Pikeville High School
May 14, 2024 4:30 PM
School Based Decision Making Council Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Community Grant Report

The Community Grant team has been heavily involved with state and national testing over the past few weeks.

III. Public Comment

Mrs. Pam Ryan inquired about the PHS ESPYs Awards program after receiving questions from parents. Mr. Blackburn explained the thought process and decision to take a year to see where PHS would like to go in regards to recognizing the programs, athletes, and coaches due to a variety of factors and input from several involved with the event.

Mrs. Ryan also sought clarification in regards to the path for students interested in Honors Physics. Mrs. Mullins spoke to the issue and showed the offering for students and explained the path for students involved.

Mrs. Ryan also shared some thoughts from parents who were concerned about the opportunities and activities for Junior High students. Mr. Blackburn and Mrs. Webb spoke to the myriad of activities and events which have been provided for PJHS students and plans for the future including the possibility of implementing a break time for Junior High Students as their lunch is relatively early in the day.

IV. Action/Consent Items
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve all action/consent items as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Ginger Mullins and a second by Mrs. Pam Ryan.

IV.a. Approval of Agenda
IV.b. Approval of Minutes
V. Action/Discussion Items
V.a. Wavier of Holdback Policy (Deadline Extension)
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Pam Ryan and a second by Ms. Shana Webb and the consensus of the council.

VI. Information/Review Items
VI.a. Budget Report

Mr. Blackburn shared that the budget report will be available at the next meeting as there are several outstanding purchase orders as the school works to get all final purchases in by the end of the month.

VI.b. Principal's Report

Mr. Blackburn shared the principal’s report to the council as well as consulted the council on the updated fundraising schedule for school programs which can be viewed on the school’s website.

VII. Closed Session

Enter Closed Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (f)

VIII. Return To Regular Session
IX. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Mrs. Pam Ryan and a second by Mrs. April Hall and the consensus of the council.