Call to Order/Roll Call
Randy Phillips
Amber Franceschi, District 1
Larry Yeager, District 2
Billy Montgomery, District 3
Cliff Prewitt, District 4
Randy Phillips, District 5
Pledge of Allegiance
Luke Whitenack
Approval of Agenda
Randy Phillips
The agenda is being presented for approval. Any changes are to be made at this time.
Due to item number 10, the DFP needing to start at 6:30, we will take a recess at 6:25 if we're not to the item yet. The board meeting will reconvene at 7:00 after the hearing. The hearing must be 30 minutes by KDE policy.
1. Superior Titan Award- A student from each school (Mercer Elementary, Mercer Co. Intermediate School, King Middle, and Mercer County Senior High School) will be recognized each month at the board of education meetings for their efforts in the classroom, leadership skills and attitude. The student award recipient must meet the following guidelines:
- Perfect attendance during the month student(s) are being observed.
- Completed all homework assignments and tests.
- Passing grade.
- No discipline issues.
- Demonstrates good leadership skills.
- Exhibits a winning attitude and spirit toward learning and peers.
Mercer County Elementary School - Cooper Whitenack
Mercer County Intermediate School – Alice Monroe
King Middle School – Tabitha Grant
Mercer County Senior High School – Alena Trent
2. Other Student Recognitions:
Boys Archery - Regional Champions, Coach: Eric Miller
Troy Diaz-Ward
Tyler Middleton
Matthew Devine
Nicolas Winburn
Rylan Genco
Jace Good
Kamron Maddox
Levi Robinson
Nolan Johnson
Garrett Clark
Ayden Grubbs
Caleb Revel
3rd place in Region Tournament, advancing to the state competition: Kelsey Dennis.
Girls Basketball- Regional Champions: Coach: Hayley Spivey
Alexis Benham
Teigh Yeast
Jersey McGinnis
Anna Drakeford
Ella Davis
Hope Lanham
Timberlynn Yeast
Sara Dunn
Izzie Carlton
Skylar Webb
Peyton Boyd
Kate Carlton
Lindsay Jessie
Rotary Club Speech Contest Winner: Sadie Peavler
Archery Region Champion: Troy Diaz Ward
3. Staff Recognitions:
KEA Teacher of the Month: Allyson Rowland. Presented by Corey Burns
Public Participation
Randy Phillips
Pursuant to Board Policy 01.421, persons wishing to address the Board must first be recognized by the Chairperson and stand behind the podium. An individual or group granted the privilege of being heard must give his/her name, address, and reason for speaking. The Chairperson may rule on the relevance of the topic to the Board's Agenda, and will set the time limit to three (3) minutes but not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes. The Board will only act on/respond to items on the published agenda. If you wish to have an item placed on the agenda, you must first meet with the Superintendent.
At this time the board will receive comments from the public.
This section of the agenda is reserved for reports only, no action will be taken.
Finance Officer's Report
Amber Minor
February 2023 General Fund Recap
Ending GF Cash Balance:
o $ 8.5 million as opposed to $6.8 million last year at the same time.
General Fund Revenue:
o Overall revenue was up 10% compared to the prior year at the same time.
o Receipts received in the year were 25% higher as opposed to the prior year at the same time.
o The district has received 79.8% of the revenue budgeted for the year at 66.7% through the fiscal year.
Suggests the district will receive more than what was budgeted.
General Fund Expenditures:
o Up 6% compared to the prior year at the same time.
o Expenses of $1.85 million in February.
o The district has expended and encumbered 59.8% of the expenses budgeted for the year at 66.7% through the fiscal year. Suggests the district will expend less than what was budgeted.
Personnel Report
Jason Booher
KRS 160.390; KRS 160.38; KRS 160.370 The Superintendent is responsible for all personnel actions including hiring, assignments, transfer, dismissal, suspension, reinstatement, promotion, and for reporting these actions to the board of education (KRS 160.390 (1)). All appointments, promotions and transfers of principals, supervisors, teachers, and other school employees shall be made only by the Superintendent of schools, who shall notify the Board of the action taken (KRS 160.380(2a)).
Energy Savings Project
Jason Volz, CMTA
Jason Volz with CMTA will present information on how the Energy Savings Project is performing.
Superintendent's Report
Jason Booher
The Superintendent will report to the board at this time.
Consent Agenda
Randy Phillips
“Consent Agenda” items are voted on with one motion and one vote.
These are, typically, items that happen on a regular basis, are annual fees, or routine items in doing business.
The board may discuss any item they wish.
The board has the option to pull any item out for a separate vote.
Board Meeting Minutes
Randy Phillips
Amber Minor
Out of State Travel
Jason Bryant
Out of state travel request for one team of teachers (5) and administrators to attend the Summit Learning conference in Chicago July 10-14. We have one 7th grade team trained already; this would be expanding to one team of 8th graders for the 23/24 school year.
Summit provides the travel and training free for participating districts.
KMS Booster
Jason Bryant
Surplus Equipment
Amber Minor
The following is being requested to be deemed as surplus and sold to another district:
2 - 2006 Rational Combination Ovens - no longer needed, replacements are now in place
Action Items for Discussion
Randy Phillips
The following items require board action, but do not require a roll call vote for approval.
District Facilities Plan Hearing Officer
Randy Phillips
The board of education needs to name a Hearing Officer for the District Facilities Plan Hearing that will follow this board meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Mr. Booher recommends finance officer Amber Minor to be appointed district facilities plan hearing officer .
Action Items for Roll Call Vote
Randy Phillips
The following items require board action and a roll call vote for approval.
DFP Amendment
RossTarrant Architects
Elementary School Project
RossTarrant Architects
Elementary School BG1
RossTarrant Architects
Mowing Bids
Jason Booher
Bid information attached
Recess for District Facility Plan Hearing
Randy Phillips
The board will now take a recess for the District Facility Plan Hearing and will resume the regular meeting once the hearing concludes.
District Facilities Plan Hearing Report
Randy Phillips
Please see the attached District Facilities Plan Public Hearing Report.
Randy Phillips