Henderson County
December 16, 2019 6:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
I. Welcome & Call Meeting to Order
Lisa Baird
I.A. Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance
II. Approval of Agenda
Lisa Baird
Actions Taken

Order #335 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the agenda as listed passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mrs. Lisa Baird.

III. Sesquicentennial Spotlight
Megan Mortis
IV. Students & Staff Recognition
Marganna Stanley
IV.A. Superintendent of the Year Finalist Recognition
IV.B. December Judge's Scholar

Ariana Overton - 5th Grade at East Heights Elementary


IV.C. Building a Better Graduate East Heights Media Center Report
V. Public Participation & Recognition of Guests
Lisa Baird
VI. Approve Minutes from Prior Meetings
Lisa Baird
Actions Taken

Order #336 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Minutes from the December 3, 2019 Special Meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mr. Wesley Smith.

VII. Reports
VII.A. Miscellaneous Capital Projects
Craig Thomas
VII.A.1. Approve BG4 for BG 19-050 - Asphalt Improvements Project
Actions Taken

Order #337 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve FACPAC BG4 Form (Ref# 28641) for BG 19-050 - Asphalt Improvements at Niagara, Chandler, and South Heights Project as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mrs. Lisa Baird.

VII.A.2. Approve BG4 for BG 19-230 - HCHS/CTE Paving Project
Actions Taken

Order #338 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve FACPAC BG4 Form (Ref# 28642) for BG 19-230 - Henderson County High School/CTE Paving Lot Project as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mr. Michael Waller.

VII.A.3. BG 20-150 - HCHS Chiller Replacement Update
Steve Steiner
VII.B. Council of Councils (Central Academy, Thelma B. Johnson Early Learning Center, Spottsville, South Middle)

Central Academy - Lindsay Thompson

Thelma B. Johnson Early Learning Center - Ginger Ashby

Spottsville Elementary School - Sarah Fleming

South Middle School - Ryan Reusch

VIII. Old Business
IX. New Business
IX.A. Set January Board Meeting
Marganna Stanley
IX.B. Schedule Superintendent Mid-Year Review
Marganna Stanley
IX.C. Consent Agenda
Lisa Baird
Actions Taken

Order #339 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of the 2020-2021 School Calendar and the School Resource Officer Agreement passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mr. Michael Waller.

IX.C.1. Approve Bid Recommendations

Bid Recommendations:

Fleet Vehicle Bid #12-19-6-11

Bid Renewal Recommendations:

Athletic Equipment and Supplies Bid #1-19-6-1
Printing Bid #2-19-6-1

IX.C.2. Approve Transportation Request

  • Retroactive approval for Healing Reins Therapeutic Riding to use a school bus to transport patrons from Henderson Community College to Blue Moon Stables for the Christmas on the Farm benefit November 23-24, 2019 from 10 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

IX.C.3. Approve 2019-2020 Lau Plan for Meeting the Needs of English Learners
IX.C.4. Approve Student Overnight Trip Requests

  • Retroactive approval for HCHS DECA to travel to New York, NY December 4-8, 2019 to attend the DECA New York Experience;
  • Retroactive approval for North Middle KYA to travel to Louisville, KY December 8-10, 2019 to participate in the Kentucky Youth Assembly (KYA);
  • HCHS Boys Basketball to travel to Louisville, KY January 2-4, 2020 to compete in a basketball tournament; and
  • HCHS Dance Team to travel to Orlando, FL March 4-9, 2020 to compete in the 2020 NDA National Championship.

IX.C.5. Approve Purchase of School Buses
IX.C.6. Approve Grant Applications

  • District Nutrition for TBJ ($11,185) from Kentucky Equipment Assistance for additional oven at TBJ;
  • District Nutrition for Schools ($5,000) KY Kids Eat Coordinator offering grant funds for alternative types of breakfast programs; and
  • District ($24,252.25 - 3 times) KDE Equipment Assistance Grant to get Combi Convo Therm Ovens for Cairo, East Heights and A.B. Chandler.

IX.D. Approve Second Reading of the 2020-2021 School Calendar
Actions Taken

Order #340 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the second reading of the 2020-2021 School Calendar as presented with the inclusion of August 11, 2020 as the Opening Day for Staff and the inclusion of May 20, 2021 as the Closing Day for Staff passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mrs. Lisa Baird.

IX.E. Approve School Resource Officer Agreement
Actions Taken

Order #341 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the School Resource Officer Agreement as presented passed with a motion by Mrs. Lisa Baird and a second by Mr. Michael Waller.

X. Financial
Cindy Cloutier
X.A. Treasurer's Report
Actions Taken

Order #342 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Treasurer's Report for the month ending November 30, 2019 passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mrs. Tracey Williams.

X.B. Paid Warrant Report
Actions Taken

Order #343 - Motion Passed:  A motion to approve the Paid Warrant Report for payments made between November 19, 2019 and December 16, 2019 passed with a motion by Mrs. Tracey Williams and a second by Mr. Michael Waller.

XI. Personnel Actions
Lisa Baird
XII. Adjourn
Lisa Baird
Actions Taken

Order #344 - Motion Passed:  There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. passed with a motion by Mr. Michael Waller and a second by Mr. Wesley Smith.