Pikeville High School
April 09, 2024 4:30 PM
School Based Decision Making Council Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Public Comment

Mrs. Pam Ryan mentioned there was discussion among the Basketball Boosters about separating the Junior High and High School accounts. Mr. Blackburn explained that decision is up to the Booster officers.

Mrs. April Hall explained she had received messages from parents who were concerned with dress code policy enforcement. Mr. Blackburn informed the council about the measures being implemented by administration in order to fairly and consistently enforce the dress code such as several intercom announcements, checks at the door, and measurements for those thought to be in violation of the dress code.

III. Community Grant Report

Mr. Brian Hobbs reported about the activities ongoing with the Community Grant Report

  • -Leader in Me
  • -Lighthouse Teams visited Floyd County Schools
  • -8th Grade Constitution
  • -Reality Store (8th & 12th Grades)
  • -Kagan Training
  • -Eclipse Academy at PES

Mrs. Sherry Lane gave an update about the Parent Academy presentation by the Kentucky Center for School Safety in the PHS Library.

IV. Action/Consent Items
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve all action/consent items as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Pam Ryan and a second by Mrs. Ginger Mullins and the consensus of the council.

IV.a. Approval of Agenda
IV.b. Approval of Minutes
V. Action/Discussion Items
VI. Information/Review Items
VI.a. Budget Report

Mr. Blackburn shared the updated budget spreadsheet for the council’s viewing.

VI.b. Principal's Report

Mr. Blackburn shared the principal’s report to the council as well as consulted the council on the updated fundraising schedule for school programs which can be viewed on the school’s website.

VII. Closed Session

Enter Closed Session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (f)

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approve entering into closed session (general nature of business), (reason for the closed session) pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1) (?) to passed with a motion by Mrs. Pam Ryan and a second by Mrs. April Hall.

VIII. Return To Regular Session
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Pam Ryan and a second by Ms. Shana Webb and the consensus of the council.

VIII.a. Hiring of New Position(s)
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mrs. Pam Ryan and a second by Ms. Shana Webb and the consensus of the council.


After exiting the closed session, Mr. Blackburn presented the hires of:

Junior High Baseball- Robbie Wright (Head Coach), Bud Newsome, Mark Reed, and Chase Huffman.

There was a motion made by Mrs. Ryan to acknowledge the new hires as presented. There was a 2nd to the motion made by Mrs. Webb.

The motion was passed by a unanimous vote.

IX. Adjournment
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Ms. Shana Webb and a second by Mrs. Ginger Mullins and the consensus of the council.