Jefferson County
June 07, 2011 6:30 PM
Special Meeting: Interview of Superintendent Finalist Candidate Dr. Christine Johns-Haines
I. Call to Order

To All Members of the Board of Education of Jefferson County, Kentucky:

The Chairman of the Board of Education is calling a special meeting of the Board of Education to be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2011, at 6:30 p.m. at the Louisville Marriott Downtown, 280 West Jefferson Street, Louisville, Kentucky.

The purpose of this meeting is to interview candidates for the position of Superintendent of the Jefferson County Public Schools.

Any and all matters incidental to and supplementary of the foregoing may also be taken up, considered and acted upon in the meeting.

Portions of the meeting will be closed to the public as provided for under KRS 61.810 (1)(0 of the Open Meetings Act.

Stephen P. Imhoff, Chairman
Board of Education of Jefferson County, Kenucky

II. Enter into Executive Session
Recommended Motion

A recommendation to enter into Executive Session to interview Dr. Christine Johns-Haines for the position of the Jefferson County Public Schools in accordance with KRS 61.810(1)(f)

Actions Taken

Order #99 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to enter into Executive Session to interview Dr. Christine Johns-Haines for the position of the Jefferson County Public Schools in accordance with KRS 61.810(1)(f) passed with a motion by Mr. Joseph Hardesty and a second by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad.

II.A. Exit from Executive Session

The Board met in Executive Session to discuss an individual personnel matter and no action was taken.

Board members adjourned from Executive Session by consensus.

III. Adjournment
Recommended Motion

A recommendation to adjourn the June 7, 2011, special meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education

Actions Taken

Order #100 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to adjourn the June 7, 2011, special meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education passed with a motion by Mr. Joseph Hardesty and a second by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad.