Floyd County
July 22, 2024 6:30 PM
Floyd County Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Chair's Welcome/Call to Order
1.A. Roll Call/Welcome
1.B. Review Focus Areas- Safety and Health of Students and Staff; Remain Fiscally Solvent; Attendance 94%; Postsecondary Readiness; ACT 19.5
1.C. Reminder for a Request to Speak
1.D. Pledge of Allegiance
1.E. Moment of Individual Silent Reflection: "Why are we here?"
1.F. The Adoption of Agenda
2. Special Reports and Spotlight
2.A. Receive report from Trace Creek for the temporary Bus Garage/rebuild of the New Bus Garage
3. Community Comments to the Board of Education
3.A. Students
3.B. Parents, PTA/PTO
3.C. SBDM Councils
3.D. Classified Employees
3.E. Certified Employees/FCEA
3.F. Principals' Association
3.G. Members of the Board of Education
3.H. Public Comment
4. Action or Special Reports - Student Learning
4.A. Receive Attendance & Plans/Enrollment and Health Services Report
5. Action or Special Reports - Student Support
5.A. Receive Utility Report for Prestonsburg Elementary School
5.B. Receive Report of Superintendent
5.C. Accept Notification of Personnel Matters
5.C.1. Actions Taken
5.C.2. Requests for Leaves of Absences
6. Action by Consent
6.A. Consider Approval of Minutes
6.B. Consider Payment of Bills and Claims
6.C. Consider/Approve Superintendent Timesheet, Travel and Expenses
6.D. Receive FY 2024 Pre-Audit Annual Financial Report
6.E. Consider/Approve FY25-FY26 Community Education Grant Memorandum of Agreement
6.F. Consider/Approve the partnership with Hindman Settlement School for two math tutors from Americorp
6.G. Consider/Approve Allen Elementary partnership with Hindman Settlement School for two math tutors from Americorp
6.H. Consider/Approve local agreement for cooperation on full utilization of Head Start for 2024-2025 school year
6.I. Consider/Approve lease on Xerox Copier for the Early Childhood Department
6.J. Consider/Approve James D. Adams Middle School Memorandum of Agreement with Mountain Comprehensive Care Center to provide services to students through the "It's My Space" program throughout the 2024-2025 school year
6.K. Consider/Approve May Valley Elementary School Memorandum of Agreement with Mountain Comprehensive Care Center to provide services to students through the "It's My Space" program throughout the 2024-2025 school year
6.L. Consider/Approve John M. Stumbo Elementary Memorandum of Agreement with University of Pikeville to provide field work to complete the Cooperative Education Social Work Practicum Program
6.M. Consider/Approve the use of the Old ACHS Football Field by Football Day Camp-Teaching Christ Centered Sports and Good Sportsmanship on July 27, 2024, pending liability Insurance Certificate
6.N. Consider/Approve acknowledgement of May Valley Elementary School PTO and the included facility agreement for the 2024-2025 school year
6.O. Consider/Approve creating a part-time position of Alternative Education Program for Betsy Layne Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year
6.P. Consider/Approve creating 3 full time ESS tutors for Betsy Layne Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year
6.Q. Consider/Approve second reading of Annual Policy (#47)/Procedures (#28) Update
6.R. Consider/Approve second reading of revision for 2024-2025 FCSI Handbook
6.S. Consider/Approve first reading of the 2024-2025 Floyd County Early College Academy Handbook
6.T. Consider/Approve the Student Handbook Code of Conduct First Reading for the 2024-2025 school year
6.U. Consider/Approve purchase of a mobile refrigeration/freezer and generator for the School Nutrition Department
6.V. Consider/Approve school wide fundraisers for Duff-Allen Central Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year
6.W. Consider/Approve the school wide fundraiser(s) for Betsy Layne Elementary
6.X. Consider/Approve school wide fundraisers for May Valley Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year
6.Y. Consider/Approve May Valley Elementary Family Resource and Youth Service Center for the 2024-2025 school year
6.Z. Consider/Approve the following school wide fundraisers for John M. Stumbo Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year
6.AA. Consider/Approve 2024-2025 school wide fundraisers for Allen Elementary
6.BB. Consider/Approve Betsy Layne Elementary Memorandum of Agreement with Mountain Comprehensive Care Center to provide services to students through the 'Healing-Shifting Boundaries" Program throughout the 2024-2025 year
7. Executive Session to Discuss (Litigation, Property, Personnel, and Expulsions), KRS 61.810
8. Adjournment