Dawson Springs Independent
October 20, 2014 5:00 PM
Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order and Welcome
2. Roll call

Also present:

3. Approval of the Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #5415 - Motion Passed:  Recommendation to approve the agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Tracy Overby and a second by Mrs. Vicki Allen.

4. Recognition, discussion, communication and report items (No Board Action)
4.A. Recognition of fine art award winners: Gabriel Thomas; 1st Grade, "Scary Crayon Resist" Skye Bratcher; 5th Grade, "Oh, Happy Days" Jacob Messamore; High School, "Radical Design"
4.B. Recognition of exemplary Staff: Tammy Audas; Elementary School Jamie Thorp; Elementary School Joy Cowan; Jr/Sr High School Tana Roberts; Jr/Sr High School
4.C. Communications
4.C.1. Board Member Communications
4.C.2. Citizens and Delegations: This is an opportunity for any citizen or delegation to approach the Board and be heard on any item/issue on the agenda or not on the agenda. (The Board appreciates that the building Principal and/or Superintendent get the opportunity to resolve any issues prior)
4.D. Reports
4.D.1. Elementary Principal's Report
4.D.2. Jr./Sr. High Principal's Report
4.D.3. KPREP Test Results Presentation and Plans for Improvement

Per review of KPREP Results we are happy in some areas with progress made but realize we have many areas to work in. While we earned "Proficient" classification, we are focused on obtaining a "Distinguished" classification. The High School showed gains in achievement gap, growth, and college and career readiness. The area of decline was in graduation rate and that was primarily due to one student receiving a certificate of completion instead of a diploma. Our Middle School is down in all four accountability areas and we will be working to improve those areas through data and assessment monitoring as well as ongoing discussions and training with teachers to include fully utilizing the new PGES System. The Elementary School showed some gains and earned a needs improvement/progressing classification. Areas showing improvement in the Elementary were reading and science while math and writing were the weakest areas. The ongoing data and assessment reviews along with utilizing the PGES system with Teachers will help us grow in the areas where we need the most focus. We realize both Student and Teacher Growth is our number one priority.

4.D.4. Enrollment and Attendance Report
4.D.5. Superintendent's Report

KPREP assessment reviews were shown and discussed in the prior slide show and Q&A session. In regards to resources and support, our general fund balance of $911,403.48 is down $341,675.04 over the same time last year. We believe the adjustments we've made in staffing along with other adjustments will help offset some of this loss at the end of this fiscal year. In the areas of facilities and support, we are in the process of reconvening our Local Planning Committee to revise our facilities plan. We are currently in the process of replacing two "dead" HVAC units on our gymnasium with refunds from a prior bond and also just completed sealing, striping and some asphalt work around our entire campus. The sealing, striping, and asphalt work was desperately needed to avoid major issues in the future.

5. Action Items (Affirmative Motion needed)
5.A. Approval of Treasurer's Report
Actions Taken

Order #5416 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the treasurer's report as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Vicki Allen and a second by Ms. Tracy Overby.


Our general fund balance of $911,403.48 is down $341,675.04 compared to this same time last year. We believe the adjustments we've made in staffing along with other adjustments will help offset some of prior decreases we've seen at the end of the fiscal year.

6. Student Learning and Support Consent Items
Actions Taken

Order #5417 - Motion Passed:  Approval of consent agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Tracy Overby and a second by Mrs. Vicki Allen.

6.A. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes for September 22, 2014 Board Meeting.
6.B. Approval of Payment of Bills and Salaries
6.C. Acknowledge Notification of Personnel Actions: Hired: Kyle Chappell- HS Boys Asst. Basketball Coach
6.D. Approval of Superintendent expenses
6.E. Approval of Cross Country team members and coaches who qualify for state cross country meet to attend overnight trip to attend state championship meet November 8th.
6.F. Approval of district-wide PTO fundraiser to sell Dawson Springs Panthers t-shirts and sweatshirts
7. Approval to enter into closed session per KRS 61.810 to discuss proposed or pending litigation against or on behalf of the school district and deliberations on the future acquisition or sale of real property.
Actions Taken

Order #5418 - Motion Passed:  Approval to enter into closed session per KRS 61.810 to discuss proposed or pending litigation against or on behalf of the school district and deliberations on the future acquisition or sale of real property passed with a motion by Mrs. Vicki Allen and a second by Ms. Tracy Overby.

8. Approval to exit closed session and resume regular board meeting.
Actions Taken

Order #5419 - Motion Passed:  Approval to exit closed session and resume regular board meeting passed with a motion by Mrs. Vicki Allen and a second by Ms. Tracy Overby.

9. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #5420 - Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Ms. Tracy Overby and a second by Mrs. Vicki Allen.