Jefferson County
September 13, 2010 7:00 PM
Regular Meeting
I. Moment of Silence
II. Pledge of Allegiance

Please join us for the Pledge of Allegiance.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands: one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

III. Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the August 23, 2010, regular meeting and September 1, 2010, special meeting are presented for your review and approval.

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the minutes from the August 23, 2010, regular meeting and September 1, 2010, special meeting.

Actions Taken

Order #140 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the minutes from the August 23, 2010, regular meeting and September 1, 2010, special meeting. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad and a second by Mr. Larry Hujo.

IV. Recognitions and Resolutions

Recognition of Samer Abdullah

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education recognize Samer Abdullah, a student at Kenwood Elementary School, as a winner in the 2010 national State Fish Art Contest.

Samer is 1 of 150 winners from across the nation and the only winning artist from Kentucky in the national State Fish Art Contest. In recognition of his outstanding accomplishment, Samer’s artwork was displayed at the 12th Annual State-Fish Art Expo held in Athens, Texas, on July 16 and 17 and is featured on the State-Fish Art Web site at 

The contest is sponsored by Wildlife Forever, a nonprofit conservation organization whose mission is to preserve America’s wildlife heritage through conservation education, preservation of habitat, and management of fish and wildlife.

Recognition of Megan Perkins

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education recognize Megan Perkins, a student at duPont Manual High School, as a first- and third-place winner in the 2010 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) competition.

Megan earned the honor of participating in the 2010 Intel ISEF by winning the regional and state science fairs. Her project, Maximizing Hybrid Rocket Motor Efficiency for Evaluating Recycled Fuels, won first-place honors in the Energy and Transportation category of the ISEF and received a $3,000 Award. She also won third-place honors for her research and received a $300 Award from the Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP). Megan also received a certificate of recognition, a book, and an invitation to attend the annual Symposium. The SETP recognizes the outstanding achievement of youth in the engineering sciences and encourages them to pursue careers in aerospace and the flight test profession.

The Intel International Science Fair was created in 1950 and is the nation’s largest pre-college science competition. 

Recognition of Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) District Amgen Award for Science Teaching Excellence (AASTE) Recipients

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education recognize Aggie Adwell, a teacher at Luhr Elementary School, and Craig DaRif, a teacher at duPont Manual High School, as 2010 AASTE recipients.

Aggie and Craig are 2 of 34 exemplary science teachers from across the nation selected as recipients of the 2010 AASTE. In honor of their outstanding professional accomplishment, the teachers each received an unrestricted cash award of $5,000 and a restricted $5,000 cash grant to be used to enhance their school science programs.

The awards program was created in 1992 and recognizes exceptional science teachers who exemplify creativity and effective teaching methods in the classroom, who demonstrate the ability to motivate students to learn, and who are committed to enhancing science education.

Amgen is a global biotechnology company that discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets cost-effective human therapeutics, based on advances in cellular and molecular biology.

Submitted by: Stephanie Bateman

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the September 13, 2010, resolutions of recognitions of Samer Abdullah, Megan Perkins, and of the Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) District Amgen Award for Science Teaching Excellence (AASTE) recipients.

Actions Taken

Order #141 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the September 13, 2010, resolutions of recognitions of Samer Abdullah, Megan Perkins, and of the Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) District Amgen Award for Science Teaching Excellence (AASTE) recipients. passed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan and a second by Ms. Diane Porter.

V. Consent Calendar and Superintendent's Report

Persons requesting to address the Board on a specific agenda item will speak when that item is brought forward.

Speakers who have registered to address the Board of Education on agenda items will be called when that agenda item is brought forward.

Speakers who have registered to address the Board on non-agenda items are heard after the Board has conducted regular business, near the end of the meeting.

Each speaker is allowed three minutes to address the Board. At the end of 2-1/2 minutes, a bell will sound once. You will then have 30 seconds to finish your statement.  At the end of three minutes, the bell will sound twice, indicating that your time is up.

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the consent calendar as presented in Agenda Items V.A. through V.Z.

Actions Taken

Order #142 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to remove the organizational chart for Cultural Studies presented in Agenda Item V.D. Approval of Organizational Charts from the Consent Calendar and vote on the item separately passed with a motion by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad and a second by Mr. Stephen Imhoff.

Order #143 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the consent calendar as presented in Agenda Items V.A. through V.Z. with the exception of the organizational chart for Cultural Studies presented in Agenda Item V.D. Approval of Organizational Charts, which was voted on separately. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Hujo and a second by Ms. Diane Porter.

Order #144 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to approve the organizational chart for Cultural Studies presented in Agenda Item V.D. Approval of Organizational Charts passed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan and a second by Mr. Larry Hujo.

V.A. Approval of Personnel Actions

Pursuant to KRS 160.380, it is my responsibility to report to the Board of Education routine personnel actions that I have taken that affect certified and classified employment.

These actions have been executed in compliance with all Board of Education policies and state and federal laws. All positions are Board of Education approved positions.

Submitted by: Bill Eckels


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education receive the attached report of the personnel actions that he has taken per KRS 160.380.

V.B. Approval of Certified Leaves

Pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statutes, leaves of absence must be recommended by the superintendent and approved by the Board of Education. The following personnel actions are in compliance with federal and state laws and Board policy regarding equal employment opportunities.    

Submitted by: Bill Eckels


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the request for leaves of absence included in the attachment.

V.C. Approval of Job Descriptions

The Administrative Intern job description is submitted for approval to modify the duties. The position has responsiblity for assisting in certified teacher recruitment and pursuing a doctoral program in education.

The Coordinator General Maintenance and Coordinator Grounds are new job descriptions. The Coordinator General Maintenance will be assigned to support the work of the preventative maintenance teams. The majority of this work is performed on second shift. The Coordinator Grounds will provide support to work in the grounds area.

The job description for Director Labor Management and Employee Relations is submitted to modify the title and minimum qualifications. 

The reporting relationship is modified on the Employee Relations Assistant job description to align with the recommended title of the department. The organizational chart is included with this Board agenda.

The Payroll Program Assistant is a new job description. This position will have responsibility for supporting payroll processing, auditing, and verification to ensure compliance with state and federal requirements. 

The Special Needs Transportation Assistant job description is recommended for an increase in salary grade. Duties may include performance of health services during the transportation of students. This responsibility has become more of a focus and employees assigned to these positions recieve training to support this requirement.

The job description for Expense Control/KTRS Clerk is recommended for deletion.

Submitted by:  W. S. Eckels


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached job descriptions for Administrative Intern, Coordinator General Maintenance, Coordinator Grounds, Director Labor Management and Employee Relations, Employee Relations Assistant, Payroll Program Assistant, Special Needs Transportation Assistant, and the deletion of Expense Control/KTRS Clerk.

V.D. Approval of Organizational Charts

The organizational chart for Cultural Studies includes one additional Resource Teacher funded by Title I.

The Human Resources organizational chart includes deletion of one Specialist II that will be added to Employee Relations. This position was assigned to support the Substitute Teacher Center and those duties have been reassigned. Responsibilities within Employee Relations will include serving as a link between management and employees by handling questions, interpreting and administering collective bargaining agreements, and helping resolve work-related problems. In addition, it is requested that Employee Relations be identified as Labor Management and Employee Relations.

The General Maintenance/Renovations/Grounds organizational chart includes two added coordinator positions to replace two foreman positions. One of the new positions will be assigned to support the increase in second shift work assignments and the other will provide support to work in the grounds area. These changes will result in the redistribution of support personnel as noted on the organizational chart.

In order to complete critical program responsibilities related to the payroll system implementation and maintenance, the Payroll and Cash Management organizational chart is submitted to recommend the addition of a new position, Payroll Program Assistant. This position will have responsibility for supporting payroll processing, auditing, and verification to ensure compliance with state and federal requirements.  With the implementation of MUNIS on July 1, it is anticipated that maintenance and support will continue to be a primary focus for the department. One Expense Control/KTRS Clerk position will be deleted.

Submitted by:  W. S. Eckels


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached organizational charts for Cultural Studies, Human Resources, Labor Management and Employee Relations, General Maintenance/Renovations/Grounds, and Payroll and Cash Management.

V.E. Approval of Field Trip Requests

This is a report of field trip requests submitted to the Board of Education for approval on September 13, 2010. Administrative Regulation 702 KAR 5:060 requires that the use of common-carrier field trips be approved and cited in Board of Education minutes.
Also included are other field trips approved by the superintendent per JCPS Policy IICA.
Submitted by: Mike Mulheirn

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached requests for field trips and receive a report of other field trips approved by the superintendent.

V.F. Approval of Project/BG-1 Form and Assignment of Architect/Engineer for Renovation and Site Work at Portland Elementary School

This project shall include but not be limited to new fencing, grading concrete paving, landscaping, signage and will also include interior atrium renovation.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al., and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the district’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of the attached resolutions in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of these projects. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval. [KRS 160.290]

Submitted by: Mike Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the project and the BG-1 form for the Renovation and Site Work at Portland Elementary School for an estimated project cost of $250,875.00 and the assignment of Carmen Associates as the architect/engineer for the site work portion of the project only.

V.G. Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Medical Health Lab Modifications at Moore Traditional School

Project #155-10019 will provide for modifications in an existing vocational area to accommodate the medical health curriculum. On February 22, 2010, the Board of Education approved assigning L’Acquis Consulting Engineers to prepare plans and specifications for this project.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans, specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facilities/Transportation on August 31, 2010. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item request approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 160:070.

Submitted by: Michael A. Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve awarding a contract to Woodbine Construction Co. for Medical Health Lab Modifications at Moore Traditional School for the low base bid of $472,200, and in accordance with the specifications accept add Alternate #1 in the amount of $1,300 and reject add Alternate #2 in the amount of $24,700 for a total bid of $473,500; and also approve the revised BG-1 form in the amount of $572,896.

V.H. Approval of Revised BG-1 Form for a New Media Center, Elevator Addition, Switchgear Replacement, and Demolition at Roosevelt-Perry Elementary School

On June 8, 2009, the Board of Education approved assigning Luckett & Farley Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 530-9029.

On March 22, 2010, the Board approved awarding a contract to ShelCon Construction in the amount of $375,070 for Package “A” Switchgear Replacement; and on May 24, 2010 the Board approved awarding a contract to E.H. Construction Co. in the amount of $71,700 for Package “B” Demolition of the Healing Place building. Package “C” the new Media Center and Elevator Addition will be bid at a later date.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires revision of the BG-1 form to match the funding source.

Submitted by: Michael A. Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached revised BG-1 form for a new Media Center, Elevator Addition, Switchgear Replacement, and Demolition at Roosevelt-Perry Elementary School.

V.I. Approval of Architect/Engineer Assignments for Renovations at Various Schools

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al., and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the district’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of the attached resolutions in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of these projects. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval. [KRS 160.290]

Submitted by: Mike Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the assignments of architects/engineers for the renovation projects at Various locations.

V.J. Approval of Project Completions and BG-4 Forms
V.J.1. Approval of Project Completion and BG-4 Form for Concrete Repairs at Various Schools

On April 26, 2010, the Board of Education approved assigning Jefferson County Public Schools Facilities Planning Unit to prepare plans and specifications for Project VAR-10023. On June 14, 2010, the Board approved awarding a contract to AML, Inc. as the low bidder.

The Jefferson County Public Schools Facility Planning Unit staff has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due the contractor.

Submitted by: Michael A. Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the project completion, BG-4 form, and final payment to AML, Inc. for Concrete Repairs at Various Schools, for a total cost of $21,458.

V.J.2. Approval of Project Completion and BG-4 Form for Concrete Repairs at Various Schools

On April 26, 2010, the Board of Education approved assigning Jefferson County Public Schools Facilities Planning Unit to prepare plans and specifications for Project VAR-1002). On June 14, 2010, the Board approved awarding a contract to E-Z Construction Co., Inc. as the low bidder.

The Jefferson County Public Schools Facility Planning Unit staff has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due the contractor.

Submitted by: Michael A. Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the project completion, BG-4 form, and final payment to E-Z Construction Co., Inc. for Concrete Repairs at Various Schools, for a total cost of $16,395.

V.J.3. Approval of Project Completion and BG-4 Form for 2010 Paving Package 1 at Various Schools

On September 22, 2008, the Board of Education approved assigning Jefferson County Public Schools Facilities Planning Unit to prepare plans and specifications for Project VAR-10021. On May 11, 2009, the Board approved awarding a contract to Flynn Brothers Contracting & Paving as the low bidder.

The Jefferson County Public Schools Facility Planning Unit staff has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due the contractor.

Submitted by: Michael A. Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the project completion, BG-4 form, and final payment to Flynn Brothers Contracting & Paving for 2010 Paving Package 1 at Various Schools, for a total cost of $37,130.

V.J.4. Approval of Project Completion and BG-4 Form for 2010 Paving Package 3 at Various Schools

On August 10, 2009, the Board of Education approved assigning Jefferson County Public Schools Facilities Planning Unit to prepare plans and specifications for Project VAR-10002. On November 23, 2009, the Board approved awarding a contract to TSI Paving as the low bidder.

The Jefferson County Public Schools Facility Planning Unit staff has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due the contractor.

Submitted by: Michael A. Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the project completion, BG-4 form, and final payment to TSI Paving for 2010 Paving Package 3 at Various Schools, for a total cost of $27,110.

V.J.5. Approval of Project Completion and BG-4 Form for Renovation Phase 1 Media Center and Elevator Addition (Bid Package B) at Rutherford Elementary School

On September 22,, 2008, the Board of Educationapproved assigning C.L. Anderson Architecture, LLC to prepare plans and specifications for Project 560-9004.

On May 11, 2009, the Board approved awarding a contract to Lichtefeld, Inc. as the low bidder.

C.L. Anderson Architecture, LLC has now advised the staff that this contract is complete and final payment is due the contractor.

Submitted by: Michael A. Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the project completion, BG-4 form, and final payment to Lichtefeld, Inc. for Renovation Phase 1 Media Center and Elevator Addition (Bid Package B) at Rutherford Elementary School, for a total cost of $2,048,563.77.

V.K. Approval of Construction Change Orders

In accordance with 702 KAR 4:160, the Kentucky Department of Education requires that all change orders shall be approved by local Board action. Change order descriptions are included in the attachment.

Submitted by: Michael A. Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the construction change orders included in the attachment.

V.L. Approval of Bids (Submitted by Purchasing Department)

In accordance with KRS 45A.345-45A.460, these items represent the lowest and/or best bid for each respective item and/or group of items.
The proposals are public record and are on file for inspection in the Purchasing Department.
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the Competitive Negotiation for On-Line Payment System; bid tabulations for Elevator and Lift Service; Audiovisual (Percentage); Telecommunications Maintenance Parts(For Northern SL-1, Used/Refurbished Circuit Packs and Telephones); Lunchroom Supplies - School Delivery Non-Food; Bags, Cook Chill Operations and Cook Tank; Plumbing Supplies and Equipment (Percentage); Paper Towels (Supplement); and Amendments on Bus Body Parts and Accessories; Instructional and Office Supplies (Line Item); Locks and Miscellaneous Hardware Items; Pumps (Various) and Lunchroom Commodities School Delivery.

V.M. Acceptance of Purchase Order Report

This report will inform the Board of the purchase orders issued during the period of August 7, 2010, through August 31, 2010.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept the attached report of purchase orders issued during the period of August 7, 2010, through August 31, 2010.

V.N. Acceptance of Voucher Report

This report will inform the Board of the vouchers paid during the period of August 7, 2010, through August 31, 2010.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept the attached report of vouchers paid during the period of August 7, 2010, through August 31, 2010.

V.O. Approval of Professional Services Contracts over $5,000

In accordance with JCPS Policy DJA: Program Consultants, professional services contracts of $5,000 or more require Board approval.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached professional services contracts over $5,000.

V.P. Approval of Professional Services Contracts with Supplemental Educational Services (SES) Providers

In accordance with JCPS Policy DJA: Program Consultants, professional services contracts of $5,000 or more require Board approval.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached professional services contracts with SES providers and authorize him to sign a contract in the same format as the attached example for each of the providers.

V.Q. Approval of the Indirect Cost Rate for Fiscal Year 2010-11

Indirect costs are expenditures in support of a program that are not directly identifiable to that program. KDE calculates the allowable percentage that may be applied to grants so the district may be reimbursed for a portion of the support expenses incurred.

The non-restricted Indirect Cost rate of 15.03 percent can be applied to food service and the restricted Indirect Cost rate of 3.54 percent is for use with grants. Each local Board of Education is encouraged to approve the rates prior to October 1, which is the beginning of the federal fiscal year. If the rate is not approved by October 1, the district cannot apply the rate at a later time during the fiscal year. If the Board adopts the rates, they are not obligated to apply the Indirect Cost rates.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the Indirect Cost rate of 3.54 percent for restricted rates and 15.03 percent for non-restricted rates for fiscal year 2010-11.

V.R. ITEM WITHDRAWN: Approval of Global Software Licenses
V.S. Approval of the Sponsorship of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National School Meals Programs

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) school meals programs provide breakfast, lunch, and summer meals that meet USDA nutrition guidelines. Benefits including free and reduced price meals are available to those who qualify. 

Federal reimbursement from the USDA to cover the costs of preparing and serving meals that meet the program requirements will be claimed for these programs. 
Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the sponsorship of the USDA National School Breakfast, Lunch, and Summer Food Service Programs.

V.T. Acceptance of Donations

Butler Traditional High School received $500 from Brandon Lesher to be used for a scholarship for a cross-country runner and $500 from the City of Shively to be used for equipment expenses.
Cane Run Elementary School received $3,000 from Michelin North America, Inc. to be used to support and supply resources for the Environmental Magnet Program and outdoor classroom.
DuPont Manual High School received $500 from the Institute of International Education to be used by the English Department for educational purposes and $1,000 from WHAS-TV to be used for the classroom of Tim Smith, an Excel Award winner.
The Exceptional Child Education Department received $1,500 from Paducah and Louisville Railway to be used to purchase augmentative communication devices for non-verbal students.
Fern Creek Traditional High School received $2,058.50 from the Fern Creek Traditional High School Athletic Association, Inc. The funds will be used for coaches’ stipends in the Athletic Department.
Field Elementary School received $525 from Jennifer Catlett and Guy Dove. The funds will be used for curricular enhanced field trips to provide community-based education for special needs students. 
Greenwood Elementary School received $2,585 from the Greenwood Elementary Parent Teacher Association to be used to purchase a vending machine.
Stopher Elementary School received $500 from Eberle Orthodontics. The funds will be used for the cheerleading team.
Wheatley Elementary School received $520 from Jefferson County Circuit Court Clerk’s office through their Dress Down Day for Charity Program. The funds will be placed in the activity funds account and distributed according to their needs.
Youth Performing Arts School received $2,000 from Republic Bank. The funds will be used to sponsor their upcoming musical.

Submitted by:  DeVone Holt

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept donations totaling $15,188.50.

V.U. Acceptance of Grants and Funding
Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept the grants and funding to various schools and departments as presented in Agenda Items V.U.1. through V.U.7.

V.U.1. Acceptance of Grant from Brightside NatureScape Award Program

The Brightside NatureScape Award Program has awarded $1,300 to Kenwood Elementary School. The funds will be used to assist in the creation of an outdoor garden at the school.

Submitted by:  DeVone Holt

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept a $1,300 grant from Metro Parks through the Brightside NatureScape Award Program for Kenwood Elementary School.

V.U.2. Acceptance of Grant from Dollar General Literacy Foundation

The Dollar General Literacy Foundation has awarded $2,000 to Jacob Elementary School. The funds will be used to purchase literacy materials to help build their magnet program.

Submitted by:  DeVone Holt

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept a grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation for Jacob Elementary School.

V.U.3. Acceptance of Target One-Time Grant

The Target One-Time Grant Program has awarded $2,000 to Lincoln Elementary Performing Arts School. The funds will be used to host a performance of the visiting Kusun Ensemble from West Africa through the Kentucky Center for the Arts.

Submitted by:  DeVone Holt

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept a grant for $2,000 from the Target One-Time Grant Program for Lincoln Elementary Performing Arts School.

V.U.4. Acceptance of Refugee School Impact Grant

The Kentucky Office for Refugees has awarded the district $250,533 to help defray costs associated with the education of refugee children during 2010-11. The district will coordinate the grant with other funds for limited-English-proficient (LEP) children.
Grant funds will be used for the following program costs: 

  • Summer and after-school programs
  • School registration activities
  • Professional development
  • Instructional supplies
  • Contractual services
  • Mileage and travel
  • Student and parent activities
  • Extended time for program personnel
  • Salary for an ESL teacher at the ESL Newcomer Academy

The district’s English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) Program staff, in the Literacy Department of the Gheens Academy for Curriculum Excellence and Instructional Leadership, will administer grant-funded activities.

Submitted by: Pat Todd


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept $250,533 from Catholic Charities of Louisville, Kentucky, Office for Refugees.

V.U.5. Acceptance of Grant Through NCLB Title II Part A Neglected Students

The award provides funds to support educational services for youth residing in the Louisville Metro Youth Detention Center. Educational services include materials for literacy and mathematics, counseling, parental involvement, career education, and transition services to career and/or employment.

Submitted by:  Lue Peabody

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept $309,584 from the Kentucky Department of Education through NCLB Title I, Part A, Generated for Neglected Students.

V.U.6. Acceptance of Grant for Title I, Part A, Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged

The purpose of this grant is to ensure that all children have a fair, equitable, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic assessments. 

Title I funds must be used to implement instructional strategies, programs, reform models, professional development, and parent involvement activities that are based on scientifically-proven research to raise student achievement, especially in literacy and mathematics.

Submitted by:  Lue Peabody

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept $37,527,547 in federal funds from the Kentucky Department of Education to support the district's Title I program.

V.U.7. Acceptance of Grant from the Kentucky Department of Education for the Homeless Education Program

The Homeless Education Program provides the following services for approximately 11,000 homeless students and their families:

  • Family advocacy services to remove educational barriers;
  • Outreach educational support services at shelters for homeless children and youth; and
  • Transportation services to assist in maintaining homeless children's school attendance.
Grant funds pay salaries, purchase materials and supplies, and provide student transportation.

Submitted by:  Dr. Bernard Minnis

Attachment:  Stewart B. McKinney Homeless-Jefferson Co. Contract No. PON2 540 11000004821

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education accept a grant in the amount of $158,345 from the Kentucky Department of Education to provide homeless education services and further recommends that the Board authorize the superintendent to sign the attached agreement.

V.V. Approval of JCPS National School Administrative Manager (SAM) Innovation Project

SAM (School Administrative Manager) began in 2002 as a study in Jefferson County Public Schools funded by the Wallace Foundation. Foundation support allowed replication in other states and creation of the JCPS National SAM Innovation Project (NSIP) with a program board to guide and further develop the innovation. The Wallace Foundation and its consultants recommended JCPS establish a fee-for-service structure to allow sustainability and expansion of ten years of grant work in Jefferson County and support the SAM project after the grant expires in December 2010.
SAM is a whole school change strategy designed to refocus the role of the principal from one of school manager to one of instructional leader, resulting in increased time and effort focused on the improvement of teaching and learning. This focus engages and empowers stakeholders leading to improved achievement outcomes for students.

SAM is an effective school improvement model shown to succeed in high need schools and with high need students in research provided by the Wallace Foundation. SAM employs a sophisticated readiness process, unique analysis of leader time-use data, professional development, coaching and unique tools including training modules to help principals and schools make the transition in use of leader time and identify other staff to serve as “first responders” to management issues. The fee for service model will allow JCPS to contract and charge fees to states, schools and districts nationally for SAM implementation, training modules and support.

Submitted by: W. S. Eckels


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the Jefferson County Public Schools National SAM Innovation Project.

V.W. Approval to Continue Participation in the Community-Based Work Transition Program

The Community-Based Work Transition Program (CBWTP) allows the district to continue a project designed to enable Exceptional Child Education (ECE) students who qualify for the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation to receive services in the area of post-high school transition, i.e., vocational assessment, job placement, and training. 

The total program cost of $135,200 includes a cash contribution from Jefferson County Public Schools in the amount of $33,800. The district’s FY 2010-11 contribution has been budgeted by the ECE Department.

Submitted by Sharon W. Davis


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the participation in the Community-Based Work Transition Program (CBWTP) and authorize the superintendent to sign the attached agreement.

V.X. Approval of Agreement with Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness to Provide Family Life Curriculum

For a number of years, the Louisville Metro Health Department and the Jefferson County Public School District have entered into an agreement that provides for financial and staff assistance to the Jefferson County Public Schools to provide a Family Life curriculum. The attached contract will authorize the district to receive $19,979 from the LMPHW and staff assistance to implement the curriculum in our schools.
This program will be offered at the middle and high school level.

Submitted by: Pat Todd


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve an agreement with the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness (LMPHW) that will provide the district $19,979 and also assist in implementing a health program to serve approximately 6,500 students in the Jefferson County Public Schools and further recommends that the Board authorize the superintendent to sign the attached agreement to implement the program.

V.Y. Approval of 2011 School Bus Purchase of Twenty Replacement 66-Passenger Buses for Early Childhood Education

The 2011 School Bus Purchase Authorization from the Kentucky Department of Education, Education and Workforce Development Cabinet, Division of District Support will allow the district to participate in the state bid for school buses. The buses recommended for purchase are to replace aging fleet inventory and is part of our normal bus replacement program cycle.

The funding is provided through a KERA Preschool Grant Fund Allocation through the Exceptional Child Education Department. We have purposely split this order between International and Freightliner for the purposes of study and evaluation. For the last four years, bus engines have been in a state of transition due to the new pollution reduction mandates by the Environmental Protection Agency in both 2007 and 2010. The technologies and engine selection to meet the 2010 standards have now been established and should remain in place for several years. Therefore, we have an opportunity to compare fuel consumption and other parameters which will allow us to make future purchase decisions based on best value using the data.

Submitted by: Michael A. Mulheirn


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the attached 2011 School Bus Purchase Authorization for twenty 66-passenger buses for a total purchase price of $1,541,530.

V.Z. Approval of 2011 Memorandum of Agreement with the Kentucky Educational Collaborative for State Agency Children

The Kentucky Educational Collaborative for State Agency Children has awarded the district $2,529,380. This annual grant is provided to fund salaries and other operating expenses at the following centers:

Ackerly Impatient/Kosair Hospital                $28,035
Audubon Youth Development Center         $186,900
Bellewood                                                  $105,910
Boys' Haven                                               $137,060
Brooklawn                                                  $358,225
Peace Mental Health Day Treatment            $96,565
Peace Academy                                          $517,090
Home of the Innocents                               $174,440
Louisville Day Treatment                            $109,025
Maryhurst                                                   $386,260
St. Joseph Children's Home                        $121,485
Ten Broeck - Dupont                                     $80,990
Ten Broeck - KMI                                         $171,325
Western Mental Health Day Treatment         $56,070

Submitted by: Pat Todd


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve a $2,529,380 Memorandum of Agreement with the Kentucky Educational Collaborative for State Agency Children to provide educational services to state agency children. I further recommend that the Board authorize the superintendent to sign all necessary agreements to implement this program.

VI. Action Items
VI.A. Middle and High School Student Assignment Plan Implementation

On September 29, 2009, the Board of Education approved a revision the student assignment plan, which called for boundary changes for middle and high schools to be implemented in the 2011-12 school year. In August 2010, the Board requested the Superintendent review the proposed boundary changes and plan for implementation for 2011-12. 
The Superintendent has completed a review of the proposed boundary changes and met with transportation staff to determine the level of readiness to implement the proposed boundary changes for 2011-12. Based on the information gathered during the review process, it is recommended that the middle school boundary changes be implemented for the 2011-12 school year and the high school boundary changes be implemented during the 2012-13 school year.

Submitted by: Pat Todd

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the implementation of the middle school boundaries in 2011-12 as outlined in the student assignment plan and that high school boundaries outlined in the student assignment plan be implemented in 2012-13.

Actions Taken

Order #145 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education approve the implementation of the middle school boundaries in 2011-12 as outlined in the student assignment plan and that high school boundaries outlined in the student assignment plan be implemented in 2012-13. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Hujo and a second by Mrs. Linda Duncan.

VII. Discussion Items
VII.A. Update on Every 1 Reads

In 2008, the district concluded a four-year campaign to have every student reading at grade level. The Every 1 Reads campaign produced an unprecedented level of community collaboration to solicit public and private resources. These resources strengthened district literacy initiatives; recruited volunteers who serve as reading mentors to students; and built a network of community based organizations that function as Every 1 Reads endorsed sites.

As the second phase of the Every 1 Reads campaign begins in the 2010-11 school year, Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) staff and several community partners would like to reflect on the initial four years of the campaign and present plans to maintain the program for future growth and success.

Submitted by:  DeVone Holt

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education receive a report on the Every 1 Reads program.

Actions Taken

Order #146 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education receive a report on the Every 1 Reads program. The recommendation passed with a motion by Ms. Diane Porter and a second by Mrs. Linda Duncan.

VII.B. Student Assignment Update

This report will provide members of the Board of Education with an update regarding the assignment of students to schools for the 2010-11 school year.
The Office of Demographics projected 91,325 students would attend Jefferson County Public Schools for the 2010-11 school year. The census on August 23, 2010, the fifth day of school, in kindergarten through 12th grade was 91,381. This does not include students in self-contained exceptional child education (ECE) classes, special schools, or early childhood education. This data indicates that the district achieved the projections. At kindergarten and in grades 6-8, the district slightly exceeded the projection.  
Attachment 1 highlights the projected assignment for attendance and the census of students on the fifth day of school for each of the schools in the district. 
The Office of Elementary Student Assignment processed 12,215 elementary applications during the application period of February 1 through March 9, 2010. Of the kindergarten applications received during the application period, 80 percent of the applicants were assigned to their first or second choice schools and 93.5 percent of the applicants were assigned to one of their four choices. Of the first grade applications received during the application period, 86.7 percent were assigned to their first or second choice schools and 95 percent of the applicants received one of their four choices.
Of the kindergarten and first grade applications received during the application period, 57.8 percent of the applicants listed the school to which the home address projected them as first choice and 42.2 percent selected a school other than the school to which the home address would project them as first choice. Of the applicants who requested the school to which the home address projected them as first choice, 86 percent of these applicants were assigned to the school to which the home address projects them. Efforts of district staff to keep siblings at the same school and to provide educational continuity for students impacted the ability to accommodate all parental requests.
The Office of Elementary Student Assignment processed an additional 4,603 elementary applications from May 1, 2010 through August 23, 2010. Many of these applications were from families who were previously assigned and then moved to a home in a new cluster, which required a new elementary application.
The Office of Student Services received 5,388 student transfer applications for kindergarten through 12th grade between May 3, 2010 and August 19, 2010. Thirty-nine percent of the transfer applications were approved. In addition, 950 student transfer appeals were processed. Fifty-seven percent of the transfer appeals were approved. Most of the transfer applications and appeals that were denied were due to capacity at the requested school and grade level.
Student Transfer Applications received through 8/19/2010

Level                          Total         Approved

                3153              843

Middle                        1103              593
High                           1132              652              

Total                          5388           2088 

Student Transfer Appeals received through 8/19/2010
Level                        Total            Approved

Elementary                747                444

Middle                        134                 54 
High                             69                  47             

Total                          950               545
The Office of Magnet, Optional and Advance Program received 18,232 applications for the 2010-11 school year. Of the total applications, 1857 were for elementary magnet schools and programs which began in 2009-10, 206 were for the Western Visual and Performing Arts Middle School, which is in its first year, and 3509 were for the career theme programs at the high schools, which are also in the first year of implementation. 

Attachment 2 outlines the applications received for each magnet school and magnet or optional program.
The Student Assignment Plan provides that a school shall have no less than 15 percent nor more than 50 percent of its students who reside in Geography Area A.  For the 2010-11 school year, 59 percent of elementary schools met this guideline at grades 1 and 2. This represents a 10 percent increase from 2009-10 when only 49 percent of the elementary schools met the guideline in Grade 1. Furthermore, of the 37 elementary schools that did not meet the diversity guideline for 2010-11, 86 percent are moving toward the guideline as compared to the 2009-10 school year. 

Attachment 3 describes the census at each school by the percentage of students who reside in Area A. Attachment 3 also includes information on middle and high school census regarding the percentage of students who reside in Area A.  

Submitted by: Pat Todd


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education receive a report on the assignment of students for the opening of the 2010-11 school year.

Actions Taken

Order #147 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to postpone the report on the assignment of students for the opening of the 2010-11 school year until the September 27, 2010, Board of Education meeting passed with a motion by Mrs. Debbie Wesslund and a second by Mr. Larry Hujo.

VII.C. 2010–11 Board of Education Discussion Agenda Planning Calendar

A year-long list of selected Board of Education discussion agenda items has been compiled for use by the board and administrative staff. The list includes activities for discussion during this fiscal year.

It is anticipated that staff will use this list to avoid scheduling conflicts, to improve coordination and support of activities, to enhance planning, and to increase awareness of upcoming board agenda activities. 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education receive for information a planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items to occur during the 2010-11 fiscal year.

Actions Taken

Order #148 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Sheldon Berman recommends that the Board of Education receive for information a planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items to occur during the 2010-11 fiscal year. A motion to approve the planning calendar to include changing the September 27, 2010, Report on KCCT results from a discussion item to a work session passed with a motion by Ms. Diane Porter and a second by Mr. Joseph Hardesty.

VIII. Board Reports/Requests
IX. Persons Requesting to Address the Board on Non-Agenda Items

Each speaker is allowed three minutes to address the Board. At the end of 2-1/2 minutes, a bell will sound once. You will then have 30 seconds to finish your statement.  At the end of three minutes, the bell will sound twice, indicating that your time is up.

X. Executive Session (If Needed)
XI. Adjournment
Recommended Motion

A recommendation to adjourn the September 13, 2010, meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education at xxx p.m.

Actions Taken

Order #149 - Motion Passed:  A recommendation to adjourn the September 13, 2010, meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education at 10:27 p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Carol Ann Haddad and a second by Ms. Diane Porter.