Jefferson County
June 23, 2020 5:00 PM
Executive Session: Evaluation of the Superintendent
I. Call to Order

In light of the Governor having declared a state of emergency within the Commonwealth on March 6, 2020, as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak and in compliance with guidance issued by the Executive Branch on March 12 and 16, 2020, regarding the conduct of meetings of state boards and commissions during the emergency period, this meeting will be conducted by video-teleconference and available for live public viewing at the following link: JCBE MEETING VIDEO

Portions of the meeting will be closed to the public as provided for under KRS 61.810(1)(k) of the Open Meetings Act and KRS 156.557(6)(c).

II. Enter into Closed Executive Session for Discussions Regarding Superintendent Evaluation

The purpose of this executive meeting include a discussion relating to the 2019–20 Evaluation of the Superintendent pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(k) and KRS 156.557(6)(c).

Recommended Motion

A motion to enter executive session to discuss the summative evaluation of the superintendent as permitted by KRS 61.810(1)(k) of the Open Meetings Act and KRS 156.557

Actions Taken

Order #2020-85 - Motion Passed:  A motion to enter executive session to discuss the summative evaluation of the superintendent as permitted by KRS 61.810(1)(k) of the Open Meetings Act and KRS 156.557 passed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan and a second by Dr. Corrie Shull.

III. Adjourn from Executive Session
Recommended Motion

A motion that the Board of Education adjourn from Executive Session and return to Open Session

Actions Taken

Order #2020-86 - Motion Passed:  A motion that the Board of Education adjourn from Executive Session and return to Open Session passed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan and a second by Mr. Chris Brady.

IV. Discussion and Approval of the 2019-20 Summative Board Evaluation of Superintendent Martin Pollio

KRS 156.557 requires that a superintendent be evaluated annually according to a policy and procedures developed and adopted by a local board of education and approved by the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE).

On April 16, 2019, the Board adopted the KSBA Superintendent Evaluation procedure, which is focused on evidence and performance expectations using research-based effectiveness standards and district goals agreed upon by the Board members and the Superintendent. 

Having followed the steps set forth in the KSBA procedure, the Board will vote to approve the 2019-20 Summative Board Evaluation of Superintendent Pollio.

Submitted by: Chairwoman Diane Porter

Recommended Motion

A motion to approve the 2019-20 Summative Evaluation of Superintendent Marty Pollio

Actions Taken

Order #2020-87 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the 2019-20 Summative Evaluation of Superintendent Marty Pollio passed with a motion by Mr. James Craig and a second by Mr. Chris Brady.

V. Adjournment
Recommended Motion

A motion to adjourn the June 23, 2020, meeting of the Board of Education

Actions Taken

Order #2020-88 - Motion Passed:  A motion to adjourn the June 23, 2020, meeting of the Board of Education passed with a motion by Mrs. Linda Duncan and a second by Mr. Chris Brady.