Pikeville High School
November 14, 2023 4:30 PM
School Based Decision Making Council Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Public Comment

Mrs. Shana Webb brought up a concern shared by some Junior High teachers in regards to 7th & 8th Grade Lab classes. Through conversations, she said some have observed that it may be worth visiting the idea of the ability to move in and out of Lab classes more frequently than current policy to help some struggling students not in a Lab class and the issue of behavior problems for those who no longer may need the additional support in the Lab class. Mrs. Mullins explained the situation from the perspective of the guidance office, but voiced support for looking at the data available to see if a possible change is feasible and/or necessary.

Mrs. April Hall requested information on policies in place regarding new hires and for volunteers related to guidelines for and expectations of behavior of those working with students in the school system. Mr. Blackburn explained, to the council, the current programs and trainings in place for all employees and volunteers including annual trainings required by the school district in addition to programs for new hires such as the mentor program.

III. Community Grant Report

Mr. Brian Hobbs (digital learning coach) reported on some of the activities of the DLCs including recent professional development sessions on Nearpod and Blended Learning strategies as well as some other classroom collaboration activities at PHS and PES.

Mrs. Sherry Lane gave an update on some activities of the guidance department, primarily about the daily student counseling sessions that have been ongoing.

IV. Action/Consent Items
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve all action/consent items as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Pam Ryan and a second by Mrs. Ginger Mullins and the consensus of the council.

IV.a. Approval of Agenda
IV.b. Approval of Minutes
V. Action/Discussion Items
VI. Information/Review Items
VI.a. Budget Report

Mr. Blackburn shared the updated spreadsheet for the council’s viewing.

VI.b. Principal's Report

Mr. Blackburn shared the principal’s report to the council as well as consulted the council on additions to the fundraising schedule for school programs which can be viewed on the school’s website.

VII. Closed Session

Enter Closed Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (f)

VIII. Return To Regular Session
VIII.a. Hiring of New Positions
IX. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Mrs. Pam Ryan and a second by Ms. Shana Webb and the consensus of the council.