Jefferson County
August 02, 2022 6:00 PM
Regular Business Meeting
I. Moment of Silence


Meetings are streamed live and archived through the District's YouTube channel at the following link:JCBE Meeting Videos


This meeting will be conducted via video-teleconference pursuant to KRS 61.823 and KRS 61.826. The primary location for this meeting and where all members can be seen and heard by the public will be Stewart Auditorium in the VanHoose Education Center. Members of the Board are permitted to attend in-person or via video-teleconference pursuant to KRS 61.826. Members of the public may attend in-person or watch the live-stream.

II. The Pledge of Allegiance

Please join us for the Pledge of Allegiance.

II.A. Vision Statement

III. Recognitions and Resolutions
III.A. Recognition of New JCPS Principals for the 2022-23 School Year

As of July 21, 2022, we have twelve JCPS schools with new leadership for the 2022-23 school year. We are excited about the impact these principals will have on their students, staff, and school community and we congratulate and thank them for their exceptional commitment to JCPS.

The following assignments are new for the 2022-2023 school year:

Synthia Shelby-Olmsted Academy South; Michael Kelly-Western High School; Sara Alvey-Wilkerson Elementary School; Jeannie Lett-Conway Middle School; Jennie Currin-Valley High School; Tanesha Franklin-Crums Lane Elementary School; Shannon Corrigan-Kammerer Middle School; Monica Hunter-W.E.B DuBois Academy; Arivia Parks-Atkinson Elementary School; Todd Stockwell-Pathfinder School of Innovation; Jason Detre-Lassiter Middle School; Angela Burns-Chenoweth Elementary School.

Submitted by: Carolyn Callahan

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education recognize the new principal assignments for the 2022-23 school year.

IV. Recommendation for Approval of Meeting Agenda

The Superintendent shall consult with the Board Chairperson to ensure that an agenda is prepared for all regular and special meetings of the Board. For special meetings, the Board shall consider only those matters which are listed on the agenda.

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the agenda for August 2, 2022.

Actions Taken

Order #2022-131 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the agenda for August 2, 2022. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Dr. Christopher Kolb.

V. Recommendation for Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of action taken at every meeting of the Board, setting forth an accurate record of votes and actions at such meetings, shall be promptly recorded, and submitted for approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting, and such records shall be open to public inspection at reasonable times after they have been approved by the Board. 

The minutes of the July 19, 2022, meeting are presented for your review and approval.


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the minutes of the July 19, 2022, meeting.

Actions Taken

Order #2022-132 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the minutes of the July 19, 2022, meeting. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Ms. Sarah McIntosh.

VI. Superintendent's Report
VII. Persons Requesting to Address the Board on Action Items or Consent Calendar Items to be Voted Upon Separately at Board Member Request

  • Speakers before the entire board are not allowed to use props, displays, or any other objects during the presentations. However, informational handouts may be given to the assistant secretary to the board for distribution prior to or following the meeting.
  • Each speaker is allowed three minutes to address the board and may not share these minutes with any other speaker.
  • At the end of 2-1/2 minutes, a bell will sound once. You will then have 30 seconds to finish your statement.
  • At the end of three minutes, the bell will sound twice, indicating that your time is up.
  • The superintendent will look into the speakers’ issues and, if necessary, represent the board in following up or recommend action to the board.
  • The full Board Policy concerning public participation in open meetings is available for viewing on our Online Policy Manual.

VIII. Action Items
IX. Information Items
IX.A. Acceptance of Report on Opening Day Preparations for the 2022-23 School Year

This presentation will give an overview of the preparations being made for the opening day of the 2022-23 school year.

Submitted by: Robert Moore and Chris Perkins

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive a report on opening day preparation for the 2022-23 school year.

Actions Taken

Order #2022-133 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive a report on opening day preparation for the 2022-23 school year. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Mrs. Linda Duncan.

IX.B. Acceptance of Report on JCPS Adult Education

Each year, the JCPS Adult and Continuing Education Department serves thousands of parents and community members at seven District and seventeen non-District locations.

Through the Adult Basic Education Program, JCPS Adult Education helps adults upgrade their educational skills, earn a General Educational Diploma (GED) credential, and successfully transition to postsecondary education and/or the workplace. According to the Kentucky Skills U within the Kentucky Education & Workforce Development Cabinet, in 2021-22, JCPS Adult Education enrolled 1,362 students without a high school diploma and assisted 112 students to obtain their GED credentials.

The English as a Second Language (ESL) Program within JCPS Adult Education provides free classes for non-native English speakers who desire to become more proficient in the English language. In 2021-22, JCPS Adult Education served more than 1,450 English Language Learners.

This information session will be an opportunity for the Board to receive information regarding JCPS Adult Education and engage with the Superintendent and staff in the process of assessing the best way forward for JCPS Adult Education.

Submitted by: Robert Moore

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive a report on the JCPS Adult Education Program.

Actions Taken

Order #2022-134 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive a report on the JCPS Adult Education Program. The recommendation passed with a motion by Dr. Corrie Shull and a second by Mr. James Craig.

IX.C. Acceptance of Update on 2022 Recruitment and Retention of Teachers and Other School Staff Members

As we prepare for the opening of the 2022-2023 school year, the District is facing an unprecedented number of classroom teacher vacancies. In addition, JCPS has critical vacancy levels in bus driver and instructional assistant positions and is also experiencing challenges in hiring for positions in housekeeping, nutrition services, and information technology.

This challenging workforce climate reflects a trend impacting school districts across the nation and is due to a variety of factors. An effective response to these challenges demands creativity, flexibility, and focused effort. JCPS has developed a multi-faceted series of strategies to change the way we recruit and retain qualified and effective teachers and classified staff members.

This information session will provide the Board with information regarding the scope of the problem, some of the causes, and the multi-faceted strategies for recruitment and retention for this year and into the future.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive an update on the recruitment and retention of teachers and other school staff members.

Actions Taken

Order #2022-135 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive an update on the recruitment and retention of teachers and other school staff members. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Ms. Sarah McIntosh.

X. Consent Calendar
Actions Taken

Order #2022-136 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the Consent Calendar for August 2, 2022. The recommendation passed with a motion by Dr. Christopher Kolb and a second by Ms. Sarah McIntosh.

X.A. Report of Certified Leaves

Pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statutes, leaves of absence must be recommended by the superintendent and approved by the Board of Education.

The following personnel actions are in compliance with federal and state laws and Board policy regarding equal employment opportunities.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the requests for leaves of absence included in the attachment.

X.B. Report of Personnel Actions

Pursuant to KRS 160.380, it is the responsibility of staff to report to the Board of Education routine personnel actions that affect certified and classified employment.

These actions have been executed in compliance with all Board of Education policies and state and federal laws.

All positions are Board of Education approved positions.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of personnel actions that he has taken per KRS 160.380.

X.C. Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts and/or Job Descriptions
X.C.1. Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts and/or Job Descriptions - Academic Schools

The attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s) changes are submitted to create better efficiency in the District. Each division has been listed as a subset of this agenda item.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s).

X.C.2. Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts and/or Job Descriptions - Communications and Community Relations

The attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s) changes are submitted to create better efficiency in the District. Each division has been listed as a subset of this agenda item.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s).

X.C.3. Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts and/or Job Descriptions - Exceptional Child Education

The attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s) changes are submitted to create better efficiency in the District. Each division has been listed as a subset of this agenda item.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s).

X.C.4. Recommendation for Approval of Organizational Charts and/or Job Descriptions - Human Resources

The attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s) changes are submitted to create better efficiency in the District. Each division has been listed as a subset of this agenda item.

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached organizational chart(s) and/or job description(s).

X.D. Recommendation for Approval of Field Trip Request

This is a report of field trip requests submitted to the Board of Education on August 2, 2022.

Administrative Regulation 702 KAR 5:060 requires that the use of common-carrier field trips be approved and cited in Board of Education minutes. 

Also included is a report of other field trips approved by the superintendent per Board Policy 09.36 Field Trips.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached report of field trip requests and receive a report of other field trips approved by the superintendent.

X.E. Recommendation for Approval of the Projects, Assignment of Architects/Engineers, and BG-1 Forms
X.E.1. Recommendation for Approval of the Project, Assignment of Architect/Engineer, and BG-1 Form for Boiler Replacement at Bloom Elementary School

This project consists of the replacement of the school’s boiler.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al. and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the District’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of this resolution in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of this project. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of CMTA, Inc. as the architect/engineer, and the BG-1 form for the Boiler Replacement at Bloom Elementary School, for an estimated project cost of $229,031.

X.E.2. Recommendation for Approval of the Project, Assignment of Architect/Engineer, and BG-1 Form for Boiler Replacement at Cochrane Elementary School

This project consists of the replacement of the school’s boiler.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al. and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the District’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of this resolution in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of this project. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins



Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc. as the architect/engineer, and the BG-1 form for the Boiler Replacement at Cochrane Elementary School, for an estimated project cost of $171,759.

X.E.3. Recommendation for Approval of the Project, Assignment of Architect/Engineer, and BG-1 Form for HVAC Central Plant Replacement at Doss High School

This project consists of the replacement of the school’s HVAC central plant.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al. and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the District’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of this resolution in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of this project. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins



Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of CMTA, Inc. as the architect/engineer, and the BG-1 form for the HVAC Central Plant Replacement at Doss High School, for an estimated project cost of $1,579,150.

X.E.4. Recommendation for Approval of the Project, Assignment of Architect/Engineer, and BG-1 Form for Boiler Replacement at Hartstern Elementary School

This project consists of the replacement of the school’s boiler.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al. and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the District’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of this resolution in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of this project. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc. as the architect/engineer, and the BG-1 form for the Boiler Replacement at Hartstern Elementary School, for an estimated project cost of $149,115.

X.E.5. Recommendation for Approval of the Project, Assignment of Architect/Engineer, and BG-1 Form for Boiler Replacement at John F. Kennedy Elementary School

This project consists of the replacement of the school’s boiler.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al. and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the District’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of this resolution in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of this project. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc. as the architect/engineer, and the BG-1 form for the Boiler Replacement at John F. Kennedy Elementary School, for an estimated project cost of $160,625.

X.E.6. Recommendation for Approval of the Project, Assignment of Architect/Engineer, and BG-1 Form for Boiler Replacement at Maupin Elementary School

This project consists of the replacement of the school’s boiler.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al. and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the District’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of this resolution in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of this project. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc. as the architect/engineer, and the BG-1 form for the Boiler Replacement at Maupin Elementary School, for an estimated project cost of $176,385.

X.E.7. Recommendation for Approval of the Project, Assignment of Architect/Engineer, and BG-1 Form for HVAC Central Plant Replacement at Price Elementary School

This project consists of the replacement of the school’s HVAC central plant.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al. and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the District’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of this resolution in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of this project. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc. as the architect/engineer, and the BG-1 form for the HVAC Central Plant Replacement at Price Elementary School, for an estimated project cost of $790,469.

X.E.8. Recommendation for Approval of the Project, Assignment of Architect/Engineer, and BG-1 Form for Boiler Replacement at Shelby Academy

This project consists of the replacement of the school’s boiler.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al. and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the District’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of this resolution in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of this project. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc. as the architect/engineer, and the BG-1 form for the Boiler Replacement at Shelby Academy, for an estimated project cost of $159,496.

X.E.9. Recommendation for Approval of the Project, Assignment of Architect/Engineer, and BG-1 Form for Boiler Replacement at Stonestreet Elementary School

This project consists of the replacement of the school’s boiler.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al. and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the District’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of this resolution in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of this project. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of Kerr-Greulich Engineers, Inc. as the architect/engineer, and the BG-1 form for the Boiler Replacement at Stonestreet Elementary School, for an estimated project cost of $149,868.

X.E.10. Recommendation for Approval of the Project, Assignment of Architect/Engineer, and BG-1 Form for Switchgear Replacement at Thomas Jefferson Middle School

This project consists of the replacement of the school’s switchgear equipment.

Pursuant to the requirements of KRS 322.010 and 323.010, et al. and the policies and procedures of the Jefferson County Public School District, a certified and licensed architect or engineer is assigned to all projects that modify, renovate, or construct additions to existing buildings.

The architect or engineer is responsible for the proper preparation of all plans, specifications, estimates, and direct supervision during the execution of the construction contract. The architect or engineer will supervise the bid process, as required by the District’s Model Procurement Code, and provide an appropriate written recommendation to the district.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires approval of this resolution in order to enter into contracts with the design firms of this project. Plans and specifications will be prepared with this approval.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the project, the assignment of BCCLT, Inc. as the architect/engineer, and the BG-1 form for the Switchgear Replacement at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, for an estimated project cost of $742,338.

X.F. Recommendation for Approval of Bid and Revised BG-1 Form for Classroom Renovation at Farnsley Middle School

This project will consist of renovating room 128 from one large classroom into two smaller classrooms.

On April 12, 2022, the Board of Education approved C.L. Anderson Architecture, LLC to prepare plans and specifications for Project 22-398.

The Kentucky Department of Education, Division of Facilities Management, reviewed the Application for a Building Project, plans and specifications, and approved the taking of bids.

Bids were received, publicly opened, and read aloud in the Office of Facility Planning on June 9, 2022. The bid tabulation is attached.

This item requests approval to award contracts to the low bidders of facility construction projects and reject bids deemed unacceptable in accordance with KRS 162.070.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins  


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education award a contract to Martin Construction Co. for Classroom Renovation at Farnsley Middle School for the low base bid of $250,000, and approve the attached revised BG-1 form for $287,500.

X.G. Recommendation for Approval of Revised BG-1 Forms for Issuance of Local School Bond

These projects were assigned to various architects/engineers to prepare plans and specifications and were awarded to various contractors.

BG #22-001

Central HS MCA – Phase I HVAC Renovation

BG #22-002

Hazelwood ES – Phase I HVAC Renovation

BG #22-004

Western MS – Phase I HVAC Renovation

BG #22-006

Ballard HS – Boiler Replacement

BG #22-007

Breckinridge-Franklin ES – Boiler & Chiller Replacement

BG #22-008

Carter TES – Boiler Replacement

BG #22-010

Semple ES – Boiler Replacement

BG #22-014

Engelhard ES – Partial Roof Replacement

BG #22-015

Farnsley MS – Partial Roof Replacement

BG #22-017

Gutermuth ES – Partial Roof Replacement

BG #22-018

Jeffersontown ES – Partial Roof Replacement

BG #22-019

Kerrick ES – Partial Roof Replacement

BG #22-020

Newburg MS – Partial Roof Replacement

BG #22-022

St. Matthews ES – Partial Roof Replacement

In accordance with 702 KAR 4:160, the Kentucky Department of Education requires the BG-1 forms to be revised to include the “Cost of Issuance” and “Bond Discount.”

These projects directly support strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached revised BG-1 forms for the projects listed in the rationale.

X.H. Recommendation for Approval of Contract Completion and BG-4 Form for Kitchen Classroom Renovation at W.E.B. DuBois Academy

On February 2, 2021, the Board of Education approved Potter Architects to prepare plans and specifications for Project 21-086.

On May 4, 2021, the Board approved awarding a contract to Churchill McGee, LLC as the low bidder.

Potter Architects has made a final inspection and concluded that this contract is complete and final payment is due to the contractor.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the contract completion, the attached BG-4 form, and final payment to Churchill McGee, LLC for Kitchen Classroom Renovation at W.E.B. DuBois Academy for a total construction cost of $150,545.65.

X.I. Recommendation for Approval of Project Closeouts and BG-5 Forms
X.I.1. Recommendation for Approval of Project Closeout and BG-5 Form for Food Service Phase 37 at Various Schools

On March 12, 2019, the Board of Education approved the contract completion and BG-4 form for Hussung Mechanical Contractors, Inc.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires the submission of the BG-5 form to reconcile the total project cost to the funding source. 

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached BG-5 form for Food Service Phase 37 at Various Schools.

X.I.2. Recommendation for Approval of Project Closeout and BG-5 Form for Food Service Phase 38 at Various Schools

On January 14, 2020, the Board of Education approved the contract completion and BG-4 form for Walker Mechanical.

The Kentucky Department of Education requires the submission of the BG-5 form to reconcile the total project cost to the funding source. 

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached BG-5 form for Food Service Phase 38 at Various Schools.

X.J. Recommendation for Approval of Construction Change Orders

In accordance with 702 KAR 4:160, the Kentucky Department of Education requires that all change orders shall be approved by local board action. Change order descriptions are included in the attachment.

Please note that a found condition represents any item not anticipated during the design phase of the project; and owner request can be any item approved by Facilities staff, often with principal input, to enhance the overall project.

The project directly supports strategy 3.1.1 of Vision 2020.

Submitted by: Chris Perkins


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the construction change orders included in the attachment.

X.K. Recommendation for Approval of Bid Tabulations, Contract Renewals, and Amendments

In accordance with KRS 45A.345-45A.460, these items represent the lowest and best bid for each respective item or group of items. The proposals are public record and are on file for inspection in the Purchasing Department after award of contract. In addition, there are no tie bids.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached bid tabulations, contract renewals, and amendments.

X.L. Recommendation for Approval of Professional Services Contracts of $20,000 or More

In accordance with Board Policy 01.11 General Powers and Duties of the Board, professional services contracts of $20,000 or more require Board approval.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached professional services contracts of $20,000 or more.

X.M. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer
X.M.1. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer-Invoices

This agenda item is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of Orders of the Treasurer-Invoices paid and to be paid for the period of June 27 through July 17, 2022.

X.M.2. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer-Purchase Orders

This agenda item is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of Orders of the Treasurer-Purchase Orders issued during the period of June 27 through July 17, 2022.

X.M.3. Acceptance of Orders of the Treasurer-Vouchers

This agenda item is provided to the Board in accordance with Fiscal Management Policy 04.3111 District Issuance of Checks.

Submitted by: Cordelia Hardin


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached report of Orders of the Treasurer-Vouchers paid during the period of June 27 through July 17, 2022.

X.N. Acceptance of Donations, Grants, and Funding
X.N.1. Acceptance of Donations and Small Grants

This is a report of donations and small grants submitted to the Board of Education on August 2, 2022.

Schools solicit donations for current needs or a specific purpose or project. Undesignated donations are used at the discretion of the school or the School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council.

Small grants include non-federal awards less than $50,000.

Submitted by: Dr. Dena Dossett


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept donations and small grants totaling $30,797.32 to be used as stated in the attachment.

X.N.2. Acceptance of 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant from the Kentucky Department of Education

The Kentucky Department of Education has awarded a 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) grant to five schools in the District: Foster Traditional Academy, Newcomer Academy, Minors Lane Elementary School, Slaughter Elementary School, and Iroquois High School.

21st CCLC will provide academic, artistic, and cultural enrichment for students after school and during the summer. This funding will provide a full-time on-site coordinator, extended service time for teachers and instructional assistants, and contractual costs with enrichment partners. In addition, the funding will cover costs for after-school transportation and summer program transportation

The project directly supports Vision 2020 strategies 1.1.3, 1.1.5, and 1.1.7.

Submitted by: Dr. John Marshall


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept a 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant from the Kentucky Department of Education for $675,000 and authorize the superintendent to sign the attached contract.

X.N.3. Acceptance of Community Education Grant from Kentucky Department of Education

This grant provides for expanded utilization of school facilities, lifelong learning opportunities, volunteer programs, community support and collaboration between the Kentucky Department of Education and school districts.

The work of the Diversity, Equity, and Poverty Program Division’s community schools coordinator aligns best with the obligations of this contract.

Submitted by: Dr. John Marshall


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education accept a Community Education Grant from the Kentucky Department of Education and authorize the superintendent to sign the attached agreement.

X.O. Recommendation for Approval of Agreements
X.O.1. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Hope Collaborative

JCPS and Hope Collaborative will collaborate to place caring, competent, and consistent adults in the lives of students through a mentorship program, offering them participation in enriching small group mentoring activities that improve their academic performance and social skills.

The Hope Collaborative Program is a mentoring program that addresses 21st Century Skills, State Standards for Social/Emotional Learning, The Institute of Excellence and Ethics, and the National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention. 

All procedures and processes will be FERPA compliant.

The program directly aligns with Vision 2020 strategy 1.1.3 Provide Equitable Access: Develop and improve systems and practices to recognize student strengths and to provide equitable access to engaging learning opportunities, supports, and resources. 

Submitted by: Robert Moore 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Understanding with Hope Collaborative and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

X.O.2. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Greater Louisville Head Start

This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) sets out the terms by which the Head Start program and JCPS will ensure full utilization of Head Start funds by meeting the following objectives: (1) to avoid duplication of programs and services; (2) to avoid supplanting of federal funds; and (3) to maximize the use of Head Start funds to serve as many four-year-old children as possible. This MOA also provides for coordination between Head Start and JCPS as required by 45 CFR 1302.53 and 45 CFR 1302.63.

The Kentucky Department of Education also requires the Head Start director and JCPS representative to jointly complete and sign the Certificate of Head Start Full Utilization by September 15, 2022, to verify the number of at-risk four-year-old’s enrolled with Head Start and confirm that Head Start is fully utilized on September 1, 2022. 

This work aligns with Vision 2020 strategy: 1.1.6 Strengthening Early Childhood Education.

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with Greater Louisville Head Start and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

X.O.3. Recommendation for Approval of Contract with the Kentucky Department of Education for Cabinet for Health and Family Services

The Kentucky Education Reform Act provides for the establishment of Family Resource and Youth Services Centers (FRYSC) which are intended to promote and coordinate the flow of community resources and support to families and youths in ways that strengthen their functioning and that enhance the growth and development of the individual members of the family unit.

The Jefferson County Region 3 allocation for the 2022-2023 School year is $9,387,630. We will be receiving a modified contract from the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services with an updated allocation amount that includes the reconfiguration of 5 currently paired FRYSCs. A list of the new reconfiguration is attached.

The current funding with reconfiguration is for 115 centers.

Family Resource and Youth Services Centers support Vision 2020 strategies 1.1.3 Provide Equitable Access, 1.1.6 Strengthen Early Childhood Education, and 2.1.3 Improve Culture and Climate.

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Funding Approval from the Commonwealth of Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services for Fiscal Year 2022-23 which includes Reconfiguration of 5 Family Resource Youth Services Centers and authorize the superintendent sign same.

X.O.4. Recommendation for Approval of the Letter of Agreement with the Metropolitan Opera

Metropolitan Opera's HD Live in Schools program provides student tickets free of charge to attend screenings of live Metropolitan Opera performances in local movie theaters. This will enable interested students to attend an enriching musical experience alongside students with similar interests leading to additional opportunities for those students.

This work supports Vision 2020 strategies 1.1.4 and 2.1.2. It also provides support for improving teaching and learning to accelerate student growth.

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Letter of Agreement with the Metropolitan Opera and authorize the superintendent sign same.

X.O.5. Recommendation for Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with the Teach Kentucky, Inc.

The mission of Teach Kentucky, Inc. is to recruit teachers to Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS). Teach Kentucky launches the education careers of college graduates from across the nation to JCPS. The expansion of the JCPS – Teach Kentucky partnership will include a focus of supporting the District’s diversity hiring goals and sustainable support of the long-standing collaborative recruitment process. 

Submitted by: Dr. Aimee Green-Webb 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Memorandum of Agreement with Teach Kentucky, Inc. and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

X.O.6. Recommendation for Approval of Addendum to Memorandum of Agreement with Jefferson Community and Technical College

The attached Addendum of Memorandum of Agreement with Jefferson Community and Technical College extends the term of Lease Agreement to continue from July 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022.

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached lease addendum with Jefferson Community and Technical College and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

X.O.7. Recommendation for Approval of Data Protection Agreement with Identity Automation

Identity Automation is a staff and student solution to various authentication requirements such as multi-factor authentication, single sign-on, and self-service password reset. Additionally, more modules could be leveraged for role-based account provisioning.

This system will allow us to manage accounts while providing additional security to all JCPS users. Once implemented, the impact of cybersecurity incidents on students, specifically their personally identifiable information and data, will be significantly reduced.

The purpose of this agreement is to delineate the operational guidelines for sharing data between Identity Automation and JCPS and define the respective roles and responsibilities of each party. Data sharing will begin upon acceptance of this agreement. All procedures and processes will be FERPA compliant. Period, scope, and protections are also outlined in the attached agreement. There is no cost to the district for the data sharing agreement. This work supports Vision 2020 strategy 3.1.1- Improve physical infrastructure.

Submitted by: Dr. Kermit Belcher


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached data protection agreement with Identity Automation and authorize the superintendent sign same.

X.O.8. Recommendation for Approval of Data Protection Agreement with Lightspeed Solutions

Lightspeed Classroom Management gives teachers control over their digital classrooms and real-time visibility of student activity. Teachers can monitor student screens, close distracting tabs, block up to 100 URLs, and enable screen sharing for a collaborative, interactive classroom—whether it’s in-person or at a distance. With Lightspeed Classroom Management, educators can spend more time educating, and less time managing.

The purpose of this agreement is to delineate the operational guidelines for sharing data between Lightspeed Solutions and JCPS and define the respective roles and responsibilities of each party. Data sharing will begin upon acceptance of this agreement. All procedures and processes will be FERPA compliant. Period, scope, and protections are also outlined in the attached agreement. There is no cost to the district for the data sharing agreement. This work supports Vision 2020 strategy 3.1.1- Improve physical infrastructure.

Submitted by: Dr. Kermit Belcher


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached data protection agreement with Lightspeed Solutions and authorize the superintendent sign same.

X.O.9. Recommendation for Approval of Data Sharing Agreement with Florida Virtual School

The purpose of this Data Sharing Agreement is to delineate the operational guidelines for sharing data between Florida Virtual School and Jefferson County Public Schools and define the respective roles and responsibilities of each party. Data sharing will begin upon acceptance of this agreement. All procedures and processes will be FERPA compliant. Period, scope, and protections are also outlined in the attached agreement.

Submitted by: Robert Moore 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached Data Sharing Agreement with Florida Virtual School and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

X.O.10. Recommendation for Approval of Data Sharing Agreement with Imagine Learning LLC

The Imagine Learning contract supports Deeper Learning Goals 1.1.5 and 1.1.7 to transform the instructional core through literacy. Program licenses will be provided for Imagine Language and Literacy, Imagine Reading, Imagine Math PreK-2, Imagine Math 3+, Imagine Math 3+, Imagine Math Facts, Imagine Espanol, Imagine Lectura, and Galileo to accelerate students' ability to read, write, speak, and understand the language of learning, teaching the foundational skills needed to achieve reading proficiency, while also developing language proficiency in mathematics to move beyond computation to comprehension and overall academic success

Imagine Learning LLC and JCPS will define the respective roles and responsibilities of each party. Data sharing will begin upon acceptance of this agreement.

All procedures and processes will be FERPA compliant. Period, scope, and protections are also outlined in the attached agreement.

Submitted by: Robert Moore


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the Data Sharing Agreement with Imagine Learning LLC and authorize the superintendent to sign same.

X.O.11. Recommendation for Approval of Data Sharing Agreement with Liminex

Liminex, dba GoGuardian, will provide software that helps schools manage their devices by providing increased data around student activity and setting advanced security parameters to ensure their safety.

Schools and teachers who use GoGuardian as a classroom management software have greater classroom control and student monitoring capabilities. 

The purpose of this agreement is to delineate the operational guidelines for sharing data between Liminex and JCPS and define the respective roles and responsibilities of each party. Data sharing will begin upon acceptance of this agreement. All procedures and processes will be FERPA compliant. Period, scope, and protections are also outlined in the attached agreement. There is no cost to the District for the data sharing agreement. This work supports Vision 2020 strategy 3.1.1- Improve physical infrastructure.

Submitted by: Dr. Kermit Belcher


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached data protection agreement with Liminex and authorize the superintendent sign same.

X.P. Acceptance of Report on the Required Kentucky Administrative Regulation Board Notification of Data Security Safeguards

The JCPS Technology Division, through the Chief Information Officer, hereby acknowledges that it has reviewed the Data Security and Breach Notification and Best Practices Guide, and continues to implement the best practices that meet the needs of the reasonable security of personal information of the District. Several new security measures have been implemented within the last year.

While 100 percent security represents a theoretical goal, the measures already implemented, and the ones that will be implemented, reflect both the importance of the system and the resources available to protect it. Any initiative in support of this compliance that requires additional funding will be presented to the Board in due course, in addition to the compliance acknowledgment will be presented to the Board each year.

Submitted by: Dr. Kermit Belcher


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive a report on House Bill 5, Board Notification of Data Security safeguards.

X.Q. Recommendation for Approval of 2022-23 Schoolwide Fundraising Activities

KRS 158.290, 702 KAR 3:130 (the"Redbook"), and Board Policy 09.33 Fundraising Activities require that the local board shall approve all schoolwide fundraisers.  

A list of schoolwide fundraising activities for the 2022-2023 school year is attached. All activities must follow the current JCPS health and safety guidelines. All activities are subject to current JCPS Accounting/Redbook guidelines and documentation requirements. 

This work supports Vision 2020 strategies 3.2.1. Engage with Families, 3.1.2 Improve Instructional Infrastructure, and 2.1.3 Improve Culture and Climate. 

Submitted by: Robert Moore 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the attached fundraising activities for the 2022-23 school year.

X.R. Recommendation for Approval of Payment of Out-of-District Expenses for Board Members

Pursuant to Board Policy 01.821 Board Member Compensation and Expenses, Board members shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenditures incurred outside the District. Board members shall obtain Board approval prior to incurring out-of-district expenses and reimbursement shall be at the same rates as that for employees of the District and shall be documented by receipts.

Board Member Sarah McIntosh will travel to Atlanta, Georgia for the Urban Boards Alliance Symposium being held on September 8-9, 2022. 

Estimated Expenses:

  • Registration Fee: $425
  • Hotel and Air Travel Expenses: $ 890
  • Ground Transportation (Taxis, Buses, Airport Shuttles): Reimbursable with receipt
  • Meals: Reimbursed at District per diem rate

Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education approve the payment of necessary out-of-district expenses to be incurred by Board Member Sarah McIntosh to travel to Atlanta, Georgia for the Urban Boards Alliance Symposium being held on September 8-9, 2022.

XI. Board Planning Calendar

Board members may review and offer suggestions for future Board meeting agendas during the Board Planning Calendar portion of regular Board meetings.

A list of selected Board of Education discussion agenda items has been compiled for use by the Board and administrative staff. The list includes activities for action and discussion. 

It is anticipated that staff will use this list to avoid scheduling conflicts, improve coordination and support of activities, enhance planning, and increase awareness of upcoming board meeting activities. 


Recommended Motion

Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items.

Actions Taken

Order #2022-137 - Motion Passed:  Superintendent Martin Pollio recommends the Board of Education receive the attached planning calendar outlining discussion agenda items. The recommendation passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Mrs. Linda Duncan.

XII. Committee Reports

Meeting dates and times can be accessed on the JCPS Calendar of Events. Meeting materials and Minutes from previous meetings can be accessed here.

XIII. Board Reports

Each meeting shall contain an opportunity for Board members to report on noteworthy events pertaining to the work of schools and the District.

XIV. Persons Requesting to Address the Board (If Necessary)
XV. Executive Session (If Necessary)
XVI. Action Item (If Necessary)
XVII. Adjournment
Recommended Motion

A motion to adjourn the meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education.

Actions Taken

Order #2022-138 - Motion Passed:  A motion to adjourn the meeting of the Jefferson County Board of Education at 10:21 p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan and a second by Ms. Sarah McIntosh.