Jefferson County
June 23, 2014 7:00 PM
Regular Meeting
I. Moment of Silence

Welcome to the June 23, 2014, meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education.

JCBE Meeting Videos

Audio:6 23 2014 Board Meeting

Please join us for our traditional moment of silence.

II. The Pledge of Allegiance

Please join us for the Pledge of Allegiance.

II.A. Vision Statement

III. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings

The minutes of the June 10, 2014, regular meeting and June 13, 2014, special meeting are presented for your review and approval.


NOTE: The June 10 minutes are pending

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the minutes of the June 10, 2014, regular meeting and June 13, 2014, special meeting.

Actions Taken

Order #88 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the minutes of the June 10, 2014, regular meeting and June 13, 2014, special meeting. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. Chris Brady and a second by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad.

IV. Recognitions and Resolutions
Recommended Motion

A motion that the Board of Education approve the recognitions and adopt the resolution for June 23, 2014,

Actions Taken

Order #89 - Motion Passed:  A motion that the Board of Education approve the recognitions and adopt the resolution for June 23, 2014, passed with a motion by Mr. Chris Brady and a second by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad.

IV.A. Recognition of Valley High School

In April, Valley High School received its certification for its Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Biomedical Sciences Program.

The purpose of the certification is to guarantee a high-quality PTLW program, to provide opportunities for college-level recognition for eligible students, and to recognize exceptional implementation of the program.

PTLW’s curriculum is aligned to Common Core State Standards for mathematics and English language arts, Next Generation Science Standards, as well as other national and state standards. 

PLTW offers a different way of learning for students and teaching through activity-, project-, and problem-based curriculum. It gives students the opportunity to apply what they know, identify problems, find unique solutions, and lead their own learning.

PLTW provides teachers with the tools necessary to empower and actively engage students in the classroom and to transform the classroom into a collaboration space.

Submitted by: Superintendent Donna Hargens

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education recognize Valley High School for receiving certification from Project Lead The Way for its Biomedical Sciences Program.

IV.B. Recognition of Jeffersontown High School

Jeffersontown High School received accreditation from the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) for its Machine Tool Program. The school’s accreditation is effective from May 9, 2014, through May 9, 2019.

The accreditation is the result of a rigorous examination that determined that Jeffersontown High School’s Machine Tool Program meets the quality standards established by NIMS on behalf of the nation’s precision manufacturing industry.

The purpose of the NIMS national accreditation is to advance the quality of academic and industry training programs as part of a national endeavor to build and maintain a globally competitive workforce.

Submitted by: Superintendent Donna Hargens

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education recognize Jeffersontown High School for receiving accreditation from the National Institute for Metalworking Skills.

IV.C. Resolution in Commemoration of Former Jefferson County Board of Education Chairman Laken Cosby, Jr.

The attached Jefferson County Board of Education resolution honors the memory and commemorates the service of former Jefferson County Board of Education member Laken Cosby, Jr., for his tireless support and lifelong advocacy for civil rights in education.

Submitted by: Superintendent Donna Hargens


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens requests that the Board of Education adopt the attached resolution in commemoration of Former Jefferson County Board of Education Chairman Laken Cosby, Jr.

V. Consent Calendar and Superintendent's Report

Persons requesting to address the Board on a specific agenda item will speak when that item is brought forward.

Speakers who have registered to address the Board of Education on agenda items will be called when that agenda item is brought forward.

Speakers who have registered to address the Board on non-agenda items are heard after the Board has conducted regular business, near the end of the meeting.

Each speaker is allowed three minutes to address the Board. At the end of 2–1/2 minutes, a bell will sound once. You will then have 30 seconds to finish your statement. At the end of three minutes, the bell will sound twice, indicating that your time is up.

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the consent calendar for June 23, 2014.

Actions Taken

Order #90 - Motion Passed:  A motion that the Board of Education approve the consent calendar for June 23, 2014 minus agenda items V.Q.4. and V.X. passed with a motion by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad and a second by Mr. David Jones.

Order #91 - Motion Passed:  A motion that the Board of Education approve Agenda Item V.Q.4. Acceptance of Grant from Norton Healthcare for Certified Athletic Trainers at Various High Schools passed passed with a motion by Mr. David Jones and a second by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad.

Order #92 - Motion Passed:  A motion that the Board of Education approve Agenda Item V.X. Acceptance of District Facilities Plan Hearing Report and Amendment 1 to the District Facility Plan passed passed with a motion by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad and a second by Mrs. Debbie Wesslund.

V.A. Approval of Personnel Actions

Pursuant to KRS 160.380, it is responsibility to report to the Board of Education routine personnel actions that I have taken that affect certified and classified employment.

These actions have been executed in compliance with all Board of Education policies and state and federal laws.

All positions are Board of Education approved positions.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education receive the attached report of the personnel actions that she has taken per KRS 160.380.

V.B. Approval of Certified Leaves of Absence

Pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statutes, leaves of absence must be recommended by the superintendent and approved by the Board of Education.

The following personnel actions are in compliance with federal and state laws and Board policy regarding equal employment opportunities.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the requests for leaves of absence included in the attachment.

V.C. Approval of Job Description

The attached job description for Director Safety and Environmental Services is submitted to delete licensing in pest control and water treatment operation as a minimum qualification.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached job description for Director Safety and Environmental Services.

V.D. Approval of Organizational Charts

The Management Information Services organizational chart is submitted to delete one (1) Technology Support Specialist III and add one (1) Technology Support Specialist II. This move aligns more with the mission and goals of Management Information Services while saving $30,161.17 annually.

The Diversity, Equity, and Poverty Programs and Communications and Community Relations organizational charts are submitted to move the reporting relationship of one (1) Specialist II (Volunteer Talent Center), one (1) Specialist I (Community Information), one (1) Specialist II (SBDM), eight (8) Community Liaisons, one (1) Resource Teacher (195 day), two (2) three (3) Clerk II, and one (1) Specialist Parent Relations from the Executive Director Communications and Community Relations to the Assistant Superintendent Diversity, Equity, and Poverty Programs.

The Data Management, Planning, and Program Evaluation Services Division; Pupil Personnel; and Academic Support Programs organizational charts are submitted to move the reporting relationship of the Director Pupil Personnel from Assistant Superintendent for Academic Support Programs to Chief of Data Management, Planning, and Program Evaluation and move the reporting relationship of Supervisor Attendance Systems Data Control/Student Records, one (1) Secretary II, three (3) Clerk II, and six (6) Records Clerks from Director III (Planning and Program Evaluation) to Chief of Data Management, Planning, and Program Evaluation.

The Planning and Program Evaluation organizational chart is submitted to add one (1) Specialist II (Harvard Strategic Data Project) and delete one (1) Supervisor Attendance Systems Data Control/ Student Records, one (1) Secretary II, three (3) Clerk II, and six (6) Records Clerks.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor

Attachments (Revised 6/23/14)

Note: Rationale revised 6/23/14

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached organizational charts for Management Information Services; Academic Support Programs; and Data Management, Planning, and Program Evaluation.

V.E. Approval of Salary Schedules for the 2014–15 School Year

The attached salary schedules are recommended for approval to establish the district's salary schedules for the 2014–15 school year.

This recommendation pertains to salary schedules for: 

  • Jefferson County Teachers Association (JCTA),
  • Jefferson County Association of Educational Support Personnel/American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees on Behalf of Local 4011 (JCAESP/AFSCME),
  • Service Employees International Union (SEIU),
  • Jefferson County School Nutrition Association (JCSNA),
  • Teamsters Local 783, and
  • JCPS administrators.
The schedules include a state-mandated one percent increase and include step increases for each employee group.

Compensation agreements have been signed by SEIU, JCSNA, and Teamsters Local 783. Negotiations are ongoing with JCTA and JCAESP/AFSCME.

Approval of this recommendation will authorize staff to extend the applicable salary schedules to all district employees effective July 1, 2014.

Per the attached memorandum, Superintendent Donna Hargens requests that, due to our clear strategic priority to push dollars into schools for the direct benefit of students, the Board exercise its discretion to not consider the one percent state-mandated raise for 2014–15, nor any increase in her salary, for the 2014–15 contract year.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached salary schedules for the 2014–15 school year.

V.F. Approval of Compensation Memoranda of Agreement for the 2014–15 School Year

The attached compensation memoranda of agreement for the 2014–15 school year are recommended for approval.

The bargaining teams for the Jefferson County Board of Education have met with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 783, Jefferson County School Nutrition Association (JCSNA), and Service Employees International Union Local 320 (SEIU) and tentatively agreed upon the attached compensation memoranda of agreement.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached compensation memoranda of agreement for the 2014–15 school year.

V.G. Approval of Field Trip Requests

This is a report of field trip requests submitted to the Board of Education on June 23, 2014.

Administrative Regulation 702 KAR 5:060 requires that the use of common-carrier field trips be approved and cited in Board of Education minutes.

Also included are other field trips approved by the superintendent per JCPS Policy IICA.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached report of field trip requests and receive a report of other field trips approved by the superintendent.

V.H. Approval of Bids and Revised BG–1 Forms
V.H.1. Approval of Bid and Revised BG–1 Form for Boiler Replacement at Carrithers Middle School

This project consists of the removal of three gas-fired modular boilers and replacement with two condensing gas-fired boilers and interconnected piping. Electrical work will include power for the boilers, pumps, unit heaters, and miscellaneous conduit for controls.

On July 8, 2013, the Board of Education approved Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for Project 167-14012.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facilities and Environmental Services on June 9, 2014. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education award a contract to Lusk Mechanical Contractors, Inc. for Boiler Replacement at Carrithers Middle School for the low bid of $167,084 plus Alternate 1 for $5,590 for a total bid of $172,674 and approve the attached revised BG–1 form for $197,370.

V.H.2. Approval of Bid and Revised BG–1 Form for Boiler Replacement at Crums Lane Elementary School

This project consists of the removal and replacement of three gas-fired boilers, water heater, air separator, and interconnecting piping. Electrical work includes power supply for the boilers, pumps, water heater, emergency boiler shut-off, and miscellaneous conduit for controls.

On July 8, 2013, the Board of Education approved Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc. to prepare plans and specifications for Project 092-14015.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facilities and Environmental Services on June 9, 2014. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education award a contract to Intertech Mechanical Services, Inc. for Boiler Replacement at Crums Lane Elementary School for the low bid of $149,439 plus Alternate 1 for $21,795 for a total bid of $171,234 and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $195,741.

V.H.3. Approval of Bid and Revised BG–1 Form for Boiler Replacement at Greathouse/Shryock Traditional Elementary School

This project consists of the removal of an existing hot-water boiler and pump and replacement with two new gas-fired condensing type boilers and interconnecting piping. The project also includes some modifications to existing sheet metal ventilation work. The electrical work includes power supply for the new boilers and circulating pumps and miscellaneous conduit for controls.

On July 8, 2013, the Board of Education approved Kerr Greulich Engineers to prepare plans and specifications for Project 013-14011.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facilities and Environmental Services on June 9, 2014. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education award a contract to Hussung Mechanical Contractors, Inc. for Boiler Replacement at Greathouse/Shryock Traditional Elementary School for the low base bid of $136,934 and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $156,000.

V.I. Approval of Contract Completions and BG–4 Forms
V.I.1. Approval of Contract Completion and BG–4 Form for HVAC Renovation Phase I at Coral Ridge Elementary School

On October 8, 2012, the Board of Education approved K. Norman Berry Associates Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 060-13002.

On March 25, 2013, the Board approved awarding a contract to E.H. Construction, LLC. as the low bidder.

K. Norman Berry Associates Architects has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due the contractor.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the contract completion, the attached BG-4 form, and the final payment to E.H. Construction, LLC. for HVAC Renovation Phase I at Coral Ridge Elementary School for a total construction cost of $4,387,627.74.

V.I.2. Approval of Contract Completion and BG-4 Form for Renovation Phase I, Media Center, and Classroom Addition at Rangeland Elementary School

On March 28, 2011, the Board of Education approved McCulloch Associates Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 081-11029.

On January 9, 2012, the Board approved awarding a contract to Parco Constructors Group, LLC as the low bidder.

McCulloch Associates Architects has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due the contractor.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the contract completion, the attached BG-4 form, and final payment to Parco Constructors Group, LLC for Renovation Phase I, Media Center, and Classroom Addition at Rangeland Elementary School for a total construction cost of $4,775,261.11.

V.J. Approval of Construction Change Orders

In accordance with 702 KAR 4:160, the Kentucky Department of Education requires that all change orders shall be approved by local board action. Change order descriptions are included in the attachment.

Please note that a found condition represents any item not anticipated during the design phase of the project; and owner request can be any item approved by Facilities staff, often with principal input, to enhance the overall project.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends the Board of Education approve the construction change orders included in the attachment.

V.K. Approval of Bid Tabulations, Contract Renewals, and Extensions

In accordance with KRS 45A.345-45A.460, these items represent the lowest and/or best bid for each respective item and/or group of items.

The proposals are public record and are on file for inspection in the Purchasing Department.

Copies of the above-reference bid tabulations and amendments are also available on eMeeting.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the following bid tabulations, contract renewals, and extensions:
• Lunchroom Commodities (Warehouse Delivery);
• Lunchroom Commodities (School Delivery);
• Automotive Repair Parts and Service (%);
• Aluminum, Sheet Metal, and Steel;
• Contractual Services on Garage Equipment;
• Tool Repair Service;
• Air Filter Media;
• Custodial Equipment;
• Milk and Other Dairy Products;
• Custodial Supplies;
• Print Shop Supplies (Supplement) (For Materials Production);
• Contract Extension on Uniform Rental for Bus Compounds and Garages;
• Contract Renewal on Pest Control Service for Nutrition Service Center;
• Contract Renewal on Shrink Film for Nutrition Service Center; and
• Contract Extension on Single Stream Recycling Services.

V.L. Approval of Professional Services Contracts of $5,000 or More

In accordance with Board Policy 01.11 General Powers and Duties of the Board, professional services contracts of $5,000 or more require Board approval.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached professional services contracts of $5,000 or more.

V.M. Acceptance of Purchase Order Report

This report is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept the attached report of purchase orders issued during the period of May 27 through June 8, 2014.

V.N. Acceptance of Voucher Report

This report is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept the attached report of vouchers paid during the period of May 27 through June 8, 2014.

V.O. Acceptance of Monthly Report of Professional Services Contracts of $5,000 or More

This report is provided per Board Policy 01.11 General Powers and Duties of the Board.

Of the $7.9 million in professional services contracts, more than $6 million, or 75.7 percent were submitted by Academic Services.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept the attached Monthly Report of Professional Services Contracts of $5,000 or more.

V.P. Acceptance of Financial Report for Period Ended May 31, 2014

This report is provided to the Board per KRS 160.560 and Board Policy 04.31 Fiscal Accounting and Reporting.

The attached graph has been added to illustrate our fiscal trend.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education receive the attached financial report for the period ended May 31, 2014.

V.Q. Acceptance of Funding


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept the grants and funding to various schools and departments as presented in the following agenda items.

V.Q.1. Acceptance of Donations and Small Grants

Ahrens Work Transition Program received $500 from an Ahrens alumni for students in the vocational program.

Atkinson and Portland elementary schools each received $32,000 in funding; for a total of $64,000; from the University of Louisville (UofL) through the Oxley Foundation to be used for professional development in July 2014 as well as throughout the 2014-15 school year. Professional Development will be done in collaboration with UofL faculty from the College of Education and Human Development and will focus on core content areas.

Carrithers Middle School received donations totaling $865 from Hussung Mechanical Contractors ($350), HMC Service Company ($350), and Mary O'Leary ($165) to purchase computers for a language arts classroom.

Central High School Magnet Career Academy received a donation of $5,000 from George E. Bell to be used for scholarships for students in the Class of 2014.

Health Services received a $20,000 Healthy Kids grant from General Mills Foundation to expand Cross Country Clubs in elementary schools promoting healthy eating and physical activity to kids.

Health Services also received $5,000 from Kentucky One, $1,000 from Norton Healthcare, and $1,500 from Kentucky Cancer Program to be used for Health Promotion Schools of Excellence coordinated school health in participating schools for students, staff, and parent programs to reduce health risk behaviors and promote healthy lifestyles.

Hite Elementary School received a Gemeinhardt flute valued at $200 from Paula Drury for student use in the band.

Kammerer Middle School received $900 from Martin and Cynthia Doll to be used to purchase new musical instruments for the band.

Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy Program received a Rifton activity chair valued at $3,500 from Heather Wilson to be used by Churchill Park School students that need support for mobility.

Rutherford Elementary School received $1,000 from Jerry Riley to purchase garbage cans for the playground and help pay for professional development for teachers.

Stopher Elementary School received $3,000 from the Matthew Brooks Senn Foundation for the music department.

Submitted by: Dr. Robert J. Rodosky

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept donations and small grants totaling $106,465 to be used as stated in the rationale.

V.Q.2. Acceptance of Action for Healthy Kids Grants

Fairdale Elementary School received a $1,000 grant to purchase pedometers and other health promotion supplies to encourage daily student physical activity. Classes will rotate use of the pedometers and the school will offer a walking club that meets before or after school.

Eisenhower Elementary School received a $5,000 grant to implement the Math and Movement program, which is a kinesthetic approach to teaching math that incorporates physical exercise, stretching, cross-body movements, and floor mats designed to encourage students to practice math concepts. Grant funds will be used to purchase special math and Movement Program mats.

There are no matching funds required for these grants and no obligation to the district beyond the 2014-15 school year.

Submitted by:  Dr. Dewey Hensley


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept grants totaling $6,000 from Action for Healthy Kids for Fairdale and Eisenhower Elementary Schools and authorize the Superintendent to sign the attached Memoranda of Agreement and Acknowledgement and Release Forms.

V.Q.3. Acceptance of Grant from Cabinet for Health and Family Services for District Family Resource and Youth Services Centers

The Kentucky Education Reform Act provides for the establishment of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers (FRYSC) in those schools where at least 20 percent of the student body is eligible to receive free school meals. FRYSCs are intended to promote and coordinate the flow of community resources and support families and youths in ways that strengthen their functioning and that enhance the growth and development of the individual members of the family unit.

JCPS operates 96 FRYSCs that provide support to 131 schools. During the 2012-13 school year, FRYSCs provided 957,055 needed interventions and supports to students and their families in efforts to help our most at-risk students overcome non-academic obstacles as they strive to achieve academically at high levels. Each center has a unique blend of programs, referrals and partnerships, all of which depend on location, available services, local need, and community input.

FRYSCs have established a record of success based on improved student performance in class work, homework, and peer relations as reported by teachers. Parents also report that they experience greater satisfaction and involvement with schools as a result of assistance through their local FRYSC. 

This is a one-year allocation that begins on July 1, 2014. Due to a funding shortfall of this grant, the General Fund provides over $1 million dollars in additional support to the FRYSCs.

Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley

Attachment: KY Doc. ID PON2 730 1400002109 1

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept funding in the amount of $6,998,315.10 from the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services for Family Resource and Youth Services Centers and authorize the superintendent to sign the attached agreement.

V.Q.4. Acceptance of Grant from Norton Healthcare for Certified Athletic Trainers at Various High Schools

Norton Healthcare is providing funding in support of a partnership between JCPS and Kentucky Orthopedic Rehabilitation Team (KORT) in which KORT provides certified athletic trainers to nine high schools. The trainer at Fern Creek High School is provided by Star Physical Therapy, but is funded by part of this grant.

Since 2010, Norton Healthcare has provided funding for athletic trainers certified by the National Athletic Trainers Association to provide emergency care and athletic training services for school athletes and staff, rehabilitation for athletes, athletic injury prevention, and coordination of medical care for athletes at the following schools:

  • Butler Traditional High School
  • Central High School Magnet Career Academy
  • Eastern High School  
  • Fern Creek Traditional High School   
  • Louisville Male High School  
  • Moore Traditional School
  • Seneca High School 
  • Southern High School
  • Valley High School 
  • Waggener High School

The District provides an additional $150,000 toward the cost of the trainers, but there is no financial obligation for JCPS beyond the 2014-15 school year.

Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept a $150,000 grant from Norton HealthCare to provide certified athletic trainers to ten high schools listed in the rationale.

V.Q.5. Acceptance of Reading Recovery Teacher Leader Grant from University of Kentucky Collaborative Center for Literacy Development

The University of Kentucky Collaborative Center for Literacy Development/Reading Recovery Center has awarded the district a grant of $150,000 for Reading Recovery.

Grant funds will provide funding for one reading recovery teacher leader who will provide professional development and classroom support for district reading recovery teachers, and will continue support for three new reading recovery teacher leads during their second year. This is the final year of a four-year grant. 

There is no requirement for matching funds or in-kind contributions and there is no financial obligation to the district beyond the 2014-15 school year.

A funding notification letter from the University of Kentucky Collaborative Center for Literacy Development/Reading Recovery Center is attached.

Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends the Board of Education accept a $150,000 grant from the University of Kentucky Collaborative Center for Literacy Development/Reading Recovery Center and authorize the Superintendent to sign the necessary agreement to receive the funds.

V.R. Approval of Nonresident Student Tuition Rates for Fiscal Year 2014—15

The Board approves nonresident student tuition rates annually pursuant to KRS 158.120 and Board Policy 09.124 Admission of Nonresident Students.

For the 2013—14 school year, 46 nonresident students attended the following Jefferson County high schools:

Oldham County Residents (5)
Ballard High School—5

Anchorage Residents (41)
Ahrens Educational Resource Center—1
Ballard High School—5
DuPont Manual High School—21
Eastern High School—10
Jeffersontown High School—1

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached nonresident student tuition rates for fiscal year 2014—15.

V.S. Approval of Tuition Contract with Anchorage Board of Education

The attached tuition contract provides for tuition payments from the Anchorage Board of Education. The Anchorage Independent School District does not offer grades nine through twelve to its resident students.

Currently, 41 Anchorage residents attend the following Jefferson County public schools:
  Ahrens Educational Resource Center—1
  Ballard High School—5
  duPont Manual High School—21
  Eastern High School—10
  Jeffersontown High School—1

This agreement is based upon the nonresident tuition rate approved by the Jefferson County Board of Education, which reflects the cost to Jefferson County Public Schools of educating nonresident students.

Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached tuition contract with Anchorage Board of Education and authorize the superintendent to execute future agreements on an annual basis not to exceed beyond June 30, 2016.

V.T. Approval of Shortened School Day for One Exceptional Child Education Student

The Kentucky Administrative Regulations, as outlined in the Exceptional Child Education Policies and Procedures Manual, requires that a shortened school day and/or week be submitted to the Board of Education for approval.

This Board action is subject to confidentiality requirements according to policies and procedures in Chapter 9 Confidentiality of Information. Following approval by the Board of Education, the request will be submitted to the Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Learning Services.

The District must maintain the following documentation for all shortened school days and/or weeks approved by the Local Board of Education:

  • approval by the Local Board of Education (student confidentiality procedures must be followed when listing student information in the local Board minutes);
  • minutes of the Admission and Release Committee (ARC) meeting documenting the ARC decision that a shortened school day and/or week is needed;
  • a copy of the student’s Individual Education Plan documenting the shortened school day and/or week; and
  • a copy of the physician's statement of the medical need.

Per regulations, the student is being identified as SSD149 rather than by name. Student SSD149 has a medical condition, with proper physician documentation, which requires a 3-hour and 20-minute school day, 5 days a week.

Even though the FY2013-14 school year has ended, appropriate ECE procedures and documentation are still required for this student, who is being served in a separate class in a middle school.

Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve a shortened school day for one student in the Exceptional Child Education Program for the 2013–14 school year.

V.U. Approval of Agreements
V.U.1. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Bellarmine University for JCPS-Bellarmine Literacy Project

The JCPS-Bellarmine Literacy Project will target 19 high-need elementary schools, selected by data analysis, to provide intentional professional development to teachers and principals in an effort to improve literacy instruction in the classroom.

All teachers and principals participating in the project will engage in ongoing coursework offered by Bellarmine University. Teachers will learn key literacy strategies that, when implemented with fidelity, will improve student literacy outcomes.

This project will directly support an integral strategy in our delivery planning called the Third-Grade Pledge to Proficiency in an effort to ensure all students are reading on grade level at the end of third grade.

The district's participation in this project will be instrumental to build teacher capacity in literacy education in some of our lowest performing elementary schools.

Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Understanding with Bellarmine University for the JCPS-Bellarmine Literacy Project and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

V.U.2. Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Heuser Hearing and Language Academy

For the past several years, JCPS teachers have been located in several non-JCPS agencies/schools and locations that offer highly specialized programs to specific populations of students. Through these facilities, students receive an appropriate education that meets their educational needs.

Through a Memorandum of Agreement, which is revised annually, the District and Heuser Hearing and Language (Heuser) have mutually agreed to provide services that will enable students to receive an appropriate public education based on their individual level and unique  needs. In 2014-15, Heuser Hearing and Language Academy, in conjunction with JCPS, will also offer one regular Early Childhood Education class for three- and four- year-old students.

Preference for these spaces will be given to siblings of children enrolled in the specialized educational programs at the Heuser location. Students' programs are monitored to ensure that all due process procedures are followed.

Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the Board of Education and the Heuser Hearing and Language Academy and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

V.U.3. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for National Magnet School Standards of Excellence Magnet Schools Certification Pilot Program

Magnet Schools of America has invited JCPS to participate in a magnet school certification pilot program. The pilot program is designed to help magnet schools/programs strengthen their systems so they become more magnetic and viable. The district will identify three or four schools, based on the Magnet Review Recommendation, with varying degrees of magnet theme implementation to participate.

By participating in this pilot program, schools will receive technical assistance to develop an action plan with SMART goals in order to achieve magnet school certification. There is no cost to the district unless we determine additional assistance is needed.

Each school completing the certification pilot will be notified of certification status by March 15, 2015, and will receive a written report from Magnet Schools of America.

Submitted by: Dr. Robert Rodosky


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Understanding for National Magnet Schools Standards of Excellence Magnet School Certification Program Pilot and authorize the Superintendent to sign same.

V.U.4. Approval of Agreement with University of Louisville for Community Mental Health Clinic at The Academy @ Shawnee

The University of Louisville College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) has implemented the Signature Partnerships School Initiative to provide a clinical training model for education professionals. This paired with the placement of the University of Louisville Community Mental Health Clinic (the Clinic) in space provided by The Academy @ Shawnee will greatly benefit the West Louisville community and the CEHD.   

Shawnee will provide three offices and a conference room for the Clinic. The CEHD will administer mental health and counseling services to Shawnee students, their families, and individuals living in the surrounding community. There will be no fees or costs for the services.

The goal is to create a coordinated system of student support that will result in increased student achievement and reduce psychological barriers. 

Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Louisville to provide a clinical training model for educational professionals and the placement of the University of Louisville Community Mental Health Clinic at The Academy @ Shawnee.

V.U.5. Approval of Agreements with Kentucky Department of Education for Educational Recovery Specialists

The Kentucky Department of Education has requested that the following JCPS employees be released on a Memorandum of Agreement from July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2015, to serve as Educational Recovery Specialists under the authority of and the leadership of the Office of Next Generation Schools and Districts.

  • Natalie Bedell Redman 
  • Dottie Bowden 
  • Jenn Crase
  • Roger Kissling
  • Christina Punches-Guntsch
Educational Recovery Specialists work with staff in a persistently low-achieving school as identified through the criteria set forth in No Child Left Behind, KRS 160.346, and the Kentucky Department of Education regulations with any and all functions relating to instruction and school improvement with an emphasis on reading and math.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached Memoranda of Agreement with the Kentucky Department of Education for the 2014-15 school year and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

V.U.6. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Kentucky Department of Education for LEAD-Kentucky Participant

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) has been working with the National Institute for School Leadership (NISL) to establish LEAD-Kentucky, a research-based professional development program to train and support highly effective educational leaders across all parts of the state to advance the pace of reform in Kentucky. 

In order to have an immediate impact on schools, KDE began the program to train an initial cadre of Kentucky education leaders who would train future participants identified as aspiring leaders and/or those newly appointed to lead a school. JCPS has a cadre of administrators and principals participating in the NISL training. The LEAD-Kentucky program will enable the Director of Exceptional Child Education to access the same training as district administrators. 

Exceptional Child Education (ECE) students represent the lowest performing gap group in student achievement, dropout rate, and college and career readiness. Given disability incidence, ECE students outpace non-disabled peers in Student Response Team calls, office discipline referrals, and out of school suspensions. ECE students require more district resources than any other gap group.  

LEAD-Kentucky is an intensive executive development program designed to dramatically improve student achievement by building leadership capacity. The intent is to build leadership capacity through distributed leadership, increasing recruitment, and retaining effective leaders. The LEAD-Kentucky participant commits to attend all LEAD-Kentucky sessions equaling 26 face-to-face sessions in a twelve-month period.  

The attached memorandum of understanding outlines the roles and responsibilities of KDE, LEAD-Kentucky participants, and their sponsoring school districts. As long as all responsibilities are met by the participant and sponsoring district, KDE agrees to pay for the entry fee of $5,250 per person. 

Submitted by Dr. Dewey Hensley


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Understanding with the Kentucky Department of Education and LEAD-Kentucky Participant Terry Au Ray for Fiscal Year 2014-15 and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

V.U.7. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Kentucky Foster Grandparents Program

For the past 20 years, the Foster Grandparents Program has successfully provided tutoring services to the district’s special needs students. Foster Grandparents volunteers are not JCPS staff members and there is no cost to the district for these services with the exception of in-kind contributions.

The signing of a districtwide Memorandum of Understanding authorizes local schools to accept the program on a voluntary basis and assign tutoring space and other materials and supplies necessary to implement the program.

Through the Memorandum of Understanding, which is signed annually, the responsibilities of both JCPS and the Kentucky Foster Grandparents Program will be clearly delineated and uniform throughout the district.

Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Understanding with Kentucky Foster Grandparents Program and authorize the superintendent to sign the agreement and execute future agreements on an annual basis.

V.U.8. Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Seven Counties Services, Inc.

The attached memorandum of agreement with Seven Counties Services, Inc. details a comprehensive treatment program for the seriously emotionally disturbed students at Waller-Williams Environmental School.

A partnership among education, mental health, and social services agencies offers families and youth an opportunity for effective solutions to the complex problems faced by Waller-Williams students. Intervention with students is likely to elicit better parent involvement, more effective resolution of emotional-behavioral problems through educative-therapeutic collaboration, and to facilitate the student's return to his/her home school more quickly.

This program proposes to increase student success at Waller-Williams through collaboration between teacher and therapist in the classroom; provide therapeutic services to the students and their families; and foster a classroom and school climate that is consistently positive, nurturing, and structured for effective behavior management.

Seven Counties Services, Inc. will provide therapists and service coordinators and JCPS will provide resources to house these Seven Counties staff members in the Waller-Williams facility.

An evaluation of this collaborative effort will be completed with a collection of data on emotional/behavioral change, parent participation, family/service provider satisfaction, and program transitions and changes.

Submitted by: Dr. Dewey Hensley


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with Seven Counties Services, Inc. to continue collaborative therapeutic services at Waller-Williams Environmental School and authorize the superintendent to sign the agreement and execute future agreements on an annual basis until June 30, 2016.

V.V. Approval of 2014—15 General and Program Assurances

Annually, the local board of education must approve general and program assurances regarding district operations. Information related to these assurances is available for review at the district’s central office by contacting the Financial Planning and Management Department.  

Once approved, the district will send a declaration of compliance to the Kentucky Department of Education by June 30, 2014, in order to receive federal and state projected allocations for fiscal year 2014—15.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached 2014—15 Local Education Agency General and Program Assurances and Projected Budget Allocations for State and Federal Programs.

V.W. Approval to Rename Robert Frost Middle School the Robert Frost Sixth-Grade Academy

On December 9, 2013, the Board of Education voted to restructure and repurpose Robert Frost Middle School to target sixth-grade students. Changing the name to Robert Frost Sixth-Grade Academy will lead to a more strategic approach to achievement and intervention for struggling students.

The proposed name change to Robert Frost Sixth-Grade Academy will enhance and promote the sixth-grade focus in this Transition Academy.

Therefore, in accordance with the Board of Education Policy 05.11 School Property—Naming Facilities and Alterations and related procedures, it is appropriate that Robert Frost Middle School be renamed Robert Frost Sixth-Grade Academy.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve renaming Robert Frost Middle School the Robert Frost Sixth-Grade Academy.

V.X. Acceptance of District Facilities Plan Hearing Report and Amendment 1 to the District Facility Plan (KDE List Based on Needs Assessment)

The Draft Amendment 1 to the District Facility Plan was approved by the Board of Education on May 27, 2014.

Regulation requires that a Local/State Board Public Hearing be held following Board approval and prior to submission of the report to the Kentucky Board of Education. The public hearing was held on Wednesday, May 28, 2014.

After review and approval of the hearing report by the Board of Education, Amendment 1 to the District Facilities Plan will be submitted to the Kentucky Board of Education for final approval.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education accept the attached District Facilities Plan Hearing Report and Amendment 1 to the District Facilities Plan.

V.Y. Approval of Proposed 2015—16 School Calendar

The District Calendar Committee composed of Board District parent representatives and representatives from employee unions, Central Office departments, the 15th District PTA, and local schools developed the attached calendars.

The proposed calendars include 187 scheduled days plus two extended days for teachers and 175 days (1074 instructional hours for students). Teachers will have one day prior to the start date to set up their classrooms.

Included within the calendar are the following:

  • 1074 Student Instruction Hours
  • 4 Paid Holidays
  • 4 Professional Development Days (3 flexible)
  • 2 Gold Days
  • 1 Opening Day
  • 1 Closing Day  

Any accrued instructional time in District calendars over the Kentucky Department of Education’s minimum is to be designated as "banked" instructional time.

All 260/261 employees have nine paid holidays. A list of the recommended paid holidays for the 2015-16 school year is attached.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached proposed 2015-16 school calendar and paid holidays for 260-day employees.

V.Z. Approval of Payment of Out-of-District Expenses for Board Members

Pursuant to Board Policy 01.821 Board Member Compensation and Expenses, Board members shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenditures incurred outside the district. Board members shall obtain Board approval prior to incurring out-of-district expenses.

Chairwoman Diane Porter and Superintendent Donna Hargens have been invited to attend an event at the White House on Tuesday, June 24, 2014, announcing the Council of the Great City Schools Males of Color Pledge Initiative. The Board of Education approved a Resolution in Support of Males of Color on June 10, 2014.

Board Member Debbie Wesslund will attend the KSBA Legislative Issues Group in Lexington, Kentucky, on July 11, 2014.

Board Members Chris Brady, Linda Duncan, and Debbie Wesslund will attend the KSBA Summer Leadership Institute in Lexington, Kentucky, on July 11–12, 2014.

Submitted by: Superintendent Donna Hargens

Note: Rationale revised on 6/19/14

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the payment of necessary out-of-district expenses incurred by Board Members Chris Brady, Linda Duncan, and Debbie Wesslund to attend the KSBA Legislative Issues Group and KSBA Summer Leadership Institute in Lexington, Kentucky.

VI. Action Items
VI.A. Approval of the 2013—14 Final Board Summative Evaluation of Superintendent Donna M. Hargens

The following timeline has been established for the 2013—14 year:

June 10, 2014, Board Meeting (Discussion Item): Superintendent will present the Year in Review and portfolio of evidences for 2013-14. 

Prior to the executive session scheduled for June 13, each Board member is encouraged to evaluate the superintendent’s performance for the entire school year and make personal notes, observations, and calculations.

June 13, 2014, Special Board Meeting (Executive Session): Preliminary Evaluation Meeting

The primary purposes of the preliminary evaluation meeting are to: 

  • Provide the superintendent with feedback on her performance during the reporting period;
  • Provide input to develop a summary of the feedback and complete a draft of the preliminary evaluation in the closed session; and
  • Set new expectations and make any necessary changes to the evaluation form for the following evaluation period.

During this closed session, the Board and superintendent should discuss feedback of individual Board members and the superintendent. A summary of the feedback and a draft of the preliminary evaluation will be developed. The General Counsel will review the final draft with the Board in regard to any legal implications.

June 23, 2014, Board Meeting (Action Item): The Board will discuss and vote in open session to approve the 2013–14 Final Board Summative Evaluation of the Superintendent. Any changes to the evaluation criteria for the following year shall be approved by majority vote in open session.
Submitted by: Chair Diane Porter

Recommended Motion

Board Chair Diane Porter recommends that the Board of Education approve the 2013—14 Final Board Summative Evaluation of Superintendent Donna M. Hargens.

Actions Taken

Order #93 - Motion Passed:  Board Chair Diane Porter recommends that the Board of Education approve the 2013–14 Final Board Summative Evaluation of Superintendent Donna M. Hargens. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. David Jones and a second by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad.

VI.B. Approval of Response to Management Performance Review

The Management Performance Review of Certain Policies, Procedures, Controls, and Financial Activity of the Jefferson County Public School District was delivered to JCPS on May 21, 2014. The report presented 45 findings and recommendations to strengthen the management and oversight of JCPS.

The period of review for documents and information included fiscal years 2011 through 2013, unless otherwise specified. This review was designed to focus on Central Office activities.

Staff has prepared a report from JCPS on the implementation of recommendations and a progress reporting schedule.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin

Attachment Pending

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached response to the Management Performance Review of Certain Policies, Procedures, Controls, and Financial Activity of the Jefferson County Public School District.

Actions Taken

Order #94 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached response to the Management Performance Review of Certain Policies, Procedures, Controls, and Financial Activity of the Jefferson County Public School District. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. David Jones and a second by Mr. Chris Brady.

VI.C. Approval of Project and BG-1 Form for a New Elementary School at Norton Commons

This project is to provide a new elementary school in the community of Norton Commons.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al. and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the District’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of the attached resolution in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of this project. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.

Submitted by: Dr. Michael Raisor


NOTE: This agenda item was added on 6/19/14

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the project and the attached BG-1 form for a new elementary school at Norton Commons for an estimated project cost of $15,093,293.

Actions Taken

Order #95 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education approve the project and the attached BG-1 form for a new elementary school at Norton Commons for an estimated project cost of $15,093,293. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mrs. Debbie Wesslund and a second by Mr. Chris Brady.

VII. Discussion Items
VII.A. 2013–14 Board of Education Discussion Agenda Planning Calendar

A year-long list of selected Board of Education discussion agenda items has been compiled for use by the Board and administrative staff. The list includes activities for action and discussion throughout this fiscal year.

It is anticipated that staff will use this list to avoid scheduling conflicts, improve coordination and support of activities, enhance planning, and increase awareness of upcoming board meeting activities. 

Attachment (Revised 06/19/14)

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education receive for information a planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items to occur during the 2013–14 fiscal year.

Actions Taken

Order #96 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Donna Hargens recommends that the Board of Education receive for information a planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items to occur during the 2013–14 fiscal year. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad and a second by Mr. Chris Brady.

VIII. Board Reports and Requests
IX. Persons Requesting to Address the Board on Non-Agenda Items

Each speaker is allowed three minutes to address the Board.

At the end of 2–1/2 minutes, a bell will sound once. You will then have 30 seconds to finish your statement. 

At the end of three minutes, the bell will sound twice, indicating that your time is up.

X. Executive Session (If Needed)
XI. Adjournment
Recommended Motion

A recommendation to adjourn the June 23, 2014, meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education at xxx p.m.

Actions Taken

Order #97 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to adjourn the June 23, 2014, regular meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education passed with a motion by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad and a second by Mr. Chris Brady.