Hardin County
October 05, 2023 5:15 PM
Hardin County Board of Education
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of the purchase of land for the new West Hardin Middle School
Actions Taken

Order #11157 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the purchase of land for the new West Hardin Middle School passed with a motion by Mr. Steve Bland and a second by Mr. Ben Sego.

III. Approval of the bid to replace the cooling tower at the old Lincoln Trail Elementary
IV. Superintendent's Report
V. Executive Session
Actions Taken

Order #11158 - Motion Passed:  Approval to go into executive session to discuss personnel passed with a motion by Mr. Ben Sego and a second by Mr. Mark Casey.

VI. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #11159 - Motion Passed:  There being no further business, approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Mark Casey and a second by Mr. Steve Bland.