Henderson County
July 20, 2020 6:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
I. Welcome & Call Meeting to Order
Lisa Baird
I.A. Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance
II. Approval of Agenda
Lisa Baird
Actions Taken

Order #6 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the agenda as listed passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mrs. Lisa Baird.

III. Approve Minutes from Prior Meetings
Lisa Baird
Actions Taken

Order #7 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Minutes from the July 16, 2020 Special Meeting passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mr. Kirk Haynes.

IV. Reports
IV.A. Capital Projects Update
IV.A.1. New Jefferson Elementary School Update
John Hagan Codell
IV.A.1.1. Approve Change Orders for the New Jefferson Elementary School Project
Actions Taken

Order #8 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve Change Order No. 21-1 pending KDE approval for BG 19-068 - New Jefferson Elementary School Project with the additional cost of $255,340.33 for the additional cost with work in ASI #1 including removal of berms, additional tree clearing, rip rap installation and storm drainage alterations. Additionally, cement stabilization work was performed on a time and material basis in PR #1. The motion passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mrs. Lisa Baird.

Order #9 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve Change Order No. 21-2 pending KDE approval for BG 19-068 - New Jefferson Elementary School Project with the additional cost of $40,013.00 for the additional cost to raise the entrance drive approximately 2' to avoid conflict with existing Henderson City Water Main. Also included are adding riser rings to newly installed storm structures and providing additional concrete storm structures as needed to revise the storm system to avoid conflict. This work required as city line is not located at depth indicated by the utility company. The motion passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mrs. Tracey Williams.

IV.A.2. Approve BG-4 for BG 19-053 - Safety Upgrades - Secure Entrances
Steve Steiner
Actions Taken

Order #10 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the BG-4 for BG 19-053 - Safety Upgrades - Secure Entrances Project as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mr. Michael Waller.

IV.B. Athletics Update
Mark Andrews
V. Old Business
V.A. Virtual Learning Academy Update
Kasey Wolfe
VI. New Business
VI.A. Approve 2020-2021 Student Code of Conduct Handbook
Chad Thompson
Actions Taken

Order #11 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Student Code of Conduct Handbook for 2020-2021 as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mr. Kirk Haynes.

VI.A.1. Approve First Reading of Policy 09.226 - Conduct on School Bus
Actions Taken

Order #12 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the first reading of Policy 09.226 - Conduct on School Bus as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mr. Michael Waller.

VI.B. Consent Agenda
Lisa Baird
Actions Taken

Order #13 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Lisa Baird and a second by Mr. Michael Waller.

VI.B.1. Approve second reading of newly recommended KSBA Policy Update #43
VI.B.2. Approve One-year Certification for School Media Librarian
VI.B.3. Approve Second Reading of Policy 09.4341 - Alternative Education
VI.B.4. Approve South Middle School Sport Plan
VI.B.5. Approve Revised 2020-2021 Personnel Work Calendars
VII. Financial
Cindy Cloutier
VII.A. Approve Financial Positions
Actions Taken

Order #14 - Motion Passed:  A motion to amend Mr. Haynes' motion and to table the discussion and action until the December Board meeting regarding switching to semi-monthly pay for all employees passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mrs. Lisa Baird.

Order #15 - Motion Passed:  A motion to accept the recommendations to add to Finance those positions that the Superintendent and Ms. Cloutier deem necessary at this point in time and then, when we review semi-monthly pay in December, we will have an opportunity to bring it back to approve the position of the additional payroll position if the semi-monthly pay is approved in December passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mrs. Lisa Baird.

VII.B. Treasurer's Report
Actions Taken

Order #16 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Treasurer's Report for the month ending June 30, 2020 passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mr. Wesley Smith.

VII.C. Paid Warrant Report
Actions Taken

Order #17 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Paid Warrant Report for payments made between June 16, 2020 and July 20, 2020 passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mr. Michael Waller.

VIII. Personnel Actions
Lisa Baird
IX. Adjourn
Lisa Baird
Actions Taken

Order #18 - Motion Passed:  There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mr. Michael Waller.