Henderson County
March 21, 2011 6:00 PM
Regular Meeting
I. Call To Order
Ben Johnston, Chairperson

Welcome to the regular monthly meeting.

II. Student/Staff Recognition
III. Public Participation/Recognition of Guests

If anyone would like to address the Board, please do so at this time.  A request to address the Board is near the agenda and must be completed.

IV. Approve Minutes of Prior Meeting

Minutes presented for Board Approval

Actions Taken

Order #129 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Minutes as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Jon Sights and a second by Mrs. Lisa Baird.

V. Reports
V.A. Architect Report - RBS Design

Update on Early Childhood Center Construction

V.B. HCS Thelma B. Johnson Early Learning Center - Sidewalks
Walt Spencer

Offer from Mayor / City of Henderson re: cost of new sidewalks at Thelma B. Johnson Early Learning Center

Actions Taken

Order #130 - Motion Passed:  A request to accept the offer from Mayor Austin agreeing to pay 50% of the cost of new sidewalks around the HCS Thelma B. Johnson Early Learning Center passed with a motion by Mrs. Lisa Baird and a second by Mr. Jon Sights.

VI. Old Business
VII. New Business
VII.A. Archery Facility New Addition

New addition (construction) to Archery Facility

Actions Taken

Order #131 - Motion Passed:  A request to approve addition to Archery Building assuming all construction cost, KDE documents by group and responsibilities passed with a motion by Mrs. Lisa Baird and a second by Mr. Jon Sights.

VII.B. Declaration of Surplus Property
Dr. Thomas Richey

Declare property located in Smith Mills Surplus

Actions Taken

Order #132 - Motion Passed:  A motion to declare property near the old Smith Mills School Building surplus passed with a motion by Mr. Ben Johnston and a second by Mr. Michael Waller.

VII.C. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #133 - Motion Passed:  Approval of items listed on the Consent Agenda passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mr. Jon Sights.

VII.C.1. Student Overnight Trips
VII.C.2. Application for Emergency Certificates For Teaching and Substitute Teaching 2011-12

Annual Approval of Application / Emergency Certificates for teaching and substitute teaching

VII.C.3. Award Bids for Trash Can Liners, Napkins & Sani-wipes

Award Bids as recommended by administration

VII.C.4. Request for Early Graduation

Request for student to graduate early. 

VII.C.5. Transition Plan
Darrel Daigle / Robin Thacker

Annual approval of the revised 2011-12 Transition Plan

VII.C.6. District Technology Plan 2011-12

Approve revised district technology plan for 2011-12

VII.D. Financial
VII.D.1. Treasurer's Report
Actions Taken

Order #134 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. Greg Hunsaker and a second by Mrs. Lisa Baird.

VII.D.2. Payment of Bills
Actions Taken

Order #135 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mr. Greg Hunsaker.

VII.E. Personnel
VIII. Executive Session Personnel - KRS 61.810(f)

Executive Session / Personnel

Actions Taken

Order #136 - Motion Passed:  A request to move into executive session passed with a motion by Mrs. Lisa Baird and a second by Mr. Greg Hunsaker.

Order #137 - Motion Passed:  A request to move out of executive session at 8:50 pm passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mrs. Lisa Baird.

IX. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #138 - Motion Passed:  A request to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mrs. Lisa Baird.