Beechwood Independent
December 11, 2023 6:00 PM
Board Meeting
I. Call to Order

The mission of Beechwood Independent School District is to provide innovative education grounded in tradition.  Our educational vision is to inspire students to embrace responsibility, productivity and compassion of a global community.  Our vision is communicated to students, faculty, and our community by various media from the printed word to the internet and is exemplified by our district slogan:  Innovative education grounded in tradition.

I.A. Call to Order / Roll Call
I.B. Staff Members Present
I.C. Recognition of Guests
I.C.1. Christmas card winner, 8th grader, Evan Barth
I.C.2. Jim Swift, Maintenance Director, Retirement

Thank you to Jim Swift for 15 years of service to Beechwood Independent School District

I.C.3. Auditors Presentation - Cloyd and Associates
I.D. Public Comment

Each Person wishing to address the Board of Education must sign in.  When called upon to speak the person who speaks should stand, give his/her name and group he/she represents, and then address his/her comments directly to the Board of Education Chairperson.

II. Discussion and Action Agenda
II.A. School Calendar for 2024-2025 SY - 1st Reading
III. Consent Agenda

Recommended Motion

Approval to adopt consent agenda

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval to adopt consent agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Melanie Stricker and a second by Mrs. Amy Sleet.

III.A. Approval of Minutes
III.A.1. November 11, 2013
III.B. Monthly Bills
III.C. Use of Facility Requests
III.C.1. Fusion FC NKY
III.D. Overnight Trip
III.D.1. All State Choir and Band
III.E. Pay Applications #18 for Phase B
III.F. Furniture package for new building
IV. Information
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Mike Stacy, Superintendent
IV.A.1. Finance Report
IV.A.2. SBDM Meeting Minutes
IV.B. Personnel Report

  • Jim Swift’s retirement effective January 1, 2024
  • Brian Wever is being classified supervisory stipend due to Jim Swift’s retirement.

V. Agenda in Official Board Minutes
Recommended Motion

Approval of making the agenda part of the official board minutes

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval of making the agenda part of the official board minutes passed with a motion by Mr. Bradford Hood and a second by Mrs. Jeanne Berger.

VI. Other Business
VI.A. Board
VI.B. Staff
VI.C. Public
VII. Adjourn
Recommended Motion

Motion to adjourn the meeting

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Mrs. Melanie Stricker and a second by Mrs. Amy Sleet.