Call to Order
Public Comment
Mr. Brandon Blackburn and Mrs. Ginger Mullins spoke to concerns regarding the current program sequencing for math classes and the rationale behind recent changes indicating that the changes are intended to give students more flexibility in how they can complete their math course load during their time at PHS.
Community Grant Report
Mr. Brian Hobbs (digital learning coach) reported on some of the activities of the DLCs including information on activities with the Artificial Intelligence committee, lighthouse teams, ACT Bootcamps, Kagan strategy training, and the reality store. (Attach Graphic)
Mrs. Dawn Stewart shared information regarding student council plans at PES, Pikeville Junior High, and PHS.
Action/Consent Items
Motion Passed: Motion to approve all action/consent items as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Pam Ryan and a second by Mrs. Ginger Mullins and the consensus of the council.
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes
Action/Discussion Items
FRYSC SBDM/Principal Agreement
Amanda Hartsock
Motion Passed: passed with a motion by Mrs. April Hall and a second by Mrs. Pam Ryan and the consensus of the council.
First Reading of Yearbook Selection Criteria Policy
The Council reviewed the proposed Yearbook Selection Criteria Policy which was developed by the Academic Performance Committee. Mrs. Hall raised concerns about the limitation of the number of students being set at twelve for the 2024-25 school year. Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Triplett also sought clarification on how many teacher evaluations would be submitted and by which teachers. There was no action taken.
Allocations for 2024-2025 School Year
Motion Passed: passed with a motion by Ms. Shana Webb and a second by Mrs. Pam Ryan and the consensus of the council.
Information/Review Items
Budget Report
Mr. Blackburn shared the updated budget spreadsheet for the council’s viewing.
Principal's Report
Mr. Blackburn shared the principal’s report to the council as well as consulted the council on the updated fundraising schedule for school programs which can be viewed on the school’s website.
Closed Session
Enter Closed Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (f)
Motion Passed: Approve entering into closed session (general nature of business), (reason for the closed session) pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (?) to passed with a motion by Ms. Shana Webb and a second by Mrs. Pam Ryan and the consensus of the council.
Return To Regular Session
Motion Passed: passed with a motion by Ms. Yvette Triplett and a second by Ms. Shana Webb and the consensus of the council.
Hiring of New Position
Motion Passed: Junior High Softball: Steve Johnson (Head Coach), Erika Conn, Ronald Conn, and Billy Paul Rowe
High School Baseball: Shane Simpkins (Head Coach), Lukas C. Burchett, Drew Martin, Tanner Sampson, and Ryan McCoy
High School Boys’ Volleyball: Robert Orem and Haley Hamilton
passed with a motion by Ms. Yvette Triplett and a second by Ms. Shana Webb and the consensus of the council.
Motion Passed: Approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Mrs. Pam Ryan and a second by Ms. Shana Webb and the consensus of the council.