LaRue County
January 21, 2020 6:00 PM
January Board Meeting
Recommended Motion

the approval of the adoption of the agenda

Actions Taken

Order #1 - Motion Passed:  the approval of the adoption of the agenda passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Dawn Conner.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
4. Election of New Board Chair (new Board Chair will preside over the rest of the meeting).
Recommended Motion

The recommendation for ___________ to be the new Board Chair

Actions Taken

Order #2 - Motion Passed:  The recommendation for ___________ to be the new Board Chair passed with a motion by Price Smith and a second by Dawn Conner.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes

Order #3 - Motion Passed:  The recommendation for ___________ to be the new Board Chair passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Dawn Conner.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
5. Election of the New Vice Chair
Recommended Motion

The recommendation for ____________ to be the new Board Chair

Actions Taken

Order #4 - Motion Passed:  The recommendation for ____________ to be the new Board Chair passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Dawn Conner.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
6. Awards & Recognition

Recognition of the Board Members for Board Appreciation Month

7. Student Feature

ALES STLP Students


  • Audience Comments
  • Board Comments / Updates


Accepted the Recommendation of Employment of Tamra Trumbo as FRYSC Secretary for LaRue County Schools effective 12/16/19.

Accepted the Recommendation of Employment of Clint Aubrey as Custodian for Hodgenville Elementary School effective 1/2/20.

Accepted the Recommendation of Employment of R. Clint Moran as Custodian for Abraham Lincoln Elementary School effective 1/2/20.

Accepted the Recommendation of Employment of Adam Ragland as Custodian for Hodgenville Elementary School effective 1/2/20.

Accepted the Recommendation of Employment for Angela Matthews as Student Worker at LaRue County High School effective 1/6/20.

Accepted the Recommendation of Employment for Michaela Peterson as Student Worker at LaRue County High School effective 1/6/20.

Accepted the Recommendation of Employment of Phyllis Caulk as Teacher for LaRue County Middle School effective 1/6/20.

Accepted the Recommendation of Employment of Michael D Jones, Sr as Bus Driver for LaRue County Schools effective 1/6/20.

Accepted the Recommendation of Employment of Jessica Skaggs as Instructional Assistant at LaRue County Middle School effective 1/13/20.

Accepted the Recommendation of Employment of Melissa Neary as Intervention Teacher for Abraham Lincoln Elementary School effective 1/14/20.

Accepted the Recommendation of Employment of Desidemy Contreras as Substitute Bus Monitor for LaRue County Schools effective 1/8/20.

Accepted the Recommendation of Employment of Charles McMurtry as Part-time Custodial for LaRue County Schools effective 1/13/20. 

Accepted the Resignation of Whitley Milby as Substitute Teacher for LaRue County Schools effective 12/31/19.

Accepted the Resignation of Christina Lawrence as Custodian for LaRue County Schools effective 12/27/19.

Accepted the Resignation of Erin Hardwick as Teacher for LaRue County Middle School effective 12/31/19.

Accepted the Resignation of Jessica Skaggs as Bus Driver for LaRue County Schools effective 12/31/2019.

Accepted the Resignation of Kelly Simmons as Substitute Teacher for LaRue County Schools effective 12/20/19.

Accepted the Resignation of Paula Hamm as Instructional Assistant for Abraham Lincoln Elementary School effective 1/10/20.

Accepted the Request for leave without pay for Lindsey Bryan for January 3-8, 2020. 



  • Superintendent's Activities & Comments
  • SBDM Reports     LCHS   LCMS   HES   ALES
  • Attendance Report - Eric Allen, DSS
  • Construction Updates - Allison Commings - Sherman Carter Barnhart
    • Peter Fisher - Ross Tarrant Architects
  • Buildings & Facilities Report - Phil Fulkerson
  • Student Representative Report - Matt Lewis & Stefani Giles
  • ALES Proficiency Report - Crystal Wilkerson

Recommended Motion

Approval of Consent Agenda

Actions Taken

Order #5 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Consent Agenda passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Farrah Pruitt.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
11.A. Minutes of the Previous Meetings
11.B. Claims as Presented
11.B.a. AP Report
Recommended Motion

Approve AP Report with the consent agenda

11.C. Treasurer’s Report (KC / GF / LCSNP /MUNIS Balance Sheet / Budget Report /Monthly Report / Year to Date Budget Report)
11.D. Fundraising Requests
11.E. Field Trip Requests
11.F. Notice of Shortened School Day and/or Week Waiver

Issue: Notice of Shortened School Day and/or Week waivers are completed for students whose IEPs require a shortened school day and/or week due to a medical condition diagnosed and documented by a physician.


Background: The Kentucky Department of Education requires that Notice of Shortened School Day and/or Week waivers be submitted for approval by the board of education. Students who are approved become eligible for full ADA funding.


Recommendation: Approve 2019-2020 KDE Notice of Shortened School Day/Week Waiver for a student at LaRue County Middle School.

11.G. Notice of Shortened School Day and/or Week Waiver

Issue: Notice of Shortened School Day and/or Week waivers are completed for students whose IEPs require a shortened school day and/or week due to a medical condition diagnosed and documented by a physician.


Background: The Kentucky Department of Education requires that Notice of Shortened School Day and/or Week waivers be submitted for approval by the board of education. Students who are approved become eligible for full ADA funding.


Recommendation: Approve 2019-2020 KDE Notice of Shortened School Day Waiver for a student at Abraham Lincoln Elementary School.

11.H. Consider the extension of Discount Store Bids for FY21

IGA, Hodgenville Save-A-Lot, Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, and Dollar General Store are on the list of discount stores.  These vendors were approved for FY18-FY20.  The bid has an option to extend the bid twice. 

Recommended Motion

All vendors have been contacted and would like to continue the bid for FY21. Signed forms are attached. The finance department recommends that the board votes to approve extending our current discount store bid with vendors listed above.

11.I. Surplus Property (Van #30) and Add to Surplus Sale

The 2005, Mercury Monterey Van has a burned out Transmission. The van has 176,000 miles+ on it . The odometer is no longer lit so the mileage is estimated. The cost to repair the transmission is $1200.00-$1480.00.

The estimated cost of a rebuilt odometer /speedometer is $1200.00. The Book value on this van repaired with the miles it now has on it, in excellent condition is $1575.00. The cost to repair the van far exceeds the value.

Recommended Motion

It is the recommendation of the Director of Transportation to declare the 2005 Mercury Monterey Van as Surplus property and sell it at the next surplus auction sale.

12.A. Consideration for LC Sprinkler Replacement & High School Gym Renovation Project #19-361 Change Order #1

RossTarrant Architects has submitted change order #1 for the LaRue County Sprinkler Replacement and High School Gym Renovation project (see attached). This is a deductive change order removing the scope of replacing below-slab sanitary lines. Attached is the application for your review.  Below are the line items of the change order:

  • Contractor to provide cost for material, labor and equipment to clean and run camera through existing sanitary line per Owner request. $3,455.00
  • Contractor to provide cost deduct for material, labor and equipment NOT to replace existing sanitary lines and provide associated new work and interior flooring as shown in Alternate #2. -$33,184.00
  • Contractor to provide cost deduct for material, labor and equipment NOT to replace existing sanitary lines and provide associated new work and interior flooring as shown in Alternate #3. -$14,274.00

Recommended Motion

The recommendation to approve the requested Change Order #1 and any necessary adjustments to the BG-1

Actions Taken

Order #6 - Motion Passed:  The recommendation to approve the requested Change Order #1 and any necessary adjustments to the BG-1 passed with a motion by Farrah Pruitt and a second by Joanna Hinton.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
12.B. Consideration of Corbett Construction Application #2 for Payment

Corbett Construction Company, Inc. has submitted Application #2 for payment in the amount of $168,048.00 for the LC Sprinkler Replacement & High School Gym Renovation Project #19-361.  Attached is the application for your review.

Recommended Motion

The approval of the requested payment of $168,048.00 to Corbett Construction

Actions Taken

Order #7 - Motion Passed:  The approval of the requested payment of $168,048.00 to Corbett Construction passed with a motion by Dawn Conner and a second by Farrah Pruitt.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
12.C. Consideration of Jenkins Essex Construction Application #5 for Payment

Jenkins Essex Construction, Inc. has submitted Application #5 for payment in the amount of $329,618.14 for the LCHS Phase 1 Gym, Football Stadium & Greenhouse project #18-202.  Attached is the application for your review.

Recommended Motion

The approval of the requested payment of $329,618.14 to Jenkins Essex Construction, Inc.

Actions Taken

Order #8 - Motion Passed:  The approval of the requested payment of $329,618.14 to Jenkins Essex Construction, Inc. passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Dawn Conner.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
12.D. Consideration for LaRue County HS Football Stadium and Greenhouse Project #18-202 Change Order #3

Sherman Carter Barnhart Arch, PLLC has submitted change order #3 for the LaRue County HS Football Stadium and Greenhouse Project (see attached). The change order is for the cost to build a gravel access drive to the District’s dump area.  Attached is the application for review. 

Recommended Motion

The approve of the requested Change Order #3 and any necessary adjustments to the BG-1

Actions Taken

Order #9 - Motion Passed:  The approve of the requested Change Order #3 and any necessary adjustments to the BG-1 passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Dawn Conner.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
12.E. Consider Pro Rata Repair of Roof at LCMS

The flat portion of LaRue County Middle School East Wing has several spots that need to be repaired. This area is under a pro Rata warranty with Insulated Roofing Contractors and is a 6-year old roof.  Our portion to repair these areas is not to exceed $5000.00. There are no mobilization cost due to them already being here on the High School Gymnasium project this Summer. This alone will save us $3200.00 to repair this now. Funding is in the roofing budget.

Recommended Motion

The recommendation of the Director of Maintenance to Contract with Insulated Roofing Contractors to Repair the East wing flat portions at a cost not to exceed $5000.00

Actions Taken

Order #10 - Motion Passed:  The recommendation of the Director of Maintenance to Contract with Insulated Roofing Contractors to Repair the East wing flat portions at a cost not to exceed $5000.00 passed with a motion by Farrah Pruitt and a second by Dawn Conner.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
12.F. Mowing & Trimming Contract & Renewal Approved for Calendar Year 2020

Sauve’s Lawn Service has complied with the proposal for calendar year 2018 and 2019.  Both parties must agree in writing to renew the proposal for calendar year 2020.    

Recommended Motion

Sauve’s Lawn Service has been contacted and wishes to renew for calendar year 2020. Signed form is attached.
The Board authorize the attached contract for Sauve’s Lawn Service for the calendar year 2020.

Actions Taken

Order #11 - Motion Passed:  Sauve’s Lawn Service has been contacted and wishes to renew for calendar year 2020. Signed form is attached. The Board authorize the attached contract for Sauve’s Lawn Service for the calendar year 2020. passed with a motion by Farrah Pruitt and a second by Joanna Hinton.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
12.G. Consider Permission to Accept Proposals for a New 8 or 9 Passenger Van

Van # 30 ( technology van) is now surplus property, Van 40 has 158,417 miles. This is a 2010 Dodge.

Recommended Motion

The recommendation by the Director of Transportation to put unit 40 in service as the Technology van and accept proposals for a new van which would be used to drive staff and student trips and also be used for professional development transportation

Actions Taken

Order #12 - Motion Passed:  The recommendation by the Director of Transportation to put unit 40 in service as the Technology van and accept proposals for a new van which would be used to drive staff and student trips and also be used for professional development transportation passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Farrah Pruitt.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
12.H. Request for Mower Proposals for a New Mower

The Great Dane mower which was donated to the school used by JOSCO in 2012 is in poor repair. At times, this mower is used to mow the softball field, cross country track, football field area, areas around the tennis courts and any where else that gets shaggy between contracted mowing. The mower has provided excellent service to the District but, it is currently in need of some springs, guards and a bearing that are no longer serviced through Great Dane or other venues.

Recommended Motion

The recommendation by the Director of Maintenance to accept proposals for purchase of a replacement mower

Actions Taken

Order #13 - Motion Passed:  The recommendation by the Director of Maintenance to accept proposals for purchase of a replacement mower passed with a motion by Dawn Conner and a second by Farrah Pruitt.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
12.I. Consider Maintenance Plan for HES & ALES Generators

The generators at Abraham Lincoln and Hodgenville Elementary Schools are gathering years of use, HES is 18 years old and ALES is 13 years old. The generators have been recently repaired to provide current power in case of emergency power outage. These were discovered to be out of order when the last thunderstorm in the fall ran through during the first of August. They had lost components that would let them self-test every week. Also, there are maintenances that test amperage output and fuel reliability annually.

We do not have the equipment to perform these tests of the generators nor the equipment to program them. We do not possess the fuel quality test equipment either. In my opinion, it would be money well spent to obtain a maintenance provider for the 2 units.

LCMS has no generator and LCHS will have a new generator with warranty powered by natural gas.

We contacted Nixon Power services and Cummins Crosspoint to obtain bids for this service. The bids are attached and total up as follows:

                                                          Cummins             Nixon

Annual price per generator             $1,444.00          $1,700.00

Total Price for 3-year contract, locked in and paid annually

                                                          $4332.00            $5100.00

Recommended Motion

The recommendation of the Director of Maintenance to employ Cummins Crosspoint to perform generator maintenance at ALES and HES for 3 years at $1,444.00 per year

Actions Taken

Order #14 - Motion Passed:  The recommendation of the Director of Maintenance to employ Cummins Crosspoint to perform generator maintenance at ALES and HES for 3 years at $1,444.00 per year passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Dawn Conner.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
12.J. SFCC Offer of Assistance

The School Facilities Construction Commission (SFCC) is making an Offer of Assistance in the amount of $17,221 annual debt service on bonds to be sold for proposed construction or major renovation of facilities outlined in our most current approved facility plan.  These funds and those escrowed for the purpose of receiving this offer must be used only on a Priority One Project in this plan.

Acceptance of this Offer of Assistance commits the school district to adhere to the Statutes and Regulations governing this program.  No bonds may be sold prior to June 30, 2020.  In order to accept this offer, the District must have transferred the fund balances remaining in FY19 to the SFCC escrow accounts.  The amounts transferred were as follows:

Capital Outlay Funds: $3,750.00

Building Funds: $2,574.00

Recommended Motion

The approval of the SFCC offer of assistance

Actions Taken

Order #15 - Motion Passed:  The approval of the SFCC offer of assistance passed with a motion by Farrah Pruitt and a second by Joanna Hinton.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
12.K. Review Draft Budget for 2020-2021

The current working budget was rolled into the draft budget and expenditures and income were modified as needed.


  • Beginning balance was set at $3,848,326.84.
  • Property, franchise, motor vehicle and utility taxes were left the same as our current working budget. 
  • Seek revenue was estimated based on $4,000 guaranteed base.     


  • Certified salaries were budgeted based on current general fund staff with a step.
  • Classified salaries were budgeted based on current general fund staff receiving requested salary increasing (based on updated, submitted salary schedules) with a step.
  • All fringe benefits were adjusted based on the new salaries and the required rate per each benefit.  CERS changed to 26.95% (up from 24.06%) and KTRS remained unchanged at 3%.


  • Budget calculated at $686,899.79 (2.621% Contingency Percentage).

Recommended Motion

The approval of the Draft Budget

Actions Taken

Order #16 - Motion Passed:  The approval of the Draft Budget passed with a motion by Farrah Pruitt and a second by Joanna Hinton.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
12.L. Review 2020-2021 Salary Schedules and Extended Days and Extra Duty Pay Schedule

Salary schedules and details are attached for review.  

Recommended Motion

The approval of 2020-2021 Salary Schedules and Extended Days and Extra Duty Pay Schedule

Actions Taken

Order #17 - Motion Passed:  The approval of 2020-2021 Salary Schedules and Extended Days and Extra Duty Pay Schedule passed with a motion by Farrah Pruitt and a second by Dawn Conner.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
12.M. Adopt JUUL Resolution

A resolution from the LaRue County BOE authorizing litigation against JUUL and other manufacturers, distributors and sellers of electronic cigarettes and vaping products.  The resolution has been reviewed by Tom Claycomb, LCS Board Attorney.

A copy of the resolution is attached for your review.

Recommended Motion

The approval the adoption of the resolution authorizing litigation against JUUL and other manufacturers, distributors and sellers of electronic cigarettes and vaping products

Actions Taken

Order #18 - Motion Passed:  The approval the adoption of the resolution authorizing litigation against JUUL and other manufacturers, distributors and sellers of electronic cigarettes and vaping products passed with a motion by Joanna Hinton and a second by Farrah Pruitt.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
12.N. Contingency Fee Contract with Hendy Johnson Vaughn Emery, PSC,

Attached is a copy of the contingency fee contract between Hendy Johnson Vaughn Emery, PSC, and the LaRue County School District.  The contract has been reviewed by Tom Claycomb, LCS Board Attorney.

Recommended Motion

The approval of the contingency fee contract between Hendy Johnson Vaughn Emery, PSC, and the LaRue County School District

Actions Taken

Order #19 - Motion Passed:  The approval of the contingency fee contract between Hendy Johnson Vaughn Emery, PSC, and the LaRue County School District passed with a motion by Farrah Pruitt and a second by Dawn Conner.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
12.O. Consider Volunteer Handbook

A Volunteer Handbook has been designed to make the process more efficient within our district as well as guide the volunteers.  Attached is a copy of the final draft for your approval.

Recommended Motion

The approval of the Volunteer Handbook as presented

Actions Taken

Order #20 - Motion Passed:  The approval of the Volunteer Handbook as presented passed with a motion by Dawn Conner and a second by Farrah Pruitt.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes
Recommended Motion

The adjournment of this meeting of the LaRue County Board of Education

Actions Taken

Order #21 - Motion Passed:  The adjournment of this meeting of the LaRue County Board of Education passed with a motion by Dawn Conner and a second by Joanna Hinton.

Member Votes
Dawn Conner Yes
Paul Cooper Absent
Joanna Hinton Yes
Farrah Pruitt Yes
Price Smith Yes