Jefferson County
October 11, 2010 7:00 PM
Regular Meeting
I. Moment of Silence
II. Pledge of Allegiance

Please join us for the Pledge of Allegiance.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands: one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

III. Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the September 27, 2010, regular meeting are presented for your review and approval.

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the minutes from the September 27, 2010, regular meeting.

Actions Taken

Order #159 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the minutes from the September 27, 2010, regular meeting. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad and a second by Ms. Diane Porter.

IV. Recognitions and Resolutions

Recognition of Visiting Students from Germany

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education receive a recognition of the visiting German students as honorary Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) District students.

Sixteen students from Azey, Germany, are visiting Iroquois High School, where they will attend classes, interact with students and teachers, and attend school functions. These students will learn about our teaching methodologies, history, and culture and observe how we interact and engage in numerous activities that are part of our everyday lives.

The students at Iroquois High School will also have an opportunity to talk with the German students and to inquire about the important role that education plays in their lives and about the many different facets of their everyday lives.

In honor of their visit to our country, the JCBE and the superintendent welcome these outstanding students and recognize them as honorary JCPS students.

Recognition of the 15th District Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Recipients of the Kentucky PTA Awards

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education receive a recognition of the 15th District PTA recipients of the Kentucky PTA Awards.

Each year, the Kentucky PTA recognizes outstanding school PTAs, teachers, staff members, and students throughout the state. In appreciation of the exemplary service and leadership provided by our local school PTAs, the JCBE and the Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) District also recognize these distinguished honorees for their support and dedication to enhancing the learning experiences of our students and for their contributions to our young people.

Submitted by: Stephanie Bateman

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the October 11, 2010, resolutions of recognition of Visiting Students from Germany and the 15th District Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Recipients of the Kentucky PTA Awards.

Actions Taken

Order #160 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the October 11, 2010, resolutions of recognition of Visiting Students from Germany and the 15th District Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Recipients of the Kentucky PTA Awards. The recommendation passed with a motion by Ms. Diane Porter and a second by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad.

V. Consent Calendar and Superintendent's Report

Persons requesting to address the Board on a specific agenda item will speak when that item is brought forward.

Speakers who have registered to address the Board of Education on agenda items will be called when that agenda item is brought forward.

Speakers who have registered to address the Board on non-agenda items are heard after the Board has conducted regular business, near the end of the meeting.

Each speaker is allowed three minutes to address the Board. At the end of 2-1/2 minutes, a bell will sound once. You will then have 30 seconds to finish your statement.  At the end of three minutes, the bell will sound twice, indicating that your time is up.

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the consent calendar as presented in Agenda Items V.A. through V.V.

Actions Taken

Order #161 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the consent calendar as presented in Agenda Items V.A. through V.V., minus Item V.U., which was withdrawn prior to the meeting. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad and a second by Mr. Joseph Hardesty.

V.A. Approval of Personnel Actions

Pursuant to KRS 160.380, it is my responsibility to report to the Board of Education routine personnel actions that I have taken that affect certified and classified employment.

These actions have been executed in compliance with all Board of Education policies and state and federal laws. All positions are Board of Education approved positions.

Submitted by: Bill Eckels


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education receive the attached report of the personnel actions that he has taken per KRS 160.380.

V.B. Approval of Certified Leaves

Pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statutes, leaves of absence must be recommended by the superintendent and approved by the Board of Education. The following personnel actions are in compliance with federal and state laws and Board policy regarding equal employment opportunities.

Submitted by: Bill Eckels


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the request for leaves of absences included in the attachment.

V.C. Approval of Job Description

The Budget and Operations Management Specialist will be responsible for budget control, projecting year-end balances, and compliance with federal and state regulations for the Early Childhood and Head Start programs. The position will be funded by KERA Preschool grants.

Submitted by: W. S. Eckels


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached job description for Budget and Management Operations Specialist.

V.D. Approval of Organizational Charts

The Early Childhood organizational chart is submitted to add a new position, Budget and Management Operations Specialist. This position will be responsible for budget control, projecting year-end balances, and compliance with federal and state regulations for the Early Childhood and Head Start programs. Funding will come from KERA Preschool grants.

The organizational chart for School and Community Nutrition Services includes the addition of one Bookkeeper. During the last three years, the number and amount of grants received by the department has grown steadily. The department requests that a Bookkeeper position be added to assist with the preparation and maintenance of the accounts, records, and documents for the cost center budget. This position will be funded by the Center for Disease Control grant.

Submitted by:  W. S. Eckels


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached organizational charts for Early Childhood and School and Community Nutrition Services.

V.E. Approval of Field Trip Requests

This is a report of field trip requests submitted to the Board of Education for approval on October 10, 2010. Administrative Regulation 702 KAR 5:060 requires that the use of common-carrier field trips be approved and cited in Board of Education minutes.
Also included are other field trips approved by the superintendent per JCPS Policy IICA.
Submitted by: Mike Mulheirn

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached requests for field trips and receive a report of other field trips approved by the superintendent.

V.F. Approval of Project, BG-1 Form, and Assignment of Architects/Engineers for Various Projects
V.F.1. Approval of Project, BG-1 Form, and Assignment of Architects/Engineers for Auditorium Renovations at Fern Creek Traditional High School

This project shall provide for the renovation of the existing auditorium to include but not be limited to paint, ceilings, lighting (both house and theatrical), sound system, flooring, stage curtains, and possible seating repair and/or replacement. Improvements will enhance and support the school's magnet curriculum.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al., and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the district’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of the attached resolutions in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of these projects. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.  [KRS 160.290]

Submitted by: Mike Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of C. L. Anderson Architects and Environmental Concerns (Asbestos Abatement Only) as the architects/engineers, and the BG-1 form for Auditorium Renovations at Fern Creek Traditional High School, for an estimated project cost of $287,500.

V.F.2. Approval of Project, BG-1 Form, and Assignment of Architects/Engineers for the Expansion of Medical Arts Program at Moore Traditional School

The expansion and renovation within the scope of this project will support the medical arts curriculum and will consist of renovation and new construction of a one-story addition and necessary site coordination.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al., and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the district’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of the attached resolutions in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of these projects. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.  [KRS 160.290]

Submitted by: Mike Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of Studio Kremer Architects and Environmental Concerns, Inc.(Asbestos Abatement only) as the architects/engineers, and the BG-1 form for the Expansion of Medical Arts Program at Moore Traditional School for an estimated project cost of $287,500.00.

V.F.3. Approval of Project, BG-1 Form, and Assignment of Architects/Engineers for Renovations of Medical Arts Program at Waggener Traditional High School

This renovation will provide for spaces needed to support the medical arts curriculum. The work shall include but may not be limited to all finishes, HVAC modifications, electrical, technology, casework, and painting.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al., and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the district’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of the attached resolutions in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of these projects. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.  [KRS 160.290]

Submitted by: Mike Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of McCulloch Associates Architects and Environmental Concerns (Asbestos Abatement Only) as the architects/engineers, and the BG-1 form for the Renovation of Medical Arts Program at Waggener Traditional High School for an estimated project cost of $402,500.

V.F.4. Approval of Project, BG-1 Form, and Assignment of Architect/Engineer for Campus Renovations at Western MST Magnet High School

This project will address a variety of site issues such as traffic flow, bus/auto drop-off, maintenance aesthetics, signage, paving, and landscaping. Modifications are to support curriculum change at school.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al., and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the district’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of the attached resolutions in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of these projects. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.  [KRS 160.290]

Submitted by: Mike Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of Carmen Associates as the architect/engineer, and the BG-1 form for Campus Renovations at Western MST Magnet High School, for an estimated project cost of $345,000.

V.G. Approval of Revised BG-1 Form for a New Elevator at Dixie Elementary School

On August 10, 2009, the Board of Education approved assigning Studio Kremer Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 082-10001.
On April 26, 2010, the Board approved awarding a contract to Upton Pry, Inc., in the amount of $170,000. On September 13, 2010, the Board approved a change order in the amount of $12,886. 
The Kentucky Department of Education requires revision of the BG-1 form when the change order amount exceeds the 5 percent allowable contingency.
Submitted by: Mike Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached revised BG-1 form for a New Elevator at Dixie Elementary School.

V.H. Request for Approval for CMTA, Inc. to Apply for the Commercial Buildings Tax Deduction Under Section 1331 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005

The Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Tax Deduction is a special financial incentive created by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and designed to reduce the initial cost of investing in energy-efficient lighting and other building systems via an accelerated tax deduction. If the building is a publicly owned building, the person who created the technical specifications for installation of the energy-efficient property can claim the CBTD, according to IRS Notice 2008-40. CMTA, Inc. provided architect/engineering services for the following projects:            

1.   Bowen Elementary – renovation
2.   Camp Taylor Elementary – renovation
3.   Eisenhower Elementary – renovation
4.   Fern Creek Elementary – renovation
5.   Layne Elementary – renovation
6.   Cane Run Elementary – addition/renovation  

The first five schools listed only qualify for the lighting system partial tax deduction. Cane Run Elementary will qualify for the full building tax deduction.  

Submitted by: Mike Mulheirn   

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve a request from CMTA, Inc., that would allow CMTA to apply for the Commercial Buildings Tax Deduction (CBTD) under the Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 2005, for several JCPS construction projects.

V.I. Approval of 2011 Purchase of Thirty-two (32) Hybrid Electric 66-Passenger School Buses for Regular Student Transportation

The 2011 School Bus Purchase Authorization from the Kentucky Department of Education, Education and Workforce Development Cabinet, Division of District Support, will allow the district to participate in the state contract bid for school buses. The buses recommended for purchase are to replace aging fleet inventory and will be part of our normal bus replacement program cycle. 

The purchase will be partially funded via reimbursement through a U.S. Department of Energy grant awarded to the Kentucky Education Cabinet. This grant reimbursement is estimated to be $1,903,776. This is based on the difference in cost between the non-hybrid Cummins ISB Freightliner and MaxForce 7 International and the cost of the hybrid electric buses. Each district must submit a proposal, including number of units, to the Kentucky Education Cabinet for review and award of a sub-grant for the hybrid bus purchase. In compliance with the Kentucky Education Cabinet’s recent request for proposals, JCPS submitted a non-binding letter of intent advising that the district plans to submit a proposal for hybrid buses. 

We have purposely split the order between the International and Freightliner model hybrid electric buses for the purpose of study and evaluation through regular school transportation operations. For the past four years, bus engines have been in a state of transition due to the new pollution reduction mandates by the Environmental Protection Agency, implemented from 2007 to 2010. The technologies and engines selection to meet the 2010 standards have now been established and should remain in place for several years. To this would be added the fuel conservation and emission reduction features of the hybrid-electric system; most efficient and effective in stop-and-go driving in urban and high traffic areas. We have the opportunity to compare fuel consumption and other parameters and gather data to aid us in making future school bus purchase decisions.   

Should the district’s proposal be declined, regular 66-passenger 2010 standard school buses will be purchased instead.  

Submitted by: Mike Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached 2011 School Bus Purchase Authorization for thirty-two (32) hybrid electric 66-passenger school buses, for a total purchase price of $4,395,504, and authorize the superintendent to sign the necessary agreements for the grant reimbursement.

V.J. Approval of Bids (Submitted by Purchasing Department)

In accordance with KRS 45A.345-45A.460, these items represent the lowest and/or best bid for each respective item and/or group of items.
The proposals are public record and are on file for inspection in the Purchasing Department.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the bid tabulations for Paint and Related Items; Furniture, Classroom and Office (Line Item); Musical Instruments: Orff, Percussion and Rhythm (Percentage); Water Coolers, Fountains and Parts; Snow Removal Service; Laboratory Testing (For Nutrition Service Center); Clear Polypropylene Heat Sealing Film; Sale of Buses; Purchase of Uniform Tunics for Nutrition Services; and Amendments on Bus Body Parts and Accessories; First Aid Supplies; Custodial Supplies; and Audiovisual (Percentage).

V.K. Acceptance of Purchase Order Report

This report will inform the Board of the purchase orders issued during the period of September 11, 2010, through September 24, 2010.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept the attached report of purchase orders issued during the period of September 11, 2010, through September 24, 2010.

V.L. Acceptance of Voucher Report

This report will inform the Board of the vouchers paid during the period of September 11, 2010, through September 24, 2010.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept the attached report of vouchers paid during the period of September 11, 2010, through September 24, 2010.

V.M. Approval of Professional Services Contracts of $5,000 or More

Professional services contracts of $5,000 or more require Board approval per JCPS Policy DJA: Program Consultants.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached professional services contracts of $5,000 or more.

V.N. Approval of the Financial Report for the Period Ended July 31, 2010

This report includes the following funds: General, Special Revenue, Capital Outlay, Building, Construction, Debt Service, Food Service, Day Care Operations, Adult Education, Tuition Preschool, and Trust and Agency.

The report is being submitted for approval per KRS 160.560 and JCPS Policy DI: Fiscal Accounting and Reporting.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached financial report for the period ended July 31, 2010.

V.O. Acceptance of Donations

Atherton High School received $784 from Kookaburra Field Hockey USA to be used for expenses to host the Kookaburra Tournament and $2,000 from Health Care Retirement (HCR) ManorCare to be used for facility renovations.
Auburndale Elementary School received gift cards valued at $1,000 from Wal-Mart. The funds will be used to purchase speakers for each classroom.
Cochran Elementary School received $1,000 from Stephen and Janet Wyatt. The funds will be used to purchase school playground equipment.
The Computer Education Support unit received two sets of 32 SMART response clickers, one SMART document camera, and one SMART airliner valued at $3,000 from Bill Jarrett with SMART Technologies. These items are to be awarded to teachers who attend the SMART Technologies professional development through Computer Education Support.
DuPont Manual High School received $500 from the GE Foundation, Institute of International Education, GE Star Award Program to be used for educational purposes. 
Engelhard Elementary School received $500 from Christopher E. Miller. The funds will be used to help fund an artist-in-residence at the school. 

Exceptional Child Education received $1,429.35 from Dottie Massey. The funds will be used to purchase a hydraulic lift and polyester sling with a commode opening to assist students in the Physical Therapy/Occupation Therapy department.
Field Elementary School received $600 from Crescent Hill Community Council. The funds will be used for an artist-in-residence to work directly with classroom teachers and students.
Fern Creek Traditional High School received $500 from Paul Barnwell. The funds will be used to purchase digital literacy materials
Jeffersontown High School received $500 from Meijer. The funds will be used to purchase supplies for the boys’ golf matches and practices.
Wellington Elementary Family Resource Center received $2,000 from the Community Foundation of Louisville. The funds will be used to support after-school programs sponsored by the Family Resource Center.

Submitted by:  DeVone Holt

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept donations totaling $13,813.35.

V.P. Acceptance of Grants and Funding
Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept the grants and funding to various schools and departments as presented in Agenda Items V.P.1. through V.P.10.

V.P.1. Acceptance of Perkins Reserve Fund Grant for Career Technical Education

The Kentucky Department of Education's Office of Career & Technical Education has awarded the district FY 2011 Carl Perkins Reserve Funds in the amount of $21,790. Grant funds will be used to develop a pre-engineering curriculum for an eighth-grade course integrating science and technical course; "Architectonics: The Science of Building." This will strengthen the current career pathway involving partnerships with the Engineering is Elementary Program, Olmsted North Middle School, Iroquois High School, University of Louisville Speed Scientific School, and business and industry representatives.

Submitted by: Joe Burks

Attachment: MOA PON2 540 11000004101

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept a Perkins Reserve Fund Grant in the amount of $21,790 and further recommends that the Board of Education authorize the superintendent to sign the attached contract to receive the funds.

V.P.2. Acceptance of a Grant from Metro United Way to the Louisville Education and Employment Partnership (LEEP) for the My Idea Grant Project

The My Idea Grant is a critical element of the America's Promise Alliance Grad Nation Campaign to reverse the dropout crisis and improve outcomes for young people.  My Idea Grants involve young people directly in creating solutions that increase graduation rates and workforce readiness by making their communities better places to live. 

Through this program, young people can identify needs and concerns within their communities, submit solution-focused project ideas, and help lead efforts to address the problems they identify. This grant is intended solely for a youth-led project. 

The board report was delayed awaiting clarification as to whether the funding had to be awarded to a 501C (3). The student who was awarded this grant from Metro United Way is a LEEP student and LEEP will serve as fiscal agent for the grant. 

Submitted by: Dr. Bernard Minnis


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept a $1,500 grant from Metro United Way to the Louisville Education and Employment Partnership (LEEP) for the My Idea Grant Project and authorize the superintendent to sign the attached agreement.

V.P.3. Acceptance of Title I, Part D, Subpart I Grant

The Kentucky Department of Education has awarded the district $52,663 to provide supplemental educational services for youth in the following facilities:

Audubon Youth Development Center                    $28,820

Louisville Day Treatment                                       $23,843

Submitted by: Jack Jacobs

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept a $52,663 Title I, Part D, Subpart I grant for FY 2010-11 to support literacy instruction across the curriculum to students in the two Department of Juvenile Justice State Agency Children’s Programs.

V.P.4. Acceptance of Grant for Flexible Focus Funds for Extended School Services, Preschool, Professional Development, and Safe Schools

The Kentucky Department of Education has allotted the district $12,449,969 in flexible focus funds to support districtwide Extended School Services (ESS), Preschool, Professional Development, and Safe Schools programs.  
        ESS                                          $  1,977,100    
        Preschool                                 $  9,403,647
        Professional Development       $     751,372
        Safe Schools                            $     317,850

Submitted by: Lue Peabody, Amy Dennes, Lynne Wheat, Jack Jacobs

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept $12,449,969 from the Kentucky Department of Education.

V.P.5. Acceptance of Investing in Innovation Grant

As part of its Investing in Innovation program, the U.S. Department of Education has awarded the district $4,999,459 to support its Making Time for What Matters Most program in six high schools, which include The Academy at Shawnee, Fern Creek Traditional High, Moore Traditional School, Valley Traditional High, Waggener Traditional High, and Western MST Magnet High.

This grant, along with required matching funds from private sector donors, will be used to improve achievement, decrease drop-out rates, and increase high school graduation rates.

Private sector donors include Aegon, The Brown Forman Corporation, Community Foundation of Louisville, EON.US, The Gheens Foundation, Hilliard Lyons, The Humana Foundation, Jefferson County Public Education Foundation, National Philanthropic Trust for J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund, Kindred Healthcare, PNC Foundation, Sandra Frazier, WHAS-TV, and YUM Brands Foundation, have committed $1,115,000 to the Jefferson County Public Education Foundation in support of the Making Time for What Matters Most program.

Grant funds will be used for staff, professional development, technical assistance, and the required evaluation to support academic acceleration, college access, and teacher professional growth.

Submitted by: Arthur Camins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept a grant of $4,999,459 from the U.S. Department of Education to support the district's Making Time for What Matters Most program.

V.P.6. Acceptance of Grant from The Gheens Foundation for Making Music Partnership

The Gheens Foundation, Inc. has awarded the district $10,000 to fund the Making Music Partnership Project, a joint program between the district and the Louisville Orchestra. Funds will be used to train all fourth- and fifth-grade teachers to use music as a method for instructing students in science core content material.

Grant funds will pay for teacher training as well as to transport fourth- and fifth-grade students to one orchestra event.

Submitted by: Paul Graseck


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept a $10,000 grant from the Gheens Foundation, Inc. to fund the Making Music Partnership and authorize the superintendent to sign the attached Condition of Grant agreement.

V.P.7. Acceptance of School Improvement Grant Funding for Designated Elementary Schools

The Kentucky Department of Education has awarded the district School Improvement Grants to improve student achievement in Title 1 schools identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring so as to enable those schools to make adequate yearly progress (AYP) and exit improvement status. The period of the grant award is July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.

Funds can be used for additional certified staff, professional development, educational materials, and supplies. Funds have been designated for the following elementary schools:

Coral Ridge Elementary School                      $  60,637
Lincoln Elementary Performing Arts School    $125,700
Rangeland Elementary School                       $  79,090
Stonestreet Elementary School                     $139,647
Young Elementary School                              $122,855

Submitted by: Amy Dennes

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept $527,929 in funding for School Improvement Grants for designated elementary schools.

V.P.8. Acceptance of School Improvement Grant Funding for Designated Middle Schools

The Kentucky Department of Education has awarded the district School Improvement Grants to improve student achievement in Title I schools identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring so as to enable those schools to make adequate yearly progress (AYP) and exit improvements status.  The period of the grant award is July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.

Funds can be used for additional certified staff, professional development, educational materials and supplies.  Funds have been designated for the following middle schools:

    Conway Middle School                                   $237,400
    Farnsley Middle  School                                  $163.686
    Frost Middle School                                        $437,283
    T. T. Knight Middle School                               $177,000
    Lassiter Middle School                                    $231,116
    Myers Middle School                                       $196,000
    Stuart Middle School                                       $234,000
    Thomas Jefferson Middle School                     $224,200
    Western Middle School                                   $429,176
    Westport Middle School                                  $190,449

Submitted by: Dr. Sandy Ledford

Recommended Motion

Dr. Sheldon H. Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept $2,520.310 in funding for School Improvements Grants for designated middle schools.

V.P.9. Acceptance of School Improvement Grant Funding for Designated High Schools

The Kentucky Department of Education has awarded the district School Improvement Grants to improve student achievement in Title I schools identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring so as to enable those schools to make adequate yearly progress (AYP) and exit improvement status. The period of the grant award is July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011.

Funds can be used for additional certified staff, professional development, educational materials, and supplies. Funds have been designated for the following high schools:

The Academy @ Shawnee                          $437,283
Central High School MCA                            $307,622
Doss High School                                       $212,201
Fairdale High                                              $223,596
Fern Creek Traditional High                       $559,459
Iroquois High School                                  $240,438
Moore Traditional School                            $279,086
Southern High School                                 $165,608
Valley Traditional High School                     $588,932
Waggener Traditional High School              $207,612
Western MST Magnet High School              $437,283

Submitted by: Joe Burks

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept $3,659,120 in funding for School Improvement Grants for designated district high schools.

V.P.10. Acceptance of School Improvement Grant Funding for Districtwide Professional Development

The Kentucky Department of Education has awarded the district School Improvement Grants to improve student achievement in Title I schools identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring so as to enable those schools to make adequate yearly progress (AYP) and exit improvement status. The period of the grant award is July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011.

These funds have been awarded to the district and will be used to provide professional development on a districtwide level as well as strengthening the assessment system.

Submitted by: Dr. Robert J. Rodosky

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept $1,002,027 in funding for School Improvement Grants for Districtwide Professional Development.

V.P.11. Acceptance of Grant for Smaller Learning Communities

The United States Department of Education has awarded the district $3,795,483 to fund the initial two years of the JCPS Smaller Learning Communities Project.

The five-year project will ultimately provide the district with $9,735,548 to fully develop and implement our Career-Themed "Schools of Study" and improve overall achievement and close achievement gaps, decrease dropout rates and increase high school graduation rates, increase college readiness and access, and improve teacher and school leader effectiveness at Eastern, Jeffersontown, Pleasure Ridge Park, Seneca, and Southern high schools.

Submitted by: Joe Burks


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept a grant of $3,795,483 from the United States Department of Education to fund a program known as JCPS Smaller Learning Communities and authorize the superintendent to sign the necessary agreements to implement the program.

V.Q. Approval of Contract with the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education for Student Spaceflight Experiments Program at The Academy @ Shawnee

The Student Spaceflight Experiments Program is a national Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education initiative that provides middle and high school classes (grades 5-12) across an entire school the ability to propose experiments to fly in low Earth orbit. Experiments will be flown on the Space Shuttle Endeavour, which is scheduled for launch on February 26, 2011.

SSEP supports a local experiment design competition within each participating school, coupled with extensive local programming that embraces a communitywide engagement model for STEM education. Student teams compete to use an experiment slot reserved for their school in a flight-certified mini-laboratory scheduled to fly in low Earth orbit.

The SSEP vision is to provide routine student access to space via commercial payloads, to leverage the power of such access into a STEM education program delivered across an entire school community, and serve a network of such communities across the nation.  

The goal for the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program at The Academy @ Shawnee is to increase student involvement and achievement in the STEM disciplines.

Experiments will be funded in part from the technology department ($5,152.50) and a secured grant from the Space Grant Consortium ($10,000). Total cost is $15,152.50

Submitted by Joe Burks


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached Student Spaceflight Experiments Program Agreement with National Center for Earth and Space Science Education and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

V.R. Approval to Enter Into a Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Louisville for Provision of Services at Fern Creek Traditional High School

Ms. Phillips is a Response to Intervention (RtI) specialist who will be working on a targeted intervention program at Fern Creek Traditional High School. In addition to helping RtI, Ms. Phillips will be working closely with teachers on targeted interventions in reading and math in order to determine causes of deficiency and whether the interventions are working with each student. She will be a catalyst in moving students to proficiency and training teachers to implement strategies of differentiated instruction in the classroom.

The agreement will be funded by Fern Creek's School Improvement Grant.  The approximate amount needed to cover salary and benefits will be $31,500 until December 31, 2010.

Submitted by: Joe Burks

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends the Board of Education approve entering into a Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Louisville for the provision of services of UofL employee Debbie Phillips at Fern Creek Traditional High School and authorize the Superintendent to sign the necessary agreement.

V.S. Approval of Agreement for Mastery Mavens, LLC

Mastery Mavens LLC, formerly VuPal, LLC, provides a software program that permits video recording of individual classroom sessions with online commenting for the purpose of self reflection and peer-to-peer skills development for teachers. The program, which is voluntary, was successfully piloted last year at Doss and Iroquois High Schools. The video sessions will be focused intra-school with Doss High School, Iroquois High School, Jeffersontown High School and Fern Creek Traditional High School participating this year. Other schools may choose to participate, as well.

Submitted by: Joe Burks


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement for Mastery Mavens, LLC and authorize the superintendent to sign the agreement.

V.T. Local District Certification of School Board Member Training Credit Hours

Kentucky Revised Statutes 156.031, 156.070, 160.180 and State Regulation 702 KAR 1:115 require local School Board members to complete a minimum number of inservice training hours annually, based on the number of years of experience. This action will certify the participation of board members in training as indicated.

Submitted by: Sheldon Berman


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education certify flexible credit hours for inservice training for board members as outlined in the attachment.

V.U. ITEM WITHDRAWN: Revision of Board Policy GBCAA: Nepotism
V.V. Approval to Rename Fairdale High School Gymnasium the Stanley Hardin Gymnasium

Stanley (Stan) Hardin made his first trip to the Sweet 16 of the Kentucky high school basketball tournament 56 years ago as the 12-year-old son of Harry K. Hardin, coach of the Fairdale High School boys' basketball team. He returned with Fairdale to the state tournament 33 years later, as Coach Stan Hardin. 

Stan was head basketball coach at Fairdale High School for 13 years, winning the Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) State Championship in 1990 and 1991, one of only five coaches to win back-to-back state basketball championships. His career record at Fairdale was 247 wins against 138 losses. 

Stan has devoted his life to shaping young lives, teaching lessons on the court as well as lessons about life off the court. In 2006, Stan Hardin was inducted into the Dawahares/KHSAA Hall of Fame. In 2009, he was inducted into the National Federation of High Schools Hall of Fame. This is the highest honor in the nation for a high school coach.

Therefore, in accordance with Board of Education Policy FF Naming Facilities and related procedures, it is appropriate that the Fairdale High School gymnasium be named the Stanley Hardin Gymnasium.

Proceeds from the King of the Bluegrass tournament will pay for replacing the signage.

Submitted by: Joe Burks


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve renaming the gymnasium at Fairdale High School the Stanley Hardin Gymnasium.

VI. Action Items
VII. Discussion Items
VII.A. Update on Turnaround Schools

During the 2009-10 school year, the Kentucky Department of Education identified  Robert Frost and Western middle schools and Fern Creek, Shawnee, Valley, and Western MST Magnet high schools as schools in need of restructuring based on their 2009 Kentucky Core Content Test (KCCT) results.

Principals of these six schools participated in two weeks of Turnaround Training along with two members of each school’s leadership team. One product of the Turnaround Training was the formulation of a 30-60-90 day plan with specific benchmarks designed to move each school forward.

This presentation will include an overview of the selection, training, and progress monitoring processes for Turnaround Schools. Principals will also provide a status report of their 30-60-90 day plans.

Submitted by: Dr. Sandy Ledford and Joe Burks

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education receive a status report regarding six JCPS turnaround schools.

Actions Taken

Order #162 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education receive a status report regarding six JCPS turnaround schools. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan and a second by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad.

VII.B. 2010–11 Board of Education Discussion Agenda Planning Calendar

A year-long list of selected Board of Education discussion agenda items has been compiled for use by the board and administrative staff. The list includes activities for discussion during this fiscal year.

It is anticipated that staff will use this list to avoid scheduling conflicts, to improve coordination and support of activities, to enhance planning, and to increase awareness of upcoming board agenda activities. 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education receive for information a planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items to occur during the 2010-11 fiscal year.

Actions Taken

Order #163 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education receive for information a planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items to occur during the 2010-11 fiscal year. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad and a second by Mrs. Linda Duncan.

VIII. Board Reports/Requests
IX. Persons Requesting to Address the Board on Non-Agenda Items

Each speaker is allowed three minutes to address the Board.

At the end of 2-1/2 minutes, a bell will sound once. You will then have 30 seconds to finish your statement. 

At the end of three minutes, the bell will sound twice, indicating that your time is up.

X. Executive Session (If Needed)
XI. Adjournment
Recommended Motion

A recommendation to adjourn the October 11, 2010, meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education at xxx p.m.

Actions Taken

Order #164 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to adjourn the October 11, 2010, meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education at 9:05 p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad and a second by Ms. Diane Porter.