the district and each building. The information for this plan comes from safety concerns identified in the yearly Schools At-Risk Assessment and the needs assessment completed by each school administrator/team.
  • District Trauma Informed Plan - A copy of the Mercer County School District Trauma-Informed Plan
    is provided for your review. KRS 158.4416 requires each local board of education shall develop a plan for implementing a trauma-informed approach in its schools.
    The plan shall include but not be limited to strategies for:
    (a) Enhancing trauma awareness throughout the school community;
    (b)Conducting an assessment of the school climate, including but not limited to inclusiveness
    and respect for diversity;
    (c) Developing trauma-informed discipline policies;
    (d) Collaborating with the Department of Kentucky State Police, the local sheriff, and the local
    chief of police to create procedures for notification of trauma-exposed students; and
    (e) Providing services and programs designed to reduce the negative impact of trauma, support
    critical learning, and foster a positive and safe school environment for every student.

6.D. 2024-25 Code of Conduct - Second Reading & Vote
Esther Hayslett

Code of Conduct - KRS 158.148 states that the Board shall develop a student discipline code that shall be posted at each school, referenced in all school handbooks, and provided to school employees, parents, legal guardians, or other persons exercising custodial control or supervision. The Board shall update this plan every two years. All updated board policies that are related to the Code of Acceptable Behavior will be included in the Code of Acceptable Behavior & Discipline.

6.E. Job Descriptions
Amber Minor

The following job descriptions are being presented for approval:

  • 7164 Account Clerk II (updated)
  • 7791 Secretary to Superintendent/Receptionist (new)

7. Action Items for Roll Call Vote
Randy Phillips

The following items require board action and a roll call vote for approval.

7.A. Salary Schedule Update
Amber Minor

The following updates were made to the Salary Schedule and need board approval:

  • Addition of 7791 Secretary to Superintendent/Receptionist at Level 3 on the Hourly Positions
  • Move 7164 Account Clerk II from Level 7 to Level 5 on the Hourly Positions
  • Add a range to the hours of Custodial Supervisor (6-8 hours)
  • Addition of District Communications/Social Media stipend in the amount of $3,210
  • Move 1 Assistant Softball (Booster paid) from $535 to $1,070
  • Move 1 Assistant Baseball (Booster paid) from $535 to $1,070
  • Remove levels for Educational Diagnostician, leaving only one level with 10 extended days
  • Addition of Director of Federal and Instructional Programs position (will only be filled the month of August)
  • Addition of Assistant Band Director under High School Positions in the amount of $5,350

7.B. Change Order #1 New Elementary Project
Jason Booher

Please see the attached change order for the elementary project in the increased amount of $1,455.

7.C. Construction Project Close Out
Amber Minor

The following are construction projects dating back to 2013 that need to be closed out in the states system and need the following approvals:

13-254 has $160,275.01 remaining - approve Revised BG-1
22-281 no project - moved into Athletics project - approve Revised BG-1
22-282 has $382,153.31 remaining - approve BG-5

8. Enter into Executive Session Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f)
Randy Phillips

A motion must be made to enter into Executive Session Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f).

9. Exit Executive Session
Randy Phillips

A motion must be made to exit Executive Session.

10. Action Related to Executive Session
Randy Phillips
11. Adjournment
Randy Phillips