Marion County
May 09, 2024 5:30 PM
Board of Education - Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Approve/Amend May 09, 2024 Board Meeting Agenda
II. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence
III. Communications
III.A. Student Recognition

PSAT- MCHS Junior, Will Blake scored a perfect 1520

GEAR UP Kentucky 2023-24 Student of the Year for MCHS- Sophomore, Andrew Mattingly


STLP Awards

GES- Sponsor Lee Morgeson

2nd place Digital Photo Essay - Brayden Morgeson

WMES- Sponsor April Montgomery

1st place- Media Literacy Awareness (all 3rd grade classes)

1st place- RCX Extreme Challenge Robotics Autonomous/Coding  - Preslee Gordon, Aaron Boone, Weston Trailor, Layla Fisher

2nd place- PSA - Damien Wayne, Fenyx Wayne, Drew Mudd, Owen Smith, Josiah Buckler

2nd place- UK Engineering Minds on Innovation - Shelby Wiley, Skylar Smith, Cannon Bickett, Pressley Downs

CES- Sponsor Stephanie Keeling

2nd place in Digital photography - Kinley Willett 

1st Place Georgetown Robotics Use - Colton Spalding, Bo Hutchins, Cole Rakes, Liam Hardin and Caroline Terrell 

1st place in RCX Extreme Challenge Robotics Remote Control - Jase Cox, Braydin Buckman, Kager Hardin, and Sawyer Walston 

III.B. Staff Recognition

GEAR UP Kentucky 2023-24 Outstanding Educator of the Year for MCHS- English Teacher, Troy Costisick

2024 CKEC Teacher of the Year for Marion County- LES ECE Teacher, Michael Wright 

2024 CKEC Deeper Learning Innovative Educator-

Gifted & Talented Coordinator/Resource Teacher, Lesli VanWhy



III.C. Public Comment

April Essex

III.D. Superintendent Report (Attachment #1)
III.E. NTI Data and Academic Update Report
III.F. Compass Security Solutions
III.G. Attendance & Enrollment Report
III.H. Finance Report
IV. Student Learning Services
IV.A. Consider approval of FY25 Emergency/Provisional Certification for teachers & substitute teachers
IV.B. Consider approval of 2024-25 Student Code of Conduct
V. Student Support Services
V.A. Consider approval of Pay Application #1 and associated DPOs from Central Kentucky Glass in the total amount of $11,812.50 for the Marion County Middle School – Partial Window Glazing Replacement, BG 24-120
V.B. Consider approval of Pay App #13 to Griggs Enterprises in the amount of $637,375.04 for work performed and $421,556.43 to vendors for materials on the New Calvary Elementary School BG# 22-052
V.C. Consider approval of Change Order #13 for the New Calvary Elementary School BG# 22-052
V.D. Consider approval of 2023-24 KDE Audit Contract
V.E. Consider approval of FY25 Tentative Budget
V.F. Consider approval of 2024-25 Salary Schedule (Attachment #2)
V.G. Consider approval of 2024-25 School Fees (Attachment #3)
V.H. Consider approval of five (5) extended days for Dana Roney for the 2023-24 school year paid from Glasscock SBDM funds
V.I. Consider acceptance of auctioneering service bids (Attachment #4)
V.J. Consider approval to award auctioneering service bid
V.K. Consider acceptance of Chromebook bids (Attachment #5)
V.L. Consider approval to award the Chromebook bid
V.M. Consider approval of items for Surplus Auction (Attachment #6)
V.N. Consider approval of the 2024-25 Phase Four: (NTI) (Non-Traditional Instruction Continuation of District Learning Plan
V.O. Consider approval of the 2024-25 Phase Four: District Professional Development Plan
V.P. Acknowledgement of field trips

Sponsor and State Officer to National FCCLA Conf. in Seattle, WA - June 28-July 4, 2024

MCKA Jr. Beta to Nationals in Savannah, GA - June 2024

VI. Student Learning & Support Consent Items
VI.A. Approval of minutes

Regular Meeting Minutes 04/11/24

Special Called Finance Corp Meeting 04/11/24

Special Work Session Minutes 04/15/24


VI.B. Approval of payment of bills as presented
VI.C. Approval of use of district property

Marion County DYW Program

VI.D. Approval of 2024-25 Dual Credit Memorandum of Agreement for Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
VI.E. Acceptance of the Summer Boost Grant
VI.F. Acceptance of donation from Ingersoll Rand of an eight gallon gasoline powered air compressor (Model SS3J5.5GH/K)
VI.G. Approval of leave without pay for Rebecca Walker from 3/19/24 through 6/17/24
VI.H. Approval of leave without pay for Jennifer Davis from 4/8/24 through 5/6/24
VI.I. Approval of leave without pay for William Raley from 3/29/24 through 6/21/24
VI.J. Approval of leave without pay for .5 day for Amiee Case on 4/9/24
VI.K. Approval of leave without pay for Amy Brown on 4/19/24
VI.L. Approval of leave without pay for Jackie Lanham on 5/2/24
VI.M. Approval of intermittent leave without pay for Cindy Mills from 4/19/24 through 6/8/24
VII. Acknowledgement of Personnel Actions (Attachment #7)
VIII. Closed session under KRS 61.810(1)(f) for discussion which might lead to the discipline of a student
IX. Open Session
X. Adjournment