Jackson Independent
June 25, 2024 5:00 PM
Jackson Independent Board of Education
I. Call to Order
I.A. Pledge to the Flag
I.B. Mission Statement
II. Approval of Agenda/Addendum/Deletions
III. Consider Approval of May 28, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes
IV. Hearing for Visitors and Delegations
IV.A. Recognitions and Acknowledgements
V. Public Comment
VI. Staff Reports
VI.A. Principal's Report
VI.B. Jeff Coots, Chief Technology Director
VI.C. DPP/DAC/Instructional Supervisor
VII. Information and Reports from the Superintendent
VIII. Personnel Report
IX. Approval of Consent Items
IX.A. Consider Fundraising Requests
IX.B. Old Business
IX.B.1. SBDM Council Meeting Information
IX.B.2. JCS Activity Fund Financial Report
X. Financial Reports
X.A. Consider the Payroll and Claims
X.B. Consider the Treasurer's Report
XI. New Business
XI.A. Review the JISD Projected Bonding Potential Report
XI.B. Consider the 2024-25 Central KY Psychological Services Contract
XI.C. Consider the 2024-25 Carla Smith Occupational Therapy Contract
XI.D. Consider the 2024-25 JAMCO of Kentucky INC. Physical Therapy Contract
XI.E. Consider the 2024-25 Pledge of Collateral Agreement for Public School Funds
XI.F. Consider the 2024-25 Local Foods for Schools Cooperative Agreement
XI.G. Consider the 2024-25 HCTC Dual Credit Memorandum of Agreement
XI.H. Consider the 2024-25 Jackson Parks and Recreation Facility Use Agreement
XI.I. Consider the Houchens Insurance Group 2024-25 Premium Rates
XI.J. Consider the 2024-25 KEDC Cooperative Membership Agreement
XI.K. Consider the First Reading of the 2024 KSBA Policy Update
XII. Public Address
XIII. Adjournment