Pikeville High School
March 12, 2024 4:30 PM
School Based Decision Making Council Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Public Comment

Mrs. Ryan shared praise that she had received from both students and community members of Mr. Burchett's level of commitment and support to Pikeville High School.


Mrs. April Hall voiced some concerns she had received about some of the high school bathrooms being locked and causing issues for students trying to use the restroom between classes and make it to class on time. Mr. Blackburn explained that all bathrooms should be unlocked soon upon the conclusion of the ACT as the noise from the bathrooms near testing locations was a potential distraction.

III. Community Grant Report

Mrs. Dawn Stewart shared information and updates regarding Digital Learning Coaches presenting at KYSTE, the Leader in Me program, and the Lighthouse Team.

IV. Action/Consent Items
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve all action/consent items as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. April Hall and a second by Mrs. Ginger Mullins and the consensus of the council.

IV.a. Approval of Agenda
IV.b. Approval of Minutes
V. Action/Discussion Items
V.a. Second Reading of Yearbook Selection Criteria Policy
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Pam Ryan and a second by Mrs. Ginger Mullins and the consensus of the council.


The Council reviewed the proposed Yearbook Selection Criteria Policy which was updated after the previous SBDM Council meeting by the Academic Performance Committee. The council reviewed the updated version of the policy.

A motion was made by Mrs. Ryan to approve the Yearbook Selection Criteria Policy as presented. There was a 2nd to the motion by Mrs. Mullins.

VI. Information/Review Items
VI.a. Budget Report

Mr. Blackburn shared the updated budget spreadsheet for the council’s viewing.

VI.b. Principal's Report

Mr. Blackburn shared the attached principal’s report to the council as well as consulted the council on the updated fundraising schedule for school programs which can be viewed on the school’s website.

VII. Closed Session

Enter Closed Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (f)

VIII. Return To Regular Session
VIII.a. Hiring of New Position(s)
IX. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Mrs. Pam Ryan and a second by Ms. Yvette Triplett and the consensus of the council.