Jefferson County
March 01, 2023 2:00 PM
JCPS Audit & Risk Management Committee Meeting
1. Audit & Risk Management Advisory Committee

Audit & Risk Management Advisory Committee

Jefferson County Board of Education

March 1, 2023 – 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

VanHoose Education Center, 3332 Newburg Road

1st Floor Conference Room


This meeting will be conducted via video-teleconference. The primary location for this meeting and where all members can be seen and heard by the public will be the 1st Floor Conference Room, VanHoose Education Center. Members are permitted to attend in-person or via video-teleconference.

  1. Call to Order - Roll call

  2. Approval of the Minutes of the November 3, 2022, meeting

  3. Update on Start Smart proposal – Dr. Chris Perkins, Chief Operating Officer

  4. School Safety Plan – Dr. Katy DeFerrari, Chief of Staff

  5. Internal Audit Update – Jodell Renn, Director of Internal Audit

  6. New Business

  7. Adjournment
