Covington Independent
September 26, 2024 5:30 PM
Covington Board of Education Business Meeting
I. Call to Order
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
II. Roll Call
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Board Members
IV. Welcome and Board Chair Comments
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
V. Public Input
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair

Members of the public may address the Board during the period set aside by the Board without submitting an item for the agenda. No action shall be taken during this portion of the meeting on issues raised by employees or the public unless deemed an emergency by the Board. Please note: Comments are asked to refrain from personal remarks in which an individual is named. Comments are limited to two minutes unless extended by the board chair. Critical comments or complaints are processed through the District’s complaint procedures. Questions and concerns will be addressed by the Board through various venues, including, but not limited to, the district website and e-mail.

VI. Informational Items (Action Possible)
VI.1. Northern Kentucky University Young Scholars Academy (YSA) ~ 2025-2031 Memorandum of Understanding

The purpose of this MOU is to outline the collaboration of the Parties in developing and operating the regional model for YSA. Northern Kentucky University and NKCES are aligned in their aspirations to be nationally recognized for being student-ready and regionally-engaged campuses that empower diverse learners for economic and social mobility. In support of student success, this continued innovative approach provides students with a clear path to their educational success through an early college Academy. Research indicates that high school students enrolled in early colleges are significantly more likely to graduate from high school, enroll in college, and complete a four-year degree.

The Young Scholars Academy is model for the region, the Commonwealth, and the country as an innovative partnership between P-12 and post-secondary schools to benefit students. The YSA will continue to be housed on NKU’s Highland Heights campus.

The Initial Term of this MOU shall be August 1, 2025 through July 31, 2031.

VII. Report of the Treasurer
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance
VII.1. FY25 Working Budget
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

The Board of Education is required to approve a close estimate Working Budget for all funds by September 30th of each year.   Each of the funds is balanced with anticipated expenditures equaling anticipated revenue.  Special Revenue includes all new projects for FY2025.  School Activity Fund, Capital Outlay Fund, Building Fund, Debt Service Fund, Food Service Fund, and Daycare Fund are also presented in this Working Budget.

VII.2. Monthly Financials ~ August
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Budget Narrative for August FY2025 monthly financial statement:


  1. General fund (fund 1) – as of 8/31/24, revenue received of 18.1 million with expenses of 4.3 million.
  2. Special revenue (fund 2) – as of 8/31/24, revenue received of 2.6 million with expenses of 3.1 million. Many grants in fund 2 are on a reimbursement basis. Money is requested after the expenses have occurred. There is a delay on receiving fund 2 revenue.
  3. School Activity Fund (fund 25) – as of 8/31/24 revenue received of $208,000 with expenses of $1,300.This fund was set up end of FY20 due to a new GASB standard that went into effect.
  4. Capital outlay (fund 310) - as of 8/31/24, revenue received of $162,665 with expenses of $0. The state does not provide all the capital outlay funding until the end of the fiscal year. This fund is used to pay the district’s bond payments. Bond payments occur throughout the whole fiscal year under fund 400 (new for FY’13 per KDE). Money will be transferred out of capital outlay into the debt service fund throughout the fiscal year.
  5. Building fund (fund 320) - as of 8/31/24, revenue received of $399,000 with expenses of $0. This fund is used to pay the district’s bond payments. Bond payments occur throughout the whole fiscal year under fund 400 (new for FY’13 per KDE).Money will be transferred out of building fund into the debt service fund throughout the fiscal year.
  6. Construction fund (fund 360) - as of 8/31/24, revenue received of 1.3 million with expenses of $793,000. This fund is used to pay for the district’s construction projects.
  7. Debt Service fund (fund 400) – as of 8/31/24, revenue received of $0 with expenses of $816,000. See detailed explanation under capital outlay and building fund.
  8. Food service fund (fund 51) – as of 8/31/24, revenue received of $751,000 with expenses of $186,000.
  9. Daycare fund (originally fund 50 – switched to fund 52 per KDE) – as of 8/31/24, revenue received of $40,000 with expenses of $12,000. Revenue comes in throughout the fiscal year.

Completed 9/4/24 by Annette Burtschy



VII.3. Warrant Expenditure Report
Ms. Annette Burtschy, Director of Finance

Pursuant to Policy 04.3111, the treasurer shall prepare warrants or “Orders of the Treasurer” to be acted upon at each regular Board meeting. The Board shall give subsequent approval to all budgeted disbursements made between meetings of the Board. Disbursements shall only be made on invoices for purchases made in accordance with District policy and procedures.

VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.1. Approval of Minutes ~ September 12, 2024 Regular Working Meeting
VIII.2. Fundraiser Request ~ Holmes Middle School Fall and Spring Fling Dance

Pursuant to CIPS policy 09.33 Fund Raising Activities, Board approval is required for all school-wide fundraising activities.  These fundraisers will be to raise money for the PBIS store.


VIII.3. Fundraiser Request ~ Holmes High School Media Arts
Media Arts Teacher

Pursuant to CIPS policy 09.33 Fund Raising Activities, Board approval is required for all school-wide fundraising activities. Media Arts students will be selling t-shirts, banners, signage, wall art, flyers, stickers, brochures to raise money for the group and student incentives.

VIII.4. Amendment to Salary Schedule ~ Stipends Request(s)
Mr. Ken Kippenbrock, Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations

1) That the board approves a stipend in the amount of $550 for Threat Response Trainers. This districtwide team of four trains every employee in the district annually and serves as a resource to enhance the safety of each facility. This requires preparation and meeting with the Safe Schools Coordinator outside of the regular job descriptions of those assigned.

2) That the board approves a stipend in the amount of $2,100 for the Title IX Coordinator and Title IX Deputy Coordinator. Due to the significant expansion of Title IX and the complex legal regulations, this job requires work outside of the regular job descriptions of those assigned.

VIII.5. Leave of Absence Request ~ Employee #6239
Ken Kippenbrock, Executive Director of Human Resources

Employee # 6239 has requested FMLA beginning 07/26/2024 and returning 10/28/2024.  Leave will be fully paid.

VIII.6. Leave of Absence Request ~ Employee #6748
Ken Kippenbrock, Executive Director of Human Resources

Employee # 6748 has requested FMLA beginning 07/29/2024 and returning 10/21/2024.  Leave will be partially paid. 

VIII.7. Special Education Request for Shortened School Days
Dr. Sarah Graman, Director of Special Education

Dr. Sarah Graman, Director of Special Education, is requesting approval for shortened school days for two students with disabilities.  

The Admissions and Release Committees have determined that these students require shortened days for the following reasons:

One elementary student with a history of behavior difficulties that constitute a safety concern.  The team is working on transitioning back to in–person attendance.

One high school student who has displayed behaviors that create a safety concern and difficulties managing symptoms of mental health disorders.

IX. Individual Approval Agenda Items
IX.1. 2024-2025 Covington Partners Memorandum Of Understanding

The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to identify expectations and establish terms governing the continued collaboration between Covington Partners and the Covington Independent Public School District for the 2024-2025 school year.

This agreement is entered into between Covington Partners, a non-profit corporation organized under Kentucky law, and Covington Independent School District (herein the “District” or “Board”), a public school district organized under Kentucky law. The collaboration between Covington Partners and the District is to implement and administer out of school programming, mentoring, and family engagement programming to benefit the students, parents, and community who reside within the Covington Independent Public School District.

X. Addendum Agenda (Action Possible)
XI. Report of the Attorney
Ms. Mary Ann Stewart, Board Attorney
XII. Board Member Discussion
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
XIII. Board Member Comments
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair
XIV. Upcoming Events
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair

October 4 ~ Professional Development Day, Schools Closed 

October 7 ~ Schools Closed

October 8 ~ Staff Planning Day

October 10, 2024 ~ Regular Board Meeting, 5:30 p.m., 25 E. 7th Street

October 15, 2024 ~ Community Advisory Team (CAT) Meeting, 6 p.m. at Ninth District Elementary

October 24, 2024 ~ Regular Board Meeting, 5:30 p.m., 25 E. 7th Street

October 25, 2024 ~ Ninth District Viking Boo Fest, 7 p.m. at Ninth District Elementary

February 21-23, 2025 ~ KSBA 2025 Annual Conference, Galt House, Louisville

Visit for all athletic schedules.  GO BULLDOGS!  

XV. Executive Session

Pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) the Board may go into executive session.

XVI. Adjournment
Mr. Tom Haggard, Board Chair