Mercer County
May 21, 2024 5:30 PM
Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Randy Phillips

Amber Franceschi, District 1

Amy Hart, District 2

Billy Montgomery, District 3

Cliff Prewitt, District 4

Randy Phillips, District 5

2. Pledge of Allegiance and Welcome
MCES Students
3. Approval of Agenda
Randy Phillips

The agenda is being presented for approval. Any changes are to be made at this time.

4. Recognitions

1. Superior Titan Award- A student from each school (Mercer Elementary, Mercer Co. Intermediate School, King Middle, and Mercer County Senior High School) will be recognized each month at the board of education meetings for their efforts in the classroom, leadership skills and attitude. The student award recipient must meet the following guidelines:

  • Perfect attendance during the month student(s) are being observed.
  • Completed all homework assignments and tests.
  • Passing grade.
  • No discipline issues.
  • Demonstrates good leadership skills.
  • Exhibits a winning attitude and spirit toward learning and peers.

Mercer County Elementary School - Briella Davis

Mercer County Intermediate School – Norah Reedy

King Middle School – Jude Cadwell 

Mercer County Senior High School – Delaney Moore


2. Other Student Recognitions:


Scarlett Armstrong-Music

Aubree Ward-Music and Fine Arts

Kinsley Gooch- Visual Arts

Kora Gentry- Visual Arts 

Andrew Bottoms- Visual Arts


Isabel Franks

Isabella Taylor

Tinley Devine

Adilyn Reed

Lillian Proctor

Kayleigh Daniel

Dalilah Young

Lucy Blevins

Jaylee Freeman

Chloe Peevler

Nevaeh Woods

Mackenzie Harkins

Lucy Blevins


3. Staff Recognitions:

Campbellsville Excellence in Teaching Awards 

Andrew Ashford

Vickie Walls

Nicky Keller 

5. Public Participation
Randy Phillips

Pursuant to Board Policy 01.421, persons wishing to address the Board must first be recognized by the Chairperson and stand behind the podium. An individual or group granted the privilege of being heard must give his/her name, address, and reason for speaking. The Chairperson may rule on the relevance of the topic to the Board's Agenda, and will set the time limit to three (3) minutes, but not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes. The Board will only act on/respond to items on the published agenda. If you wish to have an item placed on the agenda, you must first meet with the Superintendent.


At this time the board will receive comments from the public.

6. Reports

This section of the agenda is reserved for reports only, no action will be taken.

6.A. Finance Officer's Report
Amber Minor

  Current Fiscal Year  Last Fiscal Year Percentage Change
General Fund Cash Balance  $10.14 million $7.85 million 29% increase
General Fund Revenue (including Beg. Balance) $25 million $24.1 million 4% increase
General Fund Receipts (excludes Beg. Balance)  $18.64 million $18.51 million .68% increase
Expenses $15.7 million $16.5 million 5% decrease
Ending Balance $9.3 million $7.6 million 22% increase

General Fund Revenue: 

  • The district has received 92.9% of the revenue for the year at 83.3% through the fiscal year.
    - suggests the district will receive more than what was budgeted

General Fund Expenditures

  • Expenses of $1.4 million in April
  • The district has expended and encumbered 68.3% of the expenses budgeted for the year at 83.3% through the fiscal year. Suggests the district will expend less than what was expected. 

6.B. Personnel Report
Chantal Joyce

KRS 160.390; KRS 160.38; KRS 160.370    The Superintendent is responsible for all personnel actions including hiring, assignments, transfer, dismissal, suspension, reinstatement, promotion, and for reporting these actions to the board of education (KRS 160.390 (1)).  All appointments, promotions and transfers of principals, supervisors, teachers, and other school employees shall be made only by the Superintendent of schools, who shall notify the Board of the action taken (KRS 160.380(2a)).

6.C. CMTA Energy Savings Update
Jason Volz, CMTA

Jason Volz with CMTA will be presenting to the board regarding the Energy Savings Project update from the last year.

6.D. Food Service Yearly Update
Chris Minor
6.E. Principal Reports
Nekita Johnson

Any principal may report to the board at this time if needed.

6.F. Superintendent's Report
Jason Booher

The Superintendent will report to the board at this time.

7. Consent Agenda
Randy Phillips

“Consent Agenda” items are voted on with one motion and one vote. 

These are, typically, items that happen on a regular basis, are annual fees, or routine items in doing business. 

The board may discuss any item they wish.

The board has the option to pull any item out for a separate vote.

7.A. Board Meeting Minutes
Randy Phillips
7.B. Invoices
Amber Minor
7.C. Facilities Use Request
Robin Ison-Mercer County Public Library

Please see attached

7.D. Partial Day Waivers
Shanna Hale

ALL DOCUMENTS ARE CONFIDENTIAL: KDE Notice of Shortened School Day/Week Form, Student IEP, Student Medical Statement


No cost. The district continues to receive full funding for the student as long as the waiver is approved by the board

7.E. Surplus Equipment

Please see attachment for surplus equipment.

7.F. Sealing of Parking Lots RFP
Will Carlton

Permission is being sought to release an RFP for Sealing of parking lots. Please see attachment. Bids will be opened on June 1st.

8. Action Items for Discussion
Randy Phillips

The following items require board action, but do not require a roll call vote for approval.

8.A. 2025-2026 Calendar Second Reading
Jason Booher

Please see the attached calendar. 

9. Action Items for Roll Call Vote
Randy Phillips

The following items require board action and a roll call vote for approval.

9.A. Job Descriptions
Chantal Joyce

Four job descriptions-

Educational Diagnostician: Level I

Educational Diagnostician: Level II

School Psychologist

Lead School Psychologist

9.B. 2024-25 Tentative Budget
Amber Minor

Please see attached. 

9.C. Capital Funds Request
Amber Minor

Please see attached

9.D. SBDM Carryforward Request
Amber Minor

Please see attached documents with SBDM Carryforward Requests for 2024-25.

9.E. 2024-25 KEDC Membership Renewal
Amber Minor

The renewal for the 2024-25 KEDC Membership is $5,660.48, which is an increase of $340.48 from the current year membership fee. KEDC provides support and adds value to member districts through a united spirit of cooperation and innovation. With over 70 member districts statewide and over 50+ years of service, KEDC is Kentucky’s oldest and largest educational cooperative. KEDC exists to provide educational support services for its members. Types of services provided: technology wiring, full collective bidding services, special education support, professional development opportunities for all school employees, adult education services, leadership development, and more.

9.F. 2024-25 CKEC Membership Renewal
Amber Minor

The renewal for the 2024-25 CKEC Membership is $6,653, which is a decrease of $18 from the current year. The Central Kentucky Educational Cooperative (CKEC) works with the superintendents and staff of its member districts to provide opportunities for collaboration, strategic planning and professional development. CKEC delivers a wide range of customized services to member districts, including opportunities to network with colleagues. CKEC also works with vendors of all kinds to leverage the buying power of member districts to ensure that they are paying the most competitive prices for products and services.

9.G. Furniture for New Mercer Elementary School
Amber Minor

Please see the attached lowest quote for furniture for Mercer Elementary School. This will be paid for utilizing ESSER funds, and will be able to move into the new elementary school when it opens as well. The total cost is $699,007.

Funding will come from ESSER Funding

10. Adjournment
Randy Phillips