LaRue County
July 09, 2024 6:00 PM
July Working Session
1. Call to Order

Board Chair Price Smith called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

2. Sufficient Notice of Meeting

All members agreed. 

At the start of the meeting, Laith Ross of RossTarrant Architects gave an update on the CHAMP project.

Next, Anthony Strong and Michael George of Compass Advisers, a financial advisory firm,  gave a presentation.

3. Application for Emergency Substitute Certification Requests - Neysa Gardner

The district will need substitutes to fill for certified staff when they are absent from the classroom. Emergency substitutes meet the requirements to be a substitute teacher, but they do not have a degree in education. An emergency substitute teaching license is required annually. Approval is requested for up to 50 emergency substitutes for next school year.  

4. Declaration of Outdated Resources as Surplus - Tara Wooden

The attached materials have been replaced with new versions over the years or they have been weeded from the school library holdings. These materials are no longer needed for instructional purposes. In accordance with KAR 45A425 (Surplus or Excess Property), I am requesting these materials be declared as surplus so they may be disposed. They will either be sold or recycled. If a buyer can be found, the revenue will go into the board general fund and be used to purchase replacement instructional resources at the school where these materials are currently housed.

5. ERATE FY2025 - Freddie Newby

USAC (Universal Service Administrative Company) administers federal funds also known as ERATE.  ERATE is a program that provides schools and public libraries with federal funds for the purpose of providing internet access.  The application is done annually and provides our district 80-90% discounts on internet service as well as hardware required to provide internet access to our schools.   The discount rate is calculated based on the Free/Reduced status of our district. 

6. Raising Adult Breakfast Price - Stephanie Utley

Our adult meal prices should be equal to or greater than the sum of the SSO federal assistance. Which at a minimum must be $3.03 for breakfast. No update is needed for lunch at this time.

7. FY25 District Funding Assurances - Amanda Reed

Each fiscal year, the Board of Education is asked to submit the District Funding Assurances. The assurances affirm that the district and all schools are abiding by requirements for planning and implementation of both state and federal programs. All programs are covered under this single document. The assurances have been reviewed by all program coordinators and principals.

FY25 Funds may not be released to the district until the assurances are submitted.

8. Update Job Description - Adryanne Warren

Update job description for Human Resource Coordinator

9. Policy 09.2242 Medicinal Cannabis - Adryanne Warren

Policy 09.2242 was part of the KSBA 2024 annual updates.  It requires the district to choose one of two options:

The policy reads:

Effective January 1, 2025, this policy shall either prohibit the use of medicinal cannabis on school property or permit the use of medicinal cannabis on school property by a pupil who is a registered qualified patient as deemed necessary by the pupil's parent or legal guardian.

Option 1:    The Board prohibits the use of medicinal cannabis on school property.

Option 2:    The Board permits the use of medicinal cannabis on school property by a pupil who is a registered qualified patient as deemed necessary by the pupil's parent or legal guardian as described above.

If the Board enacts a policy to permit the use of medicinal cannabis by a pupil, the Board must choose one of two options.

Option 1:How it is administered.

Option2: Include a process for refusal to administer or supervise administration.

Should the Board decide to permit the use of medicinal cannabis, Procedure 09.2242 AP2 is also required to be completed.

Should the Board vote against the use of medicinal cannabis on school property, Procedure 09.2242 AP2 is not required.

The Board's choice must be made by voting in an open meeting and reflected in the minutes of said meeting.


10. Discussion Only

  • Compass Advisors - Joanna Hinton
  • Trophy case at middle school - WL Miller
  • Farmer's Energy Propane Contract update - Jessica Castenir
  • Purchasing Manual - Jessica Castenir
  • Work Ethic Certification - Tara Wooden

11. Adjournment
Recommended Motion

The adjournment of this meeting of the LaRue County Board of Education

Actions Taken

Order #584 - Motion Passed:  The adjournment of this meeting of the LaRue County Board of Education passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Dawn Conner.

Member Votes
Price Smith Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Joanna Hinton Yes
Dawn Conner Yes
Ashley Reding Yes