Call to Order
Meetings are streamed live and archived through the District's YouTube channel at the following link: JCBE Meeting Videos
Order #2024-45 - Motion Failed: A motion to table the meeting until there can be community conversation and inclusion by community members failed with a motion by Ms. Gail Logan Strange and a second by Dr. Corrie Shull.
Order #2024-46 - Motion Passed: A motion to approve the agenda passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Ms. Sarah McIntosh.
Action Item: Recommendation for Approval of JCPS Transportation Plan for the 2024-25 School Year
Our students lost over seven million instructional minutes due to bus delays. They are projected to lose over twelve million by year's end. Our fleet of bus drivers continues to decrease. Staff will present transportation options for consideration.
Submitted by: Dr. Robert Fulk
Order #2024-47 - Motion Failed: A motion to table the vote until Transportation can entertain all Central Office staff affected and bring principals and everyone affected to the table failed with a motion by Mr. Joseph Marshall and a second by Ms. Gail Logan Strange.
Order #2024-48 - Motion Passed: A motion to adopt Option 2: Discontinue service to all magnet and traditional schools, except high schools ABOVE 75% F/R lunch enrollment: Central and Western High Schools and to instruct Dr. Pollio's administration to revisit school transportation and provide the Board a report no later than December 1 and as part of that lead-up, go above and beyond to ensure that community input is meaningfully and substantially considered throughout the process passed with a motion by Dr. Christopher Kolb and a second by Mr. James Craig.
Order #2024-49 - Motion Passed: A motion to adjourn the April 10, 2024, special meeting at approximately 8:15 p.m. passed with a motion by Dr. Christopher Kolb and a second by Ms. Sarah McIntosh.