Covington Independent
October 10, 2024 5:30 PM
Covington Board of Education Regular Working Meeting
I. Call to Order
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
II. Roll Call
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Board Members
IV. Welcome and Board Chair Comments
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
V. Public Input
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair

Members of the public may address the Board during the period set aside by the Board without submitting an item for the agenda. No action shall be taken during this portion of the meeting on issues raised by employees or the public unless deemed an emergency by the Board. Please note: Comments are asked to refrain from personal remarks in which an individual is named. Comments are limited to two minutes unless extended by the board chair. Critical comments or complaints are processed through the District’s complaint procedures. Questions and concerns will be addressed by the Board through various venues, including, but not limited to, the district website and e-mail.

VI. District Recognition and Presentations
Board Member
VI.1. Young Scholars Academy (YSA) Student Presentations
YSA Students
VI.2. Certified Employee ~ Ms. Kristi Colwell

VI.3. Classified Employee ~ Ms. Kate Volpenhein

VI.4. Volunteer of the Month ~ Ms. Rachel Garvey

VII. Informational Items (Action Possible)
VII.1. Sixth District Elementary Annual Update

Sixth District Elementary administration and staff will report to the Board their annual update to the Board. 

VII.2. School Council Meeting Minutes ~ September

Pursuant to Policy 02.423, School Council Meetings (SBDM), a copy of the minutes of each council meeting shall be forwarded by the Principal to the Superintendent who shall keep the Board informed of the council actions. 




VII.3. Personnel Actions
Mr. Ken Kippenbrock, Executive Director of Human Resources

The personnel actions listed on the exhibit have taken place since the board meeting of September 12, 2024.

VII.4. 2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results
Mr. Bill Grein, Director

The 2023-2024 KSA test scores were embargoed until October 3, 2024.  Attached are the three documents that we went over regarding each schools' results.  I will give a brief overview for each school and answer any questions you may have.

VIII. Report of the Treasurer
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance
VIII.1. BG5 on BG20-088 Guaranteed Energy Savings Project
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

The Kentucky Department of Education requires Covington Independent Public Schools to approve the BG-5 Form to reflect the final project cost. After the BG-5 is approved with KDE, the unspent residual funds that are available can be used for other BG-1 capital projects.  This project doesn’t have any residual funds left as the district did a revised BG1 based on actuals.  Please see the attached BG-5 Form. 

IX. Consent Agenda
IX.1. Approval of Minutes ~ September 26, 2024 Regular Working Meeting

Pursuant to CIPS Policy 01.4, Meetings; the minutes of Board meetings shall constitute the official written record of Board deliberations and actions. Board minutes shall only become official after they have been approved by the Board at a subsequent meeting and immediately thereafter have been signed by the secretary and the presiding officer. However, prior to approval of the minutes, the Board may amend or correct them in order to assure they are accurate.

IX.2. School-Related Field Trip ~ Washington D.C., January 16-20, 2025
Mr. Jon Hopkins, Holmes High School Counselor

The field trip to Washington, D.C. to attend the Presidential Inauguration can be a transformative experience for our students and adults educationally and personally:

  • Civic Engagement: Witnessing the peaceful transition of power firsthand fosters a deep understanding of democracy and civic responsibility.

  • Historical Perspective: Students can gain a tangible connection to history by being part of a significant national event.

  • Government and Politics: Observing the inauguration process provides insights into the workings of the U.S. government and political system.

  • Critical Thinking: Analyzing the speeches, ceremonies, and overall atmosphere encourages critical thinking and discussion about current events.

  • Inspiration: Experiencing the energy and excitement of the inauguration can inspire students to pursue their own goals and aspirations.

  • Cultural Awareness: Interacting with people from diverse backgrounds can broaden students' perspectives and promote cultural understanding.

  • Life Skills: Managing logistics, navigating crowds, and problem-solving in a new environment develops valuable life skills.

  • Memory Making: The inauguration can create lasting memories and a sense of shared experience with peers.

Overall, attending a presidential inauguration can be a powerful learning experience that shapes students' understanding of the world and their place in it.

IX.3. Fundraiser Request ~ Ninth District Elementary Boo Fest

Pursuant to CIPS policy 09.33 Fund Raising Activities, Board approval is required for all school-wide fundraising activities.  This money will be used incentives & testing t-shirts.

IX.4. Leave of Absence Request ~ Employee #3833
Ken Kippenbrock, Executive Director of Human Resources

Employee #3833 has requested a LOA beginning 10/09/2024 and returning 10/24/2024.  Leave will be fully paid. 

IX.5. Leave of Absence Request ~ Employee #6626
Ken Kippenbrock, Executive Director of Human Resources

Employee #6626 has requested FMLA - beginning 11/25/2024 and returning 01/07/2025. Employee will be partially paid.  

IX.6. Affordable Language Interpreter Services Contract Renewal
Dr. Susan Pastor-Richard, Director of Exceptional Children

Renewal of Covington Independent Public Schools' contract with Affordable Languages.  Affordable Languages provides interpreting services for our district to communicate with our non-English and non-Spanish speaking families.  Services are on-demand, video interpretation, live interpretation, and translation of documents.  There is no charge unless we use the services.  

IX.7. Affordable Language Special Education-Related Services Contract
Dr. Sarah Graman, Director of Special Education

Request for approval to enter into a contract with Affordable Language Services for interpreting and translating.  This contract is specifically for special education-related services, including student evaluation and parent portions of student evaluations, Admissions and Release Committee meetings, and related materials for special education purposes only. 

The rates and conditions of this contract are the same as the existing contract that has previously been approved for Covington Independent Public Schools but allows for a separate account that can be billed separately for special education-specific purposes to the IDEA B grant funding.

IX.8. Kelly Twehues, LLC Therapy Contract
Dr. Sarah Graman, Director of Special Education

Request for approval of a contract for services with Kelly Twehues, LLC. This company provides certified/licensed professionals for Occupational, Physical, and Speech/Language Therapy services on an "as needed" basis for students with disabilities according to their Individualized Education Programs. 

We have contracted with KTL in the past, including last school year, and the rates for services have not increased since the previous year.  These services are only requested and provided when the need for service exceeds the amount that can be provided by current employees due to caseload limits or time constraints. 

X. Individual Approval Agenda Items
X.1. Northern Kentucky University Young Scholars Academy (YSA) ~ 2025-2031 Memorandum of Understanding

The purpose of this MOU is to outline the collaboration of the Parties in developing and operating the regional model for YSA. Northern Kentucky University and NKCES are aligned in their aspirations to be nationally recognized for being student-ready and regionally-engaged campuses that empower diverse learners for economic and social mobility. In support of student success, this continued innovative approach provides students with a clear path to their educational success through an early college Academy. Research indicates that high school students enrolled in early colleges are significantly more likely to graduate from high school, enroll in college, and complete a four-year degree.

The Young Scholars Academy is model for the region, the Commonwealth, and the country as an innovative partnership between P-12 and post-secondary schools to benefit students. The YSA will continue to be housed on NKU’s Highland Heights campus.

The Initial Term of this MOU shall be August 1, 2025 through July 31, 2031.

XI. Addendum Agenda (Action Possible)
XII. Superintendent Report
Mr. Alvin Garrison, Superintendent
XIII. Report of the Attorney
Ms. Mary Ann Stewart, Board Attorney
XIV. Board Member Discussion
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
XV. Board Member Comments
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
XVI. Upcoming Events
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair

October 15 ~ Community Advisory Team (CAT) Meeting, 6 p.m. at Ninth District Elementary

October 24 ~ Regular Board Meeting, 5:30 p.m., 25 E. 7th Street

October 25 ~ Ninth District Viking Boo Fest, 7 p.m. at Ninth District Elementary

November 5 ~ Staff Planning Day, No Students

November 6 ~ Election Day, Schools and Offices Closed

November 7 ~ Regular Board Meeting, 5:30 p.m., 25 E. 7th Street

November 12 ~ Community Advisory Team (CAT) Meeting, 6 p.m. at Latonia Elementary

November 21 ~ Regular Board Meeting, 5:30 p.m., 25 E. 7th Street

February 21-23, 2025 ~ KSBA 2025 Annual Conference, Galt House, Louisville

Visit for all athletic schedules.  GO BULLDOGS!  

XVII. Executive Session

Pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) the Board may go into executive session.

XVIII. Adjournment
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair