Henderson County
August 20, 2012 5:45 PM
Board of Education Public Hearing
I. Call To Order
Ben Johnston, Chairman

Call the public hearing to order to hear public comments regarding a proposed general fund tax levy of 53.0 cents for real property and personal property.

II. Public Hearing to begin at 5:45 p.m. - 2012-2013 Property and Motor Vehicle Tax Rates
Walt Spencer

Public hearing on proposed general fund tax levy of 53.0 cents for real property and personal property

Actions Taken

Order #8 - Motion Passed:  Request to approve the 4% tax increase passed with a motion by Mr. Jon Sights and a second by Mr. Michael Waller.

III. Close Public Hearing
Ben Johnston, Chairman
Actions Taken

Order #9 - Motion Passed:  Mr. Johnston asked for a motion to close the public hearing at p.m. 6:03 and convene the Board of Education Regular Meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mrs. Lisa Baird.