Public Hearing: County Tax Rates
The Public Hearing for the Ohio County Tax rates was conducted and open to the public. There were not concerns on this topic. Meeting was open and concluded with no objections. Sign in sheet attached to minutes.
Call to Order Judge Executive David Johnston
Prayer and Pledge to American Flag
Approve August 8, 2023 Minutes
Motion Passed: Approved August 8, 2023 Minutes passed with a motion by Kenneth Calloway and a second by Michael McKenney.
Motion Amendment for January 24, 2023 Minutes
Motion Passed: Approved to amend a motion referring to the January 24, 2023 Fiscal Court minutes in which a motion to accept the check from the Sheriff's Department. To read as follows:Approved to accept the check from the Sheriff's Department in the amount of $56,770.02 from Sheriff's Drug Fund account(2022 Beatty Determination of funds) to be redirected into the Sheriff's Department Capitol Outlay to satisfy the prior year audit findings passed with a motion by Jason Bullock and a second by Bo Bennett.
Bills, Claims, Payments and Transfers
Motion Passed: Bills, Claims, Payments, Transfers and Late list stand approved as presented passed with a motion by Kenneth Calloway and a second by Michael McKenney.
Sheriff Quarterly Fee Account
Motion Passed: Acknowledged having received the Sheriff's Quarterly Fee Account passed with a motion by Jason Bullock and a second by Larry Morphew.
Ohio County Public Library Tax Rates
Motion Passed: Acknowledged having received the Ohio County Public Library Tax rates for 2023-2024 Real at 9.4%, Personal 9.4% passed with a motion by Jason Bullock and a second by Kenneth Calloway.
Ordinance 2024-2 Reapportionment
Motion Passed: Approved the first reading of Ordinance 2024-2 Reapportionment passed with a motion by Jason Bullock and a second by Larry Morphew.
Resolution 2024-3 A.R.P.A.
Motion Passed: Approved A.R.P.A. Resolution 2024-3 see attached passed with a motion by Kenneth Calloway and a second by Michael McKenney.
ARPA for Father's House
Motion Passed: Approved to authorize County Treasurer to issue check(s) to vendors for the Father's House project from A.R.P.A. passed with a motion by Michael McKenney and a second by Kenneth Calloway.
Resolution 2024-4 HB1
Motion Passed: Approved Resolution 2024-4 HB1 see attached passed with a motion by Kenneth Calloway and a second by Larry Morphew.
Resolution 2024-5 CDBG OCWD
Motion Passed: Approved Resolution 2024-5 CDBG OCWD see attached passed with a motion by Jason Bullock and a second by Michael McKenney.
Resolution 2024-6 SLCGP Cyber Security Grant
Motion Passed: Approved Resolution 2024-6 SLCGP Cyber Security Grant see attached passed with a motion by Kenneth Calloway and a second by Jason Bullock.
Closed Session Under KRS 61.810 Chapter 1 Section F
Motion Passed: Approved Closed Session Under KRS 61.810 Chapter 1 Section F passed with a motion by Larry Morphew and a second by Kenneth Calloway.
Return from Closed Session
Motion Passed: Approved to return from Closed Session with no motions having been made passed with a motion by Kenneth Calloway and a second by Larry Morphew.
Fire Sirens
Motion Passed: Approved to rescind all bids from the July 25, 2023 Fiscal court meeting in which Weather Siren bids were accepted. Sirens will be re-bid with new specs to meet the grant guidelines passed with a motion by Kenneth Calloway and a second by Bo Bennett.
Senior Center Personnel
Motion Passed: Approved Senior Center personnel new hire of Amy Mode as part time sub meal driver at $13.53 per hour effective August 20, 2023 passed with a motion by David Johnston.
Western Kentucky Regional Blood Center Donation
Motion Passed: Approved to make a contribution to the Western Kentucky Regional Blood Center in the amount of $500.00 for their scholarship program for seniors. Funds to be slit from each magistrate and the Judge Executive's Discretionary in the amount of $83.33 each. Authorize County Treasurer to issue check passed with a motion by Larry Morphew and a second by Kenneth Calloway.
Tri Axle Truck
Motion Passed: Approved Tri Axle truck bid for the Road Department from World Wide Equipment for a 2024 Mack GR654F in the amount of $203,766.00. Authorize County Treasurer to issue check(s) passed with a motion by Kenneth Calloway and a second by Larry Morphew.
Coroner's Office
Committee Reports
Magistrate's Comments and Requests
District 1 - Magistrate Michael McKenney
District 2 - Magistrate Jason Bullock
Magistrate serves on the Community Mental health Committee: A Suicide Awareness walk will take place September 9, 2023 at the Ohio County Park.
District 3 - Magistrate Bo Bennett
District 4 - Magistrate Kenneth Calloway
District 5 - Magistrate Larry Morphew
Citizen's Comments