Henderson County
September 06, 2023 5:30 PM
Board of Education Special Meeting
I. Call to Order
Michael Waller

II. Approve Minutes from Prior Meeting
Michael Waller

Actions Taken

Order #18 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the minutes from the August 21, 2023 Public Hearing and Regular Meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mr. Joe McGarrh.

III. Approve Bid Recommendations
III.A. HCHS Baseball Infield and Soccer Game Field Reconditioning 10-23-5-9
Chad Thompson
Actions Taken

Order #19 - Motion Passed:  A motion to award TenBarge with the bid for the HCHS Baseball Infield and Soccer Game Field Reconditioning Bid 10-23-5-9 as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Thomas Alves and a second by Mrs. Tracey Williams.

III.B. HCHS Athletic Trainer RFP 11-23-5-9
Ryan Reusch
Actions Taken

Order #20 - Motion Passed:  A motion to award Owensboro Health with the HCHS Athletic Trainer Bid 11-23-5-9 as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mr. Michael Waller.

IV. Adjourn
Michael Waller

Actions Taken

Order #21 - Motion Passed:  A motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:49 p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mr. Michael Waller.